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The UT AT makes me feel mixed feelings. Galatic Marines, Bacara and Ki Adi Mundi? Heck yeah. Long time prototype finally hitting the shelves?  Double heck yeah. More Order 66 sets? Triple heck yeah. I just don’t care for the ship too much and shelling out north of a hundred for it isn’t going to be great. Kinda wish this was the battle pack and we got a Clone Turbo Tank in its spot. But wild seeing so much Clone love. 

Edited by RODDY

1 hour ago, RODDY said:

The UT AT makes me feel mixed feelings. Galatic Marines, Bacara and Ki Adi Mundi? Heck yeah. Long time prototype finally hitting the shelves?  Double heck yeah. More Order 66 sets? Triple heck yeah. I just don’t care for the ship too much and shelling out north of a hundred for it isn’t going to be great. Kinda wish this was the battle pack and we got a Clone Turbo Tank in its spot. But wild seeing so much Clone love. 

Having thought about it I'm kinda the opposite. 

Since I'm not a fan of modern Clone figures (hate that they use aspects from the TCW animated style) and already have 2 of the 2018 Ki-Adi, I probably wouldn't have much interest in the minifigures in a Mygeeto-based UT-AT (unless they do a really good job with the Marines) but the vehicle itself is one I've actively wanted for a decade, and I actually have the start of a MOC of one in progress (gonna hold off on that for now since if the set's good it'd be more worth it to buy that than to do a bunch of Bricklink orders for MOC parts). 

So yeah I was originally hyped for the figures but thinking about it the vehicle is the real main draw for me. 

Edited by CallumPears

4 hours ago, CallumPears said:

Having thought about it I'm kinda the opposite. 

Since I'm not a fan of modern Clone figures (hate that they use aspects from the TCW animated style) and already have 2 of the 2018 Ki-Adi, I probably wouldn't have much interest in the minifigures in a Mygeeto-based UT-AT (unless they do a really good job with the Marines) but the vehicle itself is one I've actively wanted for a decade, and I actually have the start of a MOC of one in progress (gonna hold off on that for now since if the set's good it'd be more worth it to buy that than to do a bunch of Bricklink orders for MOC parts). 

So yeah I was originally hyped for the figures but thinking about it the vehicle is the real main draw for me. 

Personally I don’t mind the new clone style, I’m not a clone bro even if I’m in that age demographic so the art styles look very similar to me, I couldn’t tell the difference. I like the PT too I just thought the clones were cool but nothing to worship with army building and what not. The only clone I actively haven’t liked since their 2020 return was Fox for the torso printing being pink. So I’m just happy to be getting official versions of Marines after so long and I don’t have a Ki Adi Mundi figure either. And more named Commanders like Bacara is a huge win, hopefully Bly and Wolfe on the way. After that, I don’t need any other clone. 

Edited by RODDY

14 hours ago, Kaijumeister said:

The UT-AT looks a bit too similar to an AT-TE without legs for me, it’s quite an obscure vehicle to pick for what I’m sure will be a £100+ set, but let’s see what the end result is like.

Didn't stop them from making Cad Bane's ship

5 hours ago, Zap Rowsdower said:

Didn't stop them from making Cad Bane's ship

I think a partial reason Lego launched the Starship Collection this year was to avoid another situation like Cad Bane's ship, where the set in minifig-scale would have to be pretty large/expensive, but there isn't enough general interest to actually sell at that price point. The Justifier was pretty consistently on clearance everywhere, which I can't say for many other Star Wars sets.

The UT-AT seems wayyy too obscure to sell as a minifig-scale set, since it was only in like 10 seconds of Revenge of the Sith, and wasn't even properly in frame. I could see it as a scaled-down build in a battle pack though, or midi-scale.

I‘d definitely like to see a UT-AT! :sweet: Sure, kinda large set for a vehicle that only really appears for a couple of shots in ROTS, but that‘s nothing new for SW :laugh: Also, it‘d be super dark if they included Mundi!

