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50 minutes ago, Yperio_Bricks said:

Lego knows how to squeeze money out of them clone fans. People will buy the sets at any price anyway.

Exactly this. This set could be $200 and people would still be lining up on Day 1 because they "need" more clones.

Yay, another Clone-focused set... :tongue:

I won't even lie, I hate how oversatured this theme is recently with those. It's becoming repetitive, and frankly, quite boring.

The awful piece count is just a cherry on top—813 pieces for 150€?! That sounds like a 4+ set, if they made them at that scale. 

Simply laughable.

10 minutes ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Yay, another Clone-focused set... :tongue:

I won't even lie, I hate how oversatured this theme is recently with those. It's becoming repetitive, and frankly, quite boring.

The awful piece count is just a cherry on top—813 pieces for 150€?! That sounds like a 4+ set, if they made them at that scale. 

Simply laughable.

I looked at the old one that never made it to the shelves and isn’t there the potential for quite a feel long and large panel pieces. I’d presume there would be some sort of interior? I think piece count might be right but obviously the price is just a bit heavy. Also 2 150 sets in the summer wave I don’t know if my wallet could handle that and that’s without knowing any more possible sets to come 

I remember 5 or so years ago everyone was mad we were getting too many OT sets and not enough Clone Wars sets, now we finally got a lot of clone sets and people are complaining... My question is, what would you have Lego make instead? The OT as always received a pretty steady supply of sets and the Disney shows seem to get a decent amount too if they're popular. 

A UT-AT is an interesting choice and if it's true, I'm very excited to finally get some Galactic Marines! I'll withold judgement on the price until we know more. Some people are getting way too upset about the projected piece count. PPP has always been and will always be a useless metric for determining value. The size of the set, the size and complexity of the pieces, quality and number of minifigs and number and quality of prints as well as how many new molds and recolors are included is what determines value. That said, if we follow the typical LEGO Star Wars value trend, it'll probably be $10-$20 overpriced.

Edited by ToaDraco

14 minutes ago, Yperio_Bricks said:
  • SOLO sets
  • R1 sets
  • Disney Shows sets (all shows!)
  • Sequel sets
  • And yes, OT sets

Not the most inspiring list, except Rogue One. 

I like clones, I like the Clone wars, I like the prequels, I like the clones sets. But this is meh news. MTT is still the most interesting set on the summer list but I do hold out a slither of hope that it's either Battle of Dathomir or Bad Batch based.

UT-AT I have no interest in. It is nice that there making something they've never made before, with minifigs that haven't been done before but the UT-AT as a vehicle is not something I care about. And the galactic marines are Clones that are just a recolour of the ugliest troops in the empire. Okay this colour scheme looks better but I always thought that made no sense. It retroactively makes it that imperial snowtroopers wear old clone armour designs? Armour that isn't even their Snow armour? Weird.

Mundi is good to get but I have both the previous ones. If they wanted him to be exciting they could've done the Accolyte version.

I'll pick up a galactic marine if they come in the Magazine. I guess they're not that ugly, but they don't make me go wow. The only Clones that fell like real omissions to me now are Commandos and specific characters. For legions I'd say 327th. And you could have 327th with the weird mollusc that they ride as a cool BP.

Still saves me money by not being interesting I guess :laugh:. I mean I think it's cool that they're making a more niché vehicle but I'd have a rather a Niche Imperial vehicle. Like the Tie Avengers from Andor or a Tie Reaper, or the landing craft from the Typhon episode of Mando. I know @CloneCommando99 thinks Tie defender but the new canon has them so intrinsically linked to Thrawn that I think we'll see them in the Filoni Movie or Ahsoka S2 and they wait till then to make one.

5 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

Not the most inspiring list, except Rogue One. 

Personally I disagree. But fair enough.

26 minutes ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

I remember 5 or so years ago everyone was mad we were getting too many OT sets and not enough Clone Wars sets, now we finally got a lot of clone sets and people are complaining... My question is, what would you have Lego make instead? The OT as always received a pretty steady supply of sets and the Disney shows seem to get a decent amount too if they're popular. 

How about, hear me out... a mix of all? Like, is this not an obvious solution?

