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Steve's Hideout (UPDATE)

[ENG] This set was originally a redesigned version of the 1795 Imperial Cannon. Then I saw this Classic Pirates challenge and thought I'd enter with the peace of mind of the underdog. I slightly modified the set to fit the callout. I hope you guys like it and vote for it. There is, of course, a golden rod hidden on this island.


Steve has been a merchant ship captain for many many years. He has always been reliable and has been the most punctual transporter despite the weather obstacles. He knew the sea perfectly. He survived huge storms, avoided many battles. But today, a new and brutal enemy had struck, and so she could not escape her doom. On one occasion he was on a detour route to port when his ship was shrouded in fog. Knowing the sea, he sailed on and only belatedly realised that this fog was in fact the remnants of a gigantic battle. The multitude of shipwrecks indicated that this was a gigantic battle. The silhouette of a ship was silhouetted in the fog, but before he could identify it, the ship had opened fire. His swift ship tried to dodge, but he had no chance. The incoming cannonballs tore the small ship apart mercilessly. Another volley of shells brought in the fatal shot and the ship was swamped.

The only survivor was the captain. For days he was tossed about at sea among the remains of the battle. He pulled himself up on a large piece of wood and left his life in the drift. His great good fortune was to be cast towards a small island. He knew the place. It used to be a small outpost for imperial soldiers. It had been abandoned for a long time, and its condition showed. But his luck had not deserted the captain here, for the remains of the battle were drifting nearby, and he was able to get some rum, food, and weapons. He even found the flag of his ship, which he pinned to the remains of the building to mark this as his territory. Maybe one day a ship will come by and rescue him so he can sail the seas again as he once did.

[HUN] Ez a készlet eredetileg a 1795-ös Imperial Cannon újragondolt változata. Aztán láttam ezt a Classic Pirates kihívást, és gondoltam az esélytelenek nyugalmával benevezek. Kicsit átalakítottam a szettet, hogy megfeleljen a kiírásnak. Remélem tetszik majd nektek és szavaztok rá. Természetesen egy aranyrudat azért ez a sziget is rejt.


Steve egy kereskedő hajó kapitánya volt már sok sok éve. Mindig megbízható volt és az időjárási viszonyok okozta akadályok ellenére is a legpontosabb szállító volt. Tökéletesen ismerte a tengert. Túlélt hatalmas viharokat, elkerült rengeteg csatát. De manapság új és brutális ellenség ütötte fel a fejét és így Ő sem kerülhette el a végzetét. Egyik alkalommal is egy elkerülő útvonalon haladt a kikötő felé, amikor hajója ködbe burkolózott. Mivel ismerte a tengert tovább hajózott és csak késve vette észre, hogy ez a köd valójában egy gigantikus csata maradványa. A hajóroncsok sokasága jelezte, ez egy gigantikus csata volt. Egy hajó sziluettje rajzolódott ki a ködben, de mire azonosítani tudta volna, a hajó már tüzet is nyitott rá. Fürge hajójával megpróbált kitérni ugyan, de esélye sem volt. A becsapódó ágyúgolyók könyörtelenül megtépázták a kis hajót. Egy újabb sortűz pedig bevitte a végzetes lövést és a hajót ellepték a hullámok.

Az egyetlen túlélő a kapitány volt. Napokig hánykolódott a tengeren a csata maradványai között. Egy nagyobb fadarabon húzta meg magát és rábízta életét a sodrásra. Hatalmas szerencséjére egy kis sziget felé vetődött. Ismerte ezt a helyet. Régebben a birodalmi katonák egy kis őrhelye volt. Régóta elhagyatott volt már, ez határozottan látszott az állapotán. De a szerencséje itt sem hagyta el a kapitányt, mert a csata maradványai is a közelben sodródtak, így tudott némi rumot, ételt, és fegyvereket szerezni. Még a hajója zászlaját is megtalálta, melyet ki is tűzött az épület maradványaira, hogy jelezze ez már az Ő területe. Talán egyszer majd jár erre egy hajó és megmenti, hogy újra járhassa a tengereket ahogy régen.













Yes, I know Steve's outfit has changed, but I have other plans for this version, which is why I was forced to do this. But that doesn't stop him from being Steve!



