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  On 8/21/2024 at 5:34 PM, NoOneOfImportance said:

A couple of extra notes to this: 
The Boba Palace set, which by all accounts should have sold well since it had a variety of aliens, a palace remake for the first time in years, and Boba Fett, failed miserably given that they were hard to sell even on clearance. 

The Kenobi duel, which by all accounts should have sold alright to kids who wanted Kenobi and Vader, plus a cool droid, etc. for a cheap(er) price, sat on shelves with no interest, and was only sold when it hit $25 or less on clearance for people who wanted to stock up to resell Ned-B. 

The Ghost only got pushed forward a year in retirement (to 2025) because LEGO discounted it and people bought it up to resell during the discount on May 4th (which LEGO interpreted as renewed interest I'm sure). 

The Ahsoka shuttle sold well when it hit Costco for $60 or less, but it just sits on shelves near me with little to no interest. 

I literally forgot that the E-WING set exists.. And so do a lot of people I think - it's sold well at $90ish, but I otherwise I haven't seen it do all that great, and a similar case with the Tie/Mando fighter...

The Mando N-1 sits at $48 everywhere, and even then, it doesn't sell well due to lack of interest. 

The TCWS7 sets did well, yes, but part of the lack of availability was the release time during 2020 with the pandemic, so I don't think we can go off those numbers for interest (though I'm sure they would have done well anyway).

All that to say (and this is certainly region-specific), I don't think the show sets as a whole have been good sellers - at bare minimum at MSRP... I don't really blame LEGO for stopping doing as many, and for using the few that do release (like Peredia, Onyx, etc.) to pack in all the important characters to make sure they sell. 

You say lack of interest the reality probably is all those sets are just too expensive Legos prices have just gone up to much and a lot of these sets kids would have got a lot of these as a main Christmas or birthday present but when inflation and cost of living is so high all of a sudden families can’t afford some of these Lego sets

There are images for the Mario Kart and Animal Crossing sets coming in January so odds are in next few weeks we might start getting some more info about the winter wave and if we are lucky pictures. 

  On 8/21/2024 at 6:09 PM, Llewop said:

You say lack of interest the reality probably is all those sets are just too expensive Legos prices have just gone up to much and a lot of these sets kids would have got a lot of these as a main Christmas or birthday present but when inflation and cost of living is so high all of a sudden families can’t afford some of these Lego sets

There are images for the Mario Kart and Animal Crossing sets coming in January so odds are in next few weeks we might start getting some more info about the winter wave and if we are lucky pictures. 

Regarding the first point, we were discussing overall interest, so was mainly going off of that idea. Certainly price factors in, but that's why I also focused on $45 and $50 sets too (which are the "cheaper" sets more often than not anymore).


And those sets were revealed because of Gamescom going on. I wouldn't bet on any other January 2025 pictures until closer to December timeframe, but certainly more descriptions could come. 

  On 8/21/2024 at 5:34 PM, NoOneOfImportance said:

All that to say (and this is certainly region-specific), I don't think the show sets as a whole have been good sellers - at bare minimum at MSRP... 

I’m curious if we able to rewind the clock back to early 2016 and see how well those original Force Awakens sets sold. Similarly, how well did the Clone Wars sets of 2013 sell? What about the sells of those sets compared to the Attack of the Clones sets?


In fact, do any sets ever sell as well as you seem to believe they should? (75280 maybe.)


If LEGO had anticipated large demand, and they actually produced enough to meet that demand, perhaps the demand has been sufficed? In theory, just because a set warms the shelves for a time doesn’t mean it’s a shelf warmer. The only sets that consistently aren’t moving off shelves even after the Christmas rush are the 4+ sets.


I’m a fan of most of the sets you mentioned, so I am biased toward defending them. However, then I wind up being no different than those who wanted Acolyte sets despite an obvious lack of general demand. Thus, I will concede that perhaps love has blinded me in this case.

The TFA sets sold like hotcakes. If you remember, Star Wars was a very hot property back in late 2015. TFA was a very successful movie at the box office and with merchandise sales. The 2015 Millennium Falcon set won several toy awards and was one of the best-sellng toys of the holiday season. From Hans Burkhard Schlomer's designer bricklist:


It turned out to be the most popular LEGO set in 2016 by far, of all product lines! It also won a TOY OF THE YEAR AWARD from the American Toy Association for "best boy toy 2016". I guess the unbelievably fantastic product placement in Episode 7 helped a bit, but one year before we had no idea how much (or little) screentime the "MILF" would receive in the first Disney Star Wars movie ....

