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I know we're getting heavily off-topic here, but what annoys me the most from some of those ridiculous replies is the word "agenda".

No, including women in movies is not an agenda.

I genuinely have no idea why people act like suddenly the problem with the MCU is half the world's population. There's always the ridiculous counterargument "Well it's because they are badly written."

Okay, but you're acting like the only badly written MCU projects are the one with women as leads. Yes, She-Hulk was bad. I didn't like Ms. Marvel. Haven't seen The Marvels, but most people didn't seem to enjoy it.

But why are you ignoring other recent MCU projects? Secret Invasion turned out to somehow be the worst MCU project ever. Quantumania was awful. A lot of people really disliked Love and Thunder.

We're here to discuss LEGO, and not listen to blatantly sexist comments about the state of the MCU. Saying stuff like "If you ask almost everyone what they think of the MCU in it's current state and what the problems, there's no doubt they'll mention the feminist (men are bad the patriarchy) agenda that's getting thrown into everything we love, It's not hating women if we don't accept bad writing and agenda [...]" is an indicator that you're living in some weird kind of bubble where opinions like this are common.

@Lego Nostalgia It feels like you're starting this line of discussion anew every other day. It always comes back to women and women-led MCU projects, especially The Marvels

A lot of people on this forum, myself included, are tired of hearing your comments like this. Could you please stop talking about the MCU and its "feminist agenda"?

Could the mods please intervene in some way?

43 minutes ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

I know we're getting heavily off-topic here, but what annoys me the most from some of those ridiculous replies is the word "agenda".

No, including women in movies is not an agenda.

I genuinely have no idea why people act like suddenly the problem with the MCU is half the world's population. There's always the ridiculous counterargument "Well it's because they are badly written."

Okay, but you're acting like the only badly written MCU projects are the one with women as leads. Yes, She-Hulk was bad. I didn't like Ms. Marvel. Haven't seen The Marvels, but most people didn't seem to enjoy it.

But why are you ignoring other recent MCU projects? Secret Invasion turned out to somehow be the worst MCU project ever. Quantumania was awful. A lot of people really disliked Love and Thunder.

We're here to discuss LEGO, and not listen to blatantly sexist comments about the state of the MCU. Saying stuff like "If you ask almost everyone what they think of the MCU in it's current state and what the problems, there's no doubt they'll mention the feminist (men are bad the patriarchy) agenda that's getting thrown into everything we love, It's not hating women if we don't accept bad writing and agenda [...]" is an indicator that you're living in some weird kind of bubble where opinions like this are common.

@Lego Nostalgia It feels like you're starting this line of discussion anew every other day. It always comes back to women and women-led MCU projects, especially The Marvels

A lot of people on this forum, myself included, are tired of hearing your comments like this. Could you please stop talking about the MCU and its "feminist agenda"?

Could the mods please intervene in some way?

Someone mentioned they didn't like the marvels and I responded, simple and I'm not saying every women-led mcu projects are bad and yes Thor 4 and  Antman were terrible, but what I'm saying is the truth wether you like it or not, just be a shill and accept all the sludge disney will make since Phase 4, it's not sexist to not like bad movies, stop making it all about sexism jesus christ man that's all you can call me.

6 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

They were also one of my first introductions to marvel. Honestly I think they really snubbed Ioan Gruffudd in Multiverse of Madness, I mean if that office guy was gonna be Reed going forward that's one thing, but he's not anyway, so why not not indulge in a little nostalgia bait :laugh:.

I think you should watch it and make up your own mind. Personally its one of the my top 10 MCU movies, ( I did say top 5 when I'd first watched it,  but that was probably recency bais).  Though if you're the sort of person who uses the word woke unironically you probably aren't gonna like it.


Anyway forget all that, the reason I came to this thread is the next marvel magazine gift is a whole megablocks mircofighter, the Bowie with Star lord.

Funny enough I actually watched the Marvels last night on D+ and it was ok in my opinion. I’ve seen a lot worse comic book movies but it wasn’t a movie I feel like I missed out on in theaters. I feel like if it came out in 2022 it would’ve made a lot more money/been better received if they made some tweaks IMO. The only scene where I think I actually rolled my eyes was the musical planet scene but that’s just me. 

BUT I can see why you would think it’s a top 10 MCU movie even if I didn’t love it. I’d rather watch the Marvels over Quantumania or Love and Thunder any day tbh. 