21 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

I’m boringly guessing it might have Plo Koon in it, considering the unusual original mould in a microfighter. 

I agree that we will see Plo in a larger set, though I am not about him being in the MTT. That said, maybe we will get him, Wolffe, and some Wolfpack Troopers, since the only other obvious place to get them would be in a Plo’s Bros LAAT/i (or Plo and Wolffe in a JSF, alongside a 104th battle pack). 

21 hours ago, Kaijumeister said:

@QuiggoldsPegLeg I agree about new moulds being introduced for Microfighters only seeming unlikely, but the 2017 U-Wing Microfighter introduced that awesome dual moulded U-Wing Pilot helmet piece which was never seen again.

Fair, but 2017 was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, and LEGO has since stopped making Microfighter-exclusive Minifigs. 

20 hours ago, starwarslotrluvva said:

Wat Tambor, a tactical droid

Regardless of which arc the MTT is based on, I hope we get these two! 

13 hours ago, RODDY said:

Kinda wish this was the battle pack and we got a Clone Turbo Tank in its spot. 

I suspect that we will get a Juggernaut in 2026 (probably Kashyyyk-based, with Yoda, Luminara, and Gree). 

7 hours ago, RODDY said:

hopefully Bly and Wolfe on the way. After that, I don’t need any other clone. 

We need Neyo and Gree (2020 style), as well. 

47 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Also, it‘d be super dark if they included Mundi!

Plo Koon’s starfighter is on the ARC-170’s box art (despite the Battle of Coruscant being a more fitting backdrop given the Minifigs), so LEGO is definitely embracing the darkness! 😈

At long last, we get the UT-AT.

Commander Bacara would require a new molded helmet if we get him, and I hope we get backpacks for the Marines if we get them. That covers the "new clone commander" rumor and additional Jedi rumor. Nothing too exciting with Ki-Adi-Mundi, but makes sense.

For no ROTS Anniversary, we're still getting a decent amount of ROTS sets.

17 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

What I would WANT is something larger than the 2016 version, where the front half is plated off and the back half is an interior of every major scene, coming with like 50 figues. (1 per $20, that seems fair). 

Now that I think about it…couldn’t they do this with the DSII? We really only see half the sphere in ROTJ, I believe the iconic view of the side with the laser and the half-constructed sphere is just a nice matte painting. The other side of the DSII, as shown in the 2005 model, is just an under-construction mess that isn’t appealing to the eye imo. They could just do a half-sphere with nice plated details on the exterior, and then a full interior on the other half of the model, which is open. This saves display space along the horizontal plane of the model while allowing the designer to blow up the size vertically. Just a thought. 

75400 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter microfighter 89pieces, $13

75411 Darth Maul Mech : 143pieces, $16

75412 Night Trooper Battle Pack : 119pieces, $20


Edited by Rokswi

1 hour ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Now that I think about it…couldn’t they do this with the DSII? We really only see half the sphere in ROTJ, I believe the iconic view of the side with the laser and the half-constructed sphere is just a nice matte painting. 

It wasn’t a matte painting, it was a full massive model. If you look at pictures of ilms old model shop it’s often front and center

Wow we finally got a $1000 set. I am kind of in awe because I truly never thought they'd take it that far. For this price range I have two things I would really like to see. First, this thing has to have panels covering its entirety to accurately represent the exterior of the Death Star. the first two models being open ended made sense for the budget at the time, but for this price I would require them to have the rooms covered, and of course it would need to closely resemble the cinematic Death Star.

My second request, separate from the set being enclosed, would be that at least one mini figure scaled ship can be parked inside. I'd rather the set not include any vehicles and that they be sold separately, but either a Tie Fighter, or an Imperial Shuttle or should able to fit inside the enclosed set in the hangar region. There should be a hangar bay with ample room to fit such a set, at least 1 vehicle. But they of course should release whatever ship will be compatible with this, separately. I really want this piece count dedicated to the build if those two requests are to be met.

