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Just what it says on the tin. No wrong answers, just tell me why. 

Is it a poor abused keychain figure that hangs off your bag and always makes you smile?

Is it the figure you took everywhere as a kid?

Is it a favourite character in minifig form?

A figure that you are building an army of?

I'm asking a question that I can't really answer myself :grin: I have a lot of favourites and choosing just one is going to take some thought. 

Also: non standard figures are permitted. From bigfig to the little printed "Oscar" figs. We are not doing a Bricklink though, so anything that is actually a construction (Cars, Giant Man or the like) isn't actually a figure.

Have at it!

Classic Space Police I figure. It came with my first swooshable set. I had many fun hours and adventures with that little spaceship and the minifig in it.

Definitely difficult to narrow down to just one favourite, there are so many minifigs now and there are a lot of cool and interesting ones. So the one that I'd highlight is the one that I use for my avatar. it's one that I pieced together myself when I got back into Lego a few years ago.  Looking through some of the new idea books, I saw the red jacket torso with the classic space logo on it and loved it.  I ordered a few of them and used them to make a few different minifigs.  I have since used this one in almost all of my Lego social media accounts and my Lego Ideas account pic.

I named him Zack, after the old 'Lego Maniac' commercials from the '80s. I have this one standing here at my desk at work.




You are asking me pick a favorite child. I can't...I won't!

(It is either Johnny Thunder or Lord Sam Sinister from 2003, to be honest, as Adventurers was my jam back then.)

That is difficult to answer. So many spectacular minifigures to choose from. I think that Captain Jack Sparrow might just be my favourite out of all. I have always been astounded by his design, customisability. Classic Indiana Jones and Henry Jones Sr. certainly come in as close seconds.


As a life-long fan of LEGO for over 30 years, this is impossible for me to narrow down to a single minifigure.  I can't even pick a favorite within each category of my favorite themes!
Most of my favorites are based on nostalgia from playing as a child during the 90's.  This also ties to some modern minifigures that I connect as nostalgic references.

I cycled through favorite themes as a child, so I have deep-seated fondness and nostalgia for the classic 3: Castle, Space, and Pirates.  Once Adventurers came onto the scene while I was at peak age for LEGO products (around age 6-12), the different adventures quickly became one of my favorite themes.  I additionally was very fond of Aquazone, Rock Raiders, Alpha Team, and Wild West and collected as many sets from these themes as I could find.

To make it onto my list, one requirement is that I have to have the listed minifigure in my collection.


Castle was my top favorite theme slightly more often than the other themes, so I'll start there.
Top favorite is the knight with white dragon plumes from set 6086 Black Knight's Castle.  This was the most significant set for my earliest introduction to LEGO products, and my brothers and I spent hours playing with and rebuilding this set.  I still have our original set rebuilt as an adult, though the horse bardings have all clips broken off.  I'm also a LEGO set collector and salvager from bulk lots, so I have another of set 6086 in great condition.  This knight stood out to me since he wore blue and white livery, which I have always found quite appealing.  Of course, the rarity of the white dragon plumes adds to my fondness and personal value of this minifigure. https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas167#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

I also got the set 6009 Black Knight around the same time (just mine, not shared with my brothers!), so this set and minifigure became quite special to me.  I know have over 30 copies of this set in my collection.  The red accents on belt, plumes, saddle, and lance pennant make for a striking visual appeal with contrast to the black and gray of horse and clothing/armor.  This has always been the true classic "Black Knight" in my opinion.

