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If they are making a Thor: Ragnarok set, I really hope they'll make a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 one to finally give us an Ego minifigure.

Midi-scale helicarrier could be very interesting! I had the original and eventually sold it because it just took up too much space, but I could see this being a worthwhile replacement. I'll probably want the Iron Legion pack as an add-on for Avengers Tower, and maaaybe the AoU final battle if it's really something special (though I'll probably just Bricklink Quicksilver).

I know we don’t get Minifigures in the Midi scale Star Wars sets but if LEGO were to base the Helicarrier of Winter Soldier and throw in a Stealth Cap and Winter Soldier minifig I would never question LEGO again. 

Glad to see more Thor sets, though I'd have like to see something from one of the first 2 Thor movies since Lego gave never touched those films. A destroyer set seems ripe for the making. 

So many Figures I'd like to seem from these films too, just from the first one we have Odin, Frigga, Heimdall, Sif, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, Laufey.


Milano is my favourite ship of the Guardians, so nice to see it getting a UCS scale. The idea of labelling it as a 10th anniversary set is intriguing, perhaps we'll get some other sets labelled with this in the future.

Iron Legion vs. Ultron Bots sounds like a good battle pack, though it needs to have at least four figures for that price point (2 Vs. 2)

Avengers Battle, given the inclusion of Hulk, is probably going to be based on the final battle OR the Helicarrier Hulk scene. Lego really seem to be going all out on the big figs in sets this time. I can't personally see Lego giving us all the Avengers in a single $59.99 set. I expect it'll include Hawkeye because then it can act as a companion to 76248 - The Avengers Quinjet and fill out the roster. Perhaps Hulk, Hawkeye and some Chitauri with a Leviathan build?

AoU Final Battle set is nice but the inclusion of Hulk makes me question just what the set itself will look like. Including a big fig normally chews into the piece count and impacts the pricing so I'm not expecting much from the build itself. I hope it actually includes the entire line-up: Ultimate Ultron, Vision, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver. Ideally it needs some of the Ultron bots also, but I'm guessing that's why the battlepack exists...

The Midi Scale Helicarrier is intriguing. I'm expecting people to buy several of them to replicate scenes from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I'm still leaning towards them remaking the Helicarrier and this feels like a tease towards that. I'm guessing it won't have any figures given the price and piece count.

Surtur is neat, glad we are getting him - another antagonist from a prior film filled. I'm guessing it'll just be a brick-built Surtur, a throne/cage build, Thor and maybe a fire demon.

Potted Groot exists... It's something logical for that line of larger brick built figures I suppose.

Iron Man's Motorcycle, maybe we'll get a variant of Iron Man. Not expecting much from it.

Overall, sounds like a pretty good wave. Milano, Surtur Battle, Iron Legion Vs Ultron Bots, Helicarrier and AoU final battle are all on my radar.

4 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Mtdbricks on IG is teasing the summer wave as „one of the best ones we‘ve had“, with an Avengers logo :thumbup: Sounds good, if true!

Seems like a fairly good wave in concept, we just need to see the sets now to know for sure.

1 hour ago, Borex said:

But where are the X-Men?

X-Men Mansion is probably around November 8th, which was the release date of Deadpool 3 at one stage. I'm guessing any other X-Men sets would have been around that time also or maybe into early 2025.

40 minutes ago, josh_a_123 said:

we could finally see Thor with one eye in the Surtur set

1 hour ago, hvader said:

It’ll prob include a Hela remake no?

I'm guessing the Surtur set will just be a brick built version of Surtur, a throne/cage build and Thor as the only figure. Maybe throw in a fire demon figure. In general I'm expecting it to be based on the opening scene of Thor: Ragnarok.


18 minuti fa, Scarilian ha detto:

Il set di AoU Final Battle è bello, ma l'inclusione di Hulk mi fa chiedere come sarà il set stesso.

Hulk is rumored for Avengers 2012 set, no AoU. Or did I miss something?

My predictions for the minifigure lineup:

  • Iron Legion vs. Ultron Bots: Iron Legion (x2), Ultron Sentry (x2)
  • Surtur Battle: Thor, Fire Demon, brickbuilt Surtur
  • Avengers Battle: Hulk, Hawkeye, 2 Chitauri, brickbuilt Leviathan
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron – Final Battle: Iron Man Mk. 45, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor, Vision (with solid legs?), Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Ultimate Ultron
  • Milano: Groot (minifigure with long arms and legs), Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket (main outfits, though they could also end up doing the Ravager outfits and likely leave out Rocket), maybe some number of the following: Yondu, Korath, Nebula, Sakaaran


Edited by spiderfan2000

Sounds like a strong lineup, or at least one with lots of potential. Can't wait to see pics. 