Of course this may be niche and ridiculous to some, but if the set can't fit a mini fig scale ship of any kind, or isn't fully enclosed with panels reminiscent of the actual movie, I'm not getting it. For that price it has to look like the Death Star, not some blocky Lego model with no roof. I would use technic pieces to get the panels to slide up for interior access. And even if the hangar bay detracts from other rooms Im fine so long as they still include the necessary rooms (trash compacter, Leia's cell, conference room etc). Also kind of hoping they make use of technic pieces to provide stability and give this a large foot print.

10 minutes ago, cosmic said:

My second request, separate from the set being enclosed, would be that at least one mini figure scaled ship can be parked inside. I'd rather the set not include any vehicles and that they be sold separately, but either a Tie Fighter, or an Imperial Shuttle or should able to fit inside the enclosed set in the hangar region. There should be a hangar bay with ample room to fit such a set, at least 1 vehicle. But they of course should release whatever ship will be compatible with this, separately. I really want this piece count dedicated to the build if those two requests are to be met.

That gimmick was a major detriment to the Hulkbuster, which had to be designed to fit the Iron Man constructable inside. It would also mean that a large area of the ship is just a large, empty hole by default, probably without a lot of detail. I'm not in the market for the Death Star in either case, but I do think that idea has some issues.

19 hours ago, Brickwraith said:

I felt the same way about the last 5 years until I actually looked back at the number of clone sets released in each year. 2024 only had three clone focused sets, (barc speeder, rex microfighter, battle pack), and all were $30 or less. 2023 had six, but 2 were helmets and one was a UCS set. 2022 had 3, etcetera. I just think we need to wait and see what the rest of the wave is, because by my count we've only been getting about 3 clone focused sets each year in that era, and some of the ones I've been counting are also based on new shows like the barc speeder. This theme has always had it's sets that people complain about, it's just changed from Landspeeders and snowspeeders to clone content. I agree with your 2nd post mostly about the film focused years they used to do and wish they'd bring them back, I've just seen this pessimistic cycle a lot since I started frequenting this forum and try to keep perspective on how these trends shift over time.

I think part of what you're missing is that it's not strictly that we get clone sets, it's the proportion of set slots clone sets take up. IIRC I looked into it back in 2023 and they were something like 50% of battle pack or battle pack adjacent sets, and note that the number of clone sets has stayed roughly the same according to you as the number of system sets nosedives.

Also this is a total sidenote but I've never had an issue with lego recycling the classics every 3-4 years. I do think an X-wing, TIE, Falcon, Jedi Starfighter, and yes, Snowspeeder should almost always be on shelves. Landspeeder not as much the vehicle itself, but the idea that it's a cheap way to get Luke, the droids, and old ben.

3 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

I‘d definitely like to see a UT-AT! :sweet: Sure, kinda large set for a vehicle that only really appears for a couple of shots in ROTS, but that‘s nothing new for SW :laugh: Also, it‘d be super dark if they included Mundi!

Sure, but we've had plenty of sets depicting scenes that end with a character included dying, losing a limb, and/or burning alive.

2 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Now that I think about it…couldn’t they do this with the DSII? We really only see half the sphere in ROTJ, I believe the iconic view of the side with the laser and the half-constructed sphere is just a nice matte painting. The other side of the DSII, as shown in the 2005 model, is just an under-construction mess that isn’t appealing to the eye imo. They could just do a half-sphere with nice plated details on the exterior, and then a full interior on the other half of the model, which is open. This saves display space along the horizontal plane of the model while allowing the designer to blow up the size vertically. Just a thought. 

The only concern I'd have with this is that you couldn't really get a full interior- more like a quarter sphere- because of how much of it's under construction and therefore not shelled off.

2 minutes ago, JohnTPT17 said:

That gimmick was a major detriment to the Hulkbuster, which had to be designed to fit the Iron Man constructable inside. It would also mean that a large area of the ship is just a large, empty hole by default, probably without a lot of detail. I'm not in the market for the Death Star in either case, but I do think that idea has some issues.