The new series get just a set or two. The Sequel Trilogy has barely gotten any sets in the past five years. Location sets are non-existent at this point. Originals get four times less sets than they did before. Buildable figures and 18+ gimmicks are aplenty. Lightsaber-focused prequels don't get lightsaber-focused sets. Rogue One, Rebels, and Solo haven't been touched since their premiere. Clone Wars barely gets sets without clones. Series like Andor and Skeleton Crew get a single set, while The Mandalorian gets at least a few sets per year. There are no location-based D2C sets. Smaller sets barely exist at this point. Why are there two 150€ regular sets in a single wave with only a few sets? And so on, and so on.

I could keep going, but what's the point? This year alone the waves are almost entirely dedicated to helmets, midi-ships, buildable characters, and other gimmicks alike. Let me put it into perspective.

 • January: midi-ships (2), Clone Wars (2), buildable characters (1), The Mandalorian / 4+ (1)

 • May: helmets (3), midi-ships (1), 18+ gimmicks (1), new series (1), buildable characters (1), UCS / Prequels (1)

 • June: microfighters (1), mechs (1), battle packs (1)

 • August: unknown (4), Clone Wars (2), buildable characters (2), 18+ gimmicks (1)

 • September: advent calendar (1)

 • October: UCS / Originals (1)

Summed up: Clone Wars (4), buildable characters (4), midi-ships (3), helmets (3), UCS (2), 18+ gimmicks (2), The Mandalorian (1), new series (1), microfighters (1), mechs (1), battle packs (1), advent calendar (1)...

Do you see something wrong with this list? Because I see plenty, honestly.

More leaks Brick Tap: 

AT ST: 1513 pieces $200

Clone Turbo Tank: 349 pieces $50


Edited by RODDY

11 minutes ago, RODDY said:

More leaks Brick Tap: 

AT ST: 1513 pieces $200

Clone Turbo Tank: 349 pieces $50


Um how exactly does a 300 piece turbo tank work?


Edited by Legofan2001

8 hours ago, Rokswi said:

75411 Darth Maul Mech : 143pieces, $16


MandR actually made a great point (shocking, I know) that these Star Wars mechs ought to come with a second minifig. He suggested that Savage Oppress could work, especially if it’s Clone Wars Maul. I suspect a Clone Wars Obi-Wan or S7 Ahsoka (so long as we get an arm print on the former and shorter headtails for the latter, I’d be fine with either).


3 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

LMF just confirmed the UT AT as set number 75413 with 813 pieces, price of $150 and at least 2 Galactic Marines.


What is that Marvel megablocks PPP?!! And how is this getting made?!

To be fair, the 2013 AT-TE, though similar in size to the 2022 model, had 300 less pieces. (Makes you wonder where the 300 pieces went in ‘22.)

My point? The UT-AT maybe comparably sized to the AT-TE, just with way less pieces. I can see several large plates being implemented to build out the hull. So I won’t be discounting the set outright; if photos show it’s overpriced, then I’ll call it as such.

Galactic Marines is a welcome choice, although at the expense of the 501st. /s Seriously, though, I would’ve like to see Wolfpack this year to go with Plo’s fighter.

This set definitely feels designed with MandR in mind. I wonder if a newly hired designer is behind this recent crop of clone sets; three near-identical clone pilots and a niche clone legion doesn’t seem like the choices we’ve come to expect from TLG.

2 hours ago, SketchBrick said:

Exactly this. This set could be $200 and people would still be lining up on Day 1 because they "need" more clones.

The sad reality is that people would then encourage others to army-build that set because it has two of the same trooper.

349 pieces / $50 for a Clone Turbo Tank is WILD. The 2016 one (which was already smaller than the original one) had 903 pieces... How the hell are they going to shrink it down by two-thirds -_- 

31 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

Still saves me money by not being interesting I guess :laugh:. I mean I think it's cool that they're making a more niché vehicle but I'd have a rather a Niche Imperial vehicle. Like the Tie Avengers from Andor or a Tie Reaper, or the landing craft from the Typhon episode of Mando. I know @CloneCommando99 thinks Tie defender but the new canon has them so intrinsically linked to Thrawn that I think we'll see them in the Filoni Movie or Ahsoka S2 and they wait till then to make one.