  On 8/21/2024 at 6:15 PM, NoOneOfImportance said:

Regarding the first point, we were discussing overall interest, so was mainly going off of that idea. Certainly price factors in, but that's why I also focused on $45 and $50 sets too (which are the "cheaper" sets more often than not anymore).


And those sets were revealed because of Gamescom going on. I wouldn't bet on any other January 2025 pictures until closer to December timeframe, but certainly more descriptions could come. 

I checked on the other place for leaks and Gamescom wasn’t mentioned. Not that it really matters but why would Lego reveals sets at a video games conference? Anyways hopefully there some more details for January wave at least. If some sets are ready for January I’d say all of them are so we just got to see how long until stuff comes out. 

Sorry I keep asking but everytime I ask it seems to get lost in some debate that hasn’t got much to do with set speculation. But anyways when does the fleet trooper and stormie bp come out? And has a price been confirmed, as far as I can tell it’s only a guess that someone has plucked out of thin air and is the set a Lego exclusive and not a GWP? 

  On 8/21/2024 at 6:09 PM, Llewop said:

There are images for the Mario Kart and Animal Crossing sets coming in January so odds are in next few weeks we might start getting some more info about the winter wave and if we are lucky pictures.

Nintendo has their photos release for Animal Crossing a really long time in advance, especially compared to other series. We might get a more detailed set list In the next month or so, but I doubt we'll get any photos for Star Wars until October, if not later. 

  On 8/21/2024 at 7:08 PM, icm said:

The TFA sets sold like hotcakes. If you remember, Star Wars was a very hot property back in late 2015. TFA was a very successful movie at the box office and with merchandise sales. The 2015 Millennium Falcon set won several toy awards and was one of the best-sellng toys of the holiday season. From Hans Burkhard Schlomer's designer bricklist:


It turned out to be the most popular LEGO set in 2016 by far, of all product lines! It also won a TOY OF THE YEAR AWARD from the American Toy Association for "best boy toy 2016". I guess the unbelievably fantastic product placement in Episode 7 helped a bit, but one year before we had no idea how much (or little) screentime the "MILF" would receive in the first Disney Star Wars movie ....

To be fair TFA was the start of hope, TLJ ruined it and killed everything for that series, right now the IP is dead and it's just beating a dead horse with a stick at this stage, I think it's best for Star Wars to take a break for 5 years to get their act together, at least then we can get more sets from the older movies and there won't be slots taken up by the next Disney Plus Show that didn't do well, Mando was the only good show tbh and Ahsoka was ok but it has great sets

I remember TFA came out and everyone was wondering who Snoke was, there was some interest back then, sadly some new guy came in afterwards and ruined everything and the old guy tried to fix what little he could fix that was left unruined.

If Disney just done TFA,Mando Season 1 and 2 and CW S7 I'm sure there'd still be a lot of love for the brand but now it's in bad shape, At least Marvel has somewhat of a future.

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

My opinions about the second and third entries of the sequel trilogy are sharply different than yours, but I won't debate the point!

  On 8/21/2024 at 7:08 PM, icm said:


It turned out to be the most popular LEGO set in 2016 by far, of all product lines! It also won a TOY OF THE YAR AWARD from the American Toy Association for "best boy toy 2016". I guess the unbelievably fantastic product placement in Episode 7 helped a bit, but one year before we had no idea how much (or little) screentime the "MILF" would receive in the first Disney Star Wars movie ....

I wish the "MILF" had more screen time in the movie:pir-grin:

  On 8/21/2024 at 6:09 PM, Llewop said:


There are images for the Mario Kart and Animal Crossing sets coming in January so odds are in next few weeks we might start getting some more info about the winter wave and if we are lucky pictures. 

Hopefully. I need to know if there are any more playsets coming. There’s still hope for the May wave.

I am wondering what the May UCS will be and if it truly is the end for dioramas.

And perhaps if the murmurings of a 2025 Ewok Village are true, we could see a remake of either the 2011 Endor Battlepack or the Endor Bunker to coincide with it. 

  On 8/21/2024 at 10:25 PM, Lego Nostalgia said:

If Disney just done TFA,Mando Season 1 and 2 and CW S7 I'm sure there'd still be a lot of love for the brand but now it's in bad shape, At least Marvel has somewhat of a future.

Andor and Rogue One would like a word. Andor is the only TV show so far that has had an increase in viewership as each episode released.

