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File this under unpopular opinions but personally I don't care when or how the rumours drop. The August sets will still come out in August regardless of whether they're revealed in mid July or leaked tomorrow.

I'm worried that we'll see the end of the dioramas, if they're not making anymore it's they're fault for picking bad scenes to make and then a high price, all I need is a Mustafar and Palpatine's arrest diorama and I can die happy, this year should have been duel of the fates but nooooo, we get a stupid little pod race mini diorama, the trench run one was good but this is just not needed.

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

  On 4/22/2024 at 1:09 AM, Lego Nostalgia said:

I'm worried that we'll see the end of the dioramas, if they're not making anymore it's they're fault for picking bad scenes to make and then a high price, all I need is a Mustafar and Palpatine's arrest diorama and I can die happy, this year should have been duel of the fates but nooooo, we get a stupid little pod race mini diorama, the trench run one was good but this is just not needed.

As am I, but so far I don't think any of the dioramas have been terrible. The speeder chase was an odd choice, but not a terrible one, and while the podracer diorama is in no way the best TPM option, people seem excited (i guess).

  On 4/22/2024 at 3:03 AM, Mandalorianknight said:

As am I, but so far I don't think any of the dioramas have been terrible. The speeder chase was an odd choice, but not a terrible one, and while the podracer diorama is in no way the best TPM option, people seem excited (i guess).

To me the only good ones are the Trench Run,Death Star Throne Room,Endor Speeder Chase and the Dagobah Training.

Maybe it'll be like the helmets where they give us 2 good ones that we want and then end them like the Rex and Cody helmet.

I think the dioramas have been good but I feel some have bought more to the table than others. The trash compactor and the throne room depicted two rooms at an incredible level of detail that we hadn’t seen previously (especially the latter), the Dagobah set included an exclusive R2 figure and gave us a lot more detail than the 2018 version. 

The Podracing diorama is fine but it doesn’t really bring anything new or interesting to the table IMO. It would’ve been nice to include a feature that would allow the podracers to move or something.

  On 4/19/2024 at 3:22 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

As cool as that would be, it's almost certainly not. For one thing, Cal is an anniversary figure, which is like the one thing this set seems to have agreed on. There's no way that they'd put an anniversary figure in a set based on the game that the anniversary figure is the main character of. And there's been absolutely no rumors of inquisitors, purge troopers, or other characters who've been to the fortress like Cere.

Oh for sure, it’s just me wishing for a proper set based on these games as they’re some of my favourite modern Star Wars storytelling.  Maybe in 2025…

Of all the dioramas we’ve had, the Podrace one seems like the only misfire IMO, even if the set itself is good for what it is. I agree it should’ve been a Duel of the Fates Diorama, could have just reused 2 figures from Sith Infiltrator so only Obi-Wan would need a total of 3 new prints. 

Really, Anakin and Sebulba’s Podracers could have just been polybags. At least with the Trench Run diorama the location build is a critical part of setting the scene.

I apparently missed this when it was announced but apparently Lego are doing a livestream during May 4th and it explicitly states new set reveals. That would definitely be the likely place to reveal the Mandalorian Bunker and Battle Pack at least, but I can see Jedi Bob’s Starfighter also being shown off to tie in to the 25th Anniversary celebration angle.


Edited by Kaijumeister

  On 4/22/2024 at 9:23 AM, Kaijumeister said:

I apparently missed this when it was announced but apparently Lego are doing a livestream during May 4th and it explicitly states new set reveals. That would definitely be the likely place to reveal the Mandalorian Bunker and Battle Pack at least, but I can see Jedi Bob’s Starfighter also being shown off to tie in to the 25th Anniversary celebration angle.

Don‘t forget the Y-Wing microfighter and Luke mech, those are also scheduled for June! :laugh:

Since they‘ve revealed August sets as early as April before, I think it‘s possible they‘ll show at least one of the August sets too! Even if not, the June wave alone would be exciting enough for me :excited:

  On 4/22/2024 at 9:23 AM, Kaijumeister said:

I apparently missed this when it was announced but apparently Lego are doing a livestream during May 4th and it explicitly states new set reveals. That would definitely be the likely place to reveal the Mandalorian Bunker and Battle Pack at least, but I can see Jedi Bob’s Starfighter also being shown off to tie in to the 25th Anniversary celebration angle.