It's like talking to a wall honestly, no point, the idiots who keep calling me sexist don't realize that I don't hate women,I hate these projects disney is making for the sake of ticking boxes, but hey call me all the lables you like because I don't give a shite anymore, you really are acting like those Twitter idiots who will defend anything disney does and call anyone out for their opinion by calling them all the lables in the book.

 I guess there's not many people on this forum that are conservative and they are a part of ''the modern audience''

Any let's just move on and stop making jabs, stop talking about the marvels then  I won't respond, and I swear to god if someone responds to me with a cheeky comment or making jabs you won't hear the end of it from me so if you want me to stop talking about this stuff and get back to lego then don't call me out and make a jab at me thanks and good luck :D

@Clone OPatra  can you sort this out please, I'm willing to stop if everyone gets along that's all I want is for everyone to get along and not fight over different opinions

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

1 hour ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

I don't get why I say I don't like a movie because of it's obvious agenda disney way and then I get burnt alive for stating so, I can't believe I have to defend myself on  a Lego forum but I will, I don't hate women it's how they're written and depicted in these modern superhero movies since 2019. If you ask almost everyone what they think of the MCU in it's current state and what the problems, there's no doubt they'll mention the feminist (men are bad the patriarchy) agenda that's getting thrown into everything we love, It's not hating women if we don't accept bad writing and agenda, I'd watch a woman led action movie if the story is good, the character is likeable and written well so don't come at me calling me lables that you'd see a lot of these weirdos call someone on Twitter for having an opinion that they don't like, I'm sick of it

Long time lurker felt compelled to sign-up. A bit sad this is going to be my first post but there we go.

Just so you know man, only liking female characters when they are written like men is still misogyny. There is space for everyone at the table, it’s ok if the lead in a movie doesn’t reflect you, try and learn to see the world through other peoples eyes. I personally think the Marvels is a great movie which suffered from being released after a series of (male-lead) misfires by Marvel, a broader downturn in cinema attendance caused by the rise in streaming platforms, and a smear campaign by a bunch of angry nerds who can’t handle studios trying make their precious superhero movies more appealing to a broader audience. The Marvels is a fun popcorn flick, just like all the best Marvel movies are and it’s a shame the one set they released for it was so overpriced.


Great to see a larger build coming in the Marvel magazine, it’s a shame I’m not a huge fan of the Bowie’s design and already have that figure but hopefully it’s a sign of things to come!

2 hours ago, PGBQW said:

Forgot Sarah Connor and Ripley!

MCJ user spotted on the LEGO Marvel thread, I’m revoking your Kino Card. Hand in your copy of Paddington 2, please.

23 minutes ago, BoyLego said:

Long time lurker felt compelled to sign-up. A bit sad this is going to be my first post but there we go.

Just so you know man, only liking female characters when they are written like men is still misogyny. There is space for everyone at the table, it’s ok if the lead in a movie doesn’t reflect you, try and learn to see the world through other peoples eyes. I personally think the Marvels is a great movie which suffered from being released after a series of (male-lead) misfires by Marvel, a broader downturn in cinema attendance caused by the rise in streaming platforms, and a smear campaign by a bunch of angry nerds who can’t handle studios trying make their precious superhero movies more appealing to a broader audience. The Marvels is a fun popcorn flick, just like all the best Marvel movies are and it’s a shame the one set they released for it was so overpriced.


Great to see a larger build coming in the Marvel magazine, it’s a shame I’m not a huge fan of the Bowie’s design and already have that figure but hopefully it’s a sign of things to come!

The thing is that comics were originally made for young men, then years later the activists made their way into the industry like leeches and then everyone wanted to be included, the main demographic for these movies and comics is men so is it not so bad that we are upset to see our favorite characters butchered and castrated.

They're focusing on characters that no one cares about like She-Hulk,Ms Marvel,Iron Heart and so on, Black Widow was great and now she's dead, Scarlet Witch is no where to be seen. I loved the old X-Men Movies because they acted like a team and no one was better than the other, Jean,Storm and Rogue were great and I'm sure they will show up in Deadpool & Wolverine. One of the only new female characters I like is Kate Bishop so if that still means I'm sexist then you truly are retarded.

Lest everyone forget this is a Lego forum and this thread is about Lego Marvel. 

This is not a discussion thread about the films, what you think of them, or what you think of the people in them. 


Stick to Lego discussion please.

Thank you. 

