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Hey Eurobricks!

My name's Filip and this is my first post here.
I got into the 12V system about 3 years ago, and since managed to build quite a few locos and train cars. I am not a set collector, I don't own any official trains... But I do at this point own 17 black 12V motors, and 2 red ones... and I use all of them in my moc trains, so there are quite a few of them!
I'll also be posting my LDD files of all the stuff, but be aware that they might include new parts added by the amazing guys form https://www.customlddupdates.com/ , or custom parts and decals made by me.

So I would like to shar what I've acomplished so far. I am from Poland, so my locomotives are set in early 90s "Poland", and are inspired by polish, or european locomotives. But there also are some american. None of them are meant to be models of real life locomotives, but there are a few which have been inspired by them, and I'm gonna point out when needed. Locomotives are also numbered according to the polish national numbering system, but with numbers not used by any IRL loco





Starting with my dual diesel cargo locomotive, the ST34 built in 1977.

It's a two-unit, permanently coupled locomotive, ispired by real-life ones like ET40 or ET42 (altho those are electric, the only diesel dual I know is the german D311).
(Fun fact: Russia banned production of locomotives above certain power in eastern countries, to force them to buy more powerful ones from russia. Thats why duals were created, twice the power, but its still two locomotives so the ban doesn't apply.)

Each unit is an exact copy of the other, originaly only one had a motor, but I since got another one for actual double power.


The design features a boxy body, main doors lead to a small entrance room, with further door seperating the engine room, and quite a spaceious cab.
There are also 4 inspection doors on each side, allowing better access to the engine
They two units are permanently coupled via 5 long technic liftarm, and feature a gangway connection between them, I leave it to imagination, that a minifig can walk beside the engine, to pass all the way thru to the second cab, as there isn't enough space in a 6-wide body to fit an actual corridor.


Each unit is powered by a V12 heavy duty diesel combustion engine. It also integrates the 2x6x2 weighted bricks, for better traction on rails, and are conviniently located righ above the 12V motor.


The cab itself is has a central seat, there is a throttle wheel and a break lever.
The red thing below the dashboard is a radio (mean to resemble the model Radmor 3006, which is used in many locomotives to this day), originaly it was meant to be printed part 3004pb009 instead, but it turned out it's more rare than I thought so I had to improvise... I also wanted to include this radio in every locomotive, but with smaller one it was hard to fit anywhere so I gave up.
I also use the same style of speedometer in every of my locomotives, which is meant to resemble a Hasler (speedometers used widely in polish locomotives).
The red light is a dead man's switch indicator, this is also a standard thing in all my lego locomotives.


I eventually want all my trains to have headlights... but this is realy hard. I had to run thin wires between bricks, and made a few cuts or holes in sides of bricks here and there... I used warm-white 3mm LEDs. The lights shine white or red, depending on the driving direction.
I might in the future do a post about those and how they work exactly, it's a complicated thing...


So anyway... there is the ST34 doing its job: pulling a heavy cargo train to be loaded with coal and natural gas!

I hope You liked my post! I always thought there was not enought 12V mocs on the internets, so it's my time to add something!
Hopefully in the future I can post more of my trains, currently I have 16 locomotives and countless train cars so be patient!

Thanks once again!


LDD file:




Edited by FlammerFime

Well I wasn't going to do more today, but decided this won't take too much time so why not...



My SD90 rapid train.

4559 Cargo Railway was always peak lego train for me! It perfectly captures the times when the Lego company was focuding on imagination and everything was wild and SO unrealistic but who cares when it's fun?! This train has a special place in my heart. When I was about 5 or 6 years old around 2006, my aunt from UK gave me a pirated CD with the Lego Loco game... and I would play that for HOURS on our family computer! 4559 would appear in the intro to this game (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-ULpwCWDo), and I wuld always wonder what it was! Fast forward a few years and around 2013 i found an online auction, it was the locomotive and the first car of 4559, but no mottor, instead it had a mockup of one built with bricks and regular wheels. I bought if for around 20€ back then. I was so happy! I found my dream train form years ago!


When I went full 12V and decided to sell all my plastic tracks and PF motors, I decided to convert my beloved train as well. Using the original instructions and a 12V motor in place where the 9V should go, I created the (possibly first ever) 12V conversion of 4559. I also used 2x3 plates attatched to the 3rd wheel slot in the motor, for extra detail. Also converted the end bogie to use 12V wheels.

And so time went by, and about 3 or 4 months ago I found someone selling this set in parts, every car and truck in seperate listings... I never before even concidered owning the rest of the set. In Lego Loco it was just the locomotive and one car, thats was the train for me and... it kinda even seemed odd to me...
But I did buy the second car for about 45€


But when I put it together I REALY didn't like the bap between the two cars. Between the locomotive and a train car there is just 1 stud gap, but here it was 3! I tried to reduce it to 1 but using connection different than magnets, but the two cars would collide on corners, because of how long they are.
That left me with only two options: either make it 2 stud gap, or think of something else...


So I decided to use the same solution of connection as the locomotive has... and after tweaking the design a bit further, and using tho bogies connected via 2x2 rotating plate to a central car... 



