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1 minute ago, Legocentrico said:

Does anyone understand what the “missing” and “collected” on the sticker with the faces refers to?

Just guessing, but I think collected means arrested while missing means they’re presumed dead but because it’s the X-Men it’s just as likely they’re lost in time fighting aliens in another dimension.

8 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

Does anyone understand what the “missing” and “collected” on the sticker with the faces refers to?

It’s a reference to the Days of Future Past cover, which lists mutants as either being “apprehended” or “slain.” It has been LEGO-ified, which works, as it would be odd to list characters as slain when they appear in the set. 

I do find it a bit odd that Jean in the sticker has a different hair piece than the one in the set. Maybe Jean is Mystique and Gambit is Morph, with the amount they change their looks. 

StoneWars did a slider comparison of the Mansion with the Natural History Museum for anyone who's interested. Both have two storeys but the Mansion is a lot shorter (and when the Museum came out there were some complaints that it didn't look imposing enough!). I don't think the Mansion woild look all that good in a city setting and it's not meant to be located in one anyway, so why did they even bother to make it compatible at this size/piece count?

20 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

Does anyone understand what the “missing” and “collected” on the sticker with the faces refers to?

The cover art of Days of Future Past.

A bit off topic, but as a big young avengers fan I loved today’s episode of Agatha. How likely do we think it is that it gets some representation in CMF3 - Billy and Rio maybe?

Edited by HadesKing28

The GWP is disappointing. I won't have a problem missing that. Would have preferred something that actually fits into the mansion.

On the DOFP poster, is that Cable beneath Cyclops? And below Jean and next to Rogue, is that supposed to be Wolverine but out of costume?

The references to Nightcrawler, Dazzler, Cable(?), and Jubilee in the GWP seem to suggest they're the most likely candidates for more X-Men sets or in the CMF series. Well, maybe not Dazzler but then again, it's interesting that she shows up in an easter egg in this set but also is appearing in the next Lego movie.

32 minutes ago, HadesKing28 said:

A bit off topic, but as a big young avengers fan I loved today’s episode of Agatha. How likely do we think it is that it gets some representation in CMF3 - Billy and Rio maybe?

Yes, before when it was rumored that Billy would show up in Agatha's show, I predicted he might get a minifig in the next CMF. There aren't many high-profile characters left so he's an obvious choice.

1 hour ago, Rwbricks said:

I do find it a bit odd that Jean in the sticker has a different hair piece than the one in the set. Maybe Jean is Mystique and Gambit is Morph, with the amount they change their looks. 

The amount of discrepancies between the hairpieces in the pics and actual set are building up at this point. I wonder if the alternate hairstyle for Jean on the poster could also be an easter egg to Madelyne Pryor, but Maddie wears her hair long and open. Not a different style of ponytail.

1 hour ago, Legocentrico said:

Does anyone understand what the “missing” and “collected” on the sticker with the faces refers to?

They could be ideal candidates for a series 3 cmf

4 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:

On the DOFP poster, is that Cable beneath Cyclops? And below Jean and next to Rogue, is that supposed to be Wolverine but out of costume?

Its a shame they didn't have collected over released minifigures and missing over characters we haven't received in physical form yet. Would have been a nice easter egg. Cable and Old Man Logan only two characters we haven't got on the poster.


Edited by upliftingbricks

2 minutes ago, upliftingbricks said:

Its a shame they didn't have collected over released minifigures and missing over characters we haven't received in physical form yet. Would have been a nice easter egg. Cable and Old Man Logan only two characters we haven't got on the poster.


Ok, that is Old Man Logan then. The hairpiece they gave Logan really doesn't suit him imo.

I forgot to mention that besides Nightcrawler, Dazzler, Cable, Old Man Logan, and Jubilee, there's also Angel. He's featured on the UXM #1 comic featured in Wolverine's bedroom. So there's at least 6 characters depicted we don't have minifigs of between the X-Mansion set and the GWP Cerebro set.