18 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

I don't mind the F4 Cast, not too bad actually looks decent although I don't know about Pedro, I like him as an actor but he doesn't seem Reed Richards to me, Kevin Feige was worried that the cast was too white (It's true look it up) I think Adam Driver would have been better since I can kind of see him play him well.

I actually think Kevin Feige is right here, I personally think a diverse F4 would be more interesting. I just don't think Pedro Pascal is right for the role.

My top pick for Richard Reed would've been Steven Yuen followed by Oscar Issac (Duke Leto form not Moon Knight). I don't see Adam Driver as Richard Reed at all imo.

Not a fan of the cast choice for Sue Storm or Human Torch... everyone just seems too old Pedro included for F4:

Marvel's Fantastic Four Casting update: Joseph Quinn as Human Torch,  Vanessa Kirby as Invisible Woman, and David Cross as The Thing. :  r/FantasticFour

Joseph Quinn Rumored To Play Johnny Storm In Marvel's 'Fantastic Four' -  Full Circle Cinema

7 minutes ago, Captain Nemo said:

Stick to Lego discussion please.

Well on the bright side we don't have to worry about casting choices for minifigs.

Hopefully the next Marvel CMF will be focused on F4, remaining X-Men, and also gives us a few villains (Strange Supreme, Ultimate Ultron, Mr. Sinister, etc.)

2 hours ago, DaredevilFan said:

To get back to Lego 😃 for the X-mansion what interiors would everyone like to see?I’m thinking we’ll get cerebro, a danger room with possibly a small sentinel style build. Some classrooms and a random prediction would be wolverine’s room to recreate the meme of him on his bed looking at the picture. Would also guess  a small x-jet similar to the quinjet in tower. 

These are all good options. Only other room I can think of is Beast’s lab. And, if they use the movie Cerebro design instead of the one from the old cartoon, a meeting room for the X-Men. I think it was officially called the situation room in the comics, but in the old cartoon, it was just the Cerebro room.

2 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Sì, è un peccato. Anche se come@Legocentricodice che è un po' strano ottenere due set che avranno in gran parte la stessa figura lanciata nella stessa onda.

I'm starting to think that the Avengers set isn't what we think..

2 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Wolverine's room is a genius idea, and given they did the "spider-man sitting at a desk with a picture of spider-man on the wall" meme, I think it might happen

I was hoping that the trailer would suggest something :-/ I have many doubts, the outside of the building is very sober, inside will we have rooms, kitchen and office??? Ok, there will be Easter eggs everywhere, but it's a super hero set, there must be play, action, dynamism! I'm sure Lego did something very desirable, but I just can't imagine how! :-D

im just hoping the costumes in the movie fit well with comic characters, I fear this might be the only time we get the fantastic four and while my number 1 pick would be comic figures (something like the videogames) Ill take what i can get as long as it fits in 

7 minuti fa, Surge ha detto:

temo che questa potrebbe essere l'unica volta che otteniamo i fantastici quattro

The only time? Why? F4 are here to stay bro :-)))

22 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

The only time? Why? F4 are here to stay bro :-)))

How many Eternals sets have we gotten since that film came out?

2 hours ago, Brickroll said:

MCJ user spotted on the LEGO Marvel thread, I’m revoking your Kino Card. Hand in your copy of Paddington 2, please.

You caught me Crossing Borders (2006).

I guess I shouldn't be surprised at all about this, makes sense people with the same interests would move on the same circles.



13 minutes ago, psqidexslizer said:

How many Eternals sets have we gotten since that film came out?

C'mon, man, you can't just pretend anyone has ever cared about Eternals. The fantastic 4, bad movies aside, are actually iconic characters.


54 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

I'm starting to think that the Avengers set isn't what we think..

Ominous. I like it.

Edited by PGBQW

5 minutes ago, PGBQW said:

C'mon, man, you can't just pretend anyone has ever cared about Eternals. The fantastic 4, bad movies aside, are actually iconic characters.

They were. But it’s been decades since they’ve had any meaningful exposure. The X-Men, despite the embargos and a handful of bad movies from Fox, have managed to stay relevant and we’re still only getting sets for them because of the 90’s show revival.

Edited by psqidexslizer

If Galactus being the villain is true, how would y'all hope to see him portrayed in LEGO? Giant Minifigure like Ares, Mechanized build like Arishem or just a minifigure. Obviously it's reliant on how he's adapted into the film but just an idea to discuss

49 minuti fa, psqidexslizer ha detto:

Quanti set di Eternals abbiamo ottenuto da quando è uscito quel film?

