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1 minute ago, brickbride said:

Great Hall: Huh. Underwhelming at first glance, which is good because there's no way I'm going to want to start collecting yet another Hogwarts Castle iteration. The troll admittedly looks nice. And so does the Fat Friar. The middle removable section is I don't even know what, and the Hufflepuff common room looks, again, underwhelming. The Great Hall seems to be taken straight from the last Chamber of Secrets set just with a (which is definitely a plus) higher ceiling and some banners. But basically the footprint of the entire thing seems to be about the same as in the Chamber of Secrets set, so I don't see the justification for the price increase. Also, I'm sorry to say but the buildable sky ceiling looks kinda bad.


The interior looks around 33 studs long and around 12 studs deep. Considerably larger than the 2021 Great Hall. 

No fireplace in the Great Hall this time around. That’s a shame. The front of the rocks in the Quirrell image look a little flat from that angle. Figures all look great though. 

@brickbride I am sorry, but  where have you spotted the fat friar? 

At last Dumbledore gets his hat in a set and not just the CMF version! Great Hall feels like what I was expecting with the pull out bases, but can't say it feels very detailed to me. Those bottom sections just look plain, but will need to wait for better images. Nothing about this screams value for that price though to me as it's hardly better than the last one and you got a basilisk then, so the troll doesn't justify it. Yes it's bigger, but does it offer more play value? I don't really think so. Also, @brickbride where is the ghost because I'm just not seeing it? *huh*

Ollivanders is cute and a perfectly shrunken version I think. I'm guessing the Flourish and Blotts sign is a nod to the next modular in the series, as WWW have the Madam Malkins sign. The interior of Malkins itself is underwhelming, but it is the secondary build I suppose. Great to see a fresh Ollivander so he has a unique torso again.

Buckbeak I'm afraid to say looks bland and yet somehow chaotic to me with all those different shades of grey, but then I never had any intention of purchasing it so it makes little difference to me. I'm sure some will love it and no denying it's a detailed model, but definitely not my thing. 

The same goes for the buildable Mandrake; it holds no interest for me and a Mandrake that doesn't have the sound brick so it can scream in the year they made that a thing again is kind of ironic.

Overall, this wave so far is extremely disappointing if I'm being totally honest. I really hope the Durmstrang Ship looks good after waiting for a remake all these years and doesn't end up looking like some Chibi version because they'd used pieces on the Beauxbatons Carriage.

There is a separate picture of the Great Hall minifigs. The Brick Enthusiast on FB has three different posts up, one is just a blury close up of the new wands thought. 

Got to admit I'm a little underwhelmed. Ollivanders/Madam Malkins look nice, but obviously nothing close to Diagon Alley. Hoping the Durmstrang ship is worth the wait. 

18 minutes ago, Gorilla94 said:

@brickbride I am sorry, but  where have you spotted the fat friar? 

New leaked pic from the same source with just the figs.

EDIT: Overlapped.

Edited by brickbride

3 minutes ago, BacktoBricks said:

Those bottom sections just look plain, but will need to wait for better images.

The problem is, they’re trying to have different colored interior walls but leaving tons of gaps in those walls. For this to work, they needed to at least not have the back walls full of gaps and holes. The 2001 sets had more complete walls. 

Fat Friar, Vector CONFIRMED!! 

Now the three students, male Ravenclaw and female Hufflepuff and female Slutherin, are they real characters? 

Vector and the Fat Friar look great :thumbup: Can someone identify the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students? :laugh:

18 minutes ago, MaxHeadroom said:

The interior looks around 33 studs long and around 12 studs deep. Considerably larger than the 2021 Great Hall. 

It's longer, true, but it looks just as cramped. I still think the 2001 version (apart from, obviously, the 2018 stand-alone) was the best in terms of capturing the spirit of it.

Minifigs all look great including the troll. 

Great Hall is super disappointing. This doesn't feel like the definitive version. Only 2 long tables? Barely a section for the professors. At least it feels tall enough for once but if those are supposed to be clouds to represent the enchanted ceiling, then another letdown.

The swappable sections underneath also feel too small to be of any use. At least the courtyard looks decent.

Madam Malkin's feels so miniscule, almost like a microscale set. Really wish we had gotten this shop in a D2C Diagon Alley expansion.

The hippogriff isn't to my taste and the mandrake feels like a missed opportunity without any sound.

Overall mostly disappointing wave of sets. Minifigs are the only redeeming quality.


Edited by JeanGreyForever

17 minutes ago, Seaber said:

Now the three students, male Ravenclaw and female Hufflepuff and female Slutherin, are they real characters? 

Doug, Judy, and Doug 2

Great looking figs.  Great hall looks a bit flat but I'm sure it'll be better from the other side.

New wand moulds are interesting but they look a lot longer and I doubt they'll look good in minifigure hands especially for short legged figs.

Happy they didn't try to squeeze in the main tower with the Great Hall set. Continues to give me hope that this modular castle will live up to its marketing

What happened to the stickered ceiling? :snicker: Not that I miss it, the clouds and floating candles look better anyway :laugh:

I’m very happy with the wave so far! Now I can’t wait to see the Durmstrang ship, Karkaroff, and the new flasks in the potion classroom! :excited:

Another year, another wave of just getting the minifigs. Love Malkin and the Troll. I’m really disappointed with the Great Hall cause I’m not seeing almost double the value of the Chamber of Secrets or Great Hall. Fingers crossed Durmstrang Ship is killer. 

