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3 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Why is everyone losing hope? It’s always darkest before the dawn.

Not for DC. The dawn killed the franchise.

50 minutes ago, psqidexslizer said:

Not for DC. The dawn killed the franchise.

I see what you did there.

I’m not hoping for much from Lego, but a new John Stewart GL would be great.

15 hours ago, Swordy said:

Hot take: I’m glad the Soviets stole the atomic bomb. If not, and America is the sole nation with the city-killer, I fear that the U.S. would’ve become like the Empire in Star Wars. The Cold War doesn’t exist without mutual agreed destruction. I’m not proud of them, per se, but I’m definitely grateful for the traitorous Americans involved in the Manhattan Project. (Benedict Arnold, on the other hand, was a slimy snake who’s only redeeming quality lied in his left boot.)

That is a hot take - I suppose on some level it's good that the US weren't the only ones with nukes, but the soviets, aside from just being generally one of the worst regimes in history, brought us so close to the end that there were literally moments where a single Russian sub officer voting no was all that prevented nuclear war.

15 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Live Action Movie: Either Home Alone or Love Actually.

Back when I was doing my GCSEs, a factor in why Truman authorised the use a second nuke on Nagasaki was not only to make the Japanese surrender faster. It was a message to Stalin that the US didn’t just have one bomb, they had an arsenal. And they weren’t afraid to use it if the USSR overstepped their claim.

The first two home alones are cinematic masterpieces, proceeded by an unknown number of terrible reboots.

I'm sure it was, but I don't know that we would actually have just turned around and nuked the soviets if they went "no we actually want all of germany not just half".

13 hours ago, calebcold3 said:

I know I already have mentioned a potential Green Lantern mech for 2026 (When the HBO show is set to premiere), but do you all think we could get a LEGO Supergirl Mech for 2026? (since Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow comes out in 2026)

It would be pretty interesting to have 2 DC mechs and 1 Marvel mech for 2026. I feel like instead of doing direct tie ins for now, LEGO views making Mechs based on the comics that a DCU adaptation is based on as a safer option (assuming we aren't getting any Gunn Superman sets next year) 

Also, IDK who the second figure would be in a Supergirl mech. Maybe Krypto? I said this when I brought up the Green Lantern Mech Idea but I imagine the Green Lantern mech would have Hal and John. 

I doubt we get a Supergirl Mech in 2026 after a Superman mech in 2025, but it would be spectacularly on brand for lego DC to have those be the only non-batman sets.

11 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

No *big* cameos? Well the dead stoneified Eternal is in it and he's pretty dang big.

But in all seriousness just look at the leaked  post credit scene:

Tigress, Catwoman

The Uptown Rat stands up revealing himself to be master Splinter!!!

Yeah but I heard since it was a corpse they didn't have to charge Mr. Eternal's estate.

We gonna talk about adding multiple cat women to the outsiders?

Can't believe Turtle was right all along and Splinter was working with Batman.

11 hours ago, Coryo said:

I'd imagine if the Superman movie does well, then the more family-friendly movies like Supergirl would get actual tie-in sets rather than mechs. I can't imagine Lego not doing at least one set for The Brave and the Bold

I'm sure we'd get some sort of tie in for any batman movie not rated R, but I think everything else depends a lot on the Superman movie. I wouldn't be surprised if even if that did well, lego still held off for another movie or two to make sure it wasn't a fluke. 

5 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Why is everyone losing hope? It’s always darkest before the dawn.

It's also darkest before it continues being equally dark.

Die Hard is the best Christmas movie

Die Hard is not a Christmas movie

35 minutes ago, psqidexslizer said:

Die Hard is not a Christmas movie

...and neither is Home Alone or it's sequels!

46 minutes ago, Murdoch17 said:

...and neither is Home Alone or it's sequels!

…but Batman Returns and Edward Scissorhands both are and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

16 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

Die Hard is the best Christmas movie

Google says that Die Hard just took place during the Christmas season. It also said that 79% of people think it is a Christmas movie.

One thing is sure though, A Christmas Carrol by Dickens is a Christmas movie! If you say anything to the contrary I will let it go only on the basis that you are crazy! (jonkling of course) 

1 hour ago, psqidexslizer said:

…but Batman Returns and Edward Scissorhands both are and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.



2 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

Die Hard is not a Christmas movie

I gusse you are in the 21% that don't think it is.

Edited by ILoveSeatron

2 hours ago, Murdoch17 said:

...and neither is Home Alone or it's sequels!

Home Alone 1&2’s themes are strongly linked to Christmas. Hell, it’s implied that it’s Santa who magically turns off the electricity that deactivated the alarms in the 1st one.


Has anyone seen any pictures of the Arkham Asylum that is supposed to be coming out in 2025?