Edited by MyFirstMOC-Hun
New CFE pictures

I'm excited you're back for this competition, I loved your designs from the previous edition.

That being said I'm not 100% sold here, I think it's the colour palette used, it looks too bright (maybe it's the contrast of the photo too?). But I'd suggest replacing the palm tree's leaves, instead of lime green use bright green. Same for the plant that's at the bottom of the tree.

There may be a bit too much detail in the yellow wall, I'd prob simplify the design a tiny but, but overall it's a fun set. Not sure if the soldiers would leave the cannon behind though...? :pir_laugh2:

7 minutes ago, zinnn said:

I'm excited you're back for this competition, I loved your designs from the previous edition.

That being said I'm not 100% sold here, I think it's the colour palette used, it looks too bright (maybe it's the contrast of the photo too?). But I'd suggest replacing the palm tree's leaves, instead of lime green use bright green. Same for the plant that's at the bottom of the tree.

There may be a bit too much detail in the yellow wall, I'd prob simplify the design a tiny but, but overall it's a fun set. Not sure if the soldiers would leave the cannon behind though...? :pir_laugh2:

Thank you for writing your opinion. I chose this colour for the palm tree and the vegetation because I really like it. More beautiful in person than in pictures. Unfortunately, I'm not good at photo retouching. You might be right about the yellow wall, although I think that just shows how bad a state the place was left in. The cannon was left there because they left in a hurry and even that was not worth taking. They were facing a brutal enemy they had never encountered before. That is why escape was a higher priority than the cannon. 

Glad you like the MOC 😎😉🍻🏴☠️


Always good to see your MOCs Hun! I follow you over on other socials so I knew I would see you participate over here. 
I like the retro fell of your build. I like all the accessories in the barrels plus the fish and cloth canopy make the hideout look like someone really loves there. 
My only critique is I wish the build was a bit bigger, and maybe Steve wouldn’t wear his nice clothes to go swimming, lol. 


Ahoy Matey!

They call me Captain Crit in these parts and I heard that polly wants a sandwich (They’re fed up with crackers apparently) - a criticism sandwich that is! (For you landlubbers, that’s 3 seas [Cs]- Compliment, Constructive Criticism, and another Compliment).

Ye did a great job buildin’ this, and creatin’ a story to go along with it. I really like the presentation on the photo, and the retro feel you created, making it seem like the Steve from older sets.  

This build was a tough’n to critique, but I think me biggest nitpick is the yellow wall. I’m not sure what the purpose was behind this, but it seems a little odd. If it was intended to represent wear or age, I might use a shade of tan or something not quite so vibrant, and not use quite as large of a block of it. I think smaller sections of discoloration would look better.

Me favorite part o’ this build is the covering over the cannon- great use of that piece! I also enjoyed how full the build is of details, from the stockpiled food to the scattered vegetation and hidden gold bar. 

Fair Winds Matey!

5 hours ago, SevenDeadlyStreamers said:

Always good to see your MOCs Hun! I follow you over on other socials so I knew I would see you participate over here. 
I like the retro fell of your build. I like all the accessories in the barrels plus the fish and cloth canopy make the hideout look like someone really loves there. 
My only critique is I wish the build was a bit bigger, and maybe Steve wouldn’t wear his nice clothes to go swimming, lol. 

First of all, thank you so much for liking it, it's always nice to hear that or see the likes that others like what I build.

You may be right, it didn't occur to me that Steve might take his clothes off for a swim, but then again, he got so excited that he found a gold bar that he didn't care if his clothes got wet because the gold had to be hidden 😂.

The building is already larger than in the original 1795 set. But I thought that was enough. 

Thank you very much! 😉👍🏴☠️🍻

4 hours ago, Math Wizard said:

Ahoy Matey!

They call me Captain Crit in these parts and I heard that polly wants a sandwich (They’re fed up with crackers apparently) - a criticism sandwich that is! (For you landlubbers, that’s 3 seas [Cs]- Compliment, Constructive Criticism, and another Compliment).

Ye did a great job buildin’ this, and creatin’ a story to go along with it. I really like the presentation on the photo, and the retro feel you created, making it seem like the Steve from older sets.  