  On 8/21/2024 at 7:08 PM, icm said:


I played the white Kessel Run “MILF”

  On 8/21/2024 at 7:08 PM, icm said:

It turned out to be the most popular LEGO set in 2016 by far, of all product lines! It also won a TOY OF THE YEAR AWARD from the American Toy Association for "best boy toy 2016". I guess the unbelievably fantastic product placement in Episode 7 helped a bit, but one year before we had no idea how much (or little) screentime the "MILF" would receive in the first Disney Star Wars movie ....

Is it too hard to just spell the Millennium Falcon? Or just the Falcon?


  On 8/21/2024 at 10:43 PM, icm said:

My opinions about the second and third entries of the sequel trilogy are sharply different than yours, but I won't debate the point!

What's not debatable is that merchandising took a hit following the...divisive...episodes VIII and IX. Only the Mandalorian has successfully revitalized the brand toy wise, not TCW Season 7, not Resistance, not Rebels, and certainly not any of the following TV shows (including the ones everyone likes, such as Andor)


  On 8/22/2024 at 7:02 AM, CloneCommando99 said:

Hopefully. I need to know if there are any more playsets coming. There’s still hope for the May wave.

I am wondering what the May UCS will be and if it truly is the end for dioramas.

Anakin's ETA-2 (Battle of Coruscant). I'd put money on it.

I'd say a V-Wing is the next likely option, as they don't usually release a system-scale and UCS at the same time, meaning no ARC-170.

  On 8/21/2024 at 5:11 PM, starlego98 said:

So in 2025, the only new media we'll be getting is Andor? It's been almost a decade since we've had so little material. I wonder what LEGO has planned for next year, because the only sets I expect to be based on media are from The Mandalorian.

That could (fingers crossed) be a very good thing, for both LSW and the franchise as a whole. With waves seemingly shrinking each year to the next, and new media taking up a number of slots of the sets that do release, this could be some much needed breathing room and give Lego space to revisit sets that haven't been seen in a long time, or simply haven't been seen at all. 2013 is often singled out as a 'golden year' for LSW and I don't think it's a coincidence that that was a time when the media landscape was far less clogged than it is currently.

Next year could be the calm before the storm as 26, 27 and 28 are supposed to be movie years.


I suspect Lego have held back on some sets to see what LFL have on their plate show/movie wise.  I'll gladly take a Mantis set though.

  On 8/22/2024 at 7:17 AM, ARC2149Nova said:

What's not debatable is that merchandising took a hit following the...divisive...episodes VIII and IX. Only the Mandalorian has successfully revitalized the brand toy wise, not TCW Season 7, not Resistance, not Rebels, and certainly not any of the following TV shows (including the ones everyone likes, such as Andor)

To be fair, I think that's more of a reflection of general consumer attitudes - LEGO and maybe Hasbro apart, the toy industry as a whole has been shrinking for a few years now.

  On 8/22/2024 at 7:17 AM, ARC2149Nova said:

Anakin's ETA-2 (Battle of Coruscant). I'd put money on it.

I'd say a V-Wing is the next likely option […]

This year‘s 1HY UCS set wasn‘t based on TPM, so a ROTS set next year is far from guaranteed. Anakin’s ETA-2 would be an excellent choice though! A V-Wing, not so much as its screentime in ROTS was very limited. Granted, it showed up quite a bit in TBB, but I doubt they‘d consider that :shrug_oh_well:

Personally, I’ll be happy as long as it’s not another OT ship again :tongue: Ani‘s ETA-2 and Poe‘s black X-Wing are definitely my top contenders now!

As I suspected some of the RTG and the  skeleton crew sets are already on sale over in Smyths in the U.K.

its a first for me I’ve never seen a set go on sale the same month it gets released. I’m going to hold Out to see how big a sale some retailers will do on these because i doubt many have bought them for rrp

  On 8/22/2024 at 6:32 PM, Llewop said:

As I suspected some of the RTG and the  skeleton crew sets are already on sale over in Smyths in the U.K.

How many % off are we talking about? Here at Smyths in Germany the Onyx Cinder is 11% off currently. Here it is pretty much normal for most sets to settle at around 20%-30% off after some time. But it hardly ever drops more than that.

I still remeber the picture of a whole pallet of 75326 Boba Fett's Throne Room with something like 70% off. I think it was from the US and the picture was posted in the forum. That is not possible here in Germany and i wonder what happens to all the unsold sets at Smyths?

