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15 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Avengers Secret Wars is heavily relying on nostalgia with bringing back the early 2000s heroes like Afflecks Daredevil,Tobey Spidey,Nic Cage Ghost Rider, 2005 F4,Eric Bana Hulk.Thomas Jane Punisher,2000's X-Men

Honestly that's what I'm most excited about, seeing everyone interact, legacy and MCU characters

I feel bad for saying this but I currently have zero hype for either of the two movies. They've wasted so much time trying to push all these random Z-list characters that have failed to take off that there's been barely any story build up to the Multiverse Saga and what little there was involving Kang has now seemingly been tossed out the window by replacing him with Doom at the eleventh hour. Even some of the casting news just screams of damage control for a product Marvel has little faith in.

4 hours ago, mrcngrck said:

I think no one hasn't mentioned it yet but the trailer for the spiderman animation is out. Looks cool thought.

After watching the trailer I'm glad we didn't get any sets from it. Nothing about the show really stood out to me from a collecting perspective. I think Lego made the right call focusing on the Spider-Verse films instead.

42 minutes ago, calebcold3 said:

I feel like Avengers sets will happen no matter what. Same with Spidey. Anytime they get a new movie, there will always be some sets to coincide with the movie. 

Does anyone have any guesses and theories on what the Summer 2025 sets are going to be based on the prices that we're revealed recently? 

I feel like (and hope) 76320 is a Sentinel, given the piece count is similar to the one in the X-Mansion, but for $19.99, I feel like there would only be 2 minifigures. 

the $34.99 4+ set (76319) I could see being a 4+ Hall of Armor (similar to the 4+ Batcave that came out this year)

76324 ($129.99) or 76325 ($119.99), I defiantly think one of them is a AOU Quinjet (that will come with the rumored MCU Quicksilver figure)

I wish someone would just reveal the set names already. It does get frustrating when Marvel is often the last theme to have their set list out after every other theme has been revealed.

1 hour ago, wesker said:

I feel bad for saying this but I currently have zero hype for either of the two movies. They've wasted so much time trying to push all these random Z-list characters that have failed to take off that there's been barely any story build up to the Multiverse Saga and what little there was involving Kang has now seemingly been tossed out the window by replacing him with Doom at the eleventh hour. Even some of the casting news just screams of damage control for a product Marvel has little faith in.

I wish someone would just reveal the set names already. It does get frustrating when Marvel is often the last theme to have their set list out after every other theme has been revealed.

Agreed on both of these, except I am a little excited for Secret Wars just for the 5 year old in me to see heroes I loved as a Kid on the same screen, but I'm looking forward to it as a popcorn movie rather than a movie with rich storytelling

And yeah, It's weird how Marvel is last. If they're gonna reveal the prices and pieces, why not the set names?

9 hours ago, brickbride said:

As for LEGO Marvel: Do we know if there's going to be a polybag bext year and if so, who will be in it?

There is, namely 30707 Venom‘s Museum Heist :laugh: Very unlikely to feature anything of interest, except for some artefact(s) for Venom to steal maybe :tongue:

7 hours ago, doclord said:

I can see them not doing sets for Doomsday if this years MCU sets do poorly enough. 

NO WAY they‘re skipping an Avengers movie. Yeah, they have skipped shows and even movies recently (RIP Superman), but certainly not something of that caliber.

22 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

Tbh I probably won't buy the set if it's MCU-based. I generally only buy the comic sets and my attachment is to the comic book FF. I'd like a comic-book FF team to match the X-Men minifigs and Daily Bugle Spider-Man characters.

I can get that. I guess I’m moreso curious about why excitement for the FF is deflated when it’s not specifically called as comic-based—if this were the Fant4stic designs, sure, but the designs from the movie look properly retro. (I’d love the Valentines Day poster designs, but the spacesuit-looking designs feel good enough.) They’re definitely a deviation from the Silver Age, but not outside the overall vibe of the comics. Could be completely off my rocker, though.

22 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

An MCU Torch will stand out if you put him next to the Daily Bugle Spider-Man, Firestar, or X-Mansion's Iceman.

On the Torch specifically, I wonder if we’ll see an approach similar to Iceman in the X-Mansion for his “Flame on!” look; all classic LEGO red with swirly printing similar to the comics. Just my pure speculation, of course.

