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Maybe because we don't have all your tastes and don't consider them poor quality... the real question is: why not change your hobby if this one never works?

37 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:

I don't know why people are defending Lego for their shoddy treatment of Marvel minifigs and the lack of printing or dual molding on legs. Red Hulk is such a horrible minifigure and part of the reason is the lack of dual molded legs or any attempt to depict his torn pants.

The X-Men minifigures all look cheap and unfinished because of the lack of dual molded legs. The minimal printing they did for Cyclops is laughable. With both him and Magneto, they didn't even bother using different colored hips.

I’ll call it out when it’s appropriate. Cyclops should have had dual molded legs. Same with Gambit. Same with Magneto, who also needed printing. Spider-Man and Red Hulk should have dual molded legs (especially since the right pieces already exist). Black Panther’s legs are just plain black legs. He doesn’t need printing. Same goes with Venom and Miles and just about everyone in the three sets that leaked today who didn’t already have dual molded or printed legs. I agree Lego cuts corners on many of its figures. Black Panther isn’t one of them.

Edited by psqidexslizer

Not sure just yet what to think just yet of the Spider Verse set, need better images, but I love the Spot! Also Jeff being included as well is really nice, mainstream superhero sets don't include regular, non hero/villain side characters anymore, so it's great to see a change to that

Seeing Julia means Venom car is an instant get for me. I'll definitely need to Bricklink a couple of her torsos to make some custom female Venomized characters. It's also a cheaper way to get black/white dual printed legs, which as of yet have only appeared in the Bugle. Since she wasn't previously confirmed to appear, does anyone remember if it was originally reported to be a different character or just Spidey & Venom?

Iron Man's car looks nice (though also like something outta Fortnite). We know this Red Hulk would be a minifigure, but it's a MASSIVE suprise to see Robert Maverick/Tom Selleck Hulk instead of Ross. Quite an obscure decision, but if they were to make him into a big fig, I'd hope it would be based on him wearing the Iron Patriot armour in the No Surrender storyline


Edited by NXS7

26 minutes ago, psqidexslizer said:

I’ll call it out when it’s appropriate. Cyclops should have had dual molded legs. Same with Gambit. Same with Magneto, who also needed printing. Spider-Man and Red Hulk should have dual molded legs (especially since the right pieces already exist). Black Panther’s legs are just plain black legs. He doesn’t need printing. Same goes with Venom and Miles and just about everyone in the three sets that leaked today who didn’t already have dual molded or printed legs. I agree Lego cuts corners on many of its figures. Black Panther isn’t one of them.

Did I mention Black Panther? No. Did I mention Venom or Miles? No. I specifically only mentioned Red Hulk from the new minifigures leaked.

I don't know why you and others feel so attacked by my post. There's a reason I didn't call out any user specifically. I am speaking generally.

56 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

Maybe because we don't have all your tastes and don't consider them poor quality... the real question is: why not change your hobby if this one never works?

This post is borderline rude and belligerent. You have absolutely no right to tell me what I can or cannot like. If anyone needs to change their hobby, it's you so you can focus on learning some manners. This isn't the first time you've come after me because you didn't like what I had to say about the minifigures here, so clearly this is a very touchy issue for you. Sorry not sorry, but I am not censoring myself to cater to your needs when you lack basic respect and civility.

27 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:

Did I mention Black Panther? No. Did I mention Venom or Miles? No. I specifically only mentioned Red Hulk from the new minifigures leaked.

I don't know why you and others feel so attacked by my post. There's a reason I didn't call out any user specifically. I am speaking generally.

This post is borderline rude and belligerent. You have absolutely no right to tell me what I can or cannot like. If anyone needs to change their hobby, it's you so you can focus on learning some manners. This isn't the first time you've come after me because you didn't like what I had to say about the minifigures here, so clearly this is a very touchy issue for you. Sorry not sorry, but I am not censoring myself to cater to your needs when you lack basic respect and civility.

