January 28, 200916 yr and is it just me or does Indy have a new face there? Yes it is! And it's also in Temple of Doom and mayby the plane set, and can't tell cause of the stamp on Indy's face in that set....
January 28, 200916 yr These finalized pictures just blew my mind! And it looks like we get a new Indy face on a few of the sets with a big smirk on his face.
January 28, 200916 yr And it looks like we get a new Indy face on a few of the sets with a big smirk on his face. See, even Indy is happy about these sets But I'm kinda bummed about Mutt's bike, I liked the Canda Toy Fair bike better
January 28, 200916 yr So I was wrong, no slave kid, but TWO thuggees . love the new indy face. Heck, love all of these sets. Must....have....them all.....now . Oh, and Mutt's bike is not the old classic bike, or the indy bike, but a completely NEW bike . And willie and Elsa and ... and ....wow. I love these. EDIT: MARION HAS A NEW FACE TOO!!! wow. I hope that lego doesn't pull another german mechanic on us, or i would be most dissapointed Edited January 28, 200916 yr by Tinn-man
January 28, 200916 yr Is it just me, or does every new Indy set have a that new flesh tone? (Well, except the plane set) Cairo: Swordsman and other dude Venice: Brothers of the something something Cemetary: Attacking people (With chainsaws? ) Temple of Doom: Mola Ram, mayby Thuggees.....
January 28, 200916 yr Is it just me, or does every new Indy set have a that new flesh tone? (Well, except the plane set)Cairo: Swordsman and other dude Venice: Brothers of the something something Cemetary: Attacking people (With chainsaws? ) Temple of Doom: Mola Ram, mayby Thuggees..... Indeed, I believe that is the old flesh tone used in the NBA basketball sets: It's great that they've used a different skin colour for the Middle-Eastern/Indian figs, it would be a little strange to have them as pale as the normal flesh colour. Unfortunately it will mean that there'll be even more problems involving flesh on torsos. As for the "chainsaw", it actually makes for quite a nice Aztec macuahuitl: Edited January 28, 200916 yr by TinyPiesRUs
January 28, 200916 yr Venice: Brothers of the something somethingCemetary: Attacking people (With chainsaws? ) Temple of Doom: Mola Ram, mayby Thuggees..... Couldn't have said it better myself. They're not supposed to be chainsaws. And I think all the TOD characters are the normal flesh color.
January 29, 200916 yr One work for these: Fantastic! The minifigs for all of the sets look amazing, and the models themselves look great as well. Those new track pieces look very interesting. I'm a happy chap right now!
January 29, 200916 yr Just for clearing:-The set called ''Flying Wing' and the guy is an german mechanic, in future maybe you could write some more words for this topic Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Smarty-Pants. I'm a happy chap right now! Wow. Is that what you guys replaced 'dude' with in England? Not sure if anybody's seen this yet. ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edited January 29, 200916 yr by Scyzoryk
January 29, 200916 yr Wow. Is that what you guys replaced 'dude' with in England? Dunno, I'm not English. It rhymed well with happy. I just love the variety of minifigs in the sets. So many new things, the new torsos for both male and female, new hair and hats, plus all of the heads. There are barely any repeat minifigs unlike last summer.
January 29, 200916 yr on a first look they seem very nice great minifigs all around! and smth tells me we might be able to make the rails 4 or 6 wide if we want they dont seem stuck to the flat bases but it looks to be one big cord like piece that you can transform any way you like train fans must be very happy over this imagine using those trucks and scenery with dwarfs mine! and that abush in cairo should fit great with 10193!!
January 29, 200916 yr new indys! finally! I'l definately get cairo ambush and fighter plane attack, I'm not sold on the others...yet might get venice just for the new indy and fez hats, the rest of the set is a bit meh
January 29, 200916 yr Author Wow. I am beyond words for these fantastic sets. I've noticed that the new skin color is used in 4 out of 5 of the new sets, and I'm glad they are more accurate, rather than having normal flesh. The Cairo set will be my first buy, then Venice, and the cemetary. The other two I will probably skip. -The Cairo set is just plain fantastic. 4 great figures, for what I'm guessing is $10. That, the big barrel, plus the 3 apples (do they even have those in Eygpt?), gold plate, market stand and hay cart make this a must buy. -Venice is great too, I was hoping for Marcus, but I'm not unhappy with what we have. The Elsa looks great, and so do the other figures. -The cemetary looks alright, but I will probably get it because it looks cheap. The warrior figs are nice, and so is Indy with a new face. I'm assuming that the mold for Mutt's bike isn't finalized, so thats why its as pictured. -The plane set looks very boring, and the ToD is nice, maybe I'll get it on sale. I'm glad we are getting a wide variety of figures of Indy himself this year, first the ToD Shanghai suit, then the professor and tan shirt. And he has a new face to change it up. Nice job TLC!
