December 21, 2024Dec 21 On 12/21/2024 at 6:15 PM, a_clay_brick said: No source is 100% infallible so I'm always open to even the most reliable sources being proven wrong of course, but yep! Regulars in Brick Tap can definitely attest to the fact that the two people who mentioned the Turbo Tank, Rad and the other source, have been consistently reliable. They're the two who set straight all the information from DaveBricks a few months ago, as well as being the sources of a lot of rumors I've made graphics for, including How to Train Your Dragon and the upcoming Blacktron set. I definitely understand people's hesitation with trusting the rumors though, the sources don't want their names on the graphics and the rumors are very odd. But based on their previous track records and the fact that they both mentioned it, I see no reason not to trust what they've said. I did previously hear about a rumor about a Rebuild the Galaxy set, but the rumor I heard had no number attached. I don't see why it couldn't be a different set, or even the Turbo Tank itself (if they end up doing another season). According to Rad "The figs [in the Turbo Tank] are gonna make it worth it" And if the figures are known why exactly are they not being talked about? A Turbo Tank at 300 pieces still makes ZERO sense considering that’s like 1/3 the size of the microfighter!
December 21, 2024Dec 21 On 12/21/2024 at 8:40 PM, Mandalorianknight said: Honestly I don't get why the MTT isn't brown. Not only are brown MTTs so much more iconic, but they are present in the general clone wars era. (You know what? Just make the set battlefront 2017 based, then you can even throw in another new clone legion I think if it is a blue one it just continues LEGOs recent trend of redoing vehicles/ships from a different scene. AT-TE was from ROTS not AOTC, we got AT-ST from Hoth not Endor, we got the AAT in blue and not from TPM and then we got the Coruscant Gunship instead of one from AOTC. I personally like this approach as it’s giving for those who are interested something new rather than your lukes landspeeder or Hoth snowspeeder which is the same thing over and over. I don’t hate Lego for the amount of clones they are throwing I just think they need to balance it out more with other eras
December 21, 2024Dec 21 On 12/21/2024 at 9:12 PM, Mandalorianknight said: Though you do have a good point that a chunk of the sets this wave either are or have the potential to be ROTS based. Ironically, this is similar to the Outer Rim Sieges wave from 2014 I was talking about- I don't dislike the concept, but as the sets are all just vehicles for clones, and it's pretty much all we're getting rather than just part of a year that also included Hoth sets, Mos Eisley, and a Star Destroyer, I'm not giving them a pass. I would say though that, while some of this stuff is ROTS based, things like the 327th BP or UT-AT or Clone Turbo Tank were all featured in ROTS for a combined total of, like, eighteen seconds, and pretty much all in the background. They're much, much, much more prominent in properties like TCW or Battlefront or whatever. So, yes, if we're getting technical, they are likely ROTS sets (in the same way that the BARC set currently out is technically a Mandalorian set) but the contents are more closely aligned with the Clone Wars show/era. For me personally, I think this wave would be great if we could swap 3 of the 18+ buildable figures with a couple more system sets - OT, sequels, I don't really care, but just something beyond clones or Mandalorian. EDIT: and for the record, I do think it's great that we're getting so much new stuff. Both of the UCS vehicles (Jango's Slave I and AT-ST) sound awesome, an ARC-170 remake is due, and I know people have wanted a UT-AT for a while, I'd just like it if that wasn't basically the entire wave plus some other buildable figures. Edited December 21, 2024Dec 21 by Kit Figsto
December 22, 2024Dec 22 Any guesses on what the rumored $49.99 Rebuild the Galaxy (349 pieces) set might be? If you've watched the show, what other vehicle do you think they could make into a set (besides a TIE Fighter, X-Wing, Millennium Falcon or Jedi Bob's Starfighter)?