Ideal situation: June (in Europe) sets get revealed on May 1st as per usual. The Death Star playset and Sarlaac pit, the two known anniversary sets for august, get revealed during the live stream.

I need to see my beloved Cal Kestis. 

  On 4/22/2024 at 8:43 AM, Lego Nostalgia said:

To me the only good ones are the Trench Run,Death Star Throne Room,Endor Speeder Chase and the Dagobah Training.

Maybe it'll be like the helmets where they give us 2 good ones that we want and then end them like the Rex and Cody helmet.

Which is a good 5/7, no?

My fear is they're being swapped out for the midi-scale ships. We went from helmets, to helmets and dioramas, to dioramas and midi-scale ships, and now it's mostly midi-scale ships with only one diorama. I don't like how short-lived these adult-focused sublines are. It's not like kids where they age up and you want to bring in a new crop, so you've got to have an X-wing on shelves every 3 years. Adults aren't gonna suddenly lose interest after 7 dioramas.

  On 4/22/2024 at 9:23 AM, Kaijumeister said:

Oh for sure, it’s just me wishing for a proper set based on these games as they’re some of my favourite modern Star Wars storytelling.  Maybe in 2025…

Of all the dioramas we’ve had, the Podrace one seems like the only misfire IMO, even if the set itself is good for what it is. I agree it should’ve been a Duel of the Fates Diorama, could have just reused 2 figures from Sith Infiltrator so only Obi-Wan would need a total of 3 new prints.

Totally agree, but I think unfortunately that time has passed. If they were gonna do it, we'd have gotten stuff around the release of Survivor. Maybe with the third game, though....

I personally agree. I know I saw a lot of hype for it online, but I wonder how many of the people who are excited about it would have been just as excited about a Duel of the Fates diorama. 

  On 4/22/2024 at 11:01 AM, Agent Kallus said:

I thought this was going to be a different joke but what you actually did is so much funnier.

  On 4/22/2024 at 9:55 AM, BrickBob Studpants said:

Don‘t forget the Y-Wing microfighter and Luke mech, those are also scheduled for June! :laugh:

Since they‘ve revealed August sets as early as April before, I think it‘s possible they‘ll show at least one of the August sets too! Even if not, the June wave alone would be exciting enough for me :excited:

I really hope that luke mech crashes and burns sales-wise. I know some AFOLS are going to buy multiples to give their x-wing pilots the improved printing/dual-molding if Luke's got it, but the mechs are such a dumb set idea, and a good % more expensive than the microfighters to. While neither are strictly canon, I'll go with the one representing an in-universe vehicle with more re-usable parts (as opposed to the massive parts in the mechs) at a lower cost any day.

The june wave is something I think people are sleeping on just because of the mystery and insanity of some of the august sets. But it does have some cool stuff. $13 rex, Paz returning, the S3 mandalorains and imperials, etc. I don't think there's going to be anything all that interesting buildwise but figure wise it'll be great.

I love all the adult sub lines they’ve done so far but the helmets were cut short and the dioramas absolutely need another wave. The starship collection is off to a good start but I want to see some ships that won’t ever get the UCS treatment, now is their time to shine, the Invisible Hand was a great choice.

If they were to cook up another sub line to replace dioramas, I’d love minifig-scale mini-UCS sets. The detail of a UCS set in smaller, more affordable vehicles like AT-STs or Jedi Starfighters which playsets don’t do justice by virtue of their target demographic. 

  On 4/22/2024 at 3:09 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

The june wave is something I think people are sleeping on just because of the mystery and insanity of some of the august sets.

Indeed. The August wave is utter insanity in parts (in a good way!), but overall I‘m more looking forward to the June wave, especially the two Mando sets and the Skeleton Crew ship, even though I suspect that one might get delayed again :shrug_oh_well: 

  On 4/22/2024 at 3:09 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Which is a good 5/7, no?

My fear is they're being swapped out for the midi-scale ships. We went from helmets, to helmets and dioramas, to dioramas and midi-scale ships, and now it's mostly midi-scale ships with only one diorama. I don't like how short-lived these adult-focused sublines are. It's not like kids where they age up and you want to bring in a new crop, so you've got to have an X-wing on shelves every 3 years. Adults aren't gonna suddenly lose interest after 7 dioramas.

