Renny The Spaceman Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 1 minute ago, Agent Kallus said: The whole megablocking script??!!?!?! I think you win this round Spaceman! Well it's the transcript but close enough Quote
Agent Kallus Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 1 minute ago, Renny The Spaceman said: Well it's the transcript but close enough Pedantry? Victory redacted. Quote
Renny The Spaceman Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 3 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said: Pedantry? Victory redacted. Victory by your terms is meaningless, being annoying is life's greatest joy Quote
psqidexslizer Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 2 hours ago, Max_Lego said: Sebastian Shaw is the real Anakin Skywalker! Dear lord, you “Kevin Bacon is the REAL Anakin” stans are the worst! And I say this as a massive fan of X-Men: First Class. Quote
Swordy Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 (edited) 8 hours ago, Max_Lego said: Star Wars: the holiday special debunks the entire 'Wookies were enslaved by the Empire' nonsense with its mere existence. Say anything you want about the movie, but George Lucas provided the creators with all the needed material on the Wookies and never mentioned they were enslaved and treated somehow differently from the rest of the sentient species. I think this stupid idea, forming a large bulk of modern SW lore, originated from Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire", and it was heavily implied that Imperials landed on Kashyyk to capture Wookies and sell them to third parties (?!) (Pellaeon's backstory). In the same book Han Solo claims that "Wookies were nice before the Empire started enslaving them", which is quite strange considering he previously claimed that "Wookies are known for pulling people's arms out of their sockets when they loose" in ANH - the absolute best SW movie ever, by the way!!! Why do SW fans claim that they hate the Prequels, yet the Prequels are the first thing they associate with Star Wars? Are they hypocrites? Also, why do SW fans believe Ben Kenobi's and Leia's lies? Are they naive? None of them had any reason to be honest. Hell, Ben lied to Luke about his father. Finally, why do SW fans think Anakin looks and behaves like the Hyden Christiansen version? Are they stupid? Darth Vader would never behave like that (what's most important, he'd NEVER have slaughtered any younglings like animals - yes, yes, I claim that Vader from the OT wouldn't have commited such an atrocity! That's not in his character) Sebastian Shaw is the real Anakin Skywalker! ...Do I need to say I sincerely believe everything I typed above? Was I provocative enough? Thank you for disclosing that these are actual takes of yours. Now I feel open to discuss them in a hopefully civil and constructive fashion. Surprisingly, the whole “Wookiees enslaved by the Empire” deal has never crossed my mind. I don’t care much about alien societies in SW, to be honest. (Except Chiss, but I think the whole “no droids” thing in Outbound Flight is dumb.) I believe it makes sense that Kashyyyk was cracked down by the Empire BECAUSE Wookiees are such a threat to them. ANH is one of the three best Star Wars films… I find that the dialogue is sometimes clunky, and sometimes in action sequences, where exposition should be minimized. Visually, beautifully. The Special Edition does detract from the film experience, which isn’t the case with the other two Original films. The only character who has an arc is Han Solo, and even then his development comes off as flat at best, cheesy at worst. Tarkin is a terrifying villain, though, arguably moreso than even Vader. I’ll debunk this. First thing of which I think when I think about Star Wars is Luke, Vader, Death Star, Falcon, Mando… secondary are the Prequels and Sequels and most other Star Wars. (I only include Mando in my list because Mando S2 was the first SW I viewed as it was being released; I watched TFA, TLJ years after they premiered in theaters, absolutely spoiled on both stories, and just in the past year watched TRoS for the first time.) I’m confused. When does Leia flat out lie? We believed Ben because that’s all we knew in ANH. Arguably, the lies he gives in RotJ (made apparent by the Preq—no, just Phantom Menace) are worse than the initial; if he’s supposed to be coming clean to Luke, then he needs to be completely honest. Yes, say that you compared your best friend to Jar Jar after you’ve explained the politics of taxation on plasma purifying. Vader is mostly a quiet terror in the OT. Chokes a guy, orders his men to kill everyone aboard the Tantive—except Leia, because he understands her importance to winning the war—starts to choke a high-ranking officer who made fun of him, oversees the destruction of a planet of innocent bystanders, chokes someone who got too close to Echo Base, chokes another guy who