This build was a tough’n to critique, but I think me biggest nitpick is the yellow wall. I’m not sure what the purpose was behind this, but it seems a little odd. If it was intended to represent wear or age, I might use a shade of tan or something not quite so vibrant, and not use quite as large of a block of it. I think smaller sections of discoloration would look better.

Me favorite part o’ this build is the covering over the cannon- great use of that piece! I also enjoyed how full the build is of details, from the stockpiled food to the scattered vegetation and hidden gold bar. 

Fair Winds Matey!

Thank you very much to you too! 😉🏴☠️🍻

The yellow wall is a clear reference to the old 1795 Imperial Cannon set. Look for it, look at pictures of it and see why it has the yellow wall. Back then, the style of military buildings was to mix saga and white. Just like the new Eldorado set.

Have a good one Captain! 😉🍻🏴☠️

10 hours ago, MyFirstMOC-Hun said:

Thank you very much to you too! 😉🏴☠️🍻

The yellow wall is a clear reference to the old 1795 Imperial Cannon set. Look for it, look at pictures of it and see why it has the yellow wall. Back then, the style of military buildings was to mix saga and white. Just like the new Eldorado set.

Have a good one Captain! 😉🍻🏴☠️

Ah- I see! I didn't even realize this was referring to an older set- please don't make me walk the plank! :pirate-sad But since you were upgrading the set it may have looked good to mix the yellow a bit more, instead of in a single block, but I can see why you used yellow.

9 minutes ago, Math Wizard said:

Ah- I see! I didn't even realize this was referring to an older set- please don't make me walk the plank! :pirate-sad But since you were upgrading the set it may have looked good to mix the yellow a bit more, instead of in a single block, but I can see why you used yellow.

I thought about adding more yolks. In fact, when I made the first prototype, I did it with the new eldorado set wall technique, which has more yellow. But I didn't want to deviate that much from the original. 😉


Ah, I'm lovin' this presentation, matey, this looks like it'd be so much fun to pour out of a classic set box and play with!  The awning and palm tree are some great designs, and the treasure hidden under the planks is a great bit of added fun! :pir-sweet:  Except for wanting an (obviously classic :pir-grin:) monkey I haven't got anything else to nitpick, within your chosen style you've totally blown this outta the water!  Lovely job and all the best in the competition! :pir-triumph::pir-huzzah2:

2 hours ago, Garmadon said:

Ah, I'm lovin' this presentation, matey, this looks like it'd be so much fun to pour out of a classic set box and play with!  The awning and palm tree are some great designs, and the treasure hidden under the planks is a great bit of added fun! :pir-sweet:  Except for wanting an (obviously classic :pir-grin:) monkey I haven't got anything else to nitpick, within your chosen style you've totally blown this outta the water!  Lovely job and all the best in the competition! :pir-triumph::pir-huzzah2:

Thank you very much! 😉🍻🏴☠️👍

On 6/21/2024 at 5:16 PM, Math Wizard said:

This build was a tough’n to critique, but I think me biggest nitpick is the yellow wall. I’m not sure what the purpose was behind this, but it seems a little odd. If it was intended to represent wear or age, I might use a shade of tan or something not quite so vibrant, and not use quite as large of a block of it. I think smaller sections of discoloration would look better.

I actually quite like the yellow wall ; it is reminiscent of old-school builds. 

Overall, a logical story which fits the details ; some fish lying around, some food, etc...

But I see two flaws : it is supposed to be old, but it still looks too clean, add more vines, and discolourations or holes in the walls to make it credible, and that door leading straight into the sea is illogical, either make it look like there is more land beyond it or remove it to make space for a bit more detail.

Overall, the same high level of detail I've gotten used to from you.

11 minutes ago, Horation said:

I actually quite like the yellow wall ; it is reminiscent of old-school builds. 

Overall, a logical story which fits the details ; some fish lying around, some food, etc...

But I see two flaws : it is supposed to be old, but it still looks too clean, add more vines, and discolourations or holes in the walls to make it credible, and that door leading straight into the sea is illogical, either make it look like there is more land beyond it or remove it to make space for a bit more detail.

Overall, the same high level of detail I've gotten used to from you.