I don’t think a defender or reaper are coming in 2025. I just want them.

5 minutes ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

How about, hear me out... a mix of all? Like, is this not an obvious solution?

The new series get just a set or two. The Sequel Trilogy has barely gotten any sets in the past five years. Location sets are non-existent at this point. Originals get four times less sets than they did before. Buildable figures and 18+ gimmicks are aplenty. Lightsaber-focused prequels don't get lightsaber-focused sets. Rogue One, Rebels, and Solo haven't been touched since their premiere. Clone Wars barely gets sets without clones. Series like Andor and Skeleton Crew get a single set, while The Mandalorian gets at least a few sets per year. There are no location-based D2C sets. Smaller sets barely exist at this point. Why are there two 150€ regular sets in a single wave with only a few sets? And so on, and so on.

I could keep going, but what's the point? This year alone the waves are almost entirely dedicated to helmets, midi-ships, buildable characters, and other gimmicks alike. Let me put it into perspective.

 • January: midi-ships (2), Clone Wars (2), buildable characters (1), The Mandalorian / 4+ (1)

 • May: helmets (3), midi-ships (1), 18+ gimmicks (1), new series (1), buildable characters (1), UCS / Prequels (1)

 • June: microfighters (1), mechs (1), battle packs (1)

 • August: unknown (4), Clone Wars (2), buildable characters (2), 18+ gimmicks (1)

 • September: advent calendar (1)

 • October: UCS / Originals (1)

Summed up: Clone Wars (4), buildable characters (4), midi-ships (3), helmets (3), UCS (2), 18+ gimmicks (2), The Mandalorian (1), new series (1), microfighters (1), mechs (1), battle packs (1), advent calendar (1)...

Do you see something wrong with this list? Because I see plenty, honestly.

(You forgot to add in the Clone Pilot set)

I think the problem also lies in the fact that there are two expensive TCW themed sets that are both priced at $150. If there are two sets that large in a wave they should at least cover different areas of the timeline so there’s some variety in preference.


TCW also seems to be dominating all the cheaper set slots as well as expensive playsets next year. Both PLO’s MF and Maul’s mech will be based off TCW.

10 minutes ago, RODDY said:

More leaks Brick Tap: 

AT ST: 1513 pieces $200

Clone Turbo Tank: 349 pieces $50


Jeff! Why did you tell LEGO we wanted a UCS AT-ST?

As I keep saying, we’re past the point of ridiculous. Except now it’s LEGO’s set choices, not just the price. (Which, 1500 pieces for $200 is laughable considering the Milano also exists.)

I full expect the Turbo Tank to be 4+ and include the 327th with Bly. It’ll be the best army builder of the year.

Edited by Swordy
Strike that on the 327th. It’ll be Wolfpack, I’ll eat my words, and I’ll like it.

Even looking at this year, in terms of just system scale sets, we have:

Prequels - 2 (one of these being the droid troop transport GWP, so I hesitate to even count that)

Clone Wars - 1

OT - 4

Sequels - 0

Mandalorian - 3 (but one of these is essentially a prequels set since it was the ROTS flashback, if it didn't come with Grogu it'd have quite literally nothing else to do with Mando)

Skeleton Crew - 1

Ahsoka - 1

Rebuild the Galaxy - 3

That's it.

Going back to 2023, the breakdown is:

Prequels - 0

Clone Wars - 4

OT - 2

Sequels - 1/2 (the holiday diorama sorta counts?)

Mandalorian - 4

Ahsoka - 2

If you're a prequel fan but not necessarily a clone fan, there has been essentially a single set to buy in the last two years, Maul's ship, and that's not even getting into the lack of anything related to Solo, Rogue One, or the sequels.  

I think the issue is that, as much as it stinks to have the system line shrunk, people are, apparently, buying the 18+ stuff en masse, because they wouldn't otherwise continue to produce it - I think that's something people keep forgetting when complaining about it.  They're not just producing stuff willy nilly, it must make money for them.  The issue I have is that it's at the expense of system stuff, which is what I'm personally most interested in.  I think a better ratio would be nice.  Then, if we got 3-4 clone sets in a year, we could ALSO get 3-4 OT sets in a year, and 3-4 D+/sequel sets in a year.

