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54 minutes ago, Legoman123 said:

How are you all seeing this X-Mansion leak?  What's the usual place? 


EDIT - I think I've got it, but is it just half the photo?

EDIT 2 - I'm guessing from the looks of it that we aren't going to be be getting any rooms in the roof area then which is a shame.  Maybe where the middle tower is they'll be able to fit a small room in to allow a dorm/storms attic. 

Yep, that’s the one. The blurry half photo.


17 minutes ago, CF Mitch said:

How are you people seeing anything in that picture, minifig-wise? :grin:

Or am I just seeing half of it?
What I do see (a corner of the mansion and the Sentinel) look absolutely great :wub: 
The dark orange is a bit unexpected, but will generally still look great with white trimming(?) and a black roof (I assume).


We can make out vague details like Iceman is solid white or Wolverine and Rogue appear to be reused from the X-Jet.

Oh goodie, more Venom :tongue:

30707 Venom‘s Museum Heist (credit goes to @Lego_Minecraft_Goat)

Since it‘s a polybag, I expect a display cabinet or two with a handful of artefacts for Venom to steal :grin:

8 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Oh goodie, more Venom :tongue:

30707 Venom‘s Museum Heist (credit goes to @Lego_Minecraft_Goat)

Since it‘s a polybag, I expect a display cabinet or two with a handful of artefacts for Venom to steal :grin:

Why is venom stealing stuff instead of eating people? Is he stupid?

Is it actually venomised Black Cat?!!

Thundebolts is looking promising.

7 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Why is venom stealing stuff instead of eating people? Is he stupid?

No, but Lego is

Thunderbolts looks great, we need at least two sets to cover all the figures. Seems like we should because team up movies normally get lots even Eternals 

25 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Oh goodie, more Venom :tongue:

30707 Venom‘s Museum Heist (credit goes to @Lego_Minecraft_Goat)

Since it‘s a polybag, I expect a display cabinet or two with a handful of artefacts for Venom to steal :grin:

Look at yourself, Venom. You used to be somebody. Running around the streets of Lego city as a giant dinosaur. Using your mech suit to takedown Spider-Man’s jet. Heck, you were out there Venomizing the A-team. Green Goblin. Doc Ock. Iron Man. There was a time when it seemed like you could Venomize the entire Avengers roster. But now look at you? Reduced to stealing a comically oversized diamond. And in a polybag no less. Not even a proper museum playset. What happened to you, man? 

the only missing Venom at this point is bigfigure but lego is blind to that

1 hour ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Why is venom stealing stuff instead of eating people? Is he stupid?

Why does Ironman need a car for chasing the Red Hulk?

After watching the Thunderbolts teaser... Meh.

I dunno - I think a part of the charm of the other Marvel movies, for me at least, is the superpowers and the spectacle. It doesn't always need to be that - Winter Soldier is still probably in my Top 3 - but this just looks like any old heist movie to me. Maybe if I cared more about these characters, it would be an enjoyable romp to just watch them go on an adventure - but I just don't care about them at all. Even the poster is a jumbled, disorganized swath of bodies. I can see why other people might be interested in it - but it (and any accompanying sets) are a pass for me.

Hopefully we see the rest of the X-Mansion this week though - I'm going to hold off any judgement until we see something that's not smeared in Vaseline, so I can get a good feel for the actual colors, size, and content.

42 minutes ago, brickbride said:

Why does Ironman need a car for chasing the Red Hulk?

Walking is too slow and flying drains a lot of power. Power he needs to fight Red Hulk.

The Thunderbolts* trailer looks really good (the knife sequence was a fun bit of entirely-unintentional teamwork)! Yelena seems to be the main character, and we get to see at least one of her pre-team missions (the lab), possibly as the opening scene. I am a bit worried for Taskmaster, since she is barely in the trailer (just the trap and meeting with Val scenes) and has no lines, and since we see Ghost using her bow. Also, someone seems to be auctioning off powerful objects (Loki's scepter), so I wonder if DODC or Sharon (Power Broker) will appear. 🤔
We need 2-3 sets for this, since Yelena, Red Guardian, US Agent, Ghost, Taskmaster, Bucky, Bob, and (maybe) Val are too many characters for just one set! 

