June 6, 2024Jun 6 I like it. Not a fan of the dually rear tires though. This isnt a Psiaki car is it?
June 6, 2024Jun 6 Wish they had done this in red, especially since the 911 wasn't that long ago and was white.
June 6, 2024Jun 6 The set is now officially revealed on lego.com. At least they did the rims right. Must be rocket science to design new street tires with 2 different width over at Billund and the CEO couldn't afford a new Ferrari every year anymore.
June 6, 2024Jun 6 I do like this. But, why, LEGO, why?! So many good sets in a few months. Regarding the extra wide street tires, how many sets would use those?
June 6, 2024Jun 6 I'm excited!! The only flaws I see so far are the front fender "humps" are too high, the mirrors look off (they should be mounted on top of the door and not the side of the door), and the sides of the spoiler are flat when they should be curvier. Edit: The windshield and hood should be a continuous slope, and the hump in front of the frunk has GOT to go. Edited June 6, 2024Jun 6 by StudWorks
June 6, 2024Jun 6 Lego, what have you done? There's so much good design work going on in the details, but the overall proportions are awful. Particularly the front hood/windshield area which should be a near continuous slope. Instead the windshield is set back by several studs, giving a completely different look to the whole car (like a Countach and a Miura had a baby). Then there's the oversized rear lights and steering wheel at ankle level. Firas' Porsche B-Model is a far better Countach, as is ZetoVince's recent MOC (with instructions on Rebrickable). Edited June 6, 2024Jun 6 by BrickMonkeyMOCs
June 7, 2024Jun 7 On 4/18/2024 at 11:09 PM, DanOfBricks said: This looks very good! Who is Brick Me Happy 2.0? it looks horrible. Those wheels are rediculous. That german youtuber - held der steine - will tear that thing appart. Dissapointing for an original LEGO set. They just try to hop on that train from the Porsche b-model MOC. That stupid thing is even white again, how boring can it be?
June 7, 2024Jun 7 In a way, it's almost too big of a problem to choose such an iconic car as a LEGO set as you will always struggle to get all the details correct. I think it looks decent given that it's made of LEGO, but it looks relatively poor as a model, given that there are so many die-cast options that are perfect. This is the reason I've stayed away from LEGO car models, although did get the 911 as it was particularly good and I liked many of the alt builds that were made. The thing that irks me the most about this (and the recent BTAS Batmobile) are the wheel arches. It feels like LEGO should probably consider a few new parts for larger scale vehicle wheel arches if they want them to be more accurate.
June 7, 2024Jun 7 just noticed the inner rear tires are the narrow one with a black wheel, and the outer ones are just the regular width ones. wonder if the front and rear wheels are the same, but just flipped to see the inside for the rear!?
June 7, 2024Jun 7 8 hours ago, Polarlicht said: just noticed the inner rear tires are the narrow one with a black wheel, and the outer ones are just the regular width ones. wonder if the front and rear wheels are the same, but just flipped to see the inside for the rear!? I think they're indeed flipped for the front wheels.
June 8, 2024Jun 8 On 6/6/2024 at 8:19 PM, recklessGlitch said: That german youtuber - held der steine - will tear that thing appart. Good for him. I'm sure his disparaging review will be a positive contribution to society his view count. I'll still buy this set.
June 8, 2024Jun 8 Sometimes i buy stuff just to annoy that Held der Steine Some of his points are right and i agree to them, but most of the time hes just mocking on Lego to get views. Only downside i see with this Lambo is the lack of pop up head lights. Honestly i like the official set more than Firas MOC. His looks awesome for what it is, but still...
June 9, 2024Jun 9 On 6/6/2024 at 7:42 PM, Geihlen said: Wish they had done this in red, especially since the 911 wasn't that long ago and was white. Haha! I had prefered yellow. But noooo, white again. Like so many MOC designers on Rebrickable LEGO also just copied (in terms of appearance) Firas' B-Model because they realised it'll sell. And so it will, because people buy what you rub under their nose.
June 10, 2024Jun 10 On 6/9/2024 at 1:41 AM, recklessGlitch said: Haha! I had prefered yellow. But noooo, white again. Like so many MOC designers on Rebrickable LEGO also just copied (in terms of appearance) Firas' B-Model because they realised it'll sell. And so it will, because people buy what you rub under their nose. Actually, now that you mention yellow I'd have preferred yellow too. I forgot that the Corvette was in red so I could see them not wanting to do red again so soon. We need some more color variety with these cars, doubly so when it's something like a Lamborghini.
June 13, 2024Jun 13 This set is bothering me so much that I had to do a before/after transition. The proportions are definitely way off. Lamborghini - Lego vs Real Slider Edited June 13, 2024Jun 13 by zweifuss
June 13, 2024Jun 13 5 hours ago, zweifuss said: This set is bothering me so much that I had to do a before/after transition. The proportions are definitely way off. Lamborghini - Lego vs Real Slider Thank you. This proves objectively what my eyes were already objecting to. The windscreen-to-hood transition is the most noticeable failing (perhaps exaggerated by how the front fenders have been built up), but what your slider really highlights is just how chonky the back end is as it's just far too tall at the back (likely due to the oversized rear light design). I'm surprised the designer(s) didn't use a comparison tool like this during their design process. I know many are talking of using the set as a parts pack for a 911 build, but I'd really like to see a modern 2022 Countach built from this set.