I'm very curious about this, especially since the only diorama we got this year was a midi-scale setup. I know a lot of people complained on the figure-based dioramas that they should have just been regular playsets, and I have to wonder if this is LEGO's decision based on that - release dioramas of midi scale scenes alongside midi ships, and save fig-based locations for playsets... But only time will tell if this is actually the case. 

I am one of the biggest proponents of the dioramas, but even I wouldn't complain if they disappeared in favor of more non 18+ sets again. And when LEGO puts a solid $25-ish set in as a GWP, it further reminds me how far we have fallen from the huge cheaper playset spring waves of 2017 to now. 

  On 4/22/2024 at 5:28 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

Max baut says in his latest Video that the Weequay from the Sarlacc Pit was a incorrect leak but that Nien Nunb will be comming with this set as an anniversary minifigure!

Nien Nunb is yet another hydrogen bomb compared to the coughing baby that’s Young Leia. But the lack of weequay is disappointing.

I feel bad about expressing my idea that it could have been Mara Jade. Oh well there’s always the 30th LSW anniversary.

But why is Nien an anniversary figure in a set that is based on the same film he appears in?

  On 4/22/2024 at 5:28 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

Max baut says in his latest Video that the Weequay from the Sarlacc Pit was a incorrect leak but that Nien Nunb will be comming with this set as an anniversary minifigure!

Shame about the Weequay but at the same time hopefully that means we'll get a guard they haven't made before, maybe Vedain (and they could reuse his face print for other Nikto guards in the UCS Sail Barge). 

  On 4/22/2024 at 4:19 PM, NoOneOfImportance said:

I am one of the biggest proponents of the dioramas, but even I wouldn't complain if they disappeared in favor of more non 18+ sets again. And when LEGO puts a solid $25-ish set in as a GWP, it further reminds me how far we have fallen from the huge cheaper playset spring waves of 2017 to now. 

I would not be a fan of that. I almost hope that if the mid-scale ships are the "replacement" for the dioramas, they do poorly and we keep the dioramas. 

The GWPs are an odd trend. While I'm not opposed to them in concept- it is just more free stuff than we used to have the option to get, and even though the thresholds used to be like $75 for the GWP, the GWP also used to be a single minfigure rather than a $25 set- I do wish that the middle non-lego GWP was a minifigure or something instead of what it currently is. And I REALLY hope we start getting more smaller sets. The marvel theme's had a few solid $10 sets now, I wish star wars would follow suit.

  On 4/22/2024 at 5:28 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

Max baut says in his latest Video that the Weequay from the Sarlacc Pit was a incorrect leak but that Nien Nunb will be comming with this set as an anniversary minifigure!

That might be the push I need over the fence to get the set. It'll depend on how good the pit build is.

  On 4/22/2024 at 5:42 PM, CloneCommando99 said:

Nien Nunb is yet another hydrogen bomb compared to the coughing baby that’s Young Leia. But the lack of weequay is disappointing.

I feel bad about expressing my idea that it could have been Mara Jade. Oh well there’s always the 30th LSW anniversary.

But why is Nien an anniversary figure in a set that is based on the same film he appears in?

Oh lord what did you do to your profile picture. 

This turn of events confuses me. No one should be able to confuse any of Jabba's guys for Nien Numb. Aside from the fact that he's got a completely different outfit, he's got the anniversary stand. I doubt he's in the box art duking it out on the skiff, and if you just saw the parts, who looks at them and goes "yup, that's a weequay"? 

  On 4/22/2024 at 3:55 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

Indeed. The August wave is utter insanity in parts (in a good way!), but overall I‘m more looking forward to the June wave, especially the two Mando sets and the Skeleton Crew ship, even though I suspect that one might get delayed again :shrug_oh_well: 

I didn't realize the skeleton crew ship was scheduled for June but yeah it's not coming anytime soon.

  On 4/22/2024 at 5:42 PM, CloneCommando99 said:

Nien Nunb is yet another hydrogen bomb compared to the coughing baby that’s Young Leia. But the lack of weequay is disappointing.

But why is Nien an anniversary figure in a set that is based on the same film he appears in?

Nien is not a hydrogen bomb, a stun grenade or droid popper maybe, but he was a bound to happen sometime which can't be said for any of the other anniversary figures, even young Leia.