I think that the deterioration of the building is pretty well shown by the fact that not all the walls are still there, that what is there is fragmented. But as you described, a hole would really throw it. I'm already working on an improved version and I'll try to include this in it. The door is also a good point, I'll think about how it could be improved.

36 minutes ago, MyFirstMOC-Hun said:

 The door is also a good point, I'll think about how it could be improved.

If you want a 5-minute fix, I can suggest replacing those slopes with regular bricks of the same colour (and adding a little greebling to make it credible), this'll make it look like there's more to the island than meets the eye, and people do quite like a mystery...

3 hours ago, Horation said:

If you want a 5-minute fix, I can suggest replacing those slopes with regular bricks of the same colour (and adding a little greebling to make it credible), this'll make it look like there's more to the island than meets the eye, and people do quite like a mystery...

I'll see how to do it, but I'll definitely improve it. Hopefully in the right direction 😉


Otherwise, another suggestion I can make is expanding the pier (maybe making it damaged which could accentuate the abandoned look) on the side and adding a boat, this'll create the desired expansion for the door and will help show the ancient importance of this outpost.


Yes, this is what I'm talking about!! Fantastic storytelling, and now I see the other entry was a continuation of this story. As for the MOC, I love everything about it, except for one little detail... The structure should have some sort of roof. Steve would want some shelter from the elements. But I love the build overall, this would be the kind of set I know people like myself would buy multiples of. It just needs a roof, poor guy needs some shade from the sun or shelter from rain. 


Love the quality of You presentation and i'm not surprised because i remember Your creations from the previous last year contest, however to be honest i thought You did better job back then ;) OR maybe You towered You standards so high back then, that this one is kinda subpar to them ;) What i mean is, it's one hell of a nice build, but i think that it might be a bit too much, for a rather small set. It looks like either the hideout is too big for such a small island, or that the island is too small for such a small build.

And as i remember that You did a fantastic job with greens, stones, caves, secret compartments, this one just looks rushed. The best photo for me is the last one, cause its the most interesting perspective, it shows the whole place kinda differently - the palmtree that is somewhat trying to retake that structucture, the door, roofing over the cannon is incredible, different colors of bricks here and there work well too... it's just the frond i'm worried about - walls take too much place and those windows don't seem necesary, just as that big arche over the cannon, compare it to the way Your worked with sand, it's different quality.

Maybe if the island would be little bigger, where such big structure would be more justified. Since You mentioned lots of shipwrecks maybe the whole island structur could be made out of ships parts, of it would even be an actuall ship's aftercastle, only buried in the sand, rather than a brick work.

Since it's a dezerted outpost, and clearly everything is run down, maybe that jetty should like more damaged as well? It's just too pretty and neat when compated to the surrounding. Or perhaps there's a reason for that, and Steve simply had this jetty rebuilt as first, as he needs it for his own operations? ;)

Still, it's a nice work anyway, one has to envy Steve that he was able to raise so fast after that disaster and managed to organize himself. Many would dream to hide in such a place to escape from the crazy cilivilization ;) 

And a nice story... i always loved Robinsonesque themes, where the hero needs to build himself a mancave/fortess/shelter all in one, in order to survive in an uninviting location.

But perhaps the story would work even better if Steve woudln't sail into the battle just like that? Maybe it was his own trade convoy that was caught into battle, and he was hurrying after it, perhaps even to warn them about the planned attack, but he was too late and so he had to share their fate?


53 minutes ago, Mazin said:

Love the quality of You presentation and i'm not surprised because i remember Your creations from the previous last year contest, however to be honest i thought You did better job back then ;) OR maybe You towered You standards so high back then, that this one is kinda subpar to them ;) What i mean is, it's one hell of a nice build, but i think that it might be a bit too much, for a rather small set. It looks like either the hideout is too big for such a small island, or that the island is too small for such a small build.

And as i remember that You did a fantastic job with greens, stones, caves, secret compartments, this one just looks rushed. The best photo for me is the last one, cause its the most interesting perspective, it shows the whole place kinda differently - the palmtree that is somewhat trying to retake that structucture, the door, roofing over the cannon is incredible, different colors of bricks here and there work well too... it's just the frond i'm worried about - walls take too much place and those windows don't seem necesary, just as that big arche over the cannon, compare it to the way Your worked with sand, it's different quality.