January 29, 200916 yr they dont seem stuck to the flat bases but it looks to be one big cord like piece that you can transform any way you like You might be on to something there. I don't think the width will be adjustable, but maybe the plates are solid and the tracks themselves are of the softer, more pliable plastic to allow more angles up and down hills etc. I like how casual Indy in the Temple of Doom is cool enough to be holding an orange icey-pole while travelling in the mine-cart. He's all like 'Certain death? Whatever! I still have time for a refreshing snack before I defeat the bad guys.' Or maybe he thinks he's on a rollercoaster ride at Disneyworld
January 29, 200916 yr The face with the smirk isn't going to be new, these pics are still preliminary. Does anyone not recall the same face appeared in the wave one preliminaries as well? Just don't get your hopes up, we've been "tricked" by ourselves before (or by misleading description in amazon de or uk) On a lighter note, I noticed that, upon using the zoom in function, I was able to catch quite a few details in the pristine presented quality. Marion does seem to have a new face, we will apparently get plenty of new flame pieces with the ToD, and the presence of the sliding-grin-like-an-idiot-Mola-Ram-escape-passageway-under-the-skull is not lacking. 3 cheers for the Big Thugee guard, now we have both incarnations of Pat ROach, now, if only Lego had stuck to the brown-mustached version in the fighter plane... Edited January 29, 200916 yr by Belloq
January 29, 200916 yr Hazah! The ninja headwrap is back! Thats one of my wants this year. Bloody Oath Cairo: I must have!!! The thugs look awsome! Really detailed and useful. A great parts pack too will all that yummy fruit and gun Venice chase: Looks nice. The boats look nicely designed The figs are pretty cool too. I dont know if I'll get it though Depends on the price I guess.. Cemetary: Looks awsome!! A red bike, awsome new figs. Looks like it has heaps of traps and stuff which I love! A definate buy from me! Planes: The look really nicely designed But I probably wont get them Temple of doom: Looks awsome. The tracks are great and the figs are beautiful Probably too expensive so I probably wont get it.. All in all 09 is an awsome year for Indy so well done TLG. Also is it me or are the boxes HUGE!
January 29, 200916 yr I'll definitely get the Cairo and Venice sets now - they come with such great minifigs and pieces, and they're probably affordable as well! As for the Temple of Doom, it might be too heavily-priced for me (I have to get so many other 70-99€ sets this year), that I think I'll just snatch the Willie and the Mola Ram figs from Ebay or something.
January 29, 200916 yr Thanks for the awesome pic booger! Here are my thoughts: Ambush in Cairo: Wow! This set is far better han I ever imagined! I'll defintely be getting two of these. I haven't got a single turban or a ninja headwrap so this is fantastic for me. This truly is the year of the minifig, Indy's new shirt print is great, as is Marion's new print. Looks like she has a new face too which is wonderful. White clad ninja fig looks great, as does the swordsman who gets shot. The fact that we get three apples and a gold dish only sweetens the deal! And in usual tradition I always remark on how good this stuff can be used for my Batman display. The white ninja torso is perfect for young Bruce Wayne training in Japan, and the turban torso is even more perfect for Kyodai Ken, the ninja who has it in for him in that same episode: Chauchilla Cemetery Battle: Another great set! The red bike will be neat, I have no idea hat is going on with it in that pic though. I must admit the construction looks a little odd here though, but overall looks very good. Loving the skellie fighter fig, hope the other one's face is new. A spider web is always appreciated, as is a gold cup and chest. Nice source of bley for me too, I need a lot if I'm to make some Gotham buildings. Speaking o which, the red bike will definitely become Robin's. Venice Chase: Much better than I anticipated! I'll be honest, I never was looking forward to this set until these awesome pics, now it is a top priority! Four new figs in one set is a total win. I love that it includes a piece of Venice too. The Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword figs look fantastic, I love that we finally get Fez's! The torsos are sweet too, very accurate, and the faces are awesome too, I especially like the new flesh tone. I'm so glad Indy gets new torsos this year, his looks great and useful. Elsa looks to be a new favourite fig, I love the amount of new hair we are getting and this is no exception. The boats are nifty too. Of course the torsos will most likely go to Gotham gangsters, and i'll ind uses or the heads, fez's and Elsa. For now though this is a top set! Fighter Plane Attack: To me this is the weakest set, and that is saing something good because this is a gd set. The biplane looks spectacular, and while the German fighter has an open cockpit or the large part it too looks good. I'm disappointed in the figs, but atleast I'll get another Henry Jones Snr, since my other one became Jeremiah Arkham. Really, the build is what rules her though, I doubt i'll take that biplane apart for a long ime, if at all, it is so well built. Unlike other sets, Batman really claims nothing from this one, so this stays pur Indy. Temple of Doom: Damn......I am excited. So much good here. Indy ith open shirt is once more appreciated, and another Willie is making my head explode with happiness. and we get the Marion hair in blonde! Squee! And Short round is here, much as I love him I'm not sold on his fig. I'll come around though I reckon. The mine cart track looks awesome, I love that it can bend like that, I'll have a lot of fun with variations. The two thuggee warriors also filly my heart with joy. I love that one has the skull face print while another completes the Pat Roach Indy character collection (I don't count the Blimp henchman since he was cut). And more turbans! Yay! Mola Ram looks great too (btw, how did Indy learn is name? In the movie it is never stated till Indy says it), neat use of those cow horns, that headpiece is spectacular. The rest of everything is also awesome, from the giant flames to the rock container to the brown support beams along with the main structure. I won't even bother naming what will be useful for Batma because there is so much! So yeah, I'm definitely getting all these sets, and an extra Cairo Ambush. This is tied with space Police as a major priority this year! Batbrick Away!