June 13, 2024Jun 13 I'm getting a bit burnt out on official Lego cars where the wheels look proportionately too small. My general rule of thumb is that if nothing else, slightly oversized wheels are the far lesser evil, as it generally looks more intentionally "stylized"... like an artist's aggressive rendition of a car. It can even make other incorrect body proportions look less prominent. Small wheels have the opposite effect, making the body itself look bloated and strange, and exaggerating issues with the shape. The new Speed Champions AMR23 F1 car is driving my crazy with this too, the model isn't terrible, but the wheels are just too small. There's even a picture on the back of the box directly comparing the model to the real car, and you can just see how odd it looks. Anyway... I say either make the car look right, or stylize it to look "cool". But try to avoid it just looking "off" in an unflattering way, that has got to be the worst option Edited June 13, 2024Jun 13 by MR Swordfish
June 14, 2024Jun 14 9 hours ago, zweifuss said: This set is bothering me so much that I had to do a before/after transition. The proportions are definitely way off. Don't show us a slider. Show us your Lamborghini Countach model, how your proportions are accurate while also meeting LEGO's standards. I'm curious to see what you've designed. Edited June 14, 2024Jun 14 by eric_son_of_joseph Grammar
June 14, 2024Jun 14 13 minutes ago, eric_son_of_joseph said: Don't show us a slider. Show us your Lamborghini Countach model, how your proportions are accurate while also meeting LEGO's standards. I'm curious to see what you've designed. I don't see how that's relevant. Zweifuss could be the worst designer in the world and that wouldn't make the new set any better or in any way detract from his valid and objective criticism. And as already pointed out, there are other Countach MOCs out there proving that the proportions can be done better while meeting Lego's standards.
June 14, 2024Jun 14 3 hours ago, MR Swordfish said: Anyway... I say either make the car look right, or stylize it to look "cool". But try to avoid it just looking "off" in an unflattering way, that has got to be the worst option I say don't buy the model if LEGO's representation doesn't appeal to you. It's the simplest solution.
June 14, 2024Jun 14 3 minutes ago, BrickMonkeyMOCs said: I don't see how that's relevant. Zweifuss could be the worst designer in the world and that wouldn't make the new set any better or in any way detract from his valid and objective criticism. And as already pointed out, there are other Countach MOCs out there proving that the proportions can be done better while meeting Lego's standards. I can see for myself that some proportions are off, but I've got to be realistic. It's a model is built from LEGO elements to meet LEGO design standards. I still like the set and hope to purchase it. I can't say the same for the Corvette, as LEGO's representation doesn't appeal to me. And that's fine. I didn't criticize the set. I understand the designer wasn't building the model solely to satisfy my taste. If someone feels there's a MOC that provides a better representation of a Countach, then why not just build the MOC? Why criticize LEGO's version when you already have a model that suits your taste? That's what I don't understand. How does criticizing something you're not forced to purchase make one feel better? What does it accomplish?
June 14, 2024Jun 14 2 hours ago, eric_son_of_joseph said: I can see for myself that some proportions are off, but I've got to be realistic. It's a model is built from LEGO elements to meet LEGO design standards. I still like the set and hope to purchase it. I can't say the same for the Corvette, as LEGO's representation doesn't appeal to me. And that's fine. I didn't criticize the set. I understand the designer wasn't building the model solely to satisfy my taste. If someone feels there's a MOC that provides a better representation of a Countach, then why not just build the MOC? Why criticize LEGO's version when you already have a model that suits your taste? That's what I don't understand. How does criticizing something you're not forced to purchase make one feel better? What does it accomplish? I don't think it's unrealistic to expect Lego to do better. They have done better with other cars, and other designers have already done better with the Countach. I've already built Firas' Countach MOC but I don't see why I can't still offer criticism of the new set. If it had been better I'd still want to buy it. What does withholding criticism achieve? And what damage is done by offering it? How can we expect better sets in the future if no-one speaks up when Lego gets something wrong? I don't see any advantage to the policy of "just shut up and don't buy it". Consider the Senna McLaren from this year - everyone spoke up about the wheels not being good enough, and I'm pretty sure Lego got the message.
June 14, 2024Jun 14 18 hours ago, eric_son_of_joseph said: I say don't buy the model if LEGO's representation doesn't appeal to you. It's the simplest solution. This is a bad contribution imo, and I think it comes across condescending. I'm not in need of universal consumer advice. I'm here to talk about the design techniques/philosophy of this set & similar Lego models, and hear what other people have to say on the subject. The topic is Lamborghini Countach Discussion, an exact spot on the internet where people are meant critically discuss likes/dislikes for this set. Based on how you're replying to everyone, I'm starting to think you mostly want to take issue with various other people, not talk about Lego 17 hours ago, eric_son_of_joseph said: Why criticize LEGO's version when you already have a model that suits your taste? That's what I don't understand. How does criticizing something you're not forced to purchase make one feel better? What does it accomplish? The idea & purpose of a critical discussion of a product seems very foreign to you. It's not about "feeling better", it's just about sharing opinions, ideas, observations. This will skew positive or negative depending on the product in question. If you don't enjoy or understand those things, or simply feel people's negative critique is pointless, I honestly think you are in the wrong place right now. It would take me a whole essay to truly expand on what a critical discussion "accomplishes" Edited June 14, 2024Jun 14 by MR Swordfish
June 15, 2024Jun 15 22 hours ago, BrickMonkeyMOCs said: I don't think it's unrealistic to expect Lego to do better. They have done better with other cars, and other designers have already done better with the Countach. You should have an idea of what it takes to perform at your level of expectation, though. Other than the one LEGO designer who frequents this site, no one here has experience designing a mass-produced model. Other designers have created amazing models of the Countach, much better than anything I've created. I still feel LEGO has produced the best version. Edited June 15, 2024Jun 15 by eric_son_of_joseph grammar
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