The person who leaked the washed out image of the x-mansion on insta back in July - ‘quaffle.leaks’ appears to have posted the Gambit Torso (apparently overlaid on top of a custom). Says more will be shared tomorrow.

Edited by Chris10

I may be in the minority judging by comments, but my hopes are a little dashed looking at that X-mansion leak. It looks positively puny to me, and will need some serious moc work to bring it up to desirable status.

8 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

There’s some more rumors floating around on instagram (palnetttt is the source, not sure how reliable he is).

- Spider-Man mech is PS4 based

Any chance this comes with a Spider-Man minifigure also in his PS4 costume?

6 minutes ago, Yoggington said:

I may be in the minority judging by comments, but my hopes are a little dashed looking at that X-mansion leak. It looks positively puny to me, and will need some serious moc work to bring it up to desirable status.

It's not just you. I feel the same way. The Sentinel is basically the same height as the X-Mansion. I had doubts about how much they could fit into the interior but now I'm sure it's going to be disappointing just based on how the exterior looks. There's barely going to be room inside.

19 minutes ago, Chris10 said:

The person who leaked the washed out image of the x-mansion on insta back in July - ‘quaffle.leaks’ appears to have posted the Gambit Torso (apparently overlaid on top of a custom). Says more will be shared tomorrow.

Bizarre way to leak it, but the torso print looks good.

9 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:

Any chance this comes with a Spider-Man minifigure also in his PS4 costume?

Figures are not PS4 inspired, per the same source.

Just now, psqidexslizer said:

Figures are not PS4 inspired, per the same source.

Of course they wouldn't be. I doubt I'll be picking that set up then.

21 minutes ago, Chris10 said:

The person who leaked the washed out image of the x-mansion on insta back in July - ‘quaffle.leaks’ appears to have posted the Gambit Torso (apparently overlaid on top of a custom). Says more will be shared tomorrow.

Thank you, looking forward to seeing more tomorrow.

8 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

There’s some more rumors floating around on instagram (palnetttt is the source, not sure how reliable he is).

- Endgame set has a mech

- Spider-Man mech is PS4 based

- Spot has leg printing

Already knew the first. Honestly, Ant-Man as a  mech will look kinda goofy, no matter which way you slice it.

Disappointed that it’s just the mech that’ll be PS4 inspired and not the Spidey as well. It is what it is, I suppose.

Glad to see LEGO won’t cheap out on Spot. Maybe arm-printing could be used as well, but I find that less necessary than leg-printing. 

Side note, it’s so nice to see multiple sources confirm that, indeed, Spider-Verse will be included in the set title. :D

6 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Oh goodie, more Venom :tongue:

30707 Venom‘s Museum Heist (credit goes to @Lego_Minecraft_Goat)

Since it‘s a polybag, I expect a display cabinet or two with a handful of artefacts for Venom to steal :grin:

This was a mistranslation, it's 30707 Venom's Gambling Addiction. It comes with Movie Venom and a slot machine.

4 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

Walking is too slow and flying drains a lot of power. Power he needs to fight Red Hulk.

This is what his roller skates are for.

3 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

The Thunderbolts* trailer looks really good (the knife sequence was a fun bit of entirely-unintentional teamwork)! Yelena seems to be the main character, and we get to see at least one of her pre-team missions (the lab), possibly as the opening scene. I am a bit worried for Taskmaster, since she is barely in the trailer (just the trap and meeting with Val scenes) and has no lines, and since we see Ghost using her bow. Also, someone seems to be auctioning off powerful objects (Loki's scepter), so I wonder if DODC or Sharon (Power Broker) will appear. 🤔
We need 2-3 sets for this, since Yelena, Red Guardian, US Agent, Ghost, Taskmaster, Bucky, Bob, and (maybe) Val are too many characters for just one set! 