1 hour ago, brickbride said:

StoneWars did a slider comparison of the Mansion with the Natural History Museum for anyone who's interested. Both have two storeys but the Mansion is a lot shorter (and when the Museum came out there were some complaints that it didn't look imposing enough!). I don't think the Mansion woild look all that good in a city setting and it's not meant to be located in one anyway, so why did they even bother to make it compatible at this size/piece count?

Just checked this out, that’s quite the difference! 

2 hours ago, brickbride said:

StoneWars did a slider comparison of the Mansion with the Natural History Museum for anyone who's interested. Both have two storeys but the Mansion is a lot shorter (and when the Museum came out there were some complaints that it didn't look imposing enough!). I don't think the Mansion woild look all that good in a city setting and it's not meant to be located in one anyway, so why did they even bother to make it compatible at this size/piece count?

Just looked it up on their site and wow, the X-Mansion was really downsized in comparison. I'm expecting a lot of MOCs to increase its height and expand the mansion.

Looking at videos of the interior, it's nice to see that Beast's lab was included. Although I don't think it's accurate to the show, I like the decision of placing Cerebro behind the balcony doors as the main lab. Also featuring the medical bed where Wolverine's skeleton can be examined.

Lots of easter eggs besides the ones pictured and mentioned before. Wolverine's bedroom seems to feature a second bed, which I guess belongs to Jubilee since it features her bubble gum wrapper. The statue of liberty figure in the bedroom is a reference to the first X-Men movie's climax. There's also a calendar of Wolverine on the beach barbequing sausages. This is a wonderful comic reference to the 90s, when Marvel used to do swimsuit/beach specials for their characters, particularly the X-Men.


The dumpster seems to feature the fedora (which I still think is meant to represent Wolverine in the comics rather than Beast from the show), Jubilee's chewing gum, Nightcrawler's sword, and Magneto's coin from the First Class movies. The back wall features graffiti mentioning Pixie and Pyro.

The entrance hall/lobby features a portrait of Xavier and Magneto opening the school together as friends. Definitely more a reference to the movies than the comics. And a portrait of the five original X-Men so Angel actually gets two depictions in this set besides the UXM #1 comic. Also a newspaper referencing the Mutant Registration Act. I'm a little confused as to why the Danger Room sign is placed above the front doors of the mansion though instead of the hallway leading to the Danger Room.

The classroom's hidden wall depicts Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister. Hopefully hints for future villain characters in minifig form. Also a travel guide to Japan so we get a second Wolverine reference to his time in Japan, besides the Yashida sword in his bedroom.

10 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:

Magneto's coin from the First Class movies.

Wow, that's dark! *huh* Awesome reference though!

6 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Wow, that's dark! *huh* Awesome reference though!

If you think that's dark then you clearly haven't seen much at all, A coin going through a guys head is nothing compared to what Batman villains do 

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

I avidly await the X-Men/Office crossover memes.

I am low-key glad the GWP is so weak, now I can put the X-Mansion on my long list instead of my shortlist.

34 minutes ago, Yoggington said:

I avidly await the X-Men/Office crossover memes.

I am low-key glad the GWP is so weak, now I can put the X-Mansion on my long list instead of my shortlist.

Funny enough they done that with some cartoon on Cartoon Network years and years ago, think it was called ''MAD''

I don't think I've ever seen a weirder disconnect between a GWP and the D2C set that it's accompanying, it's like if Avengers Tower included a GWP that was comic based. Making it a completely different looking Cerebro from a separate continuity (with a sticker featuring a character that only appeared in the original Fox movies as a blink and you'll miss it cameo) just feels like a waste. And one of the biggest offenders of the set for me, not even including some kind of piece to represent the actual helmet. Fortunately, the metallic silver Power Miners helmet exists and is by far the closest thing to Cerebro's helmet, definitely going to need to order 2 of them off Bricklink so that I can replace Xavier's flower pot that's used in the Mansion.