3 minutes ago, wicket said:

349 pieces / $50 for a Clone Turbo Tank is WILD. The 2016 one (which was already smaller than the original one) had 903 pieces... How the hell are they going to shrink it down by two-thirds -_- 

Wait. What the actual hell?!! 

That brings us up to 4 Clone Wars sets and 2 unknowns in August. Why would they make the Turbo Tank, a vehicle that’s literally called a juggernaut in universe, tiny. 

Gree I guess.


Clone Bros won so hard. The summer wave is looking like a meme. 

4 minutes ago, RODDY said:

Also more leaks by Brick Tap:

327th Battle pack (HECK YEAH!)

Ok. I’ll rejoice to that one.


But where are the rebels and imperials?!!!

Huh, a UCS AT-ST remake isn't what I expected, but the last one was almost 20 years ago, so I guess it's not too crazy.  I'm curious to see how they do it, I think the 2006 one actually holds up pretty well, all things considered.

I assume the 327th BP will be 3 regular clones + Bly and, like, a swamp speeder?  So basically a recolor of the 332nd BP.  Happy for those that have been wanting the 327th, but would it be crazy to get a battle pack that isn't Clones?  I think we've had the Hoth one and that's basically it in like the last five years.

I'm assuming the Turbo Tank is a 4+ set, yeah?  I wonder if they include a desirable minifigure in it.

327th Clone Trooper Battle Pack for $39.99... Can't wait for the day battle packs hit $50

These rumors are screaming fake tbh 

Both the prices and claimed sets are just outlandish and dumb tbh. 

1 hour ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

I remember 5 or so years ago everyone was mad we were getting too many OT sets and not enough Clone Wars sets, now we finally got a lot of clone sets and people are complaining... My question is, what would you have Lego make instead? The OT as always received a pretty steady supply of sets and the Disney shows seem to get a decent amount too if they're popular. 

Again the sets being based on the Prequels/Clone Wars isn't the issue. Its the clones themselves being the sole focus at the expense of everything else. These are the main areas I want to see improved upon:

Main Characters
The lead cast of the prequel era aren't being made anywhere near as accessible as the OT cast. Anakin, Ahsoka and Maul have been the most prominent but everyone else has been a complete afterthought. Padme in particular has always gotten the short end of the stick ever since the theme's inception.

Separatists and Trade Federation
While I'm glad we're getting the MTT next year the droid army hasn't been represented anywhere near as equally as the clone army has lately. Not only that but even major characters like Dooku, Grievous and Ventress are being completely ignored.

The Jedi Council
The Jedi are just as integral to the Clone Wars as the clones themselves, especially with how the animated series fleshed many of them out. 2025 is a step in the right direction with Plo Koon and two more Jedi on the way but many of these characters have been neglected for too long. I believe the last time we got any was Ki-Adi-Mundi and Barriss Offee in the 2018 battle pack.

Supporting Cast
The OT and Mandoverse have done an excellent job staying on top of things here but the prequel era has been a complete afterthought and moving at a snail's pace. Why haven't we gotten Boss Nass and Shmi Skywalker by now? Where are Duchess Satine and Mother Talzin? How has Zam Wesell still not been updated yet? There's no excuse to keep avoiding these characters.

I’m over the moon with the AT-ST, finally! Three UCS sets in one year, is that a record?

As for the rest of the leaks, a $50 Turbo Tank? Lmao…I’m glad I’m not growing up during this era of Lego Star Wars. The adults sets are often phenomenal, but the kids are left to rot. 

Edited by Flawless Cowboy

3 hours ago, Yperio_Bricks said:

Lego knows how to squeeze money out of them clone fans. People will buy the sets at any price anyway.

This feels like when a couple of years ago every second comment on Reddit and YouTube was "Why doesn't Lego make more clone sets, they'd make so much money" and Lego looked at this and said "You know what, they're right" and another finger on the monkey's paw curled...

This wave is a love letter to the clone bros, but the funniest part of all is that they are still going to find some way to complain about it, even when we’re getting 327th and Galactic Marines, yet still buy it Day 1. Long Live Anarchy!

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