26 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

I just saw Falcon's post, wow! Two Hulks :-O

Yep :3

31 minutes ago, spiderfan2000 said:

My predictions for the minifigure lineup:

  • Iron Legion vs. Ultron Bots: Iron Legion (x2), Ultron Sentry (x2)
  • Surtur Battle: Thor, Fire Demon, brickbuilt Surtur
  • Avengers Battle: Hulk, Hawkeye, 2 Chitauri, brickbuilt Leviathan

These sound about right considering the pricing.


The Surtur set could easily turn out looking something like the Zurg set.

Milano I'd lean to having 6 figures: Starlord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot and probably Ronan the Accuser. I think they'll have learnt from the complaints about the lack of including the full team in 76193 and this is a 10th anniversary set so they'd want to include all the heroes and the villain from GotG.

I can't see them dropping anyone from the AoU Final battle, I think it'd be more likely the build itself suffers in order to allow for a figure count that would include all the key characters. Perhaps not even have the majority of the building where they fight, just an open display where they have the 'Doomsday Trigger' in the centre and some random ruins around them.

By lowering the piece count of the build to around 500 pieces (Compared to Spider-man: NWH's Final Battle having 760 pieces), they could potentially justify 10 Figures: Big-Fig Hulk, Ultimate Ultron, Vision, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver. Noting that six of these would likely be repeated figures from other sets. I hope they would'nt have chosen to include Hulk if it meant sacrificing one of the other characters from the line-up, especially when we have Hulk in a cheaper set.

Edited by Scarilian

My thoughts-

Milano- excellent addition to the "plane or ship at near-UCS level" line. I hope it's got the full guardians 1 crew.

Iron Legion vs Ultron Bots: easy buy, excellent way to fill out both the tower and the final battle set. I'll definitely pick up one- I like the iron legion drone design a lot and to get them for this cheap is awesome.

Sutur battle- a nice cheap set to have Thor on shelves, and I'm sure Sutur will look cool.

Iron Man 4+ motorcycle- it's a 4+ set, good for young kids who want an iron man. Hope a villain figure is included.

Avengers battle- I wonder what this is. Maybe something like a remake of the 2012 set with hulk?

AoU final battle-sounds awesome, a great use of the black base style.

Helicarrier midi scale is cool, I like that they're branching out to other themes for the midi scale.


45 minutes ago, Scarilian said:

Milano I'd lean to having 6 figures: Starlord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot and probably Ronan the Accuser. I think they'll have learnt from the complaints about the lack of including the full team in 76193 and this is a 10th anniversary set so they'd want to include all the heroes and the villain from GotG.

I can't see them dropping anyone from the AoU Final battle, I think it'd be more likely the build itself suffers in order to allow for a figure count that would include all the key characters. Perhaps not even have the majority of the building where they fight, just an open display where they have the 'Doomsday Trigger' in the centre and some random ruins around them.

By lowering the piece count of the build to around 500 pieces (Compared to Spider-man: NWH's Final Battle having 760 pieces), they could potentially justify 10 Figures: Big-Fig Hulk, Ultimate Ultron, Vision, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver. Noting that six of these would likely be repeated figures from other sets. I hope they would'nt have chosen to include Hulk if it meant sacrificing one of the other characters from the line-up, especially when we have Hulk in a cheaper set.

I had thought that the bigger issue with 76193 was that Drax and the relevant versions of Gamora and Nebula had last appeared in 2017-2018, and were no longer available by the time 76193 came out. In this new case, the Warbird with Ravager Rocket and Ronan only just came out, and should remain available for at least most of the Milano's lifecycle.

Cap and Black Widow appearing in the Final Battle set seems a bit more plausible to me, as 76260 will have already been out for a bit longer at that point, though I could see that set sticking around for another year or so to be used as an expansion.  It should also be kept in mind that Age of Ultron Hulk would need to be a new variation with different pants, whereas the cheaper set can just reuse the Avengers Tower Hulk.  I had thought even the 7 minifigures and 1 bigfig I proposed seemed like quite a bit when compared to the likes of 76266.

Edited by spiderfan2000

I'd put money on a new Hela in the Surtur set, after Ronan being brought back.

Honestly what surprises me is the idea of two "final battle" sets featuring all of the Avengers. Hopefully there isnt a reprint of ohasing Vision in the AoU set lol.

Looks like theyre going after reprinting the old villains though, with Ronan and Ultron reappearing. 

Just now, thebricksbear said:

I'd put money on a new Hela in the Surtur set, after Ronan being brought back.

Not too tantalising of a notion though, after they didn't bring back Ronan's specialised hood piece. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a helmetless version :tongue: That said, the most likely outcome in my mind is her not being included in the first place, and the set coming with Valkyrie again instead.

76294 appears to have been skipped over. I wonder if that’s the X-Mansion.

I could totally see them repeating Ronan for the big Milano

Do I still need Avengers tower if they’re just including all the desired characters in this normal wave?

