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The stuff on the left looks blue/grey, but the stuff on the right looks green. :pir_laugh2: So much for being able to tell what I am looking at even when I'm looking at it. Lighting matters. :pir_tong2: I think both roof colours work in the sets, with different strengths and weaknesses, and nostalgia in the 20th anniversary version certainly plays a legitimate role. An interesting aspect about the model: one of the things I like about the green roofs is that there is some contrast to the rocks below; in the model, it's the other way around, the roofs more grey and the rocks more green. 

Thanks for digging out the style guide, @Ferder. That's an excellent point.  

39 minutes ago, Ferder said:

The green roofs perhaps came from the 2001 Harry Potter Style Guide which governed all the designs for Harry Potter merchandise (since the designs from the films were still in-progress and top-secret). Check out this toy of Hogwarts from that time.


Oh man, talk about a blast from the past. I’ve got one of these stored in the garage somewhere, along with the Hagrid’s Hut (a totally normal looking rectangular shack with a blue roof) and Burrow extensions. All the little characters should be stored in a little blue Bertie Botts Beans drawstring bag (yeah, that was a thing before the movies too). All the characters for this, and the original lego sets for that matter, were based off the early illustrations - I had to do a bit of research but it looks like the name of that original artist was Mark Brought. The reason there were so many star spangled cloaks in those first sets was those early illustrations as well. And Warner Bros must have been pretty tight fisted with letting any actual movie concept art get out back then - even the 2001 Hallmark ornaments were based directly off of Mark Brought illustrations!

4 hours ago, Accio Lego said:

- I had to do a bit of research but it looks like the name of that original artist was Mark Brought

Thanks, I’ve been trying to recall that name. All I could find was the style guide with his pictures. It really explains so much about those original HP minifigures like Snape’s green face, Dumbledore’s pink robes, Ron’s hair…

13 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

 Do we think the Aragog’s lair will be advertised alongside the Ford Anglia and Hagrid’d Hut? 

I am looking forward to buying those 3 sets, and even the Hogwarts Express and Hogsmeade.

I think they will/all go together amazingly. Personally, the first few months when recreated in Lego are so nostalgic.

Could be that they plan to make a bigger forbidden forest layout also, will be interesting to see with 3 sets the first year..:shrug_oh_well:

23 hours ago, brickbride said:

Funnily enough, when I pointed out how inaccurate the boats for the boathouse were, everyone here piled on me like "Why are you so negative, sure they shouldn't have paddles and sure they ought to sit four, but LEGO doesn't have to be accurate!". To each their own, is all I'm saying.

Inaccuracies with scale are very different from inaccuracies with color. Lego can usually change the color of pieces relatively easily so wanting accurate colors is not seen as a particularly unreasonable criticism. Meanwhile constructing a boat that could seat four and still have a relatively correct shape, be sturdy enough to be constructed and played with by an eight year old, fit inside the boathouse, not look out of scale, and be within a $37.99 USD price point is a much more difficult task. Plenty of people here have modified the 2021+ sets to include gray roofs to illustrate their point and show that it is possible. I would genuinely like to see you illustrate your point with a boat design that could fit all of LEGO’s requirements for them and fit four figures. I’m sure the designer and LEGO themselves would like to see that as well, as I’m certain they would’ve designed the boats in a way to fit four figures if they thought it was possible. 

Also, none of us ever said “they shouldn’t have paddles” because if you simply watch the films, you’ll see that the boathouse does have oars on the walls just like in the Lego set. Oars are on the walls and are very clearly visible in the boathouse’s scenes in The Deathly Hallows Part 2. The inclusion of oars makes the Lego set more accurate, not less. If you have a problem with the Hogwarts boathouse having oars, that’s an issue with the film set, not the Lego set which accurately represents them. It’s like complaining that the roofs are gray instead of neon yellow. The change you want would make the Lego set less accurate to the films. 

I found some portraits. I've numbered the image for clarification:


1. Rowena Ravenclaw

2. Unidentified, left corner second from above

3. Sir. Cadogan

4. Unidentified, could be based on this

5. Goderic Gryfindor

6. Maud Montague

7. Edessa Sakndenberg

8. Helga Hufflepuf

9. Damara Dodderidge

10. Jocunda Sykes

11. Elizabeth Burke

12. Ivan The Terrible

13. Basil Fronsac

14. Salazar Slytherin

Edited by mark1991t
Updated, thanks to Krimimimi, Huigberts Builds and JediJACPenguin on Youtube.