Has anyone declared that the franchise is over? link plus

8 minutes ago, GonzoTheGreat said:

If Galactus being the villain is true, how would y'all hope to see him portrayed in LEGO? Giant Minifigure like Ares, Mechanized build like Arishem or just a minifigure. Obviously it's reliant on how he's adapted into the film but just an idea to discuss

Bold of you to assume the main villain is going to be featured in one of the sets :laugh_hard: Seriously though, he should be an even larger-scale minifig like the Harry & Hermione ones from 2021

2 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Bold of you to assume the main villain is going to be featured in one of the sets :laugh_hard: Seriously though, he should be an even larger-scale minifig like the Harry & Hermione ones from 2021

Unless they bring back the 2007 flying fart. :grin:

Embrace the tradition.

1 minuto fa, BrickBob Studpants ha detto:

Audace da parte tua di supporre che il cattivo principale sarà presente in uno dei set:laugh_hard: Seriamente, però, dovrebbe essere una minifig su scala ancora più grande come quelle di Harry & Hermione del 2021

I don't want to touch on hot topics, but the villains who have been omitted in 2023 all have one common characteristic. Harrison Ford's Red Hulk is on the set, a giant alien played by a Caucasian actor (like the ones rumored for now) shouldn't be a problem.

It's a hot topic, I know, but we can't ignore it in this historical period. I anticipate that I will not respond to any provocation :-P

17 minutes ago, GonzoTheGreat said:

If Galactus being the villain is true, how would y'all hope to see him portrayed in LEGO? Giant Minifigure like Ares, Mechanized build like Arishem or just a minifigure. Obviously it's reliant on how he's adapted into the film but just an idea to discuss


6 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Bold of you to assume the main villain is going to be featured in one of the sets :laugh_hard: Seriously though, he should be an even larger-scale minifig like the Harry & Hermione ones from 2021

I second this! Theres one or two decent ones on rebrickable but one where we could get prints (okay stickers) would be good

Ps. we have Arishem, the dimensions in the film could be similar

1 hour ago, Legocentrico said:

I'm starting to think that the Avengers set isn't what we think..

I was hoping that the trailer would suggest something :-/ I have many doubts, the outside of the building is very sober, inside will we have rooms, kitchen and office??? Ok, there will be Easter eggs everywhere, but it's a super hero set, there must be play, action, dynamism! I'm sure Lego did something very desirable, but I just can't imagine how! :-D

One of the two has to be something else. I can't see us getting two "most of the core avengers in their circle shot" sets in the same wave.

I feel like the Danger Room and Cerebro should be enough interesting details, along with the standard action setpieces around it (clear bricks, explosions, etc), to keep it at the same dynamic level as the Bugle or Avengers Tower. Remember, the Bugle is mostly offices- the X-men's mansion would actually have a more play-oriented interior with said danger room.

1 hour ago, PGBQW said:

C'mon, man, you can't just pretend anyone has ever cared about Eternals. The fantastic 4, bad movies aside, are actually iconic characters.

What, the eternals are my favorite! Evil superman, Oppenheimer's op... the fast one.... uh, Angelina Jolie?

12 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

I don't want to touch on hot topics, but the villains who have been omitted in 2023 all have one common characteristic. Harrison Ford's Red Hulk is on the set, a giant alien played by a Caucasian actor (like the ones rumored for now) shouldn't be a problem.

It's a hot topic, I know, but we can't ignore it in this historical period. I anticipate that I will not respond to any provocation :-P

I'm gonna provoke you because Red Hulk is not an alien. :tongue:

11 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

I don't want to touch on hot topics, but the villains who have been omitted in 2023 all have one common characteristic. Harrison Ford's Red Hulk is on the set, a giant alien played by a Caucasian actor (like the ones rumored for now) shouldn't be a problem.

It's a hot topic, I know, but we can't ignore it in this historical period. I anticipate that I will not respond to any provocation :-P

That’s an interesting theory, but I don’t think that was the issue. For Kang, I think Lego was holding off on him until the Kang Dynasty sets released. As for High Evolutionary, I think he was skipped because the things he did weren’t exactly child friendly. Don’t get me wrong, most MCU villains do things that aren’t child friendly, but High Evolutionary went to a whole other level and we saw it in more graphic detail than most. Besides that, his design is kinda boring and wouldn’t make for an exciting minifigure.

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