20 minutes ago, ILoveSeatron said:


Batman Returns is a film about isolation and loneliness and seasonal depression around the holidays. That’s the common theme that ties all the characters together. Oswald was neglected as a child and grew up alone and isolated and now he’s bitter and resentful. Both Bruce and Selina are lonely and end up getting together out of their shared loneliness only to wind up alone and depressed again. Shrek is a twisted parental figure/Santa Claus to both Oswald and Selina who acts like he’s giving to everyone while only taking. Heck, Oswald’s entire arc is about finding a new parental figure only to suffer the same abuse and betrayal he felt from his real parents and it’s tragic. It’s a film about people suffering from abuse and loss and their struggle with depression during the holiday season. The film literally ends with Batman mourning the loss of Selina in the snow. How much more explicit must this film be with its message?

Edward Scissorhands is about the sadness of losing a loved one that people experience during the holidays. Their story is literally about a grandmother reminiscing about a teenage crush she ended up losing around Christmas because he didn’t fit in. Meanwhile, Edward is still alone thinking about her and carving her out of snow remembering the good times they had. 

They’re not uplifting Christmas movies, rather they’re movies about the other side of the holiday season. They’re movies about the people who feel alone at Christmas. About the people who are unloved at Christmas. They’re about people that are missing loved ones at Christmas. You couldn’t set these films during any other time of year without losing something significant. Sure, they’re depressing, but that’s the point. Not everyone is joyful at Christmas, and sometimes the spirit of the season only makes it worse.

Now, compare that to Die Hard and Home Alone. What would be lost if Home Alone was set during, IDK, spring break and Die Hard was set on a Tuesday. Absolutely nothing. These aren’t Christmas movies. These aren’t films about Christmas. They’re films that were set during Christmas to boost sales. But not Batman Returns and Edward Scissorhands. Those are movies about Christmas that wouldn’t have the same impact if they were set at another time of the year.

27 minutes ago, ILoveSeatron said:

Has anyone seen any pictures of the Arkham Asylum that is supposed to be coming out in 2025?

Nope. We won’t be seeing those for a while. Set doesn’t come out until summer (I think someone mentioned June, but don’t quote me on that).

On December 2, 2024 at 5:36 PM, Clone OPatra said:

Ok. This topic is way off the rails. I'm tempted to start the 2025 DC thread a little early, and leave this one de-pinned as the Aslume thread for all you Alsumers here.

But then people in all the other threads will wonder why we haven't started 2025 threads for everything.

Why this topic got off the rails is because Batman was crossing the railroad tracks when, THE TRAIN CAME AROUND THE BEND, AND IT COULDN'T STOP! BATMAN COULD NOT GET OUT OF THE WAY, HIS BAT MOBILE HAD STALLED ON THE TRACK! THEN THERE WAS A DEFFENING CRASH BANG SMASH CRUNCH!!! BATMAN GOT  RUN OVER AND DIED.(poor Batman :sad: ) (tragic, isn't it?) HIS BAT MOBILE WAS IN FLAMES. THE TRAIN GOT DERAILED FROM THE COLLISION AND WENT HURDLING OFF THE RAILS, THRUOUGH SOME HOUSES, AND INTO A LAKE!!!(where it rests to this day) And THAT IS WHY THIS THREAD IS SO CRAZY, because now that Batman is dead,( :sad: ) we have no reason to talk about him any more.

I hope this explains everything for you, @CloneO Patra.

Edit.  (Just jonkling of course) 

Edited by ILoveSeatron

1 hour ago, ILoveSeatron said:

Has anyone seen any pictures of the Arkham Asylum that is supposed to be coming out in 2025?

Yes, the designers and other TLG staff. None of us here I can imagine though. D2Cs often don't get pictures till closer to release.

6 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

Yes, the designers and other TLG staff.

I meant on Eurobricks.

28 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

Yes, the designers and other TLG staff. None of us here I can imagine though. D2Cs often don't get pictures till closer to release.

I have seen it. It came to me in a dream.

2 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

I have seen it. It came to me in a dream.

That was just Ezra Miller coming from the Knightmare Timeline 

3 hours ago, ILoveSeatron said:

Why this topic got off the rails is because Batman was crossing the railroad tracks when, THE TRAIN CAME AROUND THE BEND, AND IT COULDN'T STOP! BATMAN COULD NOT GET OUT OF THE WAY, HIS BAT MOBILE HAD STALLED ON THE TRACK! THEN THERE WAS A DEFFENING CRASH BANG SMASH CRUNCH!!! BATMAN GOT  RUN OVER AND DIED.(poor Batman :sad: ) (tragic, isn't it?) HIS BAT MOBILE WAS IN FLAMES. THE TRAIN GOT DERAILED FROM THE COLLISION AND WENT HURDLING OFF THE RAILS, THRUOUGH SOME HOUSES, AND INTO A LAKE!!!(where it rests to this day) And THAT IS WHY THIS THREAD IS SO CRAZY, because now that Batman is dead,( :sad: ) we have no reason to talk about him any more.

I hope this explains everything for you, @CloneO Patra.

Edit.  (Just jonkling of course) 

Ahhh yes, Turtle's vocabulary, I miss him, when will Riddler be unbanned ?