13 hours ago, Accio Lego said:

Oh man, talk about a blast from the past. I’ve got one of these stored in the garage somewhere, along with the Hagrid’s Hut (a totally normal looking rectangular shack with a blue roof) and Burrow extensions. All the little characters should be stored in a little blue Bertie Botts Beans drawstring bag (yeah, that was a thing before the movies too). All the characters for this, and the original lego sets for that matter, were based off the early illustrations - I had to do a bit of research but it looks like the name of that original artist was Mark Brought. The reason there were so many star spangled cloaks in those first sets was those early illustrations as well. And Warner Bros must have been pretty tight fisted with letting any actual movie concept art get out back then - even the 2001 Hallmark ornaments were based directly off of Mark Brought illustrations!

I also had the toy @Ferder was talkin about. The picture unlocked a core memory of me playing with it 23 years ago! (Man, I feel old just typing that out)

Edited by Murdoch17

I’m really not trying to sound like a jerk, I know I’ve been coming off pretty harsh lol. I do think it’s wild to think the green roofs look better than the grey. It makes no sense. Grey is accurate, it’s not even debatable. Green is not. And it really is just ugly to me. If some people like green better because of the nostalgia, whatever. Personally, I’m really happy to see the green roofs go away

@mark1991t, 4 isn't it. That's a photographer's work that creates HP related art. (article here: https://www.therowlinglibrary.com/2019/05/19/wizarding-portraits-in-the-muggle-world-interview-with-xavier-boldu/)

12 probably won't be Merlin, because we were relatively sure he appeared on the Grand Staircase stickers, and I can't see them reinventing the wheel there when there's sufficient source material to choose from. see sticker here: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=40577stk01&idColor=0#T=C&C=0 lower right, pic 18

Crack theory I'd like to run past you: 4 and 6 remind me of Sleeping Beauty (sans spindle) and Snow White, which if you steer clear of the Disney versions are clearly in the public domain. Both of them exist in the Wizarding World, because we have the stories of the hags that poisoned them (Draught of Living Death for Briar Rose). There was a suggestion that they may have been Muggles, as JKR's fairytale witches are depicted as more proactive, but the Wiggenweld potion worked to revive them. As potions typically fail on Muggles, one has to wonder if they weren't therefore also witches, and so perhaps the subjects of portraits...

12 minutes ago, krimimimi said:

@mark1991t, 4 isn't it. That's a photographer's work that creates HP related art. (article here: https://www.therowlinglibrary.com/2019/05/19/wizarding-portraits-in-the-muggle-world-interview-with-xavier-boldu/)

Yeah. Thats why I said it could be. What I understand of said photographer is that they base their work of portraits of the Wizarding World. Not completely copying said portrets. I can not find anything that looks like this, so what their source could be.

No time tot answer on your other comments for now, but thank you! 

42 minutes ago, krimimimi said:

@mark1991t, 4 isn't it. That's a photographer's work that creates HP related art. (article here: https://www.therowlinglibrary.com/2019/05/19/wizarding-portraits-in-the-muggle-world-interview-with-xavier-boldu/)

12 probably won't be Merlin, because we were relatively sure he appeared on the Grand Staircase stickers, and I can't see them reinventing the wheel there when there's sufficient source material to choose from. see sticker here: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=40577stk01&idColor=0#T=C&C=0 lower right, pic 18

Crack theory I'd like to run past you: 4 and 6 remind me of Sleeping Beauty (sans spindle) and Snow White, which if you steer clear of the Disney versions are clearly in the public domain. Both of them exist in the Wizarding World, because we have the stories of the hags that poisoned them (Draught of Living Death for Briar Rose). There was a suggestion that they may have been Muggles, as JKR's fairytale witches are depicted as more proactive, but the Wiggenweld potion worked to revive them. As potions typically fail on Muggles, one has to wonder if they weren't therefore also witches, and so perhaps the subjects of portraits...

Reinventing the wheel does seem to be a trend with this theme though

@Balrogofmorgoth:pir_laugh2:, touché.

Less so with the artwork, however. How many things are the same or only slightly edited? (Which, now that I type it, speaks again to your point...) But the minifig prints as a whole. There's far less diversity than the numbers might lead one to think. In as much as that leads to a visual language and style, that's not entirely a complaint on my part, however.  

The Burrow will have 2405 pieces, according to Brickmerge!

On 1/17/2024 at 7:42 PM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

It’s not even an opinion thing, Hogwarts doesn’t have green roofs, inaccurate is inaccurate

2 hours ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I’m really not trying to sound like a jerk, I know I’ve been coming off pretty harsh lol. I do think it’s wild to think the green roofs look better than the grey. It makes no sense. Grey is accurate, it’s not even debatable. Green is not. And it really is just ugly to me. If some people like green better because of the nostalgia, whatever. Personally, I’m really happy to see the green roofs go away

Well I would say the majority like the grey more - and yeah they might be more accurate, however I don´t see the connection between what looks better and what is accurate. Just because something doesn´t look exactly like in the original it still can look better to people. Anyways. I would say I liked the grey ones more and was a bit disappointed getting the green ones, however since they made them to celebrate the 20th Jubilee of Lego Harry Potter I can see why they did them then, and honestly they still look good. So yeah now as they claim to be doing the most detailed Hogwarts I would say going back to grey is the only right choice here - and also leaves people the possibility to have the roof colour they wish, as right now both are avaiable.

