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October – December 623. Vol. 8, Issue 4


Captain Nordau Takes Port Wilks!

Sources on the Corrish island of Serentia tell us that the Eslandian settlement of Port Wilks, on Isla Phillip in the northern seas, has been taken and held by the notorious Captain Nordau! Buccaneer’s Dread and three former ETTC ships Nordau captured in recent months have been seen blockading the port, and Nordau has raised his private flag over the settlement. Port Wilks has no fortifications or defenses to speak of, and the pirate crews of Nordau’s four ships likely outnumber the hamlet’s population, so it wouldn’t have taken much for his assault to succeed. This is the most dastardly move yet by the notorious pirate!

We also hear from Alexport that, on his way to Port Wilks, Captain Nordau attacked the Prio trade fleet in the vicinity of Poorvintia as the Prio ships returned home. Half of the Prio trade fleet was sunk, including the flagship, Prio’s Fortune!

In other news about the Eslandian pirate, from Fatu Hiva we hear that an Oleon squadron led by Espirit Tyche encountered the LBSF Demeter in the South Prio Sea. Nordau captured the LBSF Demeter from the RNTC earlier this year, and it is now presumably operated by one of Nordau’s subordinates, so Nordau was never likely in any danger from this encounter. Nevertheless, the ship was able to slip away before the Oleonese fleet could recapture it.

Captain Nordau has surely made himself a target for all pirate hunters in the Brick Seas. Unless he likes a self-proclaimed exile in Port Wilks or can escape to lands yet undiscovered, we foresee a bloody end in the future to his reign of terror.


Heavy Losses on Both Sides as ESL Clashes with Sea Rats

From King’s Harbour we have received word of a major battle between pirates and pirate hunters in the vicinity of Charlatan Bay. An Eslandian naval fleet led by flagship Pride of Pontelli engaged the black-flagged fleet of Commodore Kane, the notorious Sea Rat pirate. Fourteen ships were involved in the battle, with six sent to Davy Jones’ Locker and two more captured. When the smoke cleared, only the xebec frigate Oscuridad IV and man-o-war Verde Oro were able to limp into port for the Greenies. Eslandian admiralty has been tight-lipped on the matter, but we have confirmed that the two largest ships of the fleet, ship-of-the-line Pride of Pontelli and frigate La Comete III, were both captured by Kane’s fleet. Reportedly the crews of White Rabbit and La Raya Venenosa III acquitted themselves well in battle before their ships were lost to the depths; Sea Rat galleon Habana, frigates Tobago and Venezia, and the previously captured ETTC Royal George were all sent to the bottom. But pirate flagship Perla de Labuan was unscathed, as was the galleon La Gomera, and their crews were critical in capturing the Eslandian ships.

Meanwhile, from Nova Terreli we have received reports of an entirely different encounter southwest of Terraversa. The black-flagged Sea Rat fleet of Captain Katrin DeKruger, the so-called Yellow Skull Fleet with its flagship Hand of Fate II, were in pursuit of a lone Eslandian clipper, Midas Touch II, when they all found themselves caught in a freak storm. Sea Rat man-o-war Thunderer was crushed in the waves, and all but one other ship in the black-flagged fleet took significant damage before the storm ended. In the meantime, Marvel II became separated from the rest of the Hand of Fate II fleet, and the crew of Midas Touch II was able to capture Marvel II and tow her to port. While the capture of a pirate crew is usually met with cries of “Hang them!”, it appears that all parties involved view this as more of a rescue from an imminent demise, and our sources tell us that the Eslandians seem more inclined to use the captured crew as a bargaining chip to retrieve captured ships elsewhere.


War Zone Report

Oleon and Carno Fight Lotus at Sea

While the Corrish navy surprisingly stayed in port this month—reportedly from unusually low tides at the Spudkirk naval base, but others suggest that Corrish scientists foresaw the chaotic storms—Oleon and Carno carried on the fight on the seas with the Lotii.

Our man in Fort Arltrees sends word that an RNTC supply fleet led by Le Gaillard was attacked by a Lotus fleet comprised of three war junks and the captured Redcoat behemoth, HMS Dominance. Oleon’s HRS Combattante held her own against HMS Dominance, sank the Lotus war junk Leapfrog, and damaged the others in the Lotii fleet while enabling the Bluecoat supply fleet to escape unharmed and complete its mission.