virtuously takes the blame for losing the Falcon, tortured a Rebel general for the fun of it… The guy is brutal. He does what the job requires him to do. He leads the charge on multiple occasions, showing he doesn’t care if he has to get his hands dirty. If he had to commit unspeakable atrocities to protect the Republic and gain the favour of the one who can save his wife, then he’ll do just that. Yes, Sebastian is the real Anakin—as far as RotJ. I’m accepting of the Hayden Christensen performance, but I like to keep the Original films visually separate from the Prequel movies (vice versa, though, I approve and appreciate). Anyway, I’m still baffled that they called the buildable Rey’s lightsaber set Luke’s lightsaber. Even then, why did we never get the much more iconic Ponda’s arm? Edited November 25, 2024 by Swordy Quote
Renny The Spaceman Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 00010101011010100001111001011000000111001010111000010110111100011110100000010110001011100110111110100011001000000000011000011 11011010000010011101011101101111110111110100100100010100010011001100000000110001110110111110100011110011100000111111010011010 10111011001001010110010110011100101000011110110100100101111000100010111100001101101111100000111010001101101000111000001100011 00011101111011101101001111001100001110011100010100010000010001011101001100010111110111010001110110000100011001101101110000101 01101001001010000000110101100100101100101000100101101110011111111110110100000100100001011010000100000101101111101011000001011 00010001100000001011010010000011100001100110000000111000001010110011001110011110000001110010011000110111110000010111101000110 01000100000010000111011111110110000000010010100111001001101000100111110101111111001100011101010111011010010111000010011010100 11111001110111101001000110010111100101101110000110111011001110100011100001001010011000001110100100110000011011011111000110110 10111111011011100110101110011100010100011111100010100000010111010010011111100101010101010110000110001110110011101000111010110 10100010100110110110001111010110000001001101110010011011001111111101010111110010011000101000101001010101101000111110001001110 11001001011100100111010011111110001111000111101111110110110110111110110111011000011001010100101000100010011000100100001000010 01101100011110111010100111100010000100000100111001011001111101010111111001100001000101101101101101111110010110100010111101111 00101110101001101100011000010100000010000000000100011101010100010111010001001001011101100110110001110110000111010111100110001 00110110111000011100001100111010011101100010011101011011101101011100100100110101110100011100011011111000111110011110010110010 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00010011111110101110010001011011111011011010100110111011010010111100110100000001011011110000001000111111100001001010001111110 11111000110111001111001111110001101111010011100101111010001101111010110111101111101010000111000011001001110100111111101000000 00010011110100100100100001111110001101101010001001000111011011001011101011011000001111011100110111100100010000010000010111011 10001000100011000101110101010101001111111110011000100011110010111111000001110000010011100010111100010110010111111111100111010 01111101000011110000101010110111011000100011010001111000000001100000011010010000010110101111100100100011110110011110010010010 10000001001011101100000110110111111101011001010110011110011110100111000001001111011010011111001001101111010000110100010110110 01011000001110001000000000011111111101101100101111011001011110101100100100110011001010110100001011001000101101111000100000001 11010111100000011111111110001011010000000011000110000100100010111101110000001011011001011110010010001001101000101111010101010 10100101100001011001001100101000111111100010111111111110001011001010111100001110101011001110110110000001000110010010010001110 00000111001111111000101101111110111000111110011100001100110000010000100011101101100110001101111110000100100110111110110011001 01101110011000101000001100011101011100101100111110010000110000011111100000110101111001000101001100001011100100101101110000010 01000110001101101100011100100001000110101111110111011001000010110110001100010010101000001100111111111011000010110100111100110 Quote