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 12:00 AM, wicket said: Any guesses on what the rumored $49.99 Rebuild the Galaxy (349 pieces) set might be? If you've watched the show, what other vehicle do you think they could make into a set (besides a TIE Fighter, X-Wing, Millennium Falcon or Jedi Bob's Starfighter)? It’s likely based on a season 2, or at least that’s what it seems like
December 22, 2024Dec 22 I do hope that the increasing emphasis on 18+ gimmick sets year after year is something that LAN will enquire about during Lego’s Fan Media Day event next year, whenever that’s due to be held. It’s one thing to diversify your product portfolio but this is beyond excessive. On a personal level, I’m pretty checked out with Clone Wars stuff unless Lego ever deign to make Season 1 Anakin / Obi-Wan and P1 Rex and Cody, which seems extremely unlikely. I’m happy for those who’ve been wanting Galactic Marines and the 327th for what seems like forever though. We still have 3 sets (75428, 75432, and 75433) unaccounted for so fingers crossed for some heavy hitters. As a rule of thumb, it’d be nice if any characters covered by 18+ sets are also represented in normal sets too. It seems like an enormous tease to get both Kylo’s helmet AND midi-scale Command Shuttle but not a peep of an actual minifigure. Also, I’m sure a minifigure Wicket will be included in his buildable character set - the first time the mould will be used since 2019! Ironic and extremely on-brand for the state of this theme in 2025 that Lego would deign to bring back a character mould for a buildable figure. Edited December 22, 2024Dec 22 by Kaijumeister
December 22, 2024Dec 22 I think it’s worth noting that the adult market and the kid market are two separate entities with different marketing priorities. Of all the 18+ sets we know of in 2025, only the midi-scale acclimator can be called a “clone” set. In fact, in the adult market there’s a very nice distribution of PT and OT sets, with a sequel helmet sprinkled in. Kids are getting a deluge of clone sets because collecting armies and army vehicles is the current fad.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/21/2024 at 8:16 AM, Rwbricks said: How many clone sets are we getting? 200,000 sets are ready, with a million more well on the way. This was a good one... But honestly, I am happy. I have always wanted, and I still very much want, all the on screen (in prequel movies) clones, and if the rumors turn out true, I will soon have them. Of course, the design might be the weird clone wars style printing and I might opt for customizing after all, but shall see. I am happy now as it stands.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 Guys! What if the Turbo Tank is actually a Rogue One set? With Jyn, K2, and Melshi? (delusional) On 12/21/2024 at 5:17 PM, Mandalorianknight said: (I do kind of feel bad for prequel movie fans catching strays when the majority of prequel sets released are TCW based) Man, I just want some Naboo sets, I can't believe Theed Palace has never been made in any form On 12/22/2024 at 12:20 AM, Kaijumeister said: Also, I’m sure a minifigure Wicket will be included in his buildable character set - the first time the mould will be used since 2019! Ironic and extremely on-brand for the state of this theme in 2025 that Lego would deign to bring back a character mould for a buildable figure. He showed up in a 4+ set in 2022
December 22, 2024Dec 22 The Turbo Tank is obviously a midi-scale set. $150 for the UT-AT is... And on the one hand, finally the 327th! For $40... LEGO Star Wars must not want my money, because there's no way in hell I'm supporting that extortion. It had better be a damn good set for $40. Lastly, to all ye who are complaining about the clones, you're just as bad as the clone bros, just in reverse. Skeletor Away! On 12/21/2024 at 6:15 PM, a_clay_brick said: "The figs [in the Turbo Tank] are gonna make it worth it" I'm not buying the fact that the Turbo Tank is a system scale set for $50. Miss me with that. I think it's more likely that it's midi-scale. If there are figures, likely a 4+ set.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/21/2024 at 9:44 PM, Sentinel_Brix said: I'd love to have more from the Skeleton Crew! The ship just can't be it, considering the show is fun and especially kids enjoying it. Some smaller sets with e.g. the kids and their bikes, SM-33 and Jod in the droid workshop, Khymm and her observatory, something with the pirates... there is so much potential! Skeleton Crew is PERFECT material for 4+ sets. Put out a couple cheap sets with the bike and some basic backgrounds of their houses. On 12/21/2024 at 10:37 PM, Llewop said: I think if it is a blue one it just continues LEGOs recent trend of redoing vehicles/ships from a different scene. AT-TE was from ROTS not AOTC, we got AT-ST from Hoth not Endor, we got the AAT in blue and not from TPM and then we got the Coruscant Gunship instead of one from AOTC. I personally like this approach as it’s giving for those who are interested something new rather than your lukes landspeeder or Hoth snowspeeder which is the same thing over and over. I don’t hate Lego for the amount of clones they are throwing I just think they need to balance it out more with other eras That's an interesting trend to point out- I'm not entirely sure I like it. For things like the AT-ST where we get so many, I'm not as bothered, but I'm not a fan of it for situations where it's been so long since the last version. On 12/21/2024 at 11:36 PM, Kit Figsto said: I would say though that, while some of this stuff is ROTS based, things like the 327th BP or UT-AT or Clone Turbo Tank were all featured in ROTS for a combined total of, like, eighteen seconds, and