22 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

And I have little interest in the MCU, especially future MCU movies, including the FF movie after the Silver Surfer gender swap. I say this as a woman btw before I get accused of misogyny by anyone. Disney/Marvel needs to stop these bizarre recastings.

From my understanding, given the movie takes place in an alternate universe New York, the Silver Surfer of the 616 MCU will be the classic one, while the one of the FF universe will be female for visual distinction. It’s stupid they gender-swapped for the cinematic debut, I agree, but it’s nothing that ruins my excitement for the movie.


Side note—Whether or not the movie is good (for me it’s got the special sauce, but I like the Space Race-era already), the whole cinematic universe seems to hinge on that film. If the MCU fails, then LEGO Marvel goes bye-bye—no comic sets, no modulars, no comic FF, nothing. It’ll become no different than the shell that DC is after the failure of the DCEU. Just something to consider.


12 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Personally I'd be more likely to buy a comic one just because I haven't seen the movie- I don't know if I'll like it or not yet. If the movie's great, maybe I won't care whether it's a comic or movie set. If it's not good, I'd prefer a comic set.

Fair. Again, my perspective is that it’s the FF no matter which way you spin it, plus Galactus. However many lines and buttons the suits have, it’s still the FF. Still, liking the source material is key, and I think I understand that now.


22 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

I think we might get more comic based sets in the future since the MCU has fallen off and Lego doesn't want to risk making sets for films that could fail like Thunderbolts

I doubt the movie will be a flop. BNW will probably flop, but Thunderbolts* seems to have a special sauce that other Marvel stuff lately seems to have lacked. The fact that it’s all relative unknowns outside of Bucky I believe benefits the movie. It’s the comedic group fun of The Avengers (2012) with the down-to-earth elements of the Captain America films. The most recent trailer took this film from a skippable feature to a must-see movie for me, and I don’t think I’ll be alone in that.

22 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Superhero fatigue might not be there 100% but I fear it's getting there, like the way Westerns and Zombie movies were loved and popular and then stopped being made

Bah humbug to “superhero fatigue,” I say.

If superhero movies become synonymous with slop, people won’t show up for slop. It’s not a fatigue with superheroes; it’s a fatigue with poor storytelling. Superheroes may not be the popular fad anymore, but good stories will always rise above the rest. Marvel Studios has done that before, and I believe they can do so again.

Zombie movies are boring, repetitive, and unnecessary. Change my mind.

21 hours ago, JeanGreyForever said:

Falcon becoming the new Cap in the comics was originally also controversial but I think readers grew to accept him and even liked him in the role. The problem is that in the movies, Anthony Mackie has never been that beloved or charismatic an actor to headline this legacy character. There's no audience interest or love for him in the role. 

The only truly charismatic actors of the Infinity Saga were RDJ and Tom Hiddleston, in my not so humble opinion. I don’t see Evans, Hemsworth, or any of the other actors as truly charismatic; not anymore than Mackie.

I hope audiences give Sam a chance with the shield, but I also hope Marvel themselves give Sam a fair shot with a movie about him, and not Red Hulk, Leader, and not-Sabra. Honestly, BNW sounds better as a show than a movie unless they simplify all the threads surrounding Sam.

11 hours ago, brickbride said:

Sam Wilson was just [Steve’s] buddy with the wings, Bucky had a lot more backstory than him. There was no real reason to care about Falcon and calling him Captain America now doesn't change that. 

9 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

You might be the first person I've ever met who doesn't like Steve, but I agree with the overall point. Bucky was given vastly more setup.

Pure speculation, but Bucky needed to redeem himself in his eyes before he would’ve been ready to take the shield. Sam doesn’t have any such reservations and holds the same values as Steve, so he was ready to take the shield. (Even if he tossed it for a moment there.)

Franchise-wise Bucky works, but character-wise I don’t think he was ready in Endgame.


9 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Sam could have worked as Cap (even by himself, though I will once again shill for what should have happened, which was them deciding no one man could be steve and Sam, Bucky, and John ALL become cap),

So what, they split the shield into three pieces? Do they take shifts throughout the week with the shield? Do they have regular check-ins on Sam’s fishing boat? This might be the most important What If…? since What if Captain Carter Teamed Up with an OC!