A Surtur set is by far the most interesting set of these reveals to me and I'm very glad it's cheap, though it might actually be too cheap as I would expect a Surtur build around the same size as the large action figure style we've been seeing the last several years. Everything else is a remake or covers material I'm not super interested in.

Wouldn’t Potted Groot be a botanical set technically?

and the Surtur set gives me a bit Grimkeeper the cage monster (dreamzzz) vibes. A big demon and a cage for Thor. 

Edited by Borex

1 hour ago, thebricksbear said:

I'd put money on a new Hela in the Surtur set, after Ronan being brought back.

Honestly what surprises me is the idea of two "final battle" sets featuring all of the Avengers. Hopefully there isnt a reprint of ohasing Vision in the AoU set lol.

Looks like theyre going after reprinting the old villains though, with Ronan and Ultron reappearing. 

I don't think the Avengers 1 set is a final battle in the way the AoU one is, just a play focused model to get more Avengers stuff on shelves 

I'm so excited for Surtur! Hopefully there are at least two minifigures - for the second I was hoping for Hela but a fire demon or two would be equally cool. 

Also has any leaker said the Milano is based off the first Guardians film? I can't help but feel that a ship set based off the second film could include a lot more interesting figures

I really think people are over-expecting on the Surtur set because of the final battle of that film, whereas it seems more likely the set is based on the opening of the film.  You should'nt really get your hopes up past Thor and a brick-built Surtur and maybe a Fire Demon. Heck, it could even be that the focus is on Surtur so he'll scale well with a potential Asgard set they have planned.

15 minutes ago, ToaDraco said:

A Surtur set is by far the most interesting set of these reveals to me and I'm very glad it's cheap, though it might actually be too cheap as I would expect a Surtur build around the same size as the large action figure style we've been seeing the last several years. Everything else is a remake or covers material I'm not super interested in.

If it's a buildable figure in the style of the recent action figure style ones we've been getting, then it's probably half of Surtur similar to how we got half of Sandman - in which case I would'nt be surprised if they are planning an Asgard set. Though I'd lean more to this Surtur being in the style of either Zurg (76831) or the Cage Monster (71455)

1 hour ago, spiderfan2000 said:

I had thought even the 7 minifigures and 1 bigfig I proposed seemed like quite a bit when compared to the likes of 76266.

True, I kinda forgot about 76266 existing honestly. That set had 1 big fig, 5 figures and a microfig along with a horse for Valkyrie. If we take out the horse and the microfig that should grant us an additional minifigure slot. So we'd be looking at something like 1 big fig and 6 figures. It kinda shifts my expectations on what the AoU final battle set would be. I've been thinking it'd have the focus be on the 'Doomsday Trigger', but what if it doesn't? What if it's actually adapting this scene:

In the movie the primary defeat of Ultimate Ultron is due to Vision, Thor and Iron Man blasting him with lasers/lightning before Hulk punches him away. I feel as such those five characters would be absolutely necessary for the set. At which point you have two additional slots for figures, so who else was the focal point of the film? Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch who are instrumental in the films overall plot. Quicksilver's death also motivates Scarlet Witch to finally end Ultron also so would tie in well.

So we'd have 1 big fig, 6 figures.

  • Hulk (Big-Fig)
  • Ultimate Ultron
  • Vision
  • Thor
  • Iron Man
  • Quicksilver
  • Scarlet Witch
7 minutes ago, Darth Shadowthrone said:

Also has any leaker said the Milano is based off the first Guardians film? I can't help but feel that a ship set based off the second film could include a lot more interesting figures

The set is a 10th anniversary set, GotG1 released in 2014 so chances are a 10th anniversary Milano would be based primarily on that film. I'd lean to the figures being focused around the first film while the ship will encorporate elements from all of its screen time.

Edited by Scarilian

38 minutes ago, hvader said:

I could totally see them repeating Ronan for the big Milano

Do I still need Avengers tower if they’re just including all the desired characters in this normal wave?

Agree about Ronan. I think he'll definitely be in the Milano.

And that same thought had crossed my mind about the Avengers Tower too. I haven't bought it yet but wondering if I'll need too.

Pretty stoked about the Marvel sets (except Groot obviously). Really hoping to get a solid Age of Ultron lineup in the $110 set. And I hope they do Surtur justice but the price kind of worries me

There aren't many sets in the January wave I really like, but looking at those sets AND the summer wave, it really looks like Lego is listening to it's adult fanbase. Nobody has said any more about whether the Captain Falcon set is still coming this summer, but that set aside, we've been begging for legacy sets and specific figs and lego is obliging.

I also wonder if the new Milano means we'll finally get the "tall" Groot we've been waiting for. Maybe even a new Drax shirtless torso for those still missing it?

If you bought the old Quicksilver, Drax, Ultron, Iron Legion, Hela, etc... on bricklink, now's the time to sell! :pir_laugh2:

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