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1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

The current rumour is 10, so there’s no reason to expect more

I would not count the information from Thebrickreporter as a rumour, because he is not so reliable. 

16 minutes ago, Duke27 said:

I would not count the information from Thebrickreporter as a rumour, because he is not so reliable. 

The information about "around 10" came from mtdbricks

Yeah, I'd be wary as taking the 'about' as meaning we get that many more. "About 10" feels like it means, say... "10 or 11" not "maybe 15"

McDonald's Toys of Captain America Brave New World have been revealed giving us our first look at "Ruth" and Red Hulk. Guess these are what they will look like in the film and the set that has been rumored

I'd be willing to take a slightly lower minifigure count if it means we get more sets down the lines with more characters (at a better value than the X-Jet), especially since there's more seasons of X-Men '97 coming up and this series arguably has the most goodwill towards it out of all current MCU products.

If this is supposed to be a one-and-done deal, though, then I want Lego to go all-out with the minifigs - especially if a significant portion are reusing prints and/or repeating characters. I don't think it would be unreasonable to think Lego could afford to give us 15ish minifigs in a $300 set, especially with reusing parts - though, I am still going to keep my expectations closer to 10 until we hear otherwise. 

2 hours ago, GonzoTheGreat said:

McDonald's Toys of Captain America Brave New World have been revealed giving us our first look at "Ruth" and Red Hulk. Guess these are what they will look like in the film and the set that has been rumored

And Falcon!

16 minutes ago, Buckethead said:

And Falcon!

And a character that if you translate from Romanian, is called 'cottage cheese'

(The actual translation is 'rattlesnake' from Portuguese, but that doesn't sound as threatening)

2 hours ago, NXS7 said:

And a character that if you translate from Romanian, is called 'cottage cheese'

(The actual translation is 'rattlesnake' from Portuguese, but that doesn't sound as threatening)

Too bad we're not getting a cottage cheese figure

6 hours ago, JohnTPT17 said:

I'd be willing to take a slightly lower minifigure count if it means we get more sets down the lines with more characters (at a better value than the X-Jet), especially since there's more seasons of X-Men '97 coming up and this series arguably has the most goodwill towards it out of all current MCU products.

If this is supposed to be a one-and-done deal, though, then I want Lego to go all-out with the minifigs - especially if a significant portion are reusing prints and/or repeating characters. I don't think it would be unreasonable to think Lego could afford to give us 15ish minifigs in a $300 set, especially with reusing parts - though, I am still going to keep my expectations closer to 10 until we hear otherwise. 

For $300, I'm expecting the mansion to be similar to the Home Alone set. I hope there's enough room to fit everything in though between the front entrance, Xavier's office, the Danger Room with observation deck, Beast's lab, the medical infirmary, the war room with Cerebro, and a holding cell. I presume there's no way to fit in an actual X-Jet hangar.

And I'd love to see the actual X-Men's bedrooms and the kitchen/living room area but I can see those falling to the wayside. If the X-Mansion has attic space like the Home Alone house does, hopefully that can at least be converted to Storm's living quarters from the comics where she keeps her plants. I don't remember there every being any classrooms in the show so I'd be fine with that being ignored. Classrooms in the mansion weren't really a thing until the movies.

Edited by JeanGreyForever

On 4/18/2024 at 2:46 AM, JeanGreyForever said:

I don't see us getting that look in the Mansion anyway. Maybe in potential S2 sets where hopefully a new mold won't be an issue.

More likely in a CMF at some point, honestly. 🫤

18 hours ago, GonzoTheGreat said:

McDonald's Toys of Captain America Brave New World have been revealed giving us our first look at "Ruth" and Red Hulk. Guess these are what they will look like in the film and the set that has been rumored

I really hope that LEGO swaps Sabra/“Ruth” for Diamondback (she would realistically only need a new torso print)! 

15 hours ago, NXS7 said:

And a character that if you translate from Romanian, is called 'cottage cheese'

(The actual translation is 'rattlesnake' from Portuguese, but that doesn't sound as threatening)


19 ore fa, GonzoTheGreat ha detto:

McDonald's Toys of Captain America Brave New World è stato rivelato dandoci il nostro primo sguardo a "Ruth" e Red Hulk. Immagino che questi siano come appariranno nel film e nel set che si dice

Would Ruth be Sabra?

On 4/19/2024 at 11:11 PM, Legocentrico said:

Would Ruth be Sabra?


On 4/19/2024 at 9:58 PM, Classic_Spaceman said:

I really hope that LEGO swaps Sabra/“Ruth” for Diamondback (she would realistically only need a new torso print)!

I'd rather have the Leader over either of them. Imagine telling someone in 2014 that we'd get a LEGO Sabra minifigure before the Leader :drunk:

On 4/19/2024 at 9:58 PM, Classic_Spaceman said:

Still not cooler than cottage cheese

1 hour ago, NXS7 said:

I'd rather have the Leader over either of them. Imagine telling someone in 2014 that we'd get a LEGO Sabra minifigure before the Leader :drunk:

I imagine the reaction would be the same if I told someone that after 10+ years of lego Marvel, we still don't have the Fantastic Four.