A few of my quick thoughts:
I wasn't sold on Steven Yeun Sentry, but after seeing the other guy (who does an excellent job as well) in the trailer I now fully understand why they wanted him, even if I'm still fine with him not ending up with the role since he's already playing someone who's fought alongside Spider-Man.

Is John Walker babysitting a kid from his late friend's family? I can't imagine he'd settle down and have a kid himself with where he appears to be mentally, and I just really like the idea for his character- even if he isn't doing a great job, being distracted by his phone.

Your idea of the DODC auctioning off stuff they confiscated on the black market is incredible and probably the most accurate marvel representation of a government intelligence agency.

They do more or less an exact replica of the Bucky scene, down to the Cap character asking if it was him. 

Very excited overall, Yelena, Ghost, and John are three of my favorite characters, and this looks like it's got the right tone and isn't obligatorily turning any of them into either a bad guy or a straight up hero. Aside from NWH, a couple mechs, and the Morbius set for less than the price of a mech, I haven't bought any other marvel sets in the past 5 years, but this would easily break that if there are nice figures of John, Yelena, Ghost, Bucky, etc.

All Palnetttt’s Marvel leaks have made me less excited for the upcoming sets. 

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Is John Walker babysitting a kid from his late friend's family? I can't imagine he'd settle down and have a kid himself with where he appears to be mentally, and I just really like the idea for his character- even if he isn't doing a great job, being distracted by his phone.

He has a wife in FatWS, so I assume the kid is his. 

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Your idea of the DODC auctioning off stuff they confiscated on the black market is incredible and probably the most accurate marvel representation of a government intelligence agency.

The DODC got the objects legally, as they are tasked with cleaning up the Avengers' messes; I suspect that they are selling things on the black market, though. Also, on a second viewing, the event seems to be in honour of the Battle of New York, where putting Loki's scepter on display makes absolutely no sense (regardless of whether it is functional or not without the Mind Stone, it is a dangerous piece of alien tech that needs to be kept safe - And it was one of the weapons used to incite the battle in the first place!); monuments to the fallen heroes and first responders would make more sense at a memorial gala, so I still think it is an auction. 

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

They do more or less an exact replica of the Bucky scene, down to the Cap character asking if it was him. 

Calling it now: In an inversion of the TWS scene, Bucky is saving the team from the military (maybe sent by Val after they go rogue?). He first attacks multiple humvees before disabling the Thunderbolts' car, so I doubt that he is trying to harm them.

Also, on rewatching the trailer, Yelena wears the same outfit for the lab scene, hallway fight, and building explosion, so these are definitely all part of the same sequence (again, I think that it is the opening). 
Potential Tasky spoiler (not that she dies, though I do worry about that!): 


Is Taskmaster working for Val? Her appearances in the trailer are odd (IMO if she were just a Slipknot, then the trailer would feature her more prominently); we see the five others (including Bucky, so this likely takes place after the chase scene) in the elevator and walking into Val's office, but Tasky just materialises for the team-up shot. Also, her reaction to the trap (at least, how she seems to react via editing) seems to be to look around at the others, not find a method of escape. Combined with my suspicion that the trap is not actually designed to kill Yelena, Walker, Ghost, and Tasky, but to bring them together in order for Val to force a team-up, I think she may be evaluating their performance so that she can report back to Val. 

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I believe that everything we see in the trailer is a setup: Val independently recruits multiple mercenaries to infiltrate the same facility (Bob's prison?), then traps them inside; the mercs team up and escape (as they believe that someone wants them dead), and Yelena goes to Red Guardian for help. After this, the military (who has been tracking the pseudo-team) appears and attacks, but Bucky rescues them (also sent by Val to bring in "rogue operatives"); all of this concludes with the revelation in Val's office that she had the entire thing orchestrated to bring together a team selected for a specific mission and overseen by Taskmaster. 
This structure also would explain why Marvel is making such a big deal about the asterisk - The full title for the movie will be Thunderbolts: The Dark Avengers


A little off-topic, but I just built the Milano, and... wow. Genuinely the best LEGO set I've put together, the techniques absolutely blew my mind. The one complaint I have is the minifigure selection being a little boring, but not a big deal. And Baby Groot is adorable! 