From Neustadt, however, we hear that the Lotii had better fortune against the Carnites. A Carno naval fleet, led by man-o-war Caracal and including several captured pirate ships, was pursuing a small three-ship Lotus supply squadron when the Carnites were caught in a freak storm. The sloop Lucky Corsair was quickly separated from the fleet, and the Lotii crews overwhelmed her and took her prize. Meanwhile, Caracal and Caribou were tossed about and sunk by a giant waterspout, and Comorant and Night Pillager were heavily damaged by the resulting waves and shower of debris. Only Cardinal’s Shadow came out unscathed. Perhaps the smoke billowing from the volcano of the nearby Luther Islands was a portent of the storm … and perhaps of more to come.

Lotii Withdrawing?

After the limited encounters with the Lotii at sea this month, we have received no reports as to their ships’ whereabouts, and land troops from all factions on El Oleonda report no encounters with Lotii troops this month. Are the Lotii simply regrouping? Have they found riches elsewhere that they don’t have to fight for? Have they decided to return home? The answer is unknown at this time.


Pirate Round-Up

Montroy Hanged!

Our man in Neustadt sends word that the pirate Montroy was hanged with much fanfare in the town square. We salute Carno’s effort to make the Brick Seas safe from piracy!

Bloody Bill Escapes!

Unfortunately, from Westface we hear that the pirate Bloody Bill was able to elude his Redcoat captors and make his escape in his own ship! There is much pointing of fingers between the Commonwealth of Terraversa and the Corrish officials in port, but to our knowledge the Recoats never turned over Bloody Bill or his sloop Crimson Revenge to local authorities under Grand Admiral L’Olius, so the egg appears to be on the Recoats’ shirts. The pirate was last seen sailing southeast.

Captain Gore (aka Admiral de Flynt!) Attacks Mardier Trade Fleet

From right here in Kings Port we hear that the pirate Captain Gore is alive and well, or at least the new Captain Gore is. Mardierian officials are reporting that their trade fleet was attacked by a fleet led by the galleon Espada de Luna flying the flag of Captain Gore. The Mardierian flagship Minerva was sunk and terraman Mercator captured before their remaining ships escaped. As our readers may recall, Espada de Luna was presumed lost and Captain Gore killed when the pirate tangled with a Greenie fleet led by Eslandian Admiral de Flynt in the seas west of Prinport a few months back. Admiral de Flynt was also presumed dead, but it appears he has avoided the Grim Reaper, repaired his galleon, assumed Gore’s identity, and taken over the pirate’s operation as his own. Mardierian sailors report seeing a man patrolling the deck of Espada de Luna fitting de Flynt’s description, right down to his tattered green coat.

Oleon Devastates Captain Jack’s Fleet

Our man in Fatu Hiva tells us that an Oleonese fleet sailed into port with two known black-flagged vessels in tow: the brigs El Lobo and Nightwing II. Oleon naval reports also indicate that man-o-wars Blackjack and Colonial Storm, along with carrack Kate’s Gambit, were all sunk by the Fleur Verte fleet in waters west of Lavalette. Only the man-o-war El Genio managed to elude the Bluecoats, and Oleon officials report no significant damage taken in the encounter. The black-flagged fleet was known to belong to Captain Jack Merker, who captured the Eslandian Colonial Storm just last month. Captain Jack and his companion Kate were not among the crew taken captive, and their fate—either escaped on El Genio or doomed to the deep—is unknown.

Greenies Take Bite Out of The Dragon

From King’s Harbour we hear that, in addition to their run-in with the notorious Commodore Kane, the Eslandians also tangled with the pirate known as The Dragon. Sleeping Siren II entered King’s Harbour with ex-Lotus war junk Liger in tow. The Greenies report that The Dragon commanded a fleet made up of the former Prio sloop of war Patriot III and a collection of captured Lotus war junks sold off by Carno to fund their war effort. Although the Greenies lost the brig Blood Diamond, they report sinking the junks Llama and Lemur. Unfortunately, The Dragon himself escaped on Patriot III. However, Eslandian officials note they have identified The Dragon, and he is none other than the former commodore of the Prio trade fleet, Lord Francisco de Pernica! At least this explains how The Dragon was able to steal Patriot III from the Prio fleet earlier this year. :dblush:

Revenge Battle: LeColeon to Davy Jones’ Locker?