Lego Nostalgia Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 30 minutes ago, Renny The Spaceman said: 00010101011010100001111001011000000111001010111000010110111100011110100000010110001011100110111110100011001000000000011000011 11011010000010011101011101101111110111110100100100010100010011001100000000110001110110111110100011110011100000111111010011010 10111011001001010110010110011100101000011110110100100101111000100010111100001101101111100000111010001101101000111000001100011 00011101111011101101001111001100001110011100010100010000010001011101001100010111110111010001110110000100011001101101110000101 01101001001010000000110101100100101100101000100101101110011111111110110100000100100001011010000100000101101111101011000001011 00010001100000001011010010000011100001100110000000111000001010110011001110011110000001110010011000110111110000010111101000110 01000100000010000111011111110110000000010010100111001001101000100111110101111111001100011101010111011010010111000010011010100 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00001111011101000101101111110101011000001001000001010110010111110111111110110100110000000101011101001000100101101000110000010 00101000111110001010100100011110001000001111110000000110100000000001100100000111011101110100100111001101000100011111111101011 11111011000001111011101111111110100010001110001111011010011100000101010000100101000000000000000001010111001001000111011101001 11011011100101101111000000000111011110111011110010110011011111000101010110100100110010011101001101010001010000100111101010111 11101110100110001011110100000000101010110100001111001011110011010100110101101010001001011100011000001101111000011110111000100 10100110110010000101000111110110011101001001110111110000001001000111100000111011110110101111000101111001110101101011100110110 11110100111001100010110000101101001010110111101001100101010010110101101010110000101011101101110100101001001101001110110011101 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11010010110001001000000110001010110110111000110111001101100101111011101001101100011111000000110000111111100110000001110001001 01111111101000011111011011111011011100010101010011001101101011000110111100000100000000110111111011011001011111111111111011000 10111111100111011110110110100001001000110110101011111101111001110101101001000110111001111101000010011011111110001001100111010 00101111000011110011101111100100000110001100000000001110010011110110000010111100101110010110001100111110100011001011111100011 10010111101010100000101011000110110111001001011001110000110110101011110000101101111110100110101110101010100101011111100110100 11111000000011010001101001101001001010000010100100100001100000000111000000101100011000001010000100001000010111010011001001000 01111000110000100000001001111100011000101010010000110001101010010010000100011010110100001000011110100000111000110010010011101 00010011111110101110010001011011111011011010100110111011010010111100110100000001011011110000001000111111100001001010001111110 11111000110111001111001111110001101111010011100101111010001101111010110111101111101010000111000011001001110100111111101000000 00010011110100100100100001111110001101101010001001000111011011001011101011011000001111011100110111100100010000010000010111011 10001000100011000101110101010101001111111110011000100011110010111111000001110000010011100010111100010110010111111111100111010 01111101000011110000101010110111011000100011010001111000000001100000011010010000010110101111100100100011110110011110010010010 10000001001011101100000110110111111101011001010110011110011110100111000001001111011010011111001001101111010000110100010110110 01011000001110001000000000011111111101101100101111011001011110101100100100110011001010110100001011001000101101111000100000001 11010111100000011111111110001011010000000011000110000100100010111101110000001011011001011110010010001001101000101111010101010 10100101100001011001001100101000111111100010111111111110001011001010111100001110101011001110110110000001000110010010010001110 00000111001111111000101101111110111000111110011100001100110000010000100011101101100110001101111110000100100110111110110011001 01101110011000101000001100011101011100101100111110010000110000011111100000110101111001000101001100001011100100101101110000010 01000110001101101100011100100001000110101111110111011001000010110110001100010010101000001100111111111011000010110100111100110 I think this is Riddler AKA Turtle trying to tell us something, someone get Battinson to decipher this riddle *Ave Maria Plays* I love that movie, I have a bad feeling that it will be delayed or James Gunn might get rid of it, I don't trust him somehow. he might only want to focus on his own stuff, script is not finished and they were hoping to shoot early next year, somehow it might be delayed, I hope I won't have to wait until 2027 Quote
ARC2149Nova Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 Blacktron needs to execute Renny for making us scroll past that... Quote
Mandalorianknight Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 29 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said: Blacktron needs to execute Renny for making us scroll past that... I'll look the other way if they do, that was like a full page of discussion. Quote
Swordy Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) 3 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Blacktron needs to execute Renny for making us scroll past that... So we weren’t going to execute him for saying that all of us smell like waste from the human bowels? or for calling the Alien Empress a not very nice name? Now, and only now, do we decide for an execution? Management must put up with a lot of stuff before we decide to execute, sheesh. Edited November 25, 2024 by Swordy Quote