NVM, last time I checked it was temporary but now it's permanent :(    @Murdoch17 why do u gotta report him ;-; he was an innocent soul who was mentally unwell and needed help, we could have kept the fun

I feel like this will be like an MCU post credit scene, ''Turtle will return''

On 12/3/2024 at 8:53 AM, Swordy said:

Hot take: I’m glad the Soviets stole the atomic bomb. 

We didn't. President Truman said this only not to look dumb after his previous statement that the Russians are too stupid in general to create an atomic bomb themselves. Everything that the modern Russian intelligence is boasting of is gibberish. 

It's hard to argue with people who accuse me of justifying the destruction of Alderaan (which I didn't), yet think that the nuclear bombings were completely normal and totally justified - because Stalin wanted to "enslave" the entire Western Europe! Not some imaginary planet was blown up - thousands of real people were murdered, thousands wounded the most henious way possible. People who were totally not guilty of IJA's atrocious warcrimes (not remembered now anywhere in the Western world). That's what I call moral values dissonance.

The aesthetic has nothing to do with morality. From that point of view, Batman is totally a fascist. When someone calls anyone a fascist, they don't understand the meaning of the word because Dimitrov's definition is unknown to anyone. Dude may wear a long black trenchcoat and do brutal things, but it doesn't make him a fascist (again, the beforementioned Batman, whom I don't like as a person, but calling him a fascist is obviously stupid). Dude may wear a nice suit and do fascist things (Lex Luthor), but that's totally different. He may in fact be the story's good guy! :sarcasm_hmpf:

I desperately want to cease debating, seeing that it's utterly pointless, but I can't help myself. I just wish this thread is closed for further replies as soon as possible.

DC is dead. Batman is dead. WB is dead. Long live whatever replaces them. 

Edited by Max_Lego

I'm not touching the atomic bomb discussion, but the reason the empire is considered fascist is that that's their inspiration, how they look is only downstream of that.

If you don't want to debate star wars you can stop, we had dropped that discussion

It's a DC thread, and I want to discuss Star Wars, not violently debate. The Empire wasn't inspired by the 3 Reich, despite what anyone says. As I said, the aesthetic doesn't make one a follower of some political movement 

I never said that the Empire were good. It's just my prsonal headcanon. My point was that being chaotic evil doesn't work for them. There are much better ways to show that someone is evil. 

@Renny The Spaceman, you said that the question on whether Superman is a superhero or not is next. I answer: the Homelander is also a superhero (DC wiki formerly calling him an adventurer was wrong). The problem is that he's very different from Superman. He's basically Superman, raised by a Megacorporation instead of Kansas farmers. The Joker being evil is of no debate 

6 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Home Alone 1&2’s themes are strongly linked to Christmas. Hell, it’s implied that it’s Santa who magically turns off the electricity that deactivated the alarms in the 1st one.

I assume @Murdoch17 was joking, because yeah, I think it's inarguable that those are christmas movies. They're set during christmas, prominently feature christmas in the plotline, and have themes and messages revolving around christmas.

2 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Ahhh yes, Turtle's vocabulary, I miss him, when will Riddler be unbanned ?

We just have to wait for a third account named "splinter alfred" or something to show up. Have faith.

3 minutes ago, Max_Lego said:

It's a DC thread, and I want to discuss Star Wars, not violently debate. The Empire wasn't inspired by the 3 Reich, despite what anyone says. As I said, the aesthetic doesn't make one a follower of some political movement 

Like in-universe, obviously not, because the nazis don't exist in SW. But out of universe, they absolutely were.

These last few pages have been very entertaining to say the least

If we're touching the aesthetic, the Rebels' uniforms are directly inspired by the Wermacht, unlike the Empire's:

Screenshot-2022-09-17-at-3.55.07-PM-copyAgain and again, I don't think that anyone here understands what fascism and nazism are. It's just the goddamn Goodwin law 

Batman also got accused of being fascist. Because he wears a black cloak, I guess...

25 minutes ago, Max_Lego said:

It's a DC thread, and I want to discuss Star Wars, not violently debate. The Empire wasn't inspired by the 3 Reich, despite what anyone says. As I said, the aesthetic doesn't make one a follower of some political movement 

I’m just gonna leave this here.


18 minutes ago, psqidexslizer said:

I’m just gonna leave this here.


How does it prove anything? Tell me something I don't know 

It also matters what is shown on screen, and how it is shown. I may hate Sequels, but after seeing FO troops burn down and massacre an entire village and wondering who's financially backing those guys, I can safely assume they're fascist. Which I sadly cannot say about the OT Empire, who are mostly shown as a military dealing with an armed Rebellion. Blowing up a planet is obviously a bad thing to do, but not strictly fascist. And the Galactic population is beyond any imagination 

Also, the CIS are fascist - because of their origin and methods. Those two factors matter first 

Also, everyone calls the regime from Starship troopers fascist for some reason. But propaganda on TV and large peaked caps don't necessarily and strictly mean fascism

Edited by Max_Lego

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