25 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

The Burrow will have 2405 pieces, according to Brickmerge!

Well it doesn´t claim to be the burrow though, so I think we still have no confirmation unless it beeing very likely due to the survey leak. it would really surprise me at this point though if it would be something else. Anyways as it is supposed to be released on 1st September I think it might take a while till we get certain information towards price or minifigures.

40677 Prisoner of Azkaban BHz, 697 pieces, $49.99. March release. 

Falcon on Insta. 

Edited by ArrowBricks


3 minutes ago, krimimimi said:

what's BHz?


16 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

40677 Prisoner of Azkaban BHz, 697 pieces, $49.99. March release. 

Falcon on Insta. 

Must be the four marauders then :excited:

30 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Must be the four marauders then :excited:

I thought that was supposed to be five characters though? Also James Potter doesn't really appear in PoA. If anything, it's Black, Lupin and Snape meet Scabbers / Pettigrew. Which I guess is five right there. And we already have a Snape BHz. (Thanks @icm and @BrickMatit) Maybe Crooks instead?


Edited by krimimimi

I think it's somewhat ironic. I remember back in 2017/2018. Before we saw the official pictures, that I was basically petitioning here for the green roofs to stay because of how iconic they were. And all I needed was the Great Hall reveal to do an entire 180. Now I couldn't be happier to see the green roofs go again.

19 hours ago, Ferder said:

The green roofs perhaps came from the 2001 Harry Potter Style Guide which governed all the designs for Harry Potter merchandise (since the designs from the films were still in-progress and top-secret). Check out this toy of Hogwarts from that time.

Speaking of the old style guide. I remember there being other images from back in the day, specifically for lego apparently, but visually having no connection to lego. They had somewhat the same style as the visual guide, but in 3d (they kinda looked like characters from a game). One noteable thing was that (what appeared to be) Draco had black hair rather than blonde. But I could never find the images again in recent years. Anyone happen to know what I'm talking about?

3 hours ago, krimimimi said:

@mark1991t, 4 isn't it. That's a photographer's work that creates HP related art. (article here: https://www.therowlinglibrary.com/2019/05/19/wizarding-portraits-in-the-muggle-world-interview-with-xavier-boldu/)

Still, at least it's a pretty big coincidence. There's no official painting anywhere I could find that looks even remotely like it, but this fanmade one hits every mark. Pose, items, clothes, even with (most of) the colours.

5 hours ago, mark1991t said:

12. Merlin (?)

Still think that's based on the Ivan the Terrible portrait, with some creative liberty by the designer ofcourse.

3 hours ago, krimimimi said:

12 probably won't be Merlin, because we were relatively sure he appeared on the Grand Staircase stickers, and I can't see them reinventing the wheel there when there's sufficient source material to choose from. see sticker here: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=40577stk01&idColor=0#T=C&C=0 lower right, pic 18

I go with the answer from @Balrogofmorgoth 


Crack theory I'd like to run past you: 4 and 6 remind me of Sleeping Beauty (sans spindle) and Snow White, which if you steer clear of the Disney versions are clearly in the public domain. Both of them exist in the Wizarding World, because we have the stories of the hags that poisoned them (Draught of Living Death for Briar Rose). There was a suggestion that they may have been Muggles, as JKR's fairytale witches are depicted as more proactive, but the Wiggenweld potion worked to revive them. As potions typically fail on Muggles, one has to wonder if they weren't therefore also witches, and so perhaps the subjects of portraits...

Interesting theory. It absolutely can be. I've even searched through Hogwarts Legacy, because number 6 reminded me of Isidora Morganach, but only her younger version resembles the style of clothes a bit. 

50 minutes ago, Huigberts Builds said:

Still think that's based on the Ivan the Terrible portrait, with some creative liberty by the designer ofcourse.

The modified Ivan portrait doesn't appear in the English version of the wiki, but here's the Spanish version  https://harrypotter.fandom.com/es/wiki/Filius_Noster

3 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

The Burrow will have 2405 pieces, according to Brickmerge!

Weren’t the prices attached to the Burrow leaked in the survey more in the typical $400 range? 2405 pieces isn’t a $400 set, more like $250. That suggests that if this is the Burrow it’s been scaled back from the leaked image. 

1 hour ago, ArrowBricks said:

40677 Prisoner of Azkaban BHz, 697 pieces, $49.99. March release. 

Falcon on Insta. 

A PoA theme for the Brickheadz then? And they’re typically priced at ~$10 per head, so my guess would be Harry, Hermione, Moony the werewolf, Sirius/Padfoot, and either Ron or Buckbeak. (With the trio in their PoA casual clothes)

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