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I've got 3 ships ready to be shown off so far. The first one I called "The Night Owl" since it was inspired by my favorite Iceberg youtuber DylanTheKnightOwl. He was quite fond of this thing, and I'm currently working on a bigger ,badder version for a sequel.

(MOC) The Night Owl Sailboat

Next we have my first successful attempt at a classic-style lego pirate ship, like the ones that were sold in the 80s and 90s, which I call the Crossbone Cruiser. It exclusively only used parts from that era:

MOC Crossbone Cruiser (Classic Pirate Ship)

Lastly, here's my other classic-style ship, painted with the same color scheme as the smallest Lego pirate ship set of that time. I call this one Maximus, though it's likely I'll be building something bigger in the future.


(MOC) Classic Ship Maximus (Crossbone Clipper)

I'm hoping to some day be able to sell these designs, either online as instructions at the very least or even get into contact with 3rd party groups that can mass-produce my stuff. Considering the amount of 3rd party ship sets I've studied, I think my builds should be good enough (granted, they can't quite be as retro and simplistic as the Crossbone Cruiser or Maximus. Probably something more modern like the Night Owl)

That's all for now, expect more later!

  • Yperio_Bricks changed the title to [MOC] My Lego Sailboat MOCs
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Crap, I posted a new topic because I couldn't find this thread, spent 30 minutes posting my latest ship design, and only NOW do I find this thread by random chance! I'll have to delete some stuff later. Anyway, here's my latest ship, and one I hope to sell instructions for on Rebrickable:

MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_2


MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_3MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_3MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_3MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_4MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_5MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_6MOC Lil' Chonk (Modern Pirate Ship)_7

This absolute unit of a lil' guy has a jail cell, captain's quarters, a "rotary crank thing" around the center mast (that's apparently a feature of historical sailing ships, but I wouldn't know since I'm a normie who just likes big sailboat playsets) and brick-built canons inspired by other ship set designs I've studied. Roof for the captain's quarters and roof of jail cell are both detachable to reveal details underneath. The goofy color scheme comes from the fact I tried making the parts for this ship as cheap as possible, leading to some odd color choices and patterns. Considering it still has an estimated value of $119.212 according to Stud.io, maybe I shouldn't have bothered. It weighs in at 1.023 kg.
I plan on making money off this stuff, even if it only ever serves as a side-gig rather than a definitive form of income. What do ya'll think? What should I improve for my next ship designs, and what price does this seem worthy of for instructions on Rebrickable (I'm a novice at making said instructions, so their quality will be dubious and I can't sell this thing for TOO high of a price)


I reckon they all need some refining before you can sell them, particularly the last one. Also, I don't know if the ship can be any bigger: two stories is more than enough. Maybe add some minifigs as well?

13 hours ago, YellowFrog said:

I reckon they all need some refining before you can sell them, particularly the last one. Also, I don't know if the ship can be any bigger: two stories is more than enough. Maybe add some minifigs as well?

Thanks for the input! I haven't looked into minifigures before, but that's a good idea! And yeah, this ship will need some refinement. As for as size is concerned, I usually make much larger ships, though I should probably practice smaller designs first (especially since I'll be making instructions for them) moving forward. Thanks again for the input!

  • 1 month later...

My next build I threw together in about a week, though most of the work was done today and yesterday. It's a giant warship version of the skeleton ship in the Lego Castle set 7029 Skeleton Ship Attack. Here's a pic of the original set:
Skeleton Ship Attack 7029 - LEGO® Castle - Building ...

Here's my version:

MOC Castle Skeleton WarshipMOC Castle Skeleton Warship_2


As you can see, I used an experimental ship-building method I came up with a while back that used older versions of the ship hull pieces (that connected via bricks instead of pins) and use layers of 2x2 and 2x4 plates that gradually elevated each hull piece a 3rd of a brick upwards. I did this to give the hull a more curved shape similar to real life sailboats, since most Lego boats (sets or MOCs) are built completely level and flat.

MOC Castle Skeleton Warship_2.5_2

Here we have twin rotors for reeling in the anchors. The original didn't have this, and I also found out at the last second that it used an older version of the anchor piece too. Oops. You'll also notice that the pulleys used for rigging the masts are split in half to make room for the ladder at the side of the ship, something that was originally a design flaw that didn't allow for me to use mast rigging pieces, so anyone who builds this in real life will have to use strings unfortunately. I also rebuilt the plank-walk seen on the original set, using a clipped reddish-brown tile and a barred plate that was more integrated with the walls of the deck.

MOC Castle Skeleton Warship_2.5

Here's the weapon hold atop the deck, behind which is a bell, and way off in the distance is a makeshift viewing port at the front, complete with a telescope. The perimeter of the deck is surrounded in the same castle-like building structure and skull shields as the original set, which drove up the price quite a bit XD

MOC Castle Skeleton Warship_5

Speaking of which, anything that can be covered up on all sides was filled to the brim with the cheapest-colored variants of every piece used (still ended up costing over $644 in parts.) Anyway, this is the bottom floor, featuring some cannons, torches, a stairway and a support structure that the deck and mast plug into for structural stability. (Pay no mind to the floating box I forgot to hide XD) You can also get a better view of the ladders at the sides of the ship

MOC Castle Skeleton Warship_4

Here's another example of  the false-colored parts. This is the 2nd floor, with a makeshift "ribcage" adorns the rails leading to the stairway to floor 1. I added boxes and a barrel to accessorize the place, but due to the curved floor I needed to add makeshift tables underneath. Another design flaw I had to accommodate.

MOC Castle Skeleton Warship_3

Then there's floor 3, the captains' quarters. I crammed this in after learning too late that making this ship merely 2 floors tall wouldn't have room for a captain's quarters, another design flaw I had to overcome. You know what's NOT a design flaw or accident though?  The fact there's no food or drinks whatsoever on this ship. I did this on purpose, because the crew consists of nothing but magical walking skeletons XD

Another Picture of Lego Castle 7029 Tribute

To make it the the 4th and  final floor, I set of ladders made out of bones are used. Not only was I proud of myself for this idea, but I was also proud of how my bone-lanterns right behind them turned out. <3

MOC Castle Skeleton Warship Comparison

Lastly, here it is compared to the original. What do ya'll think? I'm hoping to sell instructions of this thing on Rebrickable, just like with Lil' Chonk. Tell me what ya'll think I should improve before I start developing the instructions!

  • 3 months later...

I've made a new ship! This time we have a bigger, badder version of the 1997 Lego Pirates set known as the Carribean Clipper. Here's the original set for reference:


And here's mine:

MOC Deluxe Crossbone ClipperMOC Deluxe Crossbone Clipper_2MOC Deluxe Crossbone Clipper_3MOC Deluxe Crossbone Clipper_4MOC Deluxe Crossbone Clipper_5

And here's how they compare to each other side-by side. In case you couldn't tell, this MOC has been upscaled by an extra 33% in PAINSTAKING levels of detail, precision, and mathematical calculations.

MOC Deluxe Crossbone Clipper_6

Lastly, here's a link to the instructions for anyone whose interested in making one of their own, or just seeing how it's built in general. (Fair warning though: The parts that were needed for this set can be QUITE expensive)

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