There it was! Only 1 stud gaps all the way thruout the whole train!


So there it is, my modified 4559, the perfect solution to my liking!

And so fere is the file for it!

Thanks for reading!



Hi Filip! Welcome to Eurobricks! Already, I'm loving what you've presented so far! Your ST34s look awesome and I love the design of them! Just enough detail to look interesting, but still looks toylike and imaginative. Really looking forward to seeing your other custom models.

Also, that 4559 conversion/mod certainly is unique! I think that set gets a bad rap from many AFOLs and I'll admit, I haven't found it all that charming, but your love for the set is clear with how much attention you've given it. It looks great!

Posted (edited)

I really like your loco, especially how you did the engines. It looks great! :steve:I know others already said it, but welcome to eurobricks. I am interested in seeing your other creations some time. I love Lego trains especally 9v and 12v ones. I'm personally into Lego monorails more though. :classic:

Edit. I'm not trying to copy the others that replyed, I really mean it! :classic:

Edited by ILoveSeatron

The 12 volt system has always a great appeal, and seeing new models is exciting! :excited:
What I like about this system is the space available to build accurate interiors of the locomotive (see the diesel group) :thumbup:
I also like the detail of the bellows between the two locomotives


Thanks yall for kind, warm welcomes and all the kind words about my models! Realy nice to be here and hopefully gonna stay and post more and more of my stuff! 

22 hours ago, Celeste said:

Just enough detail to look interesting, but still looks toylike and imaginative.

I try to keep a bit of this 80s 12V esthetics in my trains. I have also never been a fan of everything being tiled off, I like seeing studs, it's lego after all! I try to keep a balance of having lots of detail, but also still looking like a lego model that it is.

2 hours ago, LEGO Train 12 Volts said:

What I like about this system is the space available to build accurate interiors of the locomotive

I also like the detail of the bellows between the two locomotives

I think the best loco interior is my Inter City train (on my avatar). Probably gonna be the next one I post. This one is fully packed with details, both locomotive and train cars.

Yeah the bellows are my design, I made a few years ago. Gonna go into more details about them too, in my Inter City post.


Great work, as a kid I drooled over the 12v system, the height of functionality and train availability. While the MOC's are wonderful, probably my favorite bit is your avatar and the corresponding artwork at the top of your first post (which you already hinted that the MOC will be coming soon). The stylizing of the of the artwork is great.


Yeah the artwork I'm quite proud of

One time i took this picture when the IC loco was standing in front of a green storage box.


And it realy reminded me of some kind of art-deco era, sorta a bit abstract, advertisement poster...

So I made this in MS Paint the same evening


Ok I said I was gonna post the InterCity train next, but have neither the energy nor the space to display it currently...

So here is the ET48 instead, nicknamed "The Box"




This one is a bit unusual, an electric light-duty cargo locomotive.
I took the inspiration from set 7720, the B model shows this kinda boxy electric locomotive. I am quite certain it's meant to resemble some kind of old german/swiss electric locomotive from 1910s/1920s


I found it really cute so decided to build something similar, but make the front a tiny bit less square.
I found the windshield part 17454 to go perfectly with what I wanted, and originally it was designed as yellow and red. But I learnt that this part doesn't exist in many colors, red not being one of them... But it was made in brown! Which was a color I would never have thought to even concider, but in the end made the whole thing look much more interesting!

I don't think I have ever seen anyone using the connecting rods with just 2 axles, and it does look odd. But at the time I didn't have the 3rd wheels, and when I finally got them, I decided against using them here. It looks much more original the way it is.

I especially like the mesh vents on the sides, making the design look older. Also the roof being more square than the body.


Here You can also see the pantograph design I am using as standard in all my electric locos. Its a bit fragile to align and look neatly, but it's the closest I could get to how the diamond, symmetrical pantographs look in real life.
I used cut pieces of flex tube as a way to connect those 11090 parts, 3L bars, and binoculars at the top.
I also use some of those red 6 long barrier part as some electrical wires and roof details on my locos.
Also had to rise the base on which the pantograph is places, so it matches the height of my other locos.

The front , interestingly, is built sideways, and there is no connection from the lower part to the windshield piece. Due to the unusual building techniques, the whole body is mostly held to the chassis with 4 studs on the bottom, and 4 studs via the engine block, so when you try to take the roof off, this is the most likely result:




The cab controls are mirrored on both ends, and are very simple because of space and attatchment points limitations. here You can also see how the front is attatched via a 2x2 bracket.


The electric gut are just random parts to make it look interesting. But I did actually manage to fit a weight block into this engine for better traction!


So anyway, that's it about "The Box"! Just one more pic of it hauling away some Octan fuel cars.

And for those interested, there is the LDD file:


I like the way you are mixing very 80's parts and aesthetics with modern parts and aesthetics.


8 hours ago, FlammerFime said:

I found the windshield part 17454 to go perfectly with what I wanted, and originally it was designed as yellow and red. But I learnt that this part doesn't exist in many colors, red not being one of them...

Actually, that part's predecessor only came in red