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But is it best served by a lady? Our reporter in Nova Terreli sends word that the crew of Lady’s Revenge II, an Eslandian armed sloop, is claiming to have sunk the Reaver’s Revenge, known to be the flagship of the notorious pirate LeColeon. Is this the end for LeColeon? LeColeon was known to have captured a small Namerean trader last month, so it’s not certain that he was on Reaver’s Revenge, but it is logical to assume he was. If so, we salute the crew of Lady’s Revenge II of ridding the Brick Seas of the scourge, and hope our reporter buys them a round! :pir-huzzah2:

Jan Van Sud Deals on Black Market

We received no reports of pirate Jan Van Sud on the Brick Seas this month, but our reporter in Prinport tells us that the pirate was spotted in that Garveyian port this month, making sales on the black market.


Weather Report / Missing in Action

There are reports from all across the Brick Seas of bizarre weather, strange tides, and increased volcano activity, as our readers may have noted from several of the articles in this issue. Amid these troubling reports, several ships have failed to arrive at their destinations. Rather than list them all here, see the list below of ships lost at sea to find the fates of your loved ones. 



Ships Lost to Davy Jones’ Locker

Anaconda (Altonia)
Caracal (Carno)
Caribou (Carno)
Coyote (Carno)
Mysterious Lady (Capt Wolf)
Blackjack (Capt Wolf)
Kate’s Gambit (Capt Wolf)
Colonial Storm (Capt Wolf)
FV No.1 (Garmadon)
Clearance (Salida Este)
Dark Spirit (Kai NRG)
White Rabbit (Eslandola)
La Raya Venenosa III (Eslandola)
Blood Diamond (Weelond)
Leapfrog (Lotus)
Minerva (Mardier)
Lemur (The Dragon)
Llama (The Dragon)
Reaver’s Revenge (LeColeon)
Le Gros (RNTC)
Prio’s Fortune (Romantica)
Peacock (Romantica)
Thunderer (Gulagurag)
Habana (NOD)
ETTC Royal George (NOD)
Tobago (NOD)
Venezia (NOD)
Dragon Fly (Fraunces)

Ships Captured

El Lobo (taken from Capt Wolf by Oleon)
Nightwing II (taken from Capt Wolf by Oleon)
Marvel II (taken from Kwatchi by Eslandola)
Pride of Pontelli (taken from Eslandola by NOD)
La Comete III (taken from Eslandola by NOD)

Liger (taken from The Dragon by Eslandola)
Lucky Corsair (taken from Carno by Lotus)
Mercator (taken from Mardier by Captain Gore)

Known Black-Flagged Ships Still at Large
(all of their crews scoundrels and wanted for piracy)

Buccaneer’s Dread
El Genio
ETTC Muharib
ETTC Pallace
ETTC Sussex
FTA Apollo’s Mirth
Hand of Fate II
Jolly Rogers
Komodo Dragon II
La Gomera
Peregrine II
Perla de Labuan
Puck’s Jest II
Purple Rain
The Andromeda
The Drunken Monkey
Tuna King
Villain’s Boat


Note that Black Flag Sea Rat ship locations are hidden when docked in Sea Rat ports and Garveyian ports, and all black-flag ships are hidden when docked at Barracuda Bay or Dragon Lair or other pirate hideouts.

Result tables to follow shortly.

Editor’s OOC Note: I’ve been editing the KPA for more than six years and have published more than two dozen issues. As we transition to Era III, the KPA will take on a new form, and whatever that is will be managed by new editors. I hope the KPA has helped bring the Brethren of the Brick Seas setting to life and given you inspiration for many great stories and MOCs. I trust Era III will be just as exciting, if not more so!  :pir-triumph:

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Thanks for your hard work on this and previous KPAs @Capt Wolf!

I've been lurking for quite a few years in this forum, commenting here and there, and the KPA threads were always interesting reads. I raise a toast to @Capt Wolf for a successful newspaper editing career, and a toast to whatever he decides to do next! Cheers!

Thank you so much! The KPA is the narrative heart and soul of BoBS and it has been masterfully handled by the editing team. Oleonese Military Intelligence has been scouring the seas for enough virgins to satisfy that ominous volcano, alas leaving such a task to a renowned philanderer such as Gabriel de la Tombe, may have been counter productive. Thank you to everyone who operated Era 2!

Ah, a sad but timely end to my lonely ship.  Adieu, you were never meant to sail to the balmier climes of Era III, evidently!