Maybe if the island would be little bigger, where such big structure would be more justified. Since You mentioned lots of shipwrecks maybe the whole island structur could be made out of ships parts, of it would even be an actuall ship's aftercastle, only buried in the sand, rather than a brick work.

Since it's a dezerted outpost, and clearly everything is run down, maybe that jetty should like more damaged as well? It's just too pretty and neat when compated to the surrounding. Or perhaps there's a reason for that, and Steve simply had this jetty rebuilt as first, as he needs it for his own operations? ;)

Still, it's a nice work anyway, one has to envy Steve that he was able to raise so fast after that disaster and managed to organize himself. Many would dream to hide in such a place to escape from the crazy cilivilization ;) 

And a nice story... i always loved Robinsonesque themes, where the hero needs to build himself a mancave/fortess/shelter all in one, in order to survive in an uninviting location.

But perhaps the story would work even better if Steve woudln't sail into the battle just like that? Maybe it was his own trade convoy that was caught into battle, and he was hurrying after it, perhaps even to warn them about the planned attack, but he was too late and so he had to share their fate?


Thank you for your criticism. You have written so much that I will only be able to respond tomorrow. What I can tell you is that a CFE (community feedback edition) of this set is already in the works. At the moment the render images are ready.

6 minutes ago, MyFirstMOC-Hun said:

Thank you for your criticism. You have written so much that I will only be able to respond tomorrow. What I can tell you is that a CFE (community feedback edition) of this set is already in the works. At the moment the render images are ready.

Thatnx bud, looking forward to see how it evolves :) 

On 7/2/2024 at 6:01 PM, Mazin said:

Love the quality of You presentation and i'm not surprised because i remember Your creations from the previous last year contest, however to be honest i thought You did better job back then ;) OR maybe You towered You standards so high back then, that this one is kinda subpar to them ;) What i mean is, it's one hell of a nice build, but i think that it might be a bit too much, for a rather small set. It looks like either the hideout is too big for such a small island, or that the island is too small for such a small build.

And as i remember that You did a fantastic job with greens, stones, caves, secret compartments, this one just looks rushed. The best photo for me is the last one, cause its the most interesting perspective, it shows the whole place kinda differently - the palmtree that is somewhat trying to retake that structucture, the door, roofing over the cannon is incredible, different colors of bricks here and there work well too... it's just the frond i'm worried about - walls take too much place and those windows don't seem necesary, just as that big arche over the cannon, compare it to the way Your worked with sand, it's different quality.

Maybe if the island would be little bigger, where such big structure would be more justified. Since You mentioned lots of shipwrecks maybe the whole island structur could be made out of ships parts, of it would even be an actuall ship's aftercastle, only buried in the sand, rather than a brick work.

Since it's a dezerted outpost, and clearly everything is run down, maybe that jetty should like more damaged as well? It's just too pretty and neat when compated to the surrounding. Or perhaps there's a reason for that, and Steve simply had this jetty rebuilt as first, as he needs it for his own operations? ;)

Still, it's a nice work anyway, one has to envy Steve that he was able to raise so fast after that disaster and managed to organize himself. Many would dream to hide in such a place to escape from the crazy cilivilization ;) 

And a nice story... i always loved Robinsonesque themes, where the hero needs to build himself a mancave/fortess/shelter all in one, in order to survive in an uninviting location.

But perhaps the story would work even better if Steve woudln't sail into the battle just like that? Maybe it was his own trade convoy that was caught into battle, and he was hurrying after it, perhaps even to warn them about the planned attack, but he was too late and so he had to share their fate?


Then you won't like CFE either, because the small island is just as full. I made it a little bigger, but I still managed to fill it up. 
I replaced the roof structure because some people said it didn't protect Steve enough from the inclement weather. So I had the tarpaulin over the cannon sheeted and a larger piece of one of the sails from a ship that had sunk in battle was put on. I also rebuilt the pier to make it more disjointed, and so by lifting one of the planks, the gold bar was accessible. But it is true that there is no other hiding place. Just the two barrels with the food in them. The windows are so ruined now that they don't all have this lattice element. That was to show the dilapidated state of the guardhouse. 