Edited by RODDY

41 minutes ago, JeanGreyForever said:

Madam Malkin's feels so miniscule, almost like a microscale set.

To be fair, it's a step up from the Owl Post Office.

Edited by brickbride

Well IG is back to showing only nine pix without an acct. That's just enough to see the troll. (Brilliant! Very well done!) 

Could someone DM me the pix, too, please? Cheers. Thanks. :wub:

Edited by krimimimi

This is such a weird selection of images to leak together. A shot of the back of the Great Hall, the minifigs close up, and a weird little close up of Quirrel in the set. The back of Malkin’s with the front lifestyle shot of Ollivander’s (which only show 4 of the 6 characters), the mandrake in and out of its pot, and a posed shot of Buckbeak that doesn’t show the full set. No shots of Triwizard Arrival, Potions Class, or Aragog at all. I know I was saying that we had a chance of getting getting leaks when a 3rd party site uploaded them early but geez. 

My first observations are that the slide out modules look very useful for play - that was a big drawback I noticed with the last system, reaching in the little rooms to move things around was cramped and fiddly - some room modules would let you pull off the front crossbar for slightly easier access but that did very little good when everything was assembled into a larger castle. The new slide out modules can be removed and replaced easily, and their lack of high walls makes it easy to play with them when they’re out in the open. 

The Great Hall Minifigs look good, as does the new Troll. Great to get the Fat Friar but I can’t help but notice that he uses the bowl cut hair piece instead of having a proper tonsure. The Great Hall also has 5 visible Collectible Portraits from what we can see in these photos. Four in the small hallway module and one in the Hufflepuff Common Room. 

The Diagon Alley shops look fun, I really want better shots of them. And there’s a signpost with Gringotts Bsnk on the left and Quality Quidditch Supplies and Flourish & Blott’s towards the right – a potential clue for next year perhaps? 

The Mandrake and Buckbeak both look rather disappointing right now, although I’ll reserve judgement on the latter until I see him in a better pose with his base. But there’s a high chance I’ll skip those two like I did with Dobby last year. 

Hey guys, so what do you guys use to find the most recent leaked pics? I used to use Instagram and just look up the Legoleaks hashtag but lately it's been more unusable than ever.

Okay managed to find the rest, but the hashtag is still messed up. So if anyone has a better way, please do share.

Figures look great, Troll is really good except the beefy arms.

I'm not sure the Great Hall shows it's value at the moment though, it's supposed to be about €200 or something right? But, it does look like a fun set.

Buckbeak and the Mandrake look great, but I'm the least interested in them.

The shops look fun, but I'm still not entirely sure of the new Diagon Alley wave. I'd love to have more in the style of the D2C. And also what's with the displayed wands in Olivanders? Are those new handles that we can put on the existing wand pieces? I'm curious if Madame malkin's will have the giant pair of scissors on the front though.


Edited by Mordarch
Correcting language and adding to orriginal post

For those that can't fint the pictures: 'The Brick Enthusiast' have them posted on their Facebook page. You have to scroll a few posts back to find the main leak. 

If you look closely on the Great Hall photo, you can see behind the windows, between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff flags, a dark object, I assume it is a staircase to the boat house. Also on the front, there are four connection points. I am curious about the size of the completed Hogwarts castle.

Need to see Great Hall from the other side but so far it lacks details, design seems primitive while at the same time it is not clear what is going on with courtyard, looks like a mess. 

Do we even have entrance doors and if yes, how narrow are those? Dungeons are underwhelming, I wasn't sure I would like switchable room concept (it is LEGO, I can make myself anything how I want) but now that I see implementation I am sure I don't like it, looks too random. If I can grab a new one on secondary market for 100 I might get one just for the minifigs. 

Honestly in my personal case it is quite a blow for the whole modular castle system but maybe some other set will change my mind, maybe Marble Staircase Tower will save it?

13 minutes ago, Jaromir said:

If you look closely on the Great Hall photo, you can see behind the windows, between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff flags, a dark object, I assume it is a staircase to the boat house. Also on the front, there are four connection points. I am curious about the size of the completed Hogwarts castle.

The dark object is likely the common-room circle thing outside of the great hall. The stairs can be seen on the other picture with Quirrel that leaked. 

Looking closely at the Great Hall set and comparing it to the photo from the booklet "build the most detailed Hogwarts Castle", and I am pretty sure now that blurred image of the castle, it is actually completed build. Compare the leaked image and the blurred one and tell me please if I am right or wrong. lego-harry-potter-76426-76430-hogwarts.png

23 minutes ago, Jaromir said:

If you look closely on the Great Hall photo, you can see behind the windows, between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff flags, a dark object, I assume it is a staircase to the boat house. Also on the front, there are four connection points. I am curious about the size of the completed Hogwarts castle.

Those four connection points are interesting. Dumbledore's Tower (Marble Staircase) would only need the 2 middle connection points. And the front one would connect to the bridge. The back one makes me wonder if connecting set to this will "complete" the Great Hall.

Edited by Virginia_Bricks

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