9 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I will say though I loved the bit where he cracks a brick into a guy's skull and everyone winces. They won't address it further than that in the show, but that man is DEAD. This spider man killed a guy.

Kills people with bricks, huh?
If this Spidey pulls out a suit with a fat Spider logo, a monster truck with spike wheels, and a hammer larger than most people’s skulls, then I’m absolutely watching the show.

14 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Especially as it pertains to lego I don't think anyone can reasonably state that that's the reason most people dislike the swap. We don't have a figure of the normal comic silver surfer yet. It's totally reasonable to be annoyed that his first lego minifigure will likely actually be a her, and therefore we probably won't even be able to use the head or torso for customs of him. (If we even get a silver surfer figure at all lol)

That's definitely part of the issue that we've never had a Silver Surfer minifig and assuming we even get one now for the FF set (and that's a big if), it won't be the Silver Surfer everyone was waiting for. It'll be a real slap in the face for the first Silver Surfer minifig to really be a different character.

13 hours ago, brickbride said:

This. I didn't even like Steve Rogers but he was Captain America. The movies did a good job of showing us who he was, how his life experiences had shaped him into the person we knew, what he valued and fought for. I didn't like the character and often disagreed with his actions but he felt fleshed-out. Sam Wilson was just his buddy with the wings, Bucky had a lot more backstory than him. There was no real reason to care about Falcon and calling him Captain America now doesn't change that. 

Falcon was basically just the sidekick. That was his situation in the comics as well until recently but according to readers, they did manage to make him into an all-rounder character. I've never read his stuff so I wouldn't know. But the MCU has failed to do that so far, even knowing in advance what was coming for him. I'm not a big Bucky fan but he's certainly been more interesting and probably has more recognition as a character.

13 hours ago, brickbride said:

In Captain Marvel's defense, I think Brie Larson's take on the character was excellent. I also think The Marvels was, in terms of storytelling, actually one of the MCU's better recent efforts. At least it was fun! But it definitely suffered from the overall decline of the MCU, from coming right after Secret Invasion (and then not even being consistent with it in terms of continuity, though that's probably a blessing given the stupid things Secret Invasion did to the continuity) and yes, from not giving Captain Marvel decent backup. I mean Dr Strange got Wanda as his co-star and Captain Marvel got Monica Rambeau, that's not really comparable.

10 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I think the failure of The Marvels does ultimately come down to it just not being a film people wanted to see. I don't think it just failed because the MCU was declining and they didn't give her a more famous supporting hero. Brie Larson's been a great actress in other things, but I do think that whether it was the script or direction or what, her Captain Marvel wasn't great. Some people say she was too arrogant, but I think it's the opposite- personality wise I've read plenty of comics where she acts like Tony Stark. I think they needed to go all-in on the hotshot pilot personality.

As a fan of Carol from the comics, I haven't been impressed with her MCU version. I actually like Brie Larson and was happy she got the role, especially after her Oscar-winning performance in Room, but her character's been a dud for me. Especially in the first Captain Marvel where I felt she had no personality or anything that makes her tick as a character. Part of the issue is that she's amnesiac until the very end of the film so we don't really get to see the real Captain Marvel until the climax of the movie. And then her scenes in Endgame were all written before Captain Marvel, so she's got no personality there either because they left her a blank slate on purpose so that her movie could flesh her out. That's two films where she's basically an enigma. Her sequel was the chance to finally help audiences get attached to the character (assuming it wasn't too late already), but instead the decision was to saddle her with two Disney+ characters and have the trio frolic around the galaxy and nobody is going to be interested in that, particularly with characters they don't know or care about.

I wonder if the reason they didn't go with the more arrogant personality is because they already had Stephen Strange in that role to play the new Tony. Carol seemed like she was meant to be the new Steve in the Avengers dynamic. But of course, that's also an issue that if characters like Carol and Stephen were supposed to lead the next iteration of the Avengers, we haven't seen them interact at all. There's no relationship dynamic between all of these solo heroes so far. 

2 hours ago, Swordy said:

The only truly charismatic actors of the Infinity Saga were RDJ and Tom Hiddleston, in my not so humble opinion. I don’t see Evans, Hemsworth, or any of the other actors as truly charismatic; not anymore than Mackie.