pretty much all in the background. They're much, much, much more prominent in properties like TCW or Battlefront or whatever. So, yes, if we're getting technical, they are likely ROTS sets (in the same way that the BARC set currently out is technically a Mandalorian set) but the contents are more closely aligned with the Clone Wars show/era. This is fair- the prequels and TCW are more or less interchangeable when it comes to clone/clone vehicle sets. At most the only differences are the specific color scheme and a few of the figures. On 12/22/2024 at 12:20 AM, Kaijumeister said: I do hope that the increasing emphasis on 18+ gimmick sets year after year is something that LAN will enquire about during Lego’s Fan Media Day event next year, whenever that’s due to be held. It’s one thing to diversify your product portfolio but this is beyond excessive. As a rule of thumb, it’d be nice if any characters covered by 18+ sets are also represented in normal sets too. It seems like an enormous tease to get both Kylo’s helmet AND midi-scale Command Shuttle but not a peep of an actual minifigure. Also, I’m sure a minifigure Wicket will be included in his buildable character set - the first time the mould will be used since 2019! Ironic and extremely on-brand for the state of this theme in 2025 that Lego would deign to bring back a character mould for a buildable figure. You have a lot more faith in LAN than I do. I know this horse has been beaten to death, reanimated, and beaten to death again, but it really would be nice if the midi scale ships came with a figure. Just one figure each. As it is, it feels like lego for some reason thinks adults won't buy sets with minifigures? Like the minifigures would make adults think the sets are for kids? No, even funnier, the last time they used it was the 2023 advent calendar. On 12/22/2024 at 1:14 AM, Coryo said: What if the Turbo Tank is actually a Rogue One set? With Jyn, K2, and Melshi? As funny as that would be I think I unironically would prefer clones, if just for no other reason that there's so many good set options for rogue one and I know that the second we get A rogue one set it's gonna be over for them for another decade. On 12/22/2024 at 1:22 AM, ARC2149Nova said: Lastly, to all ye who are complaining about the clones, you're just as bad as the clone bros, just in reverse. Skeletor Away! No, because the Clone bros keep getting everything they want and keep finding new ways to say lego actually secretly hates them and the clone/clone sets all have critical flaws (and yet still buy a billion copies of them all). If lego hadn't just doubled down and went "you know what? All the system sets are clones now." I wouldn't be complaining.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/21/2024 at 5:17 PM, Mandalorianknight said: You've accurately predicted too many things already. Don't bring this down upon us. My vision haki is telling me.... that the set the p1 pilot comes in will be a regular gunship based on ep2 to go alonside the jango fett´s slave 1 see you when its confirmed
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:24 AM, Mandalorianknight said: If lego hadn't just doubled down and went "you know what? All the system sets are clones now." I wouldn't be complaining. I would like to once again point out that last year’s only clone sets were under $30 and one of them was based on the Mandalorian. There were also only 3. While yes, I do think this year is seemingly mostly clone sets, last year had almost none. There’s no reason to think that clones are all we will ever get from now on except for unsubstantiated speculation.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 If the 327th pack is real, I'm going to personally book a flight to Denmark and riot if LEGO does not include a build of the bug slug mount. The caterpillar cavalry must come to fruition! Edited December 22, 2024Dec 22 by joebiwankenobi
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:40 AM, joebiwankenobi said: If the 327th pack is real, I'm going to personally book a flight to Denmark and riot if LEGO does not include a build of the bug slug mount. The caterpillar cavalry must come to fruition! oh you mean gelagrubs? yeah they seem very chill
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:44 AM, Matichado said: oh you mean gelagrubs? yeah they seem very chill Yup. I remember when hasbro made a figure pack that had one in it, and I recently saw an instagram account do a custom build of one. I love the bizzarre background things.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:46 AM, joebiwankenobi said: Yup. I remember when hasbro made a figure pack that had one in it, and I recently saw an instagram account do a custom build of one. I love the bizzarre background things. yeah just saw it on mandr the 327th are really the chaddest clones, not the most skilled or powerful, but surviving felucia and saleaucami plus taming gelagrubs plus the million of other helish battles they served on? yeah they are so chad on my top 3 fav clone units alongside the coruscant guard and 501st