3 hours ago, NXS7 said:

I'd rather have the Leader over either of them. Imagine telling someone in 2014 that we'd get a LEGO Sabra minifigure before the Leader :drunk:

Leader needs more new printing and possibly a new head mould (or a reuse/recolour of the Thanos head, depending on his appearance), while Diamondback can be made with just a single new torso print (plain legs, reused head, and pink hair from EIA). 
If they quickly scrap “Ruth”, then they may not have the time or budget to replace her with an equally-detailed Minifig. I would honestly not be surprised if they just drop her without a replacement, or cobble together a President Ross with existing parts. 🫤

The X-mansion having 10 figs sounds about right. I think so long as Jean Grey, Professor X, Gambit, and Jubilee are included, it'll be a solid representation of the 90s cartoon (Haven't gotten around to '97 yet).

17 minutes ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Then they could use US Agent, who was already established (and set up to be a direct foil/rival for Sam) in FatWS. This would also allow for a cool ‘Cap-vs-Cap’ fight, which would not be possible with Sabra unless she has powers (which would probably be the result of SSS, so another overlap with Walker). While they could make her a Mutant like in the comics, SSS fits better with the Leader and Red Hulk. 

US Agent is in Thunderbolts, not Cap 4.

It's not necessarily a bad idea to use John instead, but they can still do so with Ruth, and Shira Haas can bring something to the role that Wyatt Russell as John maybe couldn't.

10 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

On the topic of something we should actually be discussing on the forum- lego sets, not an ongoing war- what are people's guesses for the 2025 D2C? A yearly pattern has been pretty firmly established now, with varying sizes of sets ($350 Bugle, $250 Sanctum, $500 avengers tower, $300 X-mansion).

I'm going with Oscorp. The bugle seems to be doing the best out of the ones released thus far, which I think is due largely to it being a spider-man set, comic-based, and with a high fig count. (The sanctum not doing as well due to being based on a much less popular character- it'd be a stretch to say that's an avengers modular-, primarily set in a film that wasn't very well-received, and having a much smaller number of figures). If lego wants to replicate the bugle's success while providing something different, Oscorp feels like the obvious choice. It's also spider-man focused, also comic-focused (assumably- I can't see them doing TASM oscorp or the generic Raimi Oscorp building), and would be able to dip into any spider-man sets released earlier that year, allowing for a high fig count. It'd also be our first "villain" building, so to speak, and if they go with the black, spire-like design a lot of interpretations have, it could really stand out against the other modulars. Some of the rooms it could include, besides a generic "lobby" room, Norman's office, a lab, etc, could be the goblin transformation chamber inspired by the raimi films, some sort of cloning room, and of course the spider exhibit.

I'm going with either the Daily Planet or Baxter Building. It makes more sense to release those while Superman and Fantastic Four are in the public eye by capitalizing on the hype for their upcoming films. I don't think we'll get both sets released in the same year but they are the two most relevant options to pick from for 2025.

Spider-Man is different where he doesn't need the outside media support like other superheroes do. An Oscorp set could be released at any point and it will sell well regardless. Its why I think that one is more likely to be saved later for a quieter year.

Everyone seems really confident that we'll get the Baxter Building next year as Marvel's D2C. Tbh I don't see it being a given.

If you look at all the past D2C modular buildings we've gotten, they all come from proven properties/franchises/movies. The Avengers has been a blockbuster since 2012 and had its last movie in 2019 but we only just got the Avengers Tower in 2023. The Sanctum Sanctorum was created because the Doctor Strange films have proven to be hits and the setting is important in several other movies like Infinity War. The Daily Bugle is safe because Spider-Man always sells. The X-Mansion is operating more on goodwill towards the X-Men and 90s nostalgia, hence why their comeback has been in a show designed to capitalize on when the X-Men were Marvel's biggest sellers.

But the Fantastic Four don't fit any of that criteria. They're not a time-tested property like Spider-Man or The Avengers now. They last time they were Marvel's top franchise was the 1960s. The previous films were either flops or didn't become part of pop culture and they're not really A-List icons anymore so is Lego really comfortable releasing an expensive D2C on a franchise/film that isn't a given success? Maybe a few years ago that would have worked when the MCU was on a high with Endgame and all the movies were automatic hits, but they've had very mixed results since then and audience reception is only dropping with each movie. I don't know if Lego will want to risk making a Baxter Building D2C set so soon for a movie that could very well underperform or flop. I think a Baxter Building is only likely some years from now if the FF movie is a success and able to successfully build into a franchise.

2 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

If General Ross does get a minifigure, I'm assuming this will be Harrison Ford's third Lego character after Han Solo and Indiana Jones unless I'm missing another character in between.


I’m putting it as a spoiler since we haven’t had any official reveal of his presence (yet), but we should be getting a Red Hulk bigfig. While it’s extremely unlikely to get Ross as well, I think this still counts for Ford’s third “minifigure.”