RDJ and Tom Hiddleston hit it out of the park, that's true. However, I'd include Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Pratt and yes, Brie Larson as well. She had a lot less to work with in terms of interaction with other MCU characters, but again I really liked her Carol who was half fun party girl, half angry avenger with a genuine warmth and humour that occasuonally shone through. YMMV of course.

2 hours ago, Swordy said:

Pure speculation, but Bucky needed to redeem himself in his eyes before he would’ve been ready to take the shield. Sam doesn’t have any such reservations and holds the same values as Steve, so he was ready to take the shield.

I think you misunderstand me. I certainly didn't mean to suggest that Bucky should have been the new Cap instead! I'm not thrilled with what the mantle of Cap stands for in the first place but even apart from that Steve's movies were mostly about Steve, then about Bucky, and Sam was just there. It would be like replacing Tony Stark with Rhodey - that also wouldn't work.

Edited by brickbride

1 hour ago, Swordy said:

I can get that. I guess I’m moreso curious about why excitement for the FF is deflated when it’s not specifically called as comic-based—if this were the Fant4stic designs, sure, but the designs from the movie look properly retro. (I’d love the Valentines Day poster designs, but the spacesuit-looking designs feel good enough.) They’re definitely a deviation from the Silver Age, but not outside the overall vibe of the comics. Could be completely off my rocker, though.

On the Torch specifically, I wonder if we’ll see an approach similar to Iceman in the X-Mansion for his “Flame on!” look; all classic LEGO red with swirly printing similar to the comics. Just my pure speculation, of course.

From my understanding, given the movie takes place in an alternate universe New York, the Silver Surfer of the 616 MCU will be the classic one, while the one of the FF universe will be female for visual distinction. It’s stupid they gender-swapped for the cinematic debut, I agree, but it’s nothing that ruins my excitement for the movie.

Side note—Whether or not the movie is good (for me it’s got the special sauce, but I like the Space Race-era already), the whole cinematic universe seems to hinge on that film. If the MCU fails, then LEGO Marvel goes bye-bye—no comic sets, no modulars, no comic FF, nothing. It’ll become no different than the shell that DC is after the failure of the DCEU. Just something to consider.

The only truly charismatic actors of the Infinity Saga were RDJ and Tom Hiddleston, in my not so humble opinion. I don’t see Evans, Hemsworth, or any of the other actors as truly charismatic; not anymore than Mackie.

I hope audiences give Sam a chance with the shield, but I also hope Marvel themselves give Sam a fair shot with a movie about him, and not Red Hulk, Leader, and not-Sabra. Honestly, BNW sounds better as a show than a movie unless they simplify all the threads surrounding Sam.

The Valentine's Day poster costumes do look retro but they're still not the costumes they wear from the comics. I think a lot of us wanted minifigs based on how they looked in the Lego Marvel Super Heroes game, with their classic blue/black costumes. I remember hearing a lot of people stocked up on Oswald minifigs specifically because he had the dual molded legs that were perfect for the FF if we got their classic costumes as minifigs. I'll have to wait and see what the final set looks like before deciding if I like the finished product or not. Frankly, based on how Lego treats most of their Marvel minifigs with little to no printing or dual molded legs, I'm not expecting much from the FF set. 

I would love a Torch minifig like that. That would be a day one purchase for me.

We'll have to wait and see if we get the classic Surfer in the 616 Marvel Universe or not. With so many characters being packed in from so many movies and universes, there's no guarantee the Surfer will necessarily get a part. Especially if Galactus isn't involved in Doomsday and Secret Wars. But considering how often Doom has been obsessed with stealing the Surfer's powers, that hopefully bodes well for the Surfer appearing in one or both of those movies.

I don't completely agree. While DC sets are mostly nonexistent now, Batman still gets special sets from time to time. And I believe Batman is getting an Arkham Asylum D2C set. If worst comes to worst and the MCU fails and Lego shutters the Marvel theme, we'll still get Spider-Man sets based on the comics. That sells too well. And the X-Men have gotten sets entirely based on X-Men '97 which is independent from the MCU. Lego had faith in them as a franchise so the MCU failing wouldn't affect X-Men sets. Like Spider-Man, we got X-Men sets way back when the Marvel theme first began that were entirely based on the comics rather than the movies. The only reason there was such a huge gap was because of the rights issues.