Castle Theme Honorable Mentions:


A timeless classic favorite: Black Falcons with falcon shield on surcoat: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas005#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
...with a marvelous update to the classic in the recent Black Falcons: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas576#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

My favorite of the true Classic Castle knights: black and gray with green/yellow chevrons: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas085s#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Dark Forest is one of my absolute favorite subthemes, so my two favorite minifigures from the subtheme make it on my list:
Brown hat and studded leather armor with blue sleeves/plume: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas286#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Green torso, black coif, medieval boy hair pattern (such a neat classic head print!): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas008#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Dragon Masters are also one of my favorites since I got set 6048 Majisto's Magical Workshop at a young age and always loved the whimsical building design.  My two top choices for the subtheme both come from this set:
Majisto the blue wizard (with black cape): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas249#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Dragon Master knight with blue dragon plumes: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas015#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Forestmen are vying for position as my favorite Castle subtheme, so my 2 favorite minifigures from this subtheme make this list (though all Forestmen could be on the list):
Blue accents, brown hat, blue small plume: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas134a#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Black accents with small black plume: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas131a#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
...and excellent update to the classic: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas572#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Wolfpack are wonderfully chaotic renegades from my childhood, so they also make the list:
Black coif, brown sleeves, red cape, eyepatch: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas234#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
...and another excellent modern update to the classic, though I'd have preferred the same coif piece instead of the hood: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas585#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Kingdoms introduced some excellent minifigure parts and prints, so it's hard to pick a favorite.  I did have slight preference for the Dragon Knights over the Lion Knights, though both were great:
Pearl dark gray armor including classic lift visor! Dragon Knight (not to forget the excellent style-matched horse barding): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas495#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Great helm and black/white armor from the joust (also with excellent style-matched horse barding): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas506#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Though I like the classic Lion Knights/Crusaders quite well, the modern update is just excellent, IMO: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas562#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
...can't forget the maiden/princess from set 6081 King's Mountain Fortress, though: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas097#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Another excellent Medieval maiden: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas570#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

The classic glow-in-the-dark ghost is so excellent on many levels, especially with the grin and drooping eyes achieved with a black head showing through holes in the glowing sheet piece: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=gen002#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Another excellent and iconic spooky Castle figure, made all the more iconic through inclusion in the LEGO Racers video game - Basil the Batlord: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cas022#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}



Space has to be an included theme as well.  My favorite subtheme (by exceedingly slim margin next to most all of the 90's Space factions) is Ice Planet 2002 since I had sets 6814 Ice Tunnelator and 6879 Blizzard Baron as a child.  I've always enjoyed snow and ice and been quite partial to the color scheme of blue/white/black with tranparent neon orange glass.  This ranks my favorite Space minifigure (again by exceedingly slim margins!) as the white-haired Ice Planet minifigure from those sets, which I called Cody Frost: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp018#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}


Classic Space (70's and 80's) still ranks near the top, though I like the 90's factions better due to variations, color schemes rather than a single color uniform, and inclusion of visors (of color and style variations) on the helmets.
One of my favorite aspects of Classic Space is the introduction and continuation of Space Babies in all their whimsical, cute, classic joy: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp140#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Space Theme Honorable Mentions:


Of course, Ice Planet 2002's other minifigures have to be included as well:
Commander Cold (nice to get a torso variation): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp019#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Doctor Kelvin (excellent to include a woman as well, and her fiery red hair makes an excellent contrast to the cold color scheme): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp017#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
I'm also working on numerous variations of updated Ice Planet "3003" minifigures utilizing transparent neon orange parts from Nexo Knights and the updated torso print included in the winter village set 80109 Lunar New Year Ice Festival, though I do not have pictures of any right now: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=973pb4585c01&in=S

M:Tron holds 2nd rank for Space subthemes with such a distinctive and appealing color scheme and variety of spaceships and vehicles.  The minifigures are pretty basic and look great for a uniform group of space explorers.  Varying the heads gives a better range of variety than the originals, all with the classic smile print.
M:tron minifigure: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp033#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
At least there was 1 unique variant from Minifigure Pack 6704 with jetpack: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp054b#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Blacktron I and II are also favorite classics of mine, but they are edged out slightly by M:Tron for basic-uniform Space minifigures.