And speaking of D2C's, the Marvel Mission Demolition special had another clip uploaded and this one shows that the Frightful Four are in it as well. So besides getting a glimpse at what the potential Thing big fig might look like next year and a cameo from an invisible Sue Storm, Lego really seems to want to drum up interest on the Fantastic Four side of things with this special. I can definitely see the Frightful Four appear in a hypothetical D2C Baxter Building since Lego already designed them here. They could've gone with any other villain that appeared in the MCU for the Avengers to fight but they went down this route instead, which I couldn't be more happier about.

Edited by TheBatstan

6 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

The dumpster seems to feature the fedora (which I still think is meant to represent Wolverine in the comics rather than Beast from the show), Jubilee's chewing gum, Nightcrawler's sword, and Magneto's coin from the First Class movies. The back wall features graffiti mentioning Pixie and Pyro.

The entrance hall/lobby features a portrait of Xavier and Magneto opening the school together as friends. Definitely more a reference to the movies than the comics. And a portrait of the five original X-Men so Angel actually gets two depictions in this set besides the UXM #1 comic. Also a newspaper referencing the Mutant Registration Act. I'm a little confused as to why the Danger Room sign is placed above the front doors of the mansion though instead of the hallway leading to the Danger Room.

The classroom's hidden wall depicts Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister. Hopefully hints for future villain characters in minifig form. Also a travel guide to Japan so we get a second Wolverine reference to his time in Japan, besides the Yashida sword in his bedroom.

Good catches!

A designer confirmed that the Fedora belongs to Beast. 
2 Danger Room sticker reference different Earths:

E(arth) 13122 - Lego Marvel Universe

E(arth) 92131 - XMen and Spiderman Animated

With the X-Mansion revealed, I know none of us on this forum have the set yet obliviously, but how would you all rank the LEGO Marvel Modular collection? 

I'd Say (Best To Worst):

Bugle > X-Mansion > Avengers Tower > Sanctum 

Bugle is Perfect, with X-Mansion and Avengers Tower being Near Perfect.

I was pretty underwhelmed by the Sanctum personally, but that's just me. 

Edited by calebcold3

1 hour ago, TotoMagnus said:

Good catches!

A designer confirmed that the Fedora belongs to Beast. 
2 Danger Room sticker reference different Earths:

E(arth) 13122 - Lego Marvel Universe

E(arth) 92131 - XMen and Spiderman Animated

Thanks for confirming about the fedora!

And for letting us know about the alternate universe references. I like that they included the 90s animated universe!

49 minutes ago, calebcold3 said:

With the X-Mansion revealed, I know none of us on this forum have the set yet obliviously, but how would you all rank the LEGO Marvel Modular collection? 

I'd Say (Best To Worst):

Bugle > X-Mansion > Avengers Tower > Sanctum 

Bugle is Perfect, with X-Mansion and Avengers Tower being Near Perfect.

I was pretty underwhelmed by the Sanctum personally, but that's just me. 

My rankings would basically be the same. The Daily Bugle is superb. I have a few issues with the minifigs (lack of MJ, Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock, an actually accurate Gwen, etc.) but the set itself couldn't possibly be improved.

X-Mansion I'm mixed on. The mansion is a little too small for my taste but the interior makes up for it by really including everything important. Only the space inside is rather cramped and I don't like the Cerebro helmet which literally looks like a lampshade. The minifigs and the lack of dual molded legs, arms, and details are my main issues with the set. I can live with only 10 minifigs but if we're only getting 10, they should all be the best 10 minifigs possible and that's clearly not the case. But as an X-Men fan, even a mid-tier X-Mansion ranks high for me.

Avengers Tower looks great on the outside and has a large assortment of minifigs. But the interior is lacking.

Sanctum Sanctorum I think looks excellent on the exterior but I do think the fact that only one side of the house curves and the other ends straight makes it look incomplete. The minifigs are very few (and also lack detailing), plus as someone who's not a big MCU fan, most of the easter eggs and references are wasted on me. For both this and the Avengers Tower, I would have preferred comic versions.

Mansion looks good on the outside, the rooms itself are sadly way to small to do anything with them. Then again, most of the time I see all my lego buildings from the outside.