I mean an original trilogy character with decent popularity like Nien could have been easily slipped in rebel RotJ set. Malak, Cal, Fives and the others don't have that going for them, so whilst he might be a more interesting character to get in general, he'd be a waste of an anniversary bonus figure slot in my opinion.

  On 4/22/2024 at 3:55 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

Indeed. The August wave is utter insanity in parts (in a good way!), but overall I‘m more looking forward to the June wave, especially the two Mando sets and the Skeleton Crew ship, even though I suspect that one might get delayed again :shrug_oh_well: 

It's funny that there's a skeleton crew set scheduled for when the Accolyte comes out ( same month anyway) and yet we have concrete information on when Skeleton Crew or an Accolyte set are coming out.

Of course this one isn't on TLG , no-one can predict the inevitable crazy dance of Disney plus release dates, more than any other studio or streamer they've become notorious for it.

  On 4/22/2024 at 4:19 PM, NoOneOfImportance said:

I'm very curious about this, especially since the only diorama we got this year was a midi-scale setup. I know a lot of people complained on the figure-based dioramas that they should have just been regular playsets, and I have to wonder if this is LEGO's decision based on that - release dioramas of midi scale scenes alongside midi ships, and save fig-based locations for playsets... But only time will tell if this is actually the case. 

I am one of the biggest proponents of the dioramas, but even I wouldn't complain if they disappeared in favor of more non 18+ sets again. And when LEGO puts a solid $25-ish set in as a GWP, it further reminds me how far we have fallen from the huge cheaper playset spring waves of 2017 to now. 

You can look at it two ways the adult sets (helmets/dioramas/midi scale ships) are new and interesting and something we might not have gotten  in a system set.

I can’t get over the feeling that a lot of the shows that haven’t had as much attention as they should have got has come about because they have more adults sets on the market which in years past before them would have been more sets possibly covering your BoBF or Andor or the bad batch.

Also I got a helmet for my birthday and I was disappointed at how small they were considering how much they cost and my in laws bought if for me and they asked where the rest of it was. the cynic in me says these adult sets are a way of making more money than just doing a normal play scale set 


  On 4/22/2024 at 7:23 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

No one should be able to confuse any of Jabba's guys for Nien Numb. Aside from the fact that he's got a completely different outfit, he's got the anniversary stand. I doubt he's in the box art duking it out on the skiff, and if you just saw the parts, who looks at them and goes "yup, that's a weequay"?

The sources of these Lego leaks must not necessarily be knowledgeable with Star Wars in particular. Maybe they just saw a blurry picture of "an alien" and someone down the line assumed it must be an Weequay because it fits the scene.

I really hope that when they do these May 4th reveals, that they throw another spanner in the works and cause us to question everything again, that would be funny.

Like let's say they reveal a set with the Anniversary Mara Jade and she not on the list and the set itself is not one that's leaked, now that would be brilliant both for the funny factor and just for being an interesting figure and potentially set.

Edited by Agent Kallus
More words

  On 4/22/2024 at 7:23 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Oh lord what did you do to your profile picture.

A surge of Sith insanity overwhelmed me for a moment. My bad, it’s been restored to the good old Battlefront 2 CC. Insanity will have to fight me another day. (I got infected by the DC thread)

  On 4/22/2024 at 7:23 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

I would not be a fan of that. I almost hope that if the mid-scale ships are the "replacement" for the dioramas, they do poorly and we keep the dioramas. 


Executor Bridge and “Hello There” dioramas are a must!

  On 4/22/2024 at 7:32 PM, Agent Kallus said:

Like let's say they reveal a set with the Anniversary Mara Jade and she not on the list and the set itself is not one that's leaked, now that would be brilliant both for the funny factor and just for being an interesting figure and potentially set.

Unfortunately I’m all out of hopium for Mara at this point. I am satisfied that we are getting Cal Kestis. If anyone could convince me that Mara was coming I would get on Lego.com and order the set at light speed.

Currently my priorities this year are: Death Star playset, Tantive Hallway and the R2 KT anniversary set. Essentially I want to build up my imperial and rebel military. Clone vs Droid battlepacks are secondary to those.

  On 4/22/2024 at 7:26 PM, Llewop said:

I can’t get over the feeling that a lot of the shows that haven’t had as much attention as they should have got has come about because they have more adults sets on the market which in years past before them would have been more sets possibly covering your BoBF or Andor or the bad batch.