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:24 AM, Mandalorianknight said: No, because the Clone bros keep getting everything they want and keep finding new ways to say lego actually secretly hates them and the clone/clone sets all have critical flaws (and yet still buy a billion copies of them all). If lego hadn't just doubled down and went "you know what? All the system sets are clones now." I wouldn't be complaining. And now, somehow, LEGO hates the "normal" fans because we're getting so many clone sets? Ironic. Clone Wars is incredibly popular and most of these figures/sets are simply long overdue. We'll be back to your regularly scheduled AT-ATs and TIE Fighters soon enough. I'm even looking forward to a new Snowspeeder! On 12/22/2024 at 2:37 AM, Brickwraith said: I would like to once again point out that last year’s only clone sets were under $30 and one of them was based on the Mandalorian. There were also only 3. While yes, I do think this year is seemingly mostly clone sets, last year had almost none. There’s no reason to think that clones are all we will ever get from now on except for unsubstantiated speculation. The Mandalorian set being somehow roped into being "just another clone set" is hilarious to me. Kelleran Beq is the star/reason for the set's being and we all know it. No one looks at that set and goes "501st Battle Pack V4". Imagine the outrage if this was 2008/2009, when legitimately half of the line was Clone Wars sets. It's been a while since clone fans ate this good, let them have this. On 12/22/2024 at 2:40 AM, joebiwankenobi said: If the 327th pack is real, I'm going to personally book a flight to Denmark and riot if LEGO does not include a build of the bug slug mount. The caterpillar cavalry must come to fruition! I second the Gelagrub Patrol request. That might at least be somewhat worth the price tag. (that and a few decent sized vehicles)
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/20/2024 at 11:08 PM, Agent Kallus said: I'll pick up a galactic marine if they come in the Magazine. I guess they're not that ugly, but they don't make me go wow. The only Clones that fell like real omissions to me now are Commandos and specific characters. For legions I'd say 327th. And you could have 327th with the weird mollusc that they ride as a cool BP. Funnily enough I mentioned this before the leaks, I do hope the build is the weird creature for their BP cause that'd be fun and different for a star wars set. On 12/22/2024 at 2:52 AM, ARC2149Nova said: I second the Gelagrub Patrol request. That might at least be somewhat worth the price tag. (that and a few decent sized vehicles) Thirded. Edited December 22, 2024Dec 22 by Agent Kallus
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:37 AM, Brickwraith said: I would like to once again point out that last year’s only clone sets were under $30 and one of them was based on the Mandalorian. There were also only 3. While yes, I do think this year is seemingly mostly clone sets, last year had almost none. There’s no reason to think that clones are all we will ever get from now on except for unsubstantiated speculation. First of all the mando based one is splitting hairs- clones and a BARC comprise the majority of the set. It's also two of the three sets that year that could reasonably be considered battle packs, which is the area where clones have been dominating the set slots the most. But yes, as a wider point 2024 wasn't as bad, probably due to lego wanting to make sets to tie in to RTG- which is why I directly said they were doubling down this year. On 12/22/2024 at 2:40 AM, joebiwankenobi said: If the 327th pack is real, I'm going to personally book a flight to Denmark and riot if LEGO does not include a build of the bug slug mount. The caterpillar cavalry must come to fruition! If a brick built slug mount is included and the price doesn't seem ludacris I might purchase one before waiting for discounts. One of my favorite bits from ROTS is that many of the order 66 scenes have clone vehicles we didn't see anywhere else (UT-AT, AT-OT, Turbo Tank, and if I remember correctly Barcs and AT-RTs) and then on Felucia, we get the obligatory new vehicle with the AT-OT but then also just these slug dudes the clones are riding around with zero in universe explanation. It's very funny but also kind of works from a lore perspective. On 12/22/2024 at 2:44 AM, Matichado said: oh you mean gelagrubs? yeah they seem very chill Agreed, they are very chill guys. On 12/22/2024 at 2:52 AM, ARC2149Nova said: And now, somehow, LEGO hates the "normal" fans because we're getting so many clone sets? Ironic. No, I don't think I've ever made that argument. I don't think I've ever implied lego "hates" other fans, they're just overreacting to a subset of the fans' requests. Same with the buildables- they don't "hate" anyone who isn't in the assumed target market of "adults who don't normally buy lego", I just think they're severely misjudging the market. Edited December 22, 2024Dec 22 by Mandalorianknight
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 3:52 AM, Mandalorianknight said: But yes, as a wider point 2024 wasn't as bad, probably due to lego wanting to make sets to tie in to RTG- which is why I directly said they were doubling down this year. This year is also a Revenge of the Sith anniversary and most of the clone sets this year seem to be based on that film. I don't think they are just doubling down cause there wasn't any big ones last year. Now with that said, i'm still holding out hope there's at least one TFA playset this year as it's also that film's anniversary. The helmet and shuttle are a good start, but both are adult targeted. On 12/22/2024 at 3:52 AM, Mandalorianknight said: battle packs, which is the area where clones have been dominating the set slots the most. I do somewhat agree with this point. I think lego is making a bad call in largely shrinking the number of small Star Wars sets released every year, which I think is a point you have also repeatedly reiterated. We did get an OT based battle multipack last year though, and the OT has a lot less simple variety than clones do. I think most kids are happy with the clones being the main ones in battle packs though, which is why lego keeps making them. I know my entire generation was interested in them way more than OT battle packs (or at least the rebel trooper packs).