I think Chris Evans isn't charismatic as an actor by himself but combined with his Captain America character, he does work and stands up as an equal foil to Downey Jr.'s Iron Man. I agree with you about Hemsworth though. I never cared for his Thor and all his films outside of Marvel have never worked. But that's been true for Chris Evans and even Robert Downey Jr. His Doctor Dolittle failed. Oppenheimer was a success but he had a supporting role in that and it had an all-star cast and Christopher Nolan. Many people said he agreed to return to Marvel because his films weren't working. 

From what I've read online, BNW feels a lot like the Falcon and Winter Soldier show. Basically part two to that. 

7 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:

But that's been true for Chris Evans and even Robert Downey Jr. His Doctor Dolittle failed. Oppenheimer was a success but he had a supporting role in that and it had an all-star cast and Christopher Nolan. Many people said he agreed to return to Marvel because his films weren't working. 

Please watch RDJ's Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movies, he's excellent in those and they were box office hits, too. Tropic Thunder, meanwhile, got him an Oscar nomination (though I haven't seen it).

Edited by brickbride

1 minute ago, brickbride said:

Please watch RDJ's Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movies, he's excellent in those and they were box office hits, too. Tropic Thunder, meanwhile, got him an Oscar nomination (though I haven't seen it).

I have seen those. But the last Sherlock Holmes film that RDJ did was way back in 2011. That was before even the Avengers came out. He was rather lucky that those Sherlock Holmes movies came out at the same time as his Iron Man movies so the popularity of both boosted him. He hasn't had that box office success on his own name since Endgame. Which to be fair, isn't just exclusive to him but most actors now since there are barely any genuine stars left. Even Harrison Ford's recent movies have all flopped, whether Blade Runner 2049, Indiana Jones, Call of the Wild, etc. There's a reason he's doing Marvel now as well because his movies aren't working anymore, even if BNW will probably be as big a dud at the box office as his last Indiana Jones.

On 12/29/2024 at 8:03 AM, JeanGreyForever said:

Tbh I probably won't buy the set if it's MCU-based. I generally only buy the comic sets and my attachment is to the comic book FF. I'd like a comic-book FF team to match the X-Men minifigs and Daily Bugle Spider-Man characters. An MCU Torch will stand out if you put him next to the Daily Bugle Spider-Man, Firestar, or X-Mansion's Iceman. And I have little interest in the MCU, especially future MCU movies, including the FF movie after the Silver Surfer gender swap. I say this as a woman btw before I get accused of misogyny by anyone. Disney/Marvel needs to stop these bizarre recastings.

I feel you on both counts haha - I finally realised a few days ago that I'm just kinda collecting MCU minfigures because I used to like the movies and collect MCU minifigures, so I decided to sell them off - SUCH a good feeling, now I just have the comic stuff that I actually love populating my city :)

And yeah, as cool as Shalla is, I think most people would like to see Norrin first. She's a character you should only really do the Surfer thing with WAYYYY down the line. I get the F4 are in an alt universe and that the MCU 616's Surfer is probably Norrin, but I'd rather spend one more film with the definitive version (especially after that awful version in the old F4 2) than have a one-and-done alternate. Not at all misogynist, don't worry 😂 

4 hours ago, Swordy said:

BNW will probably flop

Honestly, I wouldn't be so sure. 

It's not a huge sample size or anything, but Fandango surveyed more than 9000 people on their most anticipated 2025 movies, and BNW was #1 - with F4 at #5 and Superman at #9 - the franchise power of 'Captain America' really is enough to carry it in the eyes of the general audience, it seems. Plus, having a Hulk probably helps.

1 hour ago, poisonbricks said:

Honestly, I wouldn't be so sure. 

It's not a huge sample size or anything, but Fandango surveyed more than 9000 people on their most anticipated 2025 movies, and BNW was #1 - with F4 at #5 and Superman at #9 - the franchise power of 'Captain America' really is enough to carry it in the eyes of the general audience, it seems. Plus, having a Hulk probably helps.

I wouldn't say that's an accurate poll

Most People aren't interested in a Captain America movie without Steve Rogers, me included , Red Hulk is probably the main reason there's some hype for it

I'll probably only go to see it to see Red Hulk but he'll probably only be in it for 10 minutes 

Daredevil and F4 are the only projects for the MCU in 2025 that are actually worth watching, maybe Thunderbolts will be good but idk, just feels like another Suicide Squad

Must There Be a Captain America?