ILoveSeatron Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) 19 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: Looks like we’re gonna have to Jonkle a little harder. Yup. We shure will. Edit. How do you all like my signature? 3 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Blacktron needs to execute Renny for making us scroll past that... How about executing Blacktron instead? Hey @Renny The Spaceman, I think you won for longest post on this thread! Could you make an audio of it? That way we could listen to it instead of having to read/skip your post.(just joking) Edited November 25, 2024 by ILoveSeatron Quote
ILoveSeatron Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 14 hours ago, Swordy said: I also suggest we spam this thread with Monty Python lines or stupid Christmas carols. Jingle bells Batman smells, Robin laid an egg. Quote
THELEGOBATMAN Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) So apparently the leakers are not sure if we're getting a Superman set based on the movie. Boo-urns says that the Fantastic Four set is the only Super Heroes set based on an upcoming movie. But according to Clay, "Other sources are now reporting that there is still the potential for sets based on the new Superman film." I guess we can only cross our fingers then. If we're not getting one, I will throw away my Superman suit and become the Jonkler. The insanity will increase by immeasurable numbers. Edited November 25, 2024 by THELEGOBATMAN Quote
Max_Lego Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) 8 hours ago, Swordy said: Thank you for disclosing that these are actual takes of yours. Now I feel open to discuss them in a hopefully civil and constructive fashion. 8 hours ago, Swordy said: I believe it makes sense that Kashyyyk was cracked down by the Empire BECAUSE Wookiees are such a threat to them. If only they were. Wookies weren't primitive by any means, but they weren't as developed, militarictic and nationalistic as said Chiss or the Umbarans from CW, for example. Plus, why enslave the Wookies specifically? The Empire from the EU always acted like they were trying to create themselves as many enemies across the Galaxy as possible, without any reason at all. It doesn't work that way. Lucas tried to justify this by showing the Wookies aiding Yoda's escape, but enslaving them all for an act, commited by two persons, looks hypocritical since the Wookies weren't the only ones helping the Jedi by any means. 8 hours ago, Swordy said: I find that the dialogue is sometimes clunky, and sometimes in action sequences, where exposition should be minimized. Visually, beautifully. The Special Edition does detract from the film experience, which isn’t the case with the other two Original films. The only character who has an arc is Han Solo, and even then his development comes off as flat at best, cheesy at worst. My perfect version of ANH would've been the original movie from 1977 with the following changes: 1) Ben and Luke's dialogue at the former's house chronologicallt altered to match its original order of lines: they watch Leia's message first, Luke asks Ben about the CW, doesn't believe that his father fought and wishes he knew him. Ben tells Luke about his father, gives him Anakin's lightsaber, they discuss Vader and the Force; Ben invites Luke to come with him to Alderaan. 2)Added scene at Rebel hangar where Luke meets Biggs Darklighter and Garven Dreis tells him that he met Luke's father once when he was a kid 3)All bloopers removed Han fell in love with Leia. He started questioning his own actions after she called him a mercenary. Not the best thing ever, but not flatty flat either. 8 hours ago, Swordy said: I’ll debunk this. First thing of which I think when I think about Star Wars is Luke, Vader, Death Star, Falcon, Mando… secondary are the Prequels and Sequels and most other Star Wars. Most SW posts on the Internet are about Prequels; when people think about Obi-Wan, they imagine Ewan McGregor instead of sir Alec Guinness; almost all the memes are Prequel; the OT is often viewed through the prism of the Prequels. I also prefer the OT, but it's just me; besides, I really enjoy Prequel memes! 