  On 8/22/2024 at 6:45 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

How many % off are we talking about? Here at Smyths in Germany the Onyx Cinder is 11% off currently. Here it is pretty much normal for most sets to settle at around 20%-30% off after some time. But it hardly ever drops more than that.

I still remeber the picture of a whole pallet of 75326 Boba Fett's Throne Room with something like 70% off. I think it was from the US and the picture was posted in the forum. That is not possible here in Germany and i wonder what happens to all the unsold sets at Smyths?

They sell them.

  On 8/22/2024 at 7:04 PM, Black Falcon said:

They sell them.

I never ever see "old" sets when i am at Smyths. In small toy shops i have found sets 5 or even 10 years after they officially retired. That would be impossible at Smyths. So they must sell every single shelf-warmer?

I'll keep an eye on the 75257 Millennium Falcon, a set that has been around since 2019 and which will retire at the end of this year. I want to know how long it will stay on shelves next year(s) at my local Smyths. Discount for the set is currently 26%, that is in the aforementioned range of 20%-30%.

  On 8/22/2024 at 6:45 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

How many % off are we talking about? Here at Smyths in Germany the Onyx Cinder is 11% off currently. Here it is pretty much normal for most sets to settle at around 20%-30% off after some time. But it hardly ever drops more than that.

I still remeber the picture of a whole pallet of 75326 Boba Fett's Throne Room with something like 70% off. I think it was from the US and the picture was posted in the forum. That is not possible here in Germany and i wonder what happens to all the unsold sets at Smyths?

It’s about 10% on average but it’s not all of the August wave the sarlaac, duel on peridia and droid builder set are still at rrp. I know they go on small sales eventually after months they often go on the odd 10-20% off its just find it strange that 22 days after release they are already on sale. Don’t think it helps that the source material of those 4 sets hasn’t been actually released yet 

  On 8/22/2024 at 7:16 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

I never ever see "old" sets when i am at Smyths. In small toy shops i have found sets 5 or even 10 years after they officially retired. That would be impossible at Smyths. So they must sell every single shelf-warmer?

I'll keep an eye on the 75257 Millennium Falcon, a set that has been around since 2019 and which will retire at the end of this year. I want to know how long it will stay on shelves next year(s) at my local Smyths. Discount for the set is currently 26%, that is in the aforementioned range of 20%-30%.

That is a good point smyths are very good at selling sets and they never seem to have sets that have been retired that they can’t get shot of, the local toy shop where I live still has the resistance pod, 1st order at st and buildable jyn, rey and Finn at rrp after like so many year of being on sale 

  On 8/22/2024 at 7:16 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

I never ever see "old" sets when i am at Smyths. In small toy shops i have found sets 5 or even 10 years after they officially retired. That would be impossible at Smyths. So they must sell every single shelf-warmer?

I'll keep an eye on the 75257 Millennium Falcon, a set that has been around since 2019 and which will retire at the end of this year. I want to know how long it will stay on shelves next year(s) at my local Smyths. Discount for the set is currently 26%, that is in the aforementioned range of 20%-30%.

They usually don´t have that much old stuff yes, though they are also way more frequented than smaller shops so they are selling their stuff faster. But for instance the Harry Potter Grimmauld Place was still in stock in some shops in March, same as some still had the Galaxy Explorer back then. 

  On 8/22/2024 at 7:19 PM, Llewop said:

It’s about 10% on average but it’s not all of the August wave the sarlaac, duel on peridia and droid builder set are still at rrp. I know they go on small sales eventually after months they often go on the odd 10-20% off its just find it strange that 22 days after release they are already on sale. Don’t think it helps that the source material of those 4 sets hasn’t been actually released yet

The Sarlacc pit started at 79,99€ at Smyths, dropped to 69,99€ after just a few days and now is already down to 62,99€ (Yeah, i visit their website often :laugh:).

Sometimes sets get released with a discount right away.

Really? I’ve never noticed very strange obviously sets are expensive and aren’t really worth what they are at rrp. If they are going on sale so early maybe alarm bells should be ringing at Lego to maybe stop hiking prices up 

  On 8/22/2024 at 7:32 PM, Llewop said:

Really? I’ve never noticed very strange obviously sets are expensive and aren’t really worth what they are at rrp. If they are going on sale so early maybe alarm bells should be ringing at Lego to maybe stop hiking prices up 

I think the standard discount is already priced in in the rrp.

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