I think a hanger bay would be fine to fit something like a TIE fighter, though I agree something like the Lambda or Falcon would require too much space.

75159 was $500 in 2016. That is $650 today.

If it is Death Star I, the set won't be likely much larger than 75159, but likely a detailed exterior and better detailed interiors. That would be easily enough to double the part count. And they could get to 30+ minifigures, but it will mean a lot of troopers

For those getting their expectations up about a much larger set, don't have Lego to be upset at but themselves.

19 hours ago, wesker said:

I think its important to distinguish that the problem I have isn't with the number of Clone Wars or Prequel Trilogy sets we're getting. Its the overabundance of the clones themselves in those sets at the expense of everything else. There's far more to the prequel era than just the Clone Troopers but we've been seeing very little of that in Lego's product.

I'm thankful the summer wave at least seems to be addressing the Separatists and the Jedi which is a step in the right direction.

Yes, from 2012-2014 we had some solid waves of Clone Wars/Prequels sets that weren’t just Clone based. Palpatine’s arrest/Duel on Geonosis/Anakin’s Jedi Interceptor - just to name a few. 

UT AT confirmed by Minecraft goat, 813 pieces and $150. Youchhh that price tag 

3 minutes ago, RODDY said:

UT AT confirmed by Minecraft goat, 813 pieces and $150. Youchhh that price tag 

2 Galactic Marines included - I'm assuming there are good odds we get Bacara and Ki-Adi-Mundi as well

LMF just confirmed the UT AT as set number 75413 with 813 pieces, price of $150 and at least 2 Galactic Marines.


What is that Marvel megablocks PPP?!! And how is this getting made?!

Edited by CloneCommando99

5 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

At long last, we get the UT-AT.

Commander Bacara would require a new molded helmet if we get him, and I hope we get backpacks for the Marines if we get them. That covers the "new clone commander" rumor and additional Jedi rumor. Nothing too exciting with Ki-Adi-Mundi, but makes sense.

For no ROTS Anniversary, we're still getting a decent amount of ROTS sets.

They maybe could've used the First Order Snowtrooper helmet for him if this was a few years ago, though that mould is probably gone by now anyway so might as well make a new one. 

And yeah as much as I want cloth parts the backpacks are way more important to me. I know the new bracket part doesn't fit with the Snowtrooper helmets, but the Imperial ones we've been getting look terrible without them. 


Seen on Reddit that it's going to have 813 pieces for $150 (ouch). Source is lego_minecraft_goat; do we trust them? 


Edit: Ok looks like we do trust them... I'll say again, ouch. 

Edited by CallumPears

Lego is so stupid 2025 sets are just flatout scams. 800 pieces for 150 dollars is bonkers worse then Ahsoka’s Interceptor or ARC-170 IMO.

UT-AT screams The Justifier, but better. Imagine lots of big pieces to make it work, alongside new moulds for the figures. It will be overpriced, either way. 

Exciting that I can buy a UT-AT and a CIS MTT in the same wave - sounds very fun. 

Alongside rumours of a brand newClone Pilot, and I predict either a Y-Wing or V-19 I am very, very excited. 

UT-AT is very good news. I'm not a fan of Prequels and TCW, but I shall be glad to see them Galactic Marines, Bacara and, of course, Ki-Adi-Mundi, who asks about the droid attack on the Wookies!

If the Marines get new helmet molds, it would probably mean that the Snowtroopers may finally get decent minifigures. As @Classic_Spaceman suggested, a two-piece helmet would do fine.

I don't know what to think of the $1000 Death Star though. I hope it doesn't have any exclusive minifigures of new characters - those should be relatively affordable, in my opinion. If they are included in such a set, they would be almost impossible to acquire. Yularen from the May the 4th polybag already is... :cry_sad:

I don't even care that'll be hybrid printing (I still don't love it, but I'm coming to terms with it) I'm incredibly excited for the prospect of finally getting the Nova Corps.

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