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 1:14 AM, Coryo said: Man, I just want some Naboo sets, I can't believe Theed Palace has never been made in any form I would welcome anything from Naboo. Theed Palace, the Queen's Starship, a better scaled N-1 Starfighter, Gian Speeder, Flash Speeder in teal, Trade Federation MTT, Droid Control Ship, Landing Craft, Gungan Sub and Gungan Patrol remakes. So many great possibilities to choose from that would be a refreshing break from all the clones.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:52 AM, ARC2149Nova said: The Mandalorian set being somehow roped into being "just another clone set" is hilarious to me. Kelleran Beq is the star/reason for the set's being and we all know it. No one looks at that set and goes "501st Battle Pack V4". A BARC Speeder, two P2 501st clones, a named character Jedi from the Clone Wars, and the only part that's from the wider Mandalorian series setting is the reused Grogu figure? No, folks were absolutely calling it out as a clone set when it was released, which wasn't that long ago. Just like everyone treats the Rogue One Y-wing and the Solo TIE Fighter as OT sets, people on the forums have pretty clearly been treating the BARC Speeder Escape as a clone set for very good reason! But yeah, sure, let the clone fans eat good. I'm not bothered by there being lots of clone playsets. It's the increasing prevalence of helmets and dioramas and buildables at the expense of playsets that bothers me. Though some of the dioramas (Endor, podracers, DS2 duel) actually do make pretty good playsets, or at least good scenery bases for all kinds of different scenes. Edited December 22, 2024Dec 22 by icm
December 22, 2024Dec 22 For that price, I wonder how many minifigs that Deathstar will include. I also wonder if there will be characters that have never been released before.
December 22, 2024Dec 22 On 12/22/2024 at 2:37 AM, Brickwraith said: I would like to once again point out that last year’s only clone sets were under $30 and one of them was based on the Mandalorian. There were also only 3. While yes, I do think this year is seemingly mostly clone sets, last year had almost none. There’s no reason to think that clones are all we will ever get from now on except for unsubstantiated speculation. See, I actually think that this is my biggest issue with the inundation of Clone stuff. We've been getting fewer and fewer mid-sized sets/location-based sets in the last few years. I recognize that part of this is due to higher prices, but it seems like now, there's a bunch of stuff in the $15-30 range, a couple of system sets in the $40-60 range, and then a bunch of stuff that's $90+. This is further exacerbated by the fact that basically everything in the $15-30 block right now is either a mech/Brickhead/micofighter (which I have no issue with, they serve their purpose and must be popular with kids if they keep making them), or is a Mando/Clone Wars set. The cheapest OT set on shelves is $40 (Rebel Scout Speeder/Imperial Dropship combo pack), the cheapest non-Clone prequel set is $70 (Sith Infiltrator), and the cheapest sequel set is...uh...nowhere to be found. I'd almost rather if they gave us some smaller vehicles/locations from the OT/non-Clone prequels/sequels, and then dedicated the larger price points ($60 and upward) to Clone stuff. Like, throw us an Endor BP, a First Order BP, a remake of the AOTC speeder chase for $50-60, and then, I don't know, a new Cloud Car or Snowspeeder or something for $40.
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