Spyrius stood out to me as a child, possibly since I got set 6835 Saucer Scout when I was around 5 years old and played with it for hours!  That minifigure makes my list, as I like the color scheme, torso print, and head print with red hair and space-age headband: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp039#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Space Police II was another distinct personal favorite, probably linked primarily to nostalgia since Space Police I came before I was born and had more simplistic minifigure design and no variations.  The chief is a neat minifigure, especially with the striking red epaulets, but I always had slight preference for the basic Space Police II officer: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp037#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Exploriens is another childhood favorite as I could dream of these sets while browsing store shelves during my childhood.  I like that this subtheme included 3 distinct variations including 3 different torso prints.  Though I like all 3 and how well they fit together thematically, my favorite is probably the one with helmet breathing apparatus and hose torso print: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp012#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Insectoids were released during my peak LEGO age (6-12) as well, so they became an instant favorite of mine.  Again, I am fond of all the variations included for different characters.  To narrow down a few top favorites:
Gypsy Moth (also made more iconic due to inclusion in LEGO Racers videogame): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp026#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Danny Longlegs (probably my favorite since I got him as a child due to relative commonness in smaller sets): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp025#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Professor Web (quite distinct with leg printing): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp028#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Life on Mars also came out during my peak LEGO age (6-12), and I loved how the Martians reminded me of an ant colony.  Hours of play with these sets with my friends as well as inclusion in LEGO Racers 2 cemented this theme strongly in my nostalgia.
The hooded eyes and small helmet print along with the white torso/legs brings Antares to the top of my ranking: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=lom004#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

RoboForce was quite a unique and distinct subtheme during my peak LEGO age, so the red minifigure with printed legs stands out in my memory and preference: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp067#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

I cannot talk about LEGO Space without mentioning one of the best subthemes ever: UFO!  All the minifigures are excellent.
My favorite by a slim margin is the red pilot Chamon: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp046#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Unitron also ranks on this list, especially with one of my favorite sets ever (and one of my current "White Whale" sets), set 6991 Monorail Transport Base.
Since the helmet printing adds a lot to the minifigure, the Unitron Chief is top rank (though I am more partial to the other head print the same as Space Police II and Exploriens than the Chief's silver shades print): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp049#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}



Pirates is one from the classic Trifecta, and was also a theme that vied for top rank during my childhoood.
My favorite subtheme was the Imperial Guards, with close 2nd rank for Imperial Soldiers and Imperial Armada.  Of course, you can't have a Pirates theme without Pirates!  In my play, though, the pirates were always the "baddies" due to historical reference.
Top favorite minifigure from the Pirates theme is the Imperial Guard soldier, whom my brothers and friends colloquially named "Gunfast" from some origin unknown to me.  I like the historical reference and the contrast of color between the blue epaulets and redcoat print.  The shape of the shako quickly became one of my favorite historical hats due to this minifigure:

Imperial Soldiers (bluecoats) essentially tie for first rank, but I only had one bluecoat as a child (from set 6270 Forbidden Island, which was the first LEGO set I and my brothers got through mail order), so I played with the Imperial Guards more due to having more of the sets.


Another top favorite Pirate minifigure is the classic and iconic Captain Redbeard, who also was included in the LEGO Racers videogame.  It does not get more classic/iconic than this for the theme:


Even more than the pirates themselves, the Islanders subtheme is also top-notch.  Regardless of political concerns about this subtheme, it is still one of my favorites and the Islanders were always the "good guys" in my play.  King Kahuka cuts quite a striking image and also was included in the LEGO Racers videogame increasing engagement beyond just physical sets: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi068#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}


Imperial Armada was also a unique and distinctive subtheme with detailed prints that matched historical flamboyance of Spaniards.  The ruffled and slashed shirts, morion helmets, and elaborate facial hair really set them apart as a unique subtheme.  Though the chrome breastplate is quite a neat piece, I like the uncovered torso print better, so my favorite minifigure from this subtheme is the Captain with the green shirt and white pants: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi014#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Pirates Theme Honorable Mentions:


Imperial Soldier (opposite contrast to the Imperial Guard): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi061#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
...and updated Imperial Soldier from the recent remake of Eldorado Fortress:  https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi193#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Imperial Armada soldier with red slashed shirt: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi077#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Islander male (with unique face painting and torso): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi079#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Islander female (with classic historical woman head and unique torso print): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi066#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Pirate coxswain with blue jacket and brown cocked hat: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi080#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Pirate or merchant with white shirt and ascot and brown vest: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi053#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
This unique pirate from set 6249 Pirates Ambush always appealed to me for some reason with the particular head printing and white shirt with green vest, a great representation of the pirate trope: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=pi048#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}



When it comes to LEGO themes, one of my top-ranked iconic themes is Adventurers.  There are countless excellent minifigures, made all the better with references to real-world countries and geography (though some take offense to cultural reference as a misrepresentation while others consider it an aid to understanding between different cultures as it sparks an interest in studying world cultures).
Johnny Thunder is such a great hero for this theme, IMO.  Australian origin adds character, while his dangerous exploits and dashing appearance make for rich storytelling with this theme and minifigure:


For a great adventure, our hero needs antagonists.  In my opinion, it does not get better than the duo of dastardly deeds, Baron von Baron and Sam Sinister!  They make for a perfect evil counterpart to the hero and his team, and both have excellent minifigures to represent such characters:
https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv039#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0} & https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv038#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
adv039.png adv038.png

Adventurers Theme Honorable Mentions:


I also like the inclusion in the Jungle subtheme of a representation of the evil version of the hero in Rudo (Max) Villano.  Several design elements are similar but more evil on Rudo than on Johnny, with the same hat but black, similar shirt but dark gray with 2 pistols instead of only 1, and scruffy facial hair and scar instead of well-kept mustache: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv012#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}


No hero is complete without sidekicks.  A few of my favorites are:
The reporter and heroine, Miss Gail Storm (particularly the Jungle version with green shirt): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv016#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Johnny's uncle, Dr. Charles Lightning: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv006#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

The young Indian mahout, Babloo: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv027#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Sherpa Sangye Dorje from the Orient Expedition: Himalayas sub-subtheme: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv029#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}


Including historically/culturally referenced "neutral" figures makes the stories more complete.  Some of these minifigures are near the top rank with such excellent designs:
Pharaoh Hotep (with headdress, head, torso, and leg printing including toes): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv021#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Achu (with brilliant printed headdress, unique cloth cape, foreboding camouflaged face print, stylistic torso and leg printing, and blood red hands): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=adv001#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}


There are also some excellent modern updates for some of these figures, with the CMF Jungle Explorer https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col348#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0} (Johnny Thunder remake, but with the wrong hat!) and City Safari Tourist https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?id=183159#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0} (similar to a modernized Gail Storm)



Rock Raiders has been one of my top-ranked themes ever since it was released.  Though all of the minifigures were excellent, in my opinion, my top 2 favorites are:
Axel, the character that represented "me" most often when playing with this theme, partially since he was in the first sets I got as a child (4940 Granite Grinder and 4950 Loader Dozer) and in my favorite vehicle set that I did not get as a child (4970 Chrome Crusher).  The colors of his outfit, print on the torso, and unique head print set him above the others for me:

Of course, having a dedicated videogame for the theme helped rank this theme near the top for me.  This also brings up my 2nd top minifigure who prominently gave instructions in the videogame and featured in the cutscenes but was only available in a special minifigure pack as a physical minifigure: Chief.  Now an extremely rare minifigure and still well-loved by those with affinity for the videogame and theme, I'm glad I picked up this minifigure from a BrickLink seller over 10 years ago, as the team cannot be complete without Chief:
rck006.png(where is his chrome silver helmet, though? ...too bad it is not a piece LEGO has ever officially released)