8 hours ago, Swordy said: I’m confused. When does Leia flat out lie? She doesn't. The most dangerous lies are those that have a bit of truth. Leia doesn't lie when she claims being on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan (which, BTW, means that Alderaan isn't part of the Empire), but understandably denies having secred the Death Star plans. Leia's claim that Alderaan is peaceful and has no weapons is a blatant lie made canon - in this universe, everyone has weapons, and Alderaan is almost openly aiding the Rebellion, which makes it a foregin enemy of the Empire and, therefore, not peaceful at all. 8 hours ago, Swordy said: Vader is mostly a quiet terror in the OT. Chokes a guy, orders his men to kill everyone aboard the Tantive—except Leia, because he understands her importance to winning the war—starts to choke a high-ranking officer who made fun of him, oversees the destruction of a planet of innocent bystanders, chokes someone who got too close to Echo Base, chokes another guy who virtuously takes the blame for losing the Falcon, tortured a Rebel general for the fun of it… The guy is brutal. He does what the job requires him to do. He leads the charge on multiple occasions, showing he doesn’t care if he has to get his hands dirty. If he had to commit unspeakable atrocities to protect the Republic and gain the favour of the one who can save his wife, then he’ll do just that. Vader didn't torture anyone for the fun of it. Antilles knew where the plans were hidden; Han Solo was tortured to influence Luke through the Force (it worked!); HE DIDN'T ORDER the crew killed, he just wanted to hide the fact of taking prisoners from the Senate; Motti utterly deserved the non-lethal choking, Ozzel was a fool at best and outrigh traitor at worst; Needa was an idiot who wasted time and an entire TIE shuttle to apologize right in front of Vader (and assume full responsibility!) instead of calling him and making an excuse, asking permission to continue the search. Vader was very calm and tame in the OT compared to the rest of SW, never resorting to needless violence like butchering innocent children. Hell, he didn't even butcher the Rebels... 8 hours ago, Swordy said: Yes, Sebastian is the real Anakin—as far as RotJ. I’m accepting of the Hayden Christensen performance, but I like to keep the Original films visually separate from the Prequel movies (vice versa, though, I approve and appreciate). I am pretty sure that the OT and Prequels are separate continuities, much like BTAS and TNBA Edited November 25, 2024 by Max_Lego Quote
CloneCommando99 Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 I just realised. If Arkham is indeed a modular, it might be a corner. That is if Lego decides that Marvel and DC Modulars both fall under the same series. Quote
THELEGOBATMAN Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 1 hour ago, CloneCommando99 said: I just realised. If Arkham is indeed a modular, it might be a corner. That is if Lego decides that Marvel and DC Modulars both fall under the same series. The X-Mansion isn't though. I expect the Ham Aslume to look more like this than the Sanctum Sanctorum. Quote
Max_Lego Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 6 minutes ago, THELEGOBATMAN said: The X-Mansion isn't though. I expect the Ham Aslume to look more like this than the Sanctum Sanctorum. Agreed. In fact, it's how I imagined it from the very beginning. It makes most sense. Especially if it's based on B:TAS Quote
TheBatstan Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 I hate to interrupt the madness, but it looks like someone on eBay managed to get their hands on the Tumbler set and posted some amazingly clear pics of our new Ledger Jonkler figure. Yes, while it is a downgrade from the 2014 version from the first UCS Tumbler since it has no leg printing, I won't be losing sleep over it since we're actually getting a wide release Heath Ledger Joker that isn't locked behind $300+ UCS sets for the first time. Plus, it's a regular outfit Ledger Joker as well instead of a variant like the 2021 minifigure that only works for MOCs of the interrogation scene, which is even better. Quote
Max_Lego Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 1 hour ago, TheBatstan said: Plus, it's a regular outfit Ledger Joker as well instead of a variant like the 2021 minifigure that only works for MOCs of the interrogation scene, which is even better. I hate to be different, but for some time I've been thinking about acqiring the 2021 minifigure and giving it a paper coat and painting hair olive green, which would be my perfect custom minifigure. The new Joker doesn't work for me Quote
Renny The Spaceman Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 9 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: I'll look the other way if they do, that was like a full page of discussion. That's the point! I thought we wanted to catch up with Star Wars, you guys are never happy 6 hours ago, ILoveSeatron said: Edit. How do you all like my signature? Very good, really says it all 1 hour ago, TheBatstan said: I hate to interrupt the madness, but it looks like someone on eBay managed to get their hands on the Tumbler set and posted some amazingly clear pics of our new Ledger Jonkler figure. Yes, while it is a downgrade from the 2014 version from the first UCS Tumbler since it has no leg printing, I won't be losing sleep over it since we're actually getting a wide release Heath Ledger Joker that isn't locked behind $300+ UCS sets for the first time. Plus, it's a regular outfit Ledger Joker as well instead of a variant like the 2021 minifigure that only works for MOCs of the interrogation scene, which is even better. Maybe it's just me being insane but the open mouth side of the face just looks like Dan Hentschel Joker Quote