12 hours ago, wesker said:

After watching the trailer I'm glad we didn't get any sets from it. Nothing about the show really stood out to me from a collecting perspective. I think Lego made the right call focusing on the Spider-Verse films instead.

Yeah, the trailer looked pretty rough honestly, I wouldn't mind if Lego skipped it, although there are some side characters/cameos that would make for cool minifig designs





6 hours ago, Swordy said:

Side note—Whether or not the movie is good (for me it’s got the special sauce, but I like the Space Race-era already), the whole cinematic universe seems to hinge on that film. If the MCU fails, then LEGO Marvel goes bye-bye—no comic sets, no modulars, no comic FF, nothing. It’ll become no different than the shell that DC is after the failure of the DCEU. Just something to consider.

Might be a bit late to this, but I just watched the camrip of the FF trailer, it does absolutely have the sauce. The aesthetic/vibe sets it so far apart from everything else coming from Marvel and DC, I'm way more interested getting in the set now.


1 hour ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Most People aren't interested in a Captain America movie without Steve Rogers, me included , Red Hulk is probably the main reason there's some hype for it

I mean, that's a fine claim, but unless you've surveyed like 10k+ people, the Fandango poll just is more accurate 

8 hours ago, Swordy said:

Pure speculation, but Bucky needed to redeem himself in his eyes before he would’ve been ready to take the shield. Sam doesn’t have any such reservations and holds the same values as Steve, so he was ready to take the shield. (Even if he tossed it for a moment there.)

Franchise-wise Bucky works, but character-wise I don’t think he was ready in Endgame.

So what, they split the shield into three pieces? Do they take shifts throughout the week with the shield? Do they have regular check-ins on Sam’s fishing boat? This might be the most important What If…? since What if Captain Carter Teamed Up with an OC!

Kills people with bricks, huh?
If this Spidey pulls out a suit with a fat Spider logo, a monster truck with spike wheels, and a hammer larger than most people’s skulls, then I’m absolutely watching the show.

The thing is Bucky redeeming himself in his eyes to become captain america is vastly more interesting to me than what actually happened in TFATWS

What I'd want to see happen from a narrative level is either Sam or Bucky gets the true cap shield and the other two have different looking shields made out of non-indestructible material (say we give john a black and red shield and Sam or Bucky the classic non-round shield), but given that Sam and Bucky are both friends with Wakanda now, assumably they could just ask for a few copies of the original. 

3 hours ago, poisonbricks said:

Honestly, I wouldn't be so sure. 

It's not a huge sample size or anything, but Fandango surveyed more than 9000 people on their most anticipated 2025 movies, and BNW was #1 - with F4 at #5 and Superman at #9 - the franchise power of 'Captain America' really is enough to carry it in the eyes of the general audience, it seems. Plus, having a Hulk probably helps.

I don't know how accurate that poll really is- F4 hasn't started it's marketing campaign yet, and unless they started sending out the surveys a few days ago, I doubt Superman's trailer was even out yet either. I think it's more a case of the one with a marketing campaign in full swing beating the ones that haven't started marketing yet. I'd hazard a guess that if they redid the poll right now, superman would leap straight past CA4.

I really liked Falcon in the MCU but now I feel like he has no Identity now, He's the new Captain America and some other guy is now Falcon, Only Falcon to me is Sam, not this other guy, I feel like Falcon was good for the team, he had good humor and was cool with his wings and Uzi guns, I miss that

I was interested in Falcon, but as soon as he became Captain America, I lost interest, he was his own character, the mantle overshadows him IMO

12 hours ago, poisonbricks said:

I feel you on both counts haha - I finally realised a few days ago that I'm just kinda collecting MCU minfigures because I used to like the movies and collect MCU minifigures, so I decided to sell them off - SUCH a good feeling, now I just have the comic stuff that I actually love populating my city :)

Understandable but even as MCU has a little bit "the rise of skywalker" moment (I mean that it's bad) I still love infinity saga, and I'll keep them. But I've never been the completist so I only have figs that I like as a figures, not source material.
On the other hand a lot of MCU minifigures are really close to comic-book variants, Crossbones for example. Love this figure.

Edited by mrcngrck

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