Edited by Rwbricks

7 minutes ago, Rwbricks said:
  Hide contents

I’m putting as a spoiler since we haven’t had any official reveal of his presence (yet), but we should be getting a Red Hulk bigfig. While it’s extremely unlikely to get Ross as well, I think this still counts for Ford’s third “minifigure.”

  Reveal hidden contents


Oh yes, good point! 


I forgot that they're the same character and so Red Hulk would technically count as Harrison Ford as well even if he's more CGI than Harrison. As I said in a previous post some pages back, Hulk is very popular with kids. There's no way Lego will miss out on a chance to release a new colored Hulk especially when he's probably the most exciting character from the lineup so far.



18 hours ago, wesker said:

I'm going with either the Daily Planet or Baxter Building. It makes more sense to release those while Superman and Fantastic Four are in the public eye by capitalizing on the hype for their upcoming films. I don't think we'll get both sets released in the same year but they are the two most relevant options to pick from for 2025.

Spider-Man is different where he doesn't need the outside media support like other superheroes do. An Oscorp set could be released at any point and it will sell well regardless. Its why I think that one is more likely to be saved later for a quieter year.

I see where you're coming from, but I just don't know that lego's going to take a risk on either of those. I really don't think we see the planet- I think they'll want to gauge how well the new superman does before doing more than a playset or two for it, seeing as DC has been almost unilaterally batman for half a decade now- and while the fantastic four has a higher chance off being marvel, I'm still not sure.

Well, there’s no guarantee we’re getting a new modular next year in the first place :tongue: Sure, there’s been one every year since  2021, but that doesn’t mean it’s still continuing as a yearly thing :shrug_oh_well: Next year’s D2C set might as well be a new Helicarrier

18 hours ago, wesker said:

I'm going with either the Daily Planet or Baxter Building. It makes more sense to release those while Superman and Fantastic Four are in the public eye by capitalizing on the hype for their upcoming films. I don't think we'll get both sets released in the same year but they are the two most relevant options to pick from for 2025.

The Baxter Building could be really cool. I don't think it would include many characters since we only know of 5-6 possible Minifigures so far. Hopefully, if true, they could compensate with a massive Galactus buildable along with the Baxter Building.

9 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

What are people's guesses for the 2025 D2C? A yearly pattern has been pretty firmly established now, with varying sizes of sets ($350 Bugle, $250 Sanctum, $500 avengers tower, $300 X-mansion)

The pattern doesn't have to mean anything, but the first set (Bugle) tied in with the regular sets and reused the figures/recycled misc parts with a high total fig count, the second (Sanctum) was tied to relevant media (DS:MoM) and introduced more new figs rather than repeating, with a low fig count, the third (Avengers Tower) tied in with Legacy sets, reused figures and recycled misc parts with a high fig total count, and the fourth (X-Mansion) ties to relevent media (97)... figures currently withstanding, but hopefully introduces more than it repeats with it's low fig count. If that pattern isn't a coincidence, next year's could be tied to the sets released at the start of the year.

I really do hope it's Oscorp, comic Spider Man sets have so much more to give than just the same 1.6 inches of Venom over and over. Since the Bugle gave us new heroes, and important civilians made from recycled parts, Oscorp could do the opposite with new villains and some villainous civilians made from recycled parts

12 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

On the topic of something we should actually be discussing on the forum- lego sets, not an ongoing war- what are people's guesses for the 2025 D2C? A yearly pattern has been pretty firmly established now, with varying sizes of sets ($350 Bugle, $250 Sanctum, $500 avengers tower, $300 X-mansion).

I'm going with Oscorp.

I hope so if its comics based mainly so we can can some new figures. My purchases of Marvel sets has drastically gone done due to this reason. I love the Modulars line just for the buildings though it takes a while to afford them. Bugle was great for characters like Daredevil, Blade, Punisher etc but as great as Avengers Tower looks, it comes with a bunch of repeated characters so isn't as exciting as the Bugle (I'd say this is true to most Marvel generic fans eg fans not tied to comics or MCU specifically).

Look at summer wave which sounds good but is basically all repeated characters. I miss the days where you could get a set for $20 that includes Ghost Rider and Hobgoblin (2 new characters at the time) and a generic Spider-Man and be pleased with the selection where as now for $25 you get a set with generic Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen and a variant of an existing character Green Goblin being taken over by another existing character in Venom.

The big Modular sets seem to be only way to get new characters these days unless they are MCU based. If its not Oscorp give us a comic Baxter or Kingpin Tower or an amalgamation of smaller buildings in one set like Nelson & Murdoch/Josie's Bar/Fogwell's Gym/Bar with No Name/Alias Investigations that wouldn't get a set by themselves with a bunch of cool new characters.

If it is Oscorp I quite like the version from Spider-Man game. Its basically a skyscraper like the Bugle with less windows with cool Oscorp sign maybe with cut corner on upper levels to give it a distinct appearance in the line up of Modulars.

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