For other themes and CMF's there are too many to cover thoroughly, so I'll link below to my favorites:


Agent Flex: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=alp005#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Agent Flex in Mission Deep Sea: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=alp010#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Ogel (anti-LEGO): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=alp008#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Ogel Minion: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=alp006#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
TeeVee: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=alp007#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Aquanaut 3: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu003#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Aquashark 1: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu006#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Hydronaut Captain Hank Hydro: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu031#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Hydronaut Navigator Hip "Muddy" Waders: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu009#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Hydronaut Crystal Miner: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu011#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Stingray Commander Manta Ray: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu013#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Stingray Navigator Stinger Ray: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu014#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Stingray Raven Ray: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=aqu012#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Black Bart: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww007#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Banker: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww020#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Cavalry Colonel: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww003#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Cavalry Soldier: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww006#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Cowboy Bank Coach Driver: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww013#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Deputy: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww012#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Native American 2: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww014#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Native American 4: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww018#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Native American Chief: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=ww017#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

CMF Collectible Minifigures:
Jaguar Warrior: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col381#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Eagle Warrior: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col098#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Forestman (Robin Hood): https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col014#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Roman Soldier: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col090#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Scarecrow: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col164#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Diver: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col118#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Space Police Guy: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col383#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
Tournament Knight: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=col361#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}

Frogsuit Scuba Diver: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=cty1173#T=S&O={"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}


...and that is about as narrow a list as I can make, even though I am sure I am missing many!

Edited by Slegengr

I’m pretty sure i created two threads for “Your. Favorite in-house….” For both heroes and vlllains last year.  Fbut I will forgive you for creating hits favorite minifigure quesiton thread. 

16 hours ago, Feuer Zug said:

Classic Space Police I figure. It came with my first swooshable set. I had many fun hours and adventures with that little spaceship and the minifig in it.

The Space Police 1 officer is also my favorite. One of my first Space sets as a kid was 6886 Galactic Peace Keeper and since then that minifig has been my favorite. It is my favorite for several reasons, I like the design and colors of the minifig (especially the red visor) and also the subtheme in general. I have great memories of playing countless hours with that set and minifig and arresting many Blacktron and later Spyrius minifigs. Nowadays I like to build SP 1 MOCs to complement the official sets. I have so many minifigs that I like so it's difficult to name a single favorite but if I've have to choose one it's the Space Police 1 officer. Other minifigs that I like very much are the Imperial Guards and Soldiers, all the Futuron, M-Tron and Unitron minifigs, the Black Falcons, the Black Knights as well as the railroad workers from the 90s (the ones with striped torsos and also the later variant with a red vest and sunglasses).




King Theoden. I thought this was the most beautiful figure at the time of release and it hasn't been bettered since. It looks like him, the armour is superb but the figure also looks good without the armour.

Too many and at the same time also none. I don't place too much value on minifigs, but I like "cute" stuff, so I occasionally hunt down some Disney figure or something like the mushroom head from the latest collectible series. ;-) Otherwise I'm more obsessed with animals or accessories that come with some minifigs.


The CMF 'Jungle Explorer' as in my profile picture. Adventurers was and still is my favourite Lego theme and I think it's such a neat modern take on Johnny Thunder. The new version coming in Lego City might take its spot, but we'll see.

My favorite minifigure is Vi Moradi from Lego Star Wars. The orange jacket really pops and the black hair piece with the blue tips is just perfect. Great minifig all around!


  • Author

There are some really cool figures getting a spotlight here. Once more proving to me how hard it is to choose!