For me, I wanted to use a leftover piece of a ship, not only because I already had one (Barracuda Bay), but because the original stock wasn't large.

38 minutes ago, MyFirstMOC-Hun said:

Then you won't like CFE either, because the small island is just as full. I made it a little bigger, but I still managed to fill it up. 
I replaced the roof structure because some people said it didn't protect Steve enough from the inclement weather. So I had the tarpaulin over the cannon sheeted and a larger piece of one of the sails from a ship that had sunk in battle was put on. I also rebuilt the pier to make it more disjointed, and so by lifting one of the planks, the gold bar was accessible. But it is true that there is no other hiding place. Just the two barrels with the food in them. The windows are so ruined now that they don't all have this lattice element. That was to show the dilapidated state of the guardhouse. 

For me, I wanted to use a leftover piece of a ship, not only because I already had one (Barracuda Bay), but because the original stock wasn't large.

Woow! :o Bravo!! These are fantastic changes. I'm sorry if i seemed to be too harsh for You, i just knew Your level of skill and here we can finally see it :) Damn. It's basically the same set, but little redecorating and home/hideout-staging does a lot of good :) Few details changed in the pier and it's outstanding, roofing is genious, and that raft and the fact that it's chained into the island so it wouldn't float away, now that's some carefull planning i envy very much! And the new plant work is a great addition, even those changed palmleaves somehow make it look better, like if Steve's life was deteriorating on so many levels, affecting the environment he's been forcifully exiled to by his fate. And the door laying in the water. Like if he had to rip it off even to get into this abandoned safehouse. 

Still, goold old Steve somewhow keeps his smile and he seems to be happy there. And the whole set is actually quite fun, more vibrant and more colorful than the previous attempt :)

So it goes straight into the top of my list :)

And oh, remember to put those new photos of the new version on top of Your post! :) At least i'd suggest doing that, cause some folks might not notice that it's different now :)   

35 minutes ago, Mazin said:

Woow! :o Bravo!! These are fantastic changes. I'm sorry if i seemed to be too harsh for You, i just knew Your level of skill and here we can finally see it :) Damn. It's basically the same set, but little redecorating and home/hideout-staging does a lot of good :) Few details changed in the pier and it's outstanding, roofing is genious, and that raft and the fact that it's chained into the island so it wouldn't float away, now that's some carefull planning i envy very much! And the new plant work is a great addition, even those changed palmleaves somehow make it look better, like if Steve's life was deteriorating on so many levels, affecting the environment he's been forcifully exiled to by his fate. And the door laying in the water. Like if he had to rip it off even to get into this abandoned safehouse. 

Still, goold old Steve somewhow keeps his smile and he seems to be happy there. And the whole set is actually quite fun, more vibrant and more colorful than the previous attempt :)

So it goes straight into the top of my list :)

And oh, remember to put those new photos of the new version on top of Your post! :) At least i'd suggest doing that, cause some folks might not notice that it's different now :)   

Thank you very much! You were not hard on me. The point of this critique is to highlight possible flaws from another perspective. Since I made it from scratch, I've seen the grades and I don't necessarily see the error. Plus I'm always biased against new projects and it's even harder to see what needs to change. You may have been right if you felt the previous one was a mess, because it only took me a couple of hours to make.

I have tried to improve this set and I can see from your reaction that I have.

I didn't want to put the pictures up there, so it wouldn't look like "that's not what I called it back then". But that's why I wrote that it's updated up there, so that anyone looking at it might take the time to scroll down to see what's changed.

25 minutes ago, MyFirstMOC-Hun said:

Thank you very much! You were not hard on me. The point of this critique is to highlight possible flaws from another perspective. Since I made it from scratch, I've seen the grades and I don't necessarily see the error. Plus I'm always biased against new projects and it's even harder to see what needs to change. You may have been right if you felt the previous one was a mess, because it only took me a couple of hours to make.

I have tried to improve this set and I can see from your reaction that I have.

I didn't want to put the pictures up there, so it wouldn't look like "that's not what I called it back then". But that's why I wrote that it's updated up there, so that anyone looking at it might take the time to scroll down to see what's changed.

Thanx,  i'm happy You took good approach to any critique and turned it into Your favour. Even new Steve is definitely a knockout :) 

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