Thanks for writing the KPA one more time @Capt Wolf, we appreciate all your work on it through the years, it's been a really fun part of this game.  Here's hoping the replacement will have as good and as long of a run as the good ol' KPA!

I had a toast and a swig of Rum for the KPA and @Capt Wolf this evening !

Thank you for the interesting, exciting and sometimes funny stories! I congratulate Captain Nordau to plunder the town treasury (14 DBs)! :pir-huzzah1: This should be celebrated extensively in the tavern.

Native: A new editorial team of the KPA! They hanged Montroy! Vulcano's and freak storms! Pirates everywhere! What should we do Chief! Is this the wrath of our Gods? 

Chief: New times are ahead! We must prepare!




  On 12/15/2023 at 9:10 PM, Capt Wolf said:

Montroy Hanged!


Not Montroy! He was such a welcome guest in our ports...

  On 12/15/2023 at 9:10 PM, Capt Wolf said:

bizarre weather, strange tides, and increased volcano activity


  On 12/15/2023 at 9:10 PM, Capt Wolf said:


EXCITING! :excited:  

I did lose my ship the Dragonfly... Such a shame, I believe my two best carpenters were on that one...



@Capt Wolf such an incredible persistent job you have done by keeping the Brick Seas alive, I think it is fair to say as other have that your KPA was the center, summary and starting point of each 'round', fueling new stories and giving inspiration and ideas to all players. Tonight we will have a grand toast and cannon-salute on the ships honoring your work. 


Edited by Fraunces

First, a great thank you to @Capt Wolf for the great writing up (as usual), and even more for taking care of the KPA for so many years. BoBS would have not been the same without this invaluable and independent source of news! I hope you'll still manage to follow the developments of our little world!

About the content of the KPA, impressive turn! My ships remained in port (I didn't complete the forms on time), but Captain Nordau, Captain Gore, and the Dragon really owned the seas... all the pirates should pour some rum for them, and all the civilized men should rightfully be concerned!


A big thanks @Capt Wolf Three cheers for you! Thanks for all the fine reports and inspiring stories! 

Although (as i am a landlubber) i never really understood what was going on at sea :pir_laugh2:

@Capt Wolf I haven't always commented on the KPA, but your stories have always been enjoying to read while adding good lore to the game. Three cheers, and whatever form the KPA takes in the future, the editors have some big shoes to fill. 

@Capt Wolf ,thank you for your great stories over 6 years at the Kings Port Advertiser:pir-triumph:  Your report to the KPA was creative, exciting and interesting.


For you and everyone at Brethren of the Brick Seas and at Eurobricks:


Feliz Navidad, prospero año y felicidad! :pir-santa:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :pir-santa:

Joyeux noël et bonne année! :pir-santa:

Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr! :pir-santa:

My first reaction was for me to lament my bad luck, then I saw how Nod and especially poor Capt. Wolf made out.  Holy poop! The fates were cruel this month.

@Capt Wolf Thank you for all your hard work that has made the KPA the highlight of our strange little hobby.  You've left some big shoes to fill.  With you retiring your pen (erm... keyboard), saying that this is the end of an era is doubly appropriate.


Did our attempt to return the class 3 Le Petit Bleu to Oleon work?  My brother tried to sailing into Pilton in order to return it, but I see he ended up making money rather than losing ownership of the ship.  It's a nice bonus mind you. :pir-grin:

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  On 12/26/2023 at 7:22 PM, Kwatchi said:

Did our attempt to return the class 3 Le Petit Bleu to Oleon work?  My brother tried to sailing into Pilton in order to return it, but I see he ended up making money rather than losing ownership of the ship.  It's a nice bonus mind you. :pir-grin:

I wasn't sure what the political status of that move was. If the intent was to return it to Oleon, consider it done, and your brother made some DBs on the side. :pir-grin:


  On 12/26/2023 at 7:22 PM, Kwatchi said:

Thank you for all your hard work that has made the KPA the highlight of our strange little hobby.  You've left some big shoes to fill.  With you retiring your pen (erm... keyboard), saying that this is the end of an era is doubly appropriate.

Thanks, and thanks to everybody else who has left their kind words about my time as KPA editor. It was a blast! :pir-huzzah2:

So sorry to see this end. I hope @Capt Wolf stays around as an active player? Or is this a ride into the sunset? :pir-bawling:

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