“One way out!” Andor diorama and imperial army trooper battlepack when?!!!

I honestly did not care for BOBF but Andor and BB are the cream of the crop when it comes to quality in newer Star Wars content right now. And I feel that they deserve so many more sets.


Edit: Brickclicker’s just confirmed that: Cal Kestis, Young Leia (can we please refer to her as coughing baby as she is the weakest anniversary fig?) and Nien Nunb are the remaining of the mainline anniversary figs. R2 KT is still an anniversary fig but is similar in circumstances to how the classic Obi-wan was for the 20th due to how she’s only available for a very limited time.

Edited by CloneCommando99

  On 4/22/2024 at 7:32 PM, Agent Kallus said:

I really hope that when they do these May 4th reveals, that they throw another spanner in the works and cause us to question everything again, that would be funny.

Like let's say they reveal a set with the Anniversary Mara Jade and she not on the list and the set itself is not one that's leaked, now that would be brilliant both for the funny factor and just for being an interesting figure and potentially set.

You can't tell me that, because now I'm going to be sad when it doesn't happen.

Some other guesses for the spanner into the works, because given the conflicting info on some of these sets and lack of info on others, I'm sure there'll be something:

The Evil Falcon comes with Darth Jar Jar

Jedi Bob's starfighter is a remake of the 2014 jedi scout fighter.

The death star set has a hot tub included implying, if not including, beach troopers.

The possible creature set Young Leia comes in is the long awaited buildable gonk droid

At least one august set includes a minikit

The desert skiff- the most normal sounding set- actually has something crazy included in the build.

Tarkin has dual-molded legs for his fuzzy slippers to be included in the set.

Every minifigure in every august set is Nien Nunb

  On 4/22/2024 at 7:54 PM, CloneCommando99 said:

A surge of Sith insanity overwhelmed me for a moment. My bad, it’s been restored to the good old Battlefront 2 CC. Insanity will have to fight me another day. (I got infected by the DC thread)

Executor Bridge and “Hello There” dioramas are a must!

Unfortunately I’m all out of hopium for Mara at this point. I am satisfied that we are getting Cal Kestis. If anyone could convince me that Mara was coming I would get on Lego.com and order the set at light speed.

Currently my priorities this year are: Death Star playset, Tantive Hallway and the R2 KT anniversary set. Essentially I want to build up my imperial and rebel military. Clone vs Droid battlepacks are secondary to those.

“One way out!” Andor diorama and imperial army trooper battlepack when?!!!

I honestly did not care for BOBF but Andor and BB are the cream of the crop when it comes to quality in newer Star Wars content right now. And I feel that they deserve so many more sets.

Edit: Brickclicker’s just confirmed that: Cal Kestis, Young Leia (can we please refer to her as coughing baby as she is the weakest anniversary fig?) and Nien Nunb are the remaining of the mainline anniversary figs. R2 KT is still an anniversary fig but is similar in circumstances to how the classic Obi-wan was for the 20th due to how she’s only available for a very limited time.


I agree with almost everything here (Though I'd swap hello there for either the Mustafar Duel or Cloud City Breakfest), especially that the figures are:

Cal Kestis (with hydrogen bomb), Nien Nunb (with hydrogen bomb), Saw Guerrera (with hydrogen bomb), Fives (with hydrogen bomb), Malak (with hydrogen bomb), and coughing baby, with limited edition R2-KT (With hydrogen bomb). It is really spectacularly odd that they chose Young Leia. The going assumption is to slot in a female character, but it's not like there weren't other, better choices. Even if we're sticking with each fig representing a different aspect of the franchise, Mara or others still fit. (Cal as canon games, Malak as kotor/legends games, Saw as spinoff films, Nien as skywalker saga, R2-KT as fan events, Fives as animation.). Mara could have fit (Legends/old EU comics/books/etc).

Edited by Mandalorianknight

It's nice to finally know the full selection of anniversary figs, but I do find it very odd that Nien Nunb (a character from RotJ) is coming in an RotJ set even though every other anniversary fig is coming in a set they have zero relation to. That said, his inclusion will probably push me to buy the Sarlacc, strange as it is.

Honestly, while Young Leia is still a mid choice I could honestly have seen HER making sense in the Sarlacc set - if she was included, the set would include all five major heroes from the Original Trilogy.

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