November 2, 2024Nov 2 Author well now the front is taking shape and looks really good and accurate to real life model:) and the side profile looks really good now:)
November 2, 2024Nov 2 Author and now this automotive icon has the working popup headlights and this was a true pain and nightmare to fit the popup headlights but now they are finally installed and working:)
November 2, 2024Nov 2 Author well now the front is basically done just need to add the second lights and turning signals to the front:)
November 2, 2024Nov 2 Author well apparently my 42083 set suspension curse did move to this model and the front suspension did started to sag because of the weight and i did have to rework the suspension and now it is no more being haunted by 42083 suspension curse;)
November 3, 2024Nov 3 Author well now i have started to sculpting the rear end with really complex shapes
November 3, 2024Nov 3 Author little bit more work on the rear because the rear suspension travel was really poor so i redesigned the mudguards and the panels on the rear now suspension on the rear works perfectly:)
November 3, 2024Nov 3 Author a lot more work on the rear this is going really smoothly and now the rear looks so good and realistic to the real car:) And after a while of scouring the internet i founded one website wich had a million pictures of the real car so i have just builded this model by looking at the pictures of that website car:)
November 3, 2024Nov 3 Author well now the back section looks perfect now i have to decorate the v12 engine and then finish the back and build the scissor doors and roof:) well im really proud at my self now this is my first try at making old classic supercar and this is just a thing of beauty the lines flows so nicely and close to real car:)
November 3, 2024Nov 3 Author well now this has a roof:) and here it is next to cada mclaren p1 so the countach is about 1:9 or 1:8 scale the cada is 1:10
November 3, 2024Nov 3 Author And this countach qv is my biggest milestone in my design history my old mocs looked like block or brick on wheels now i have refined my skills so much that my models are not anymore looking like brick on wheels and im so proud and happy with my self how far i have come with my technic mocs the countach qv is my most advanced and most complex build ever so i maybe need to celebrate my biggest achievement:) And i still remember my first technic set i was 5 or 6 year old when my dad gave me 8041 set and it was really complicated but i did love to build that then i got next christmas 8043 and it was really complicated for 6 or 7 year old but i have now worked with technic almost 18 years:)
November 3, 2024Nov 3 Author Well i have started to thinking and sculpting the engine and i made a decision i will use my own creativity to decorate the engine room to give this countach little bit personal touch so while outside is realistic the engine room has my personal touches to decorate and it isin't realistic to real car:)
November 4, 2024Nov 4 17 hours ago, Auroralampinen said: well now the countach qv v12 is finished:) It uh, seems to be missing doors... Otherwise, I'm shocked how quickly you made such a massive vehicle, it looks pretty good.
November 4, 2024Nov 4 Author 2 minutes ago, Aurorasaurus said: It uh, seems to be missing doors... Otherwise, I'm shocked how quickly you made such a massive vehicle, it looks pretty good. Yes i said v12 engine is finished not the full car sorry for bad typing
November 4, 2024Nov 4 Author Well today i didn't have any progress with the model i did try to make few door consepts but they did fail and didn't satisfy me so i have to come back tomorrow with fresh start and today was a really busy day for me i had to go repair my electric bike for winter drive(yes we have allready snow and ice in the ground) and a full service for the wheel bearings and rear gearbox so that drained my energy and im now really tired so i will continue building tomorrow with new thoughts and energy:)
November 6, 2024Nov 6 Author Well im now stuck with the doors and i have not founded any good solutions with the doors so this project is not going anywhere right now
November 6, 2024Nov 6 Author well finally after a lot of troubleshooting and struggling and many grey hairs later now the doors are finished:)
November 6, 2024Nov 6 Author and now the doors have hidden support beam wich keeps them open for example in display purposes:) wow this looks really cool now:)
November 11, 2024Nov 11 Author Well after the amazing lamborghini i have again started a new model project so stay tuned:)
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