The Minifigs look good. Many could have been better, but TLG doesn`t care and the fans don`t care, too, so why invest in more quality?


When it`s out with a nice discount, I may buy it.

I was looking at the scale of the X Mansion next to the other marvel modulars and still really surprised by just how small it is.

Looks like the windows line up with those on the sanctum which means the main building is only half the height (2 levels of windows vs 4 in the sanctum). 

Also means the bottom of the X Mansions roofline is roughly in line with the bottom of the tv screens on the Bugle.

i expect we’ll see a few MOCs attempting to make it bigger - either by adding a floor, widening the hallways or adding in taller windows and roof. Slightly disappointing for a set of this cost.



10 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

If you think that's dark then you clearly haven't seen much at all, A coin going through a guys head is nothing compared to what Batman villains do 

I meant dark for a LEGO set. And it‘s not just dark for what Magneto does with the coin, it‘s also what kind of coin it actually is and what it represents :tongue: And of course some comic book villains that got minifigs have done heinous things, but you don‘t usually see TLG make references to that :wink:

3 hours ago, calebcold3 said:

With the X-Mansion revealed, I know none of us on this forum have the set yet obliviously, but how would you all rank the LEGO Marvel Modular collection? 

I‘d say Sanctum, Tower, Mansion, Bugle. All four of them are excellent, but the Sanctum is my favourite because of the design and how much I like Strange, and the Bugle is on the bottom since it‘s essentially a skyscraper with set dressing :snicker: Still a great set, don’t get me wrong, but not as unique as the other three!

Looks like Lego fixed their site. Set is available on the 4th with Insider early access starting the 1st.

4 hours ago, calebcold3 said:

With the X-Mansion revealed, I know none of us on this forum have the set yet obliviously, but how would you all rank the LEGO Marvel Modular collection? 

I'd Say (Best To Worst):

Bugle > X-Mansion > Avengers Tower > Sanctum 

Bugle is Perfect, with X-Mansion and Avengers Tower being Near Perfect.

I was pretty underwhelmed by the Sanctum personally, but that's just me. 

Same exact ranking for me, but the Mansion might be #1 once I get my hands on it (I’m an X-Men fan so I’m 100% biased here).

6 hours ago, TheBatstan said:

Fortunately, the metallic silver Power Miners helmet exists and is by far the closest thing to Cerebro's helmet, definitely going to need to order 2 of them off Bricklink so that I can replace Xavier's flower pot that's used in the Mansion.

Thats what I use for my purist custom with Mr Burns torso and no surprise Lex Luthors head *oh2* The head is one part of Prof X Im happy with in the Mansion. The colour of torso is disappointing part.

6 hours ago, TheBatstan said:

And speaking of D2C's, the Marvel Mission Demolition special had another clip uploaded and this one shows that the Frightful Four are in it as well. So besides getting a glimpse at what the potential Thing big fig might look like next year and a cameo from an invisible Sue Storm, Lego really seems to want to drum up interest on the Fantastic Four side of things with this special. I can definitely see the Frightful Four appear in a hypothetical D2C Baxter Building since Lego already designed them here. They could've gone with any other villain that appeared in the MCU for the Avengers to fight but they went down this route instead, which I couldn't be more happier about.

We've just had this years modular announced and we're already picking minifigs for a modular we have no hint of coming. I'll play along. :laugh:  Don't forget Bombastic Bagman Spiderman which was a sticker in a Spidey set few years back. He'll def be in a Baxter Building modular set.

The mansion looks good for my taste, but my wallet isn't so sure yet - if not, eager to bricklink some of the minifigs at least. I'd say Xavier is a disappointing minifigure though. He deserved a new face print.

I'm not the biggest X-Men fan, but I really hope they do more sets, or an X-Men focused CMF lineup. There's so many characters that would be fun to have (everyone wants Nightcrawler and Jubilee for a start) or could use improvement. (new Xavier, new hair for Rogue, green Phoenix, classic Storm with tiara...)

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