thephantasm Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) They should have given us the batpod or the bat instead of the tumbler and catwoman instead of two face. The batpod is very iconic but catwoman over two face is just personal preference. I dont need another tumbler and I don't care if people missed out just a year or so ago 😭. If i buy this i might wait for a deep sale ...I would buy a dc COMIC cmf 2 on day one Edited November 25, 2024 by thephantasm Quote
psqidexslizer Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 1 hour ago, thephantasm said: They should have given us the batpod or the bat instead of the tumbler and catwoman instead of two face. The batpod is very iconic but catwoman over two face is just personal preference. I dont need another tumbler and I don't care if people missed out just a year or so ago 😭. If i buy this i might wait for a deep sale ...I would buy a dc COMIC cmf 2 on day one Maybe in another 4 years we can finally get Catwoman and maybe another TDKR Bane. I think the days of comic based sets are pretty much behind us, with the exception of 4+ and mechs. Batman has only been getting sets based on old cartoons and movies. Spider-Man barely gets any non-movie sets. And no one else has gotten a comic based set in years that isn’t either a mech or a 4+ set. Quote
thephantasm Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) Was generally never interested in lego's versions of comic based sets. The first wave in 2012 had novelty and the green lantern and javelin sets were good but the rest... Like i'm not buying scarecrow's oc cropduster or another oc bat mech. A helicopter for cyborg? Nope Lego likes to choose vehicles for kids instead of playsets (even though I've suggested small combining batcave sections). Yet, in those years of comic sets they didn't really deliver enough comic "accurate" vehicles like the javelin. I guess i can understand oc batboats and mechs because there's only so much from the comics but I would have wanted an 80s/90s batmobile. There's also many other iconic comic bat vehicles like the battrain and tdkr's tank. Maybe even non comic readers would have appreciated them more because there's a stronger style and direction. Regardless these builds cranked up the price I just rather have another comic cmf Edited November 25, 2024 by thephantasm Quote
thephantasm Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) But i guess i do hope comic sets return if only for more minifigs. Tldr they should still take a gamble and make combining comic playsets like hogwarts but the batcave (watchtower if economically viable) or more comic accurate vehicles (but for batman there's only so much you can do before it's exhausting again) Btw i have hope even young kids only buy these dumb mechs for the figures. Hope that kids would rather buy action figures if they wanted articulated figures to play and fight with. Lego should take a risk (if more people won't just stop buying them) and make smaller playsets or vehicles to replace them Edited November 25, 2024 by thephantasm Quote
psqidexslizer Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, thephantasm said: But i guess i do hope comic sets return if only for more minifigs. Tldr they should still take a gamble and make combining comic playsets like hogwarts but the batcave (watchtower if economically viable) or more comic accurate vehicles (but for batman there's only so much you can do before it's exhausting again) Btw i have hope even young kids only buy these dumb mechs for the figures. Hope that kids would rather buy action figures if they wanted articulated figures to play and fight with. Lego should take a risk (if more people won't just stop buying them) and make smaller playsets or vehicles to replace them It seems like vehicles sell better than players and hero vehicles sell better than villain vehicles. Which is why we continue to get cars for Spider-Man despite him being 1) broke and 2) in NYC. I think the bigger issue though is DC hasn’t done much in the past decade to get kids interested in these characters. Most of the games, shows, and movies have been aimed at a decidedly older audience. The only content aimed at kids has been Teen Titans Go, which Lego completely failed to capitalize on that, and Justice League Action, which was pretty much dead on arrival. We talk a lot about how the DCEU being an absolute dumpster fire damaged the brand, but I honestly think the lack of a successful Justice League, Batman, or Superman show for the younger generation has been what really killed this theme. Edited November 25, 2024 by psqidexslizer Quote
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