On 4/20/2024 at 1:21 AM, SpacePolice89 said:

The Space Police 1 officer is also my favorite. One of my first Space sets as a kid was 6886 Galactic Peace Keeper and since then that minifig has been my favorite. It is my favorite for several reasons, I like the design and colors of the minifig (especially the red visor) and also the subtheme in general. I have great memories of playing countless hours with that set and minifig and arresting many Blacktron and later Spyrius minifigs. Nowadays I like to build SP 1 MOCs to complement the official sets. I have so many minifigs that I like so it's difficult to name a single favorite but if I've have to choose one it's the Space Police 1 officer. Other minifigs that I like very much are the Imperial Guards and Soldiers, all the Futuron, M-Tron and Unitron minifigs, the Black Falcons, the Black Knights as well as the railroad workers from the 90s (the ones with striped torsos and also the later variant with a red vest and sunglasses).


That's the minifigure, as well as the set I received.

1 hour ago, Feuer Zug said:

That's the minifigure, as well as the set I received.

Cool! I still remember building the set on the living room floor. My dad bought it in a local store and gave it to me as a surprise and I loved it instantly. Back then I knew it as "Rymdpolisens Spaningsskepp" as it was called in the Swedish catalogs and that translates to "Space Police Scout Ship".


  • 2 weeks later...

I've loved the classic spaceman ever since I saw a set of them on the shelf at my aunt and uncle's house in the early 90s when I was 3 or 4. I don't know if I could pick a favorite color. If it has to be one I own then it'd be the brown spaceman and the baby, they remind me of my son and I, although he's getting old enough now where he needs a medium leg fig to represent him, the space baby will always remind me of him.

I go for the classic fireman. I loved that torso when I was a kid and I still do today:


+1 King Théoden 

I think my favorite original character that LEGO has created is Pepper Roni.  I have a ton of nostalgia for the original LEGO Island game, and that's a big reason why.  Honorable mentions include original skeleton and ghost figures, Johnny Thunder, and basically any of the Dino Attack figures.

My personal favorite?  I don't have a photo, but it was one of the first minifigures that I ever owned.  Back in the mid-2000s, for whatever reason, the BAM and PAB stations at LEGO stores seemed to use a bunch of overstock parts from early 2000s sets.  At the time, I had no idea what most of these parts were, because I was a kid brand new to LEGO, but I inadvertently ended up making a lot of figures using interesting/semi-rare parts.  I don't own a lot of them anymore, but one that I've still got and was a favorite of mine was:

Red springy legs from the NBA series, this torso, Dr. Killroy's head, and a white motorcycle helmet.  Why that combination of parts?  I dunno.  But, I brought that guy everywhere with me.

I know he technically isnt a minifigure, but Roadhog from the Overwatch line is my favorite, he looks really cool and is so detailed I love him :D

LEGO Roadhog Minifigure


The yellow classic space minifig, specifically one from my dad’s sets when he was a kid… it’s a bit dinged up and has issues with smudges and it’s face is a lil messed up, his right arm is loose and his legs are to stiff… but it’s sentimental value is more then anything I could think of.

When I moved away he gave it to me, and finally accepted me and my life choices, I guess me finally leaving the coup so to speak jostled his high and mighty opinion of who I was… so it’s a reminder of my fathers love and acceptance. The entire reason I have my love of lego is cause of him. A very special minifigure indeed.

Definitely my Chase McCain minifig. Lego City Undercover is one of my favourite games, and I recently bought it on the Xbox after completing it on the Switch a couple years ago.

  • 7 months later...

See if we're just talking minifigure as any design that LEGO has produced my vote is easy, it's the Demolition Dummy any day of the week, but if we're talking a specific, individual minifigure that I have owned it's so much harder.

Pretty much every childhood figure I've ever owned has sorta ship of Thesused it self so many times that idk if they count as my original one anymore so it can't be my original red Spaceman as I don't know which parts belonged to my original.

I own so many Demolition Dummies I'm not sure how I would pick a favourite, it'd be one of them though 

It's hard to choose but I think it's Indiana Jones.

snaptube vidmate

Edited by avensis

P1 Captain Rex is probably my favorite, played with him a ton as a kid.

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