You are not in the wrong for being upset with the lack of detail of some Minifigures, Harry Potter Figures get arm and leg printing and the sets come with more figures where as with Marvel,DC we get so few and rarely any leg and arm printing, Star Wars lacks many figures too in sets but at least they have leg printing and sometimes arm printing

I'd argue Harry Potter is less popular than Marvel so why do they get the special treatment, probably sales has it's influence on the budget 

43 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:


LOL I don't know what you understood but the meaning of my comments with the translation must be really bad! Sorry but I don't memorize the names of the users, are you telling me that you cried for minifigures other times in the past? Then I'm even more convinced that changing hobbies could be a solution.. there are many things that I don't like, and I don't waste time criticizing them, I prefer to dedicate my time to the things that I like, I mean, you don't always have to like everything, ok, but crying for every minifigure without a design on the legs or double printing etc seems exaggerated to me..

(When I got into Lego, prints on legs didn't even exist, no dual molded etc. and it was all beautiful anyway)

It's like the endless discussions about prices... I like Ferraris, but I can't buy them and I certainly don't go complaining in forums or on internet channels because they cost too much... I don't know, maybe I give too much importance to time, but I think it should be used for something that gives us satisfaction, not for something that never satisfies us

Edited by Legocentrico

2 hours ago, Legocentrico said:

Maybe because we don't have all your tastes and don't consider them poor quality... the real question is: why not change your hobby if this one never works?

What a terrible mentality to have. Consumerism at its worst.

"You have to like everything. You can't criticsise anything. Otherwise, change your hobby."

Just because you have low standards and won't complain about missing basic quality features in a 300€+ collectors' set, doesn't mean others should too. We know LEGO is capable of doing it, and acting like they aren't and just accepting worse versions of the product is not a solution.

Same goes for the prices. Just because you may be happy to pay 200€ for measly 1327 pieces, absolutely does not mean others have to be happy with that deal. If people just blindly accepted anything a company served them, we'd end up in an awful reality business-wise.

Criticising is a natural part of hobbies and human life. Just because we love something doesn't mean we have to accept and like every single aspect of it—it's unhealthy.

35 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

You are not in the wrong for being upset with the lack of detail of some Minifigures, Harry Potter Figures get arm and leg printing and the sets come with more figures where as with Marvel,DC we get so few and rarely any leg and arm printing, Star Wars lacks many figures too in sets but at least they have leg printing and sometimes arm printing

I'd argue Harry Potter is less popular than Marvel so why do they get the special treatment, probably sales has it's influence on the budget 

Harry Potter minifigs have had some issues too, like the lack of trunks for Second Task Harry, but generally they're pretty good about accuracy and printing. The minifigs who are lacking in the HP theme are the exception rather than the norm. I've noticed with both Marvel and DC that there's a recurring trend with using generic legs. Captain America is a good example, as he pretty much never comes with dual molded legs. And that seems to be the case for all the Marvel characters. The female characters all get the same generic hairpiece. Julia Carpenter is just the latest in a long line to reuse this hair. Rogue was the worst offender. 

I don't follow the Star Wars theme anymore but I know that Star Wars fans are very picky and often not pleased with the minifigs they get. After seeing the recent Slave Leia in the Sail Barge set, I can see why they're so upset. The one time that dual molded legs weren't necessary, they give Leia those making her look like she's wearing shorts. Just such a bizarre choice that I can only guess was done to cover her up.

Disney's had an issue recently with the lack of molding and printing as well. Geppetto was given basic black legs, which is one of the reasons I would have preferred he showed up in a CMF series where he could get actual molding/printing. Lilo lacks dual molded arms to portray her sleeves (like Bishop in the X-Mansion set). Jack Skellington doesn't have side printing on his legs or arms like his original minifigure did. Lock, Shock, and Barrell were about as generic as you could get in terms of minifigures.

So I don't know why Harry Potter gets the extra attention over the rest of these themes. Maybe because most of the characters wear the identical school uniforms so they have more of a budget for new figures as they only pop up in some sets.

42 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

LOL I don't know what you understood but the meaning of my comments with the translation must be really bad! Sorry but I don't memorize the names of the users, are you telling me that you cried for minifigures other times in the past? Then I'm even more convinced that changing hobbies could be a solution.. there are many things that I don't like, and I don't waste time criticizing them, I prefer to dedicate my time to the things that I like, I mean, you don't always have to like everything, ok, but crying for every minifigure without a design on the legs or double printing etc seems exaggerated to me..