But yeah, if anyone's on the fence, buy it. You won't regret it - insane building experience, and it's HUGE.

3 hours ago, Yoggington said:

I may be in the minority judging by comments, but my hopes are a little dashed looking at that X-mansion leak. It looks positively puny to me, and will need some serious moc work to bring it up to desirable status.

3 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

It's not just you. I feel the same way. The Sentinel is basically the same height as the X-Mansion. I had doubts about how much they could fit into the interior but now I'm sure it's going to be disappointing just based on how the exterior looks. There's barely going to be room inside.

Agreed. Not only does it look small, but it also feels very plain for what should be a semi-ornate building. So even buying two sets to increase the size a bit may not fix it, as it's all too simplistic.

It's like when you get a great Friends building and decide to scale it up to a full modular building and appropriate level of detail. You need three of the Friends sets and a bunch more besides.

Although that may be a poor analogy, as the Friends line contain some of the best sets LEGO produces. So it really depends whether you're looking for scale, detail, and accuracy, or a play experience and good impression of the X-mansion.


So I'm guessing set numbers 76305 and 76306 are Thunderbolts* sets?

Those two numbers are set numbers that are in the middle of the 2025 LEGO Superheroes set number list that haven't been revealed yet (76304 is probably a Gunn Superman set). 

Besides the Thunderbolts* and Fantastic Four: First Steps sets, What are some sets do you think are likely for Summer 2025? 

For the later half of next year (Summer 2025 wave), I feel like we could likely get, based on LEGO trends recently with Superheroes: 

Miles Morales Mask (Similar to 76285)

4+ Iron Man Hall of Armor (similar to the Batcave one this year and I'm surprised we've never gotten a 4+ Hall of Armor yet) 

A Sentinel Set (a near identical similar build to the one in the X-Mansion with 3-4 reused minifigures)

Buildable Adult Groot (From GOTG Vol.1) 

6 hours ago, poisonbricks said:

A little off-topic, but I just built the Milano, and... wow. Genuinely the best LEGO set I've put together, the techniques absolutely blew my mind. The one complaint I have is the minifigure selection being a little boring, but not a big deal. And Baby Groot is adorable! 

But yeah, if anyone's on the fence, buy it. You won't regret it - insane building experience, and it's HUGE.

Thanks, that's good to hear, thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to getting it. I agree about the figures, it could easily have included Ronan as thats in production at the moment. If it had included the collector I'd have bought it day 1, but I'm waiting for a decent discount. 

Thunderbolts Trailer looks interesting however I don't like Taskmaster since it's not Tony Masters and the team selection isn't the best, If I was running things I'd have, Yelena,Ghost,Deadpool,Punisher,Red Hulk,Agent Venom and Bucky

I hope they don't nerf Sentry

4 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Thunderbolts Trailer looks interesting however I don't like Taskmaster since it's not Tony Masters and the team selection isn't the best, If I was running things I'd have, Yelena,Ghost,Deadpool,Punisher,Red Hulk,Agent Venom and Bucky

I hope they don't nerf Sentry

Thank god you're not running things, because that roster makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. (Don't take that too seriously. :tongue:)

Deadpool isn't even on Earth-616. Punisher isn't in the MCU at this point (unless you count the retroactive additon of the Netflix series). Red-Hulk would've been barely introduced by then. Venom isn't in the MCU at all.

But even without the whole MCU-lore context, I don't like your roster because it includes too many standalone, well-known characters. Deadpool, Punisher and Venom already have their own projects. There's absolutely no need for them to steal the spotlight of other characters. 

What I appreciate about the movie is that they made a team out of characters which don't really have a place in the MCU at this point, and otherwise would've been forgotten or sidelined.

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