January 29, 200916 yr Seing the new track pieces, I guess we will me getting a new monorail system in the near future. These tracks aren't usefull for the new train system, since the gauge (space between rails) seems smaller... besides, no train could take such a steep track... So.... :D
January 29, 200916 yr And in usual tradition I always remark on how good this stuff can be used for my Batman display. The white ninja torso is perfect for young Bruce Wayne training in Japan, and the turban torso is even more perfect for Kyodai Ken, the ninja who has it in for him in that same episode:Nice source of bley for me too, I need a lot if I'm to make some Gotham buildings. Speaking o which, the red bike will definitely become Robin's. Of course the torsos will most likely go to Gotham gangsters, and i'll ind uses or the heads, fez's and Elsa. For now though this is a top set! Batman really claims nothing from this one, so this stays pur Indy. I won't even bother naming what will be useful for Batma because there is so much! So yeah, I'm definitely getting all these sets, and an extra Cairo Ambush. This is tied with space Police as a major priority this year! Batbrick Away! We Batman fans are forced to be creative this year but it looks like Lego won't lose out for dropping the line. Like the Space Police theme the Indy line has come up trumps for us, (but with the advantage of having fleshies). I'll be avoiding the fighter plane set as there is nothing here I can use but the rest are all on my list. The bad guys in the cemetery battle and ToD sets will be used with modded Space Police bad guy ships to create a street gang. The Venice Chase has lots of suits for city officals/citizens etc. as well as a couple more boats for Gotham harbour. (wish the fez's were 2/3 brick height instead of 1, though I can understand why Lego did it). ToD is just a sweet set (and we shall pay dearly for it I'm sure) - Willie will be used as a waitress in the Asian resturant/Triad hang out that I'm planning with the two Golden Sentai Towers I have ordered - who knows I might even incorporate the tracks into my Batcave for a more rapid transit system... Lego Batman is not dead, just wearing a good disguise.
January 29, 200916 yr I like how casual Indy in the Temple of Doom is cool enough to be holding an orange icey-pole while travelling in the mine-cart. He's all like 'Certain death? Whatever! I still have time for a refreshing snack before I defeat the bad guys.' Or maybe he thinks he's on a rollercoaster ride at Disneyworld Funny. It's one of the Sankara Stones. You can see two more in the skull behind Mola Ram.
January 29, 200916 yr My thoughts of the new Indiana Jones sumemr sets: 7195: Ambush in Cairo: This is a little dream set, because it will be cheap, it have good minifigures and great special parts. And we get a new Indy figure, with the tan torso. Besides two oriental guys and a Marion with another new torso. ~Must buy~ 7196: Chauchilla Cemetery Battle: A quite cool set, for all who want a crystall skull without buying an expensive temple. And I look forward to the two new figures, which have amazing heads and torsos. Besides you get another motorcycle. So a nice set, but without the figures a bit boring... ~Will be bought~ 7197: Venice Canal Chase: I think this it is really the best set of all. Two awesome ships, new red hats, and besides the first Elsa figure. Grat work from TLC, to see how they made the new hats, a good solution... So this is just perfect. ~Must buy~ 7198: Fighter Plane Attack: Another good set. I love there especially the planes, which looks so great and really good designed. The figures are not very new. Well we get another Henry Jones, but it's cheaper if you buy the older set, which contains him, too. My wish was to see an zeppelin, like in the 3rd movie, but well TLC decides different. ~Waiting for an better price~ 7199: The Temple of Doom: What for a giant set. I still love it, since I saw the first picture. And now we get there great figures, too. The railway and the temple are nice, I hope I can sliding the wagons on the rails. To this awesome figures, like Indy (with another head), Willie (another hairs like in the Shanghai Chase) and the best Mola Ram, who have an great ''crown''. ~Must buy~ So all in all we get very good new set's. And especially new great parts like the new flesh colour of the enemies, new fire bricks and a great Mola crown! Thanks LEGO for putting this into producting... Greetings 'Bricks'
January 29, 200916 yr My thoughts of the new Indiana Jones sumemr sets: 7195: Ambush in Cairo: This is a little dream set, because it will be cheap, it have good minifigures and great special parts. And we get a new Indy figure, with the tan torso. Besides two oriental guys and a Marion with another new torso. ~Must buy~ Egypt's not exactly in the Orient , but this is a great set and a must buy.
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