(When I got into Lego, prints on legs didn't even exist, no dual molded etc. and it was all beautiful anyway)

It's like the endless discussions about prices... I like Ferraris, but I can't buy them and I certainly don't go complaining in forums or on internet channels because they cost too much... I don't know, maybe I give too much importance to time, but I think it should be used for something that gives us satisfaction, not for something that never satisfies us

Maybe it was a translation issue since I know English is not your first language. But in the past, you've made critical comments about anyone who dared to note that Lego has cheaped out on some of the minifigs, particularly when the X-Mansion set was revealed. I don't know why you assume that someone can't or shouldn't be a Lego fan just because they're willing to note when Lego cuts corners. About 90% of the comments on social media were critical about the minifigs, whether it was Gambit or Rogue or Cyclops or especially Xavier. So it's not like we are an extreme minority. When Jean's minifigure came out, people were not upset about the lack of leg printing because she doesn't really need it. Some of the other X-Men characters certainly do though and it doesn't make us less dedicated fans for pointing this out.

That's all well and good but Lego today is not the Lego from years or even decades ago. Lego has advanced over time and people's tastes are allowed to evolve as well. I would not want to go back to the original Luke Skywalker minifig with his generic hairpiece shared with Han Solo or Princess Leia with legs instead of a skirt. Or even a Snape with his glow-in-the-dark head. Those minifigs were wonderful when they came out but they would not hold up today next to the ones Lego currently produces. 

Little off-topic, but does anyone remember an actual source for the idea that LEGO Superheroes is internally one theme with a shared budget? 

It's been repeated so much it feels like it kinda has to be true, but I've only been able to find circumstantial evidence, like designers referring to the theme as 'LEGO Superheroes' over 'LEGO Marvel' and 'LEGO DC' - could have missed something though!



On the minifigure thing, I think a big issue LEGO has is overproducing variants of existing characters - there's always about 3 different figures of each major MCU Avenger in production at any given time, which realllly cuts down on the new characters they can produce - the implication in producing extra prints production and storage space, the actual printing barely costs them anything. If we didn't have Avengers 1 Thor, Ragnarok Thor, and whatever the Marvel Logo Thor is, we might have two new characters, or even just two new leg prints. Same goes for Cap, with his Avengers 1, TFA and AoU suits all being produced at once, Widow with A1 and AoU, Hawkeye with A1 and AoU... it goes on. I wish they'd pick a movie to be their focus for Avengers stuff and keep with it until they exhaust all the characters and ideas from that film.

3 hours ago, Legocentrico said:

Then I'm even more convinced that changing hobbies could be a solution.. there are many things that I don't like, and I don't waste time criticizing them, I prefer to dedicate my time to the things that I like, I mean, you don't always have to like everything, ok, but crying for every minifigure without a design on the legs or double printing etc seems exaggerated to me.

It's fine for people to have higher standards, and it absolutely does not mean that they don't have a place in this hobby.

Criticism comes from a love of the product. If nobody cared, nobody would criticise, but because people love LEGO, they want LEGO products to be the best they can be. Acting like genuine criticisms are 'crying' comes across as at best narrow minded and at worst genuinely mean-spirited.

LEGO is the single biggest toy company in the world right now. They're not some indie company who's trying their best with what little they have. If LEGO chooses to not go the extra mile with a product, it is almost always because they just don't really want to spend the money, not because it'd actually be a hit to them financially.

Sometimes, it wouldn't even be extra money at all, it'd just be more carefully distributing the prints and molds they've already budgeted for.


If you really don't like complaining this much, then surely you'd stop complaining about the complaints - that's just more complaining! 

3 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

Harry Potter minifigs have had some issues too, like the lack of trunks for Second Task Harry, but generally they're pretty good about accuracy and printing. The minifigs who are lacking in the HP theme are the exception rather than the norm.

Not really? Just take a look at the leak for Malfoy Manor (76453). That set's EUR 150! Yet you can already see from the leak that probably only one figure (Dobby the elf) has dual-molded (apparently unprinted) legs and everyone else seems to have plain unprinted ones. Besides, I own quite a few HP sets and unprinted legs have definitely been the norm there recently. So while I agree that LEGO's skipping corners with Marvel that's not to say they don't do the same with HP.

Edited by brickbride

47 minutes ago, brickbride said:

Not really? Just take a look at the leak for Malfoy Manor (76453). That set's EUR 150! Yet you can already see from the leak that probably only one figure (Dobby the elf) has dual-molded (apparently unprinted) legs and everyone else seems to have plain unprinted ones. Besides, I own quite a few HP sets and unprinted legs have definitely been the norm there recently. So while I agree that LEGO's skipping corners with Marvel that's not to say they don't do the same with HP.

Good point, I do remember lots of people talking about how in the HP theme, the characters always get plain blue legs to represent jeans but never any printing. That doesn't bother me very much but I can see why it would bother others. I don't think it's a problem with the Hogwarts uniforms though since they only wear plain black pants in the movies. Draco as well in his black suit wouldn't need any printing. But Bellatrix should have a skirt instead of legs, preferably with printing, but she generally doesn't get any skirt printing.

I think if you ask fans of any theme, they'll all say they're disappointed with the final minifigs for whatever reason. I remember in the LOTR section as well, there were certain complaints about the minifigs and how they're not as good as the original ones.

This is probably too reductive of a statement overall, bit I would rather have more (and more new minifigures) with less printing, than less minifigures with more printing. Using the Spider-Verse set as an example, I would rather have Jefferson included than use the new prints to him to give leg printing to Miles and Gwen, or cut Gwen to give side arm and leg printing to Spot and Miles. Heck, there are a few minifigures that I think are even a little over-printed, and too many details are crammed into arms and legs to the point it becomes distracting.

Plus, I think it is also probably good to note that the largest audience for these $30-50 sets are probably going to be kids. That's not me saying that I don't think that kids don't deserve quality, but I think most kids would rather get more minifigs to play with than have arm and leg printing on a smaller number of minifigs - even if adults might want more detail on their minifigs.

Obviously, Lego could devote more budget towards including more prints or more minifigs into sets like these (and the 4-minifigure $10 Ninjago set 71805 from this year proves that is is possible, if the cards are played right), but I think the balance for these three specific sets is reasonable - even if not completely ideal. I do think that more could have been done for the X-Mansion for some of those minifigs (where the primary target is going to be adults, who are going to have stronger opinions about printing, and the cost per minifig is much greater) - but I am, overall, honestly okay with the minifigs and their printing for the new three sets.

Also, if we are going to talk about printing - I wonder what the chances are we get a new printed bagel piece with the Spider-verse set? 

  • Author
6 hours ago, poisonbricks said:

Little off-topic, but does anyone remember an actual source for the idea that LEGO Superheroes is internally one theme with a shared budget? 

It's been repeated so much it feels like it kinda has to be true, but I've only been able to find circumstantial evidence, like designers referring to the theme as 'LEGO Superheroes' over 'LEGO Marvel' and 'LEGO DC' - could have missed something though!

Mark Stafford has said it in several interviews, including in this Reddit AMA:

Direct link to the question and answer:



10 hours ago, poisonbricks said:

On the minifigure thing, I think a big issue LEGO has is overproducing variants of existing characters - there's always about 3 different figures of each major MCU Avenger in production at any given time, which realllly cuts down on the new characters they can produce - the implication in producing extra prints production and storage space, the actual printing barely costs them anything. If we didn't have Avengers 1 Thor, Ragnarok Thor, and whatever the Marvel Logo Thor is, we might have two new characters, or even just two new leg prints. Same goes for Cap, with his Avengers 1, TFA and AoU suits all being produced at once, Widow with A1 and AoU, Hawkeye with A1 and AoU... it goes on. I wish they'd pick a movie to be their focus for Avengers stuff and keep with it until they exhaust all the characters and ideas from that film.

It's fine for people to have higher standards, and it absolutely does not mean that they don't have a place in this hobby.

Criticism comes from a love of the product. If nobody cared, nobody would criticise, but because people love LEGO, they want LEGO products to be the best they can be. Acting like genuine criticisms are 'crying' comes across as at best narrow minded and at worst genuinely mean-spirited.

LEGO is the single biggest toy company in the world right now. They're not some indie company who's trying their best with what little they have. If LEGO chooses to not go the extra mile with a product, it is almost always because they just don't really want to spend the money, not because it'd actually be a hit to them financially.

Sometimes, it wouldn't even be extra money at all, it'd just be more carefully distributing the prints and molds they've already budgeted for.


If you really don't like complaining this much, then surely you'd stop complaining about the complaints - that's just more complaining! 

That’s probably the best comment on this topic. It’s actually good idea for Lego to focus on 1-2 MCU movies for a years meaning we’ll only get character versions based on that movie like only Avengers 1 Iron Man, Cap and Thor. But Lego seems to want to make as many variants of characters at a time as possible.

And really good point on why Lego doesn’t want to make as detailed minifigs. They just think they can get away with making lower quality figures. From interviews with designers that I’ve read it seems like they want to make as detailed and high quality products as possibly but Legos internal policies prevent designers from doing so. It  barely costs them anything to produce new printed pieces like legs. But they prefer to save  money instead.

48 minutes ago, benderisgreat said:

And really good point on why Lego doesn’t want to make as detailed minifigs. They just think they can get away with making lower quality figures. From interviews with designers that I’ve read it seems like they want to make as detailed and high quality products as possibly but Legos internal policies prevent designers from doing so. It  barely costs them anything to produce new printed pieces like legs. But they prefer to save  money instead.

From what I understand (I believe one of the designers for either the Daily Bugle or Avengers Tower explained this) the number of printed pieces they make isn’t a cost issue, it’s a space issue. Every new element Lego makes needs to be stored somewhere in their factory. So every new torso needs at least one new bin. Legs need at least one new bin. The cost of a new print isn’t the issue, it’s the space they have available to store pieces. So, when designing figures, the designers have two options 1) include less characters, but characters with greater detail 2) include less detailed characters, but more of them. It seems like they try to usually strike a balance between the two. Take the X-Mansion as an example. Most of the figures have a lot of detailing, but they cut the corners on a handful of them (Gambit and Cyclops’ legs, for example) . But that comes at the cost of less characters, and people here were complaining about that. The only other thing they could do would be to release less sets per year, which wouldn’t make sense for them since releasing less sets would cut into their profits. And I’m sure people would be mad about that too because it would mean less of what people want Lego to cover would actually get covered.

Edited by psqidexslizer

12 hours ago, poisonbricks said:


On the minifigure thing, I think a big issue LEGO has is overproducing variants of existing characters - there's always about 3 different figures of each major MCU Avenger in production at any given time, which realllly cuts down on the new characters they can produce - the implication in producing extra prints production and storage space, the actual printing barely costs them anything. If we didn't have Avengers 1 Thor, Ragnarok Thor, and whatever the Marvel Logo Thor is, we might have two new characters, or even just two new leg prints. Same goes for Cap, with his Avengers 1, TFA and AoU suits all being produced at once, Widow with A1 and AoU, Hawkeye with A1 and AoU... it goes on. I wish they'd pick a movie to be their focus for Avengers stuff and keep with it until they exhaust all the characters and ideas from that film.


Respectfully, I disagree.

(Sorry if the following comes off too harsh.)

For the sole fact that each unique variant of an MCU design was created lovingly by Marvel fans like yourself, each suit the character wears deserves a proper minifig replication.

If one movie was chosen, and all the Avenger minifigs had to be based off that one film, despite the movie, then I think many would be frustrated that we can’t get some of our favourite Iron Man or Captain America suits. More detailed minifigs is optimal, but that ought not to come at the expense of the variety of suits available.

By the way, the reason that Wolverine having only one variant currently based of X-Men ‘97 is because it’s one of the few iconic suits on screen. Black leather is too boring, although it’d make for an interesting book minifig.

If one movie was chosen, and all the Avengers sets had to be based off that one film, then that really limits the heroes and villains, right? That’d be almost worse, since those films are, while still popular and beloved, not as culturally relevant generally-speaking, so the allure would wear off quick. That’s why they have a couple one-off sets for 2012, then a series based off 2019, and then a few from 2015. I prefer this approach, personally-speaking.

Sorry to say it, but the movies are more popular than the comics. Maybe I’m biased toward what gave me a love for Marvel, but the Infinity Saga is still beloved by many fans of LEGO. More casual customers know Iron Man better than Cyclops—maybe even better than Wolverine. Unless the comics become relevant again*, expect more repeats of the Avengers.



*While the correct answer is, “Unless the movies begin to incorporate more characters from the comics, thus making them relevant again,” there are also a few (perhaps not you specifically) in this thread who would become uninterested in the FF V Galactus set if it were movie-based. The desire isn’t, “More Marvel characters,” it is instead, “More comic-characters from Marvel.” A valid desire, no doubt about it, and one in which I partially share, but we need to be honest about it then. 

47 minutes ago, psqidexslizer said:

From what I understand (I believe one of the designers for either the Daily Bugle or Avengers Tower explained this) the number of printed pieces they make isn’t a cost issue, it’s a space issue. Every new element Lego makes needs to be stored somewhere in their factory. So every new torso needs at least one new bin. Legs need at least one new bin. The cost of a new print isn’t the issue, it’s the space they have available to store pieces. So, when designing figures, the designers have two options 1) include less characters, but characters with greater detail 2) include less detailed characters, but more of them. It seems like they try to usually strike a balance between the two. Take the X-Mansion as an example. Most of the figures have a lot of detailing, but they cut the corners on a handful of them (Gambit and Cyclops’ legs, for example) . But that comes at the cost of less characters, and people here were complaining about that. The only other thing they could do would be to release less sets per year, which wouldn’t make sense for them since releasing less sets would cut into their profits. And I’m sure people would be mad about that too because it would mean less of what people want Lego to cover would actually get covered.

I heard this explanation from designers before. The space for new parts issue means they don’t have enough storage capacity for all those parts which in Legos case means they don’t want to invest more money in storage facilities.

Then there’s legos internal design guidelines and rules to which we as fans aren’t privy to. They could just allow more budget for a theme and it won’t make a significant dent in their budget. What you mentioned about designers having to choose more characters for a set with less detailed prints or less characters with more detailed prints is a result of their internal guidelines. Those guidelines can be changed to make higher quality product. But they chose not to do make any changes and we get worse figures. I mean it’s 2024, and we still live in a world where only some minifigs get leg printing, how ridiculous is that? Lego is capable of dual/triple molding, arm and side leg printing but chose not do most of those with Marvel theme! 

X- Mansion is a mixed bag minifig wise as some of them are really good(Bishop, Iceman, Jean Grey) and some are pretty bad(Rogue, Professor X). 

But in general Lego just doesn’t treat Marvel line with a lot of care and quality in my opinion and chose to cut corners all the time. We’ve had same Hud Tony Star face since 2018 and it’s gotten old, why not make a new face for one of the most used characters? Or using fat Thors face with younger versions of the character where that face looks bad and inaccurate. Not to mention some terrible priced sets like Hoopty and X-jet. Your think with both of them costing around 80-90$ and having 350-500 pieces they’d at least make minifigs look as good as possible but they didn’t and those sets are seen as some of the worst value Marvel sets ever made. So the problem is Lego cutting corners and not showing any improvements in quality.

Wow, that Spiderverse set is beyond great!

$40 with 4 figs (2 new characters), and a set which focus more on the building than the car!

Anti-Venom set is the only missing. It would be wild if the Spider-man fig in the mech was using the symbiote suit (props to Ashnflash for the idea)

Thunderbolts might be Rated-R so that's why we won't get a Lego set

14 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Thunderbolts might be Rated-R so that's why we won't get a Lego set

It’s not 

To add my opinion to the minifigure printing debate, I personally don't mind if minifigures are 100% accurate to a design from a movie or TV series, so long as they are mostly accurate.  I view their minifigure designs not as an exact 1:1 copy, but rather being translated into the LEGO template with its modularity, uniformity, and simplicity; and therefore allowed its own creative choices to an extent. Some of my least favourite Marvel minifigures are the over-designed ones, like the Spider-Man or Hawkeye from CMFs.

That being said, I do think there has been some notable corner-cutting.  For example, Red Hulk should have dual molded red and black legs to illustrate his torn trousers, and some of the X-Men should have different coloured hip pieces to their legs.  On balance, I think that LEGO is cheaping out sometimes, but I don't think it's as egregious as some fans do.

The new wave looks pretty good, in particular the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse set is a welcome surprise.  Personally, these sets feel fresh in a way that the last couple years of constant Avengers quadrilogy sets haven't.

2 hours ago, GonzoTheGreat said:

It’s not 

I mean it very well could be, we aren't getting a set for it, maybe that's why 

28 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

I mean it very well could be, we aren't getting a set for it, maybe that's why 

I don't think they'll make any Marvel movie rated-R outside of the Deadpool movies. Especially not now when the MCU is hemorrhaging viewers and they can't afford to restrict their audience. After the leaks about Captain America: Brave New World, it's likely we have another Marvels disaster on our hands so they'll need to maximize potential for Thunderbolts as much as possible.

Maybe Blade was meant to be rated-R but considering that film has been in development hell for years and just got taken off the schedule, that's a further sign that Marvel won't be going that route for future films.

3 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

I don't think they'll make any Marvel movie rated-R outside of the Deadpool movies. Especially not now when the MCU is hemorrhaging viewers and they can't afford to restrict their audience. After the leaks about Captain America: Brave New World, it's likely we have another Marvels disaster on our hands so they'll need to maximize potential for Thunderbolts as much as possible.

Maybe Blade was meant to be rated-R but considering that film has been in development hell for years and just got taken off the schedule, that's a further sign that Marvel won't be going that route for future films.

Blade hasn't been canceled, just delayed, however it doesn't look good lol, anyway it's supposed to be Rated-R due to leaks

Daredevil is TV-MA which is basically Rated-R, so they won't go away from that rating, only for characters that need it will get it like, Punisher,Deadpool,Blade,Midnight Sons,Daredevil

3 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

I don't think they'll make any Marvel movie rated-R outside of the Deadpool movies. Especially not now when the MCU is hemorrhaging viewers and they can't afford to restrict their audience. After the leaks about Captain America: Brave New World, it's likely we have another Marvels disaster on our hands so they'll need to maximize potential for Thunderbolts as much as possible.

Maybe Blade was meant to be rated-R but considering that film has been in development hell for years and just got taken off the schedule, that's a further sign that Marvel won't be going that route for future films.

Plus the audience is getting sick and tired of PG-13 humor and violence, we need more gritty stories, a lot of the MCU fans have grown up now

There's a reason why Deadpool does well

5 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Plus the audience is getting sick and tired of PG-13 humor and violence, we need more gritty stories, a lot of the MCU fans have grown up now

There's a reason why Deadpool does well

Yeah, but there's also a reason why Spider-Man does very, very well. Obviously there's a target group for both.

The thing is, Deadpool is not representative of the MCU as a whole. No-one I know was looking forward to Deadpool & Wolverine for the story, characterisation, or anything like that - they wanted stupid one-liners and senseless violence. It's a one-off thing that somehow works, but you can't build an entire cinematic universe on it. And the same is true for Spider-Man, in a way - you cannot build an entire cinematic universe on Peter's juvenile problems along the lines of "OMG! The girl I like is sitting next to a guy who might also like her!".

Previously, the MCU used to have a balance where both of these were outliers, and the actual backbone of the universe were people like Tony Stark and Doctor Strange who had adult lives and adult problems. I think that this would still work now, post-Endgame - except Marvel Studios seems to be systematically replacing the remaining adults (like Dr Strange, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, Hawkeye) with teenagers (like America, Ms Marvel, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop). The problem is not that most of them are female. The MCU definitely needs more female characters! It's that they're very underdeveloped characters (America especially could have easily been replaced with a literal silver suitcase in Dr Strange 2) with juvenile problems (like an army of Spider-Men, if you want) and that Marvel's preferred way of introducing them seems to consist of their berating and being at odds with the more established characters (which doesn't endear them to the audience either). Honestly, as an adult viewer the only one I find remotely tolerable is Kamala, and I wouldn't want to see an entire movie about her either. I'm here for what remains of my favourites - that is Dr Strange, Star-Lord, and Captain Marvel. If those three aren't in the next Avengers movie I might not even bother going. But for me that's not about PG-13 humor and violence. For me it's about the lack of characterisation. Making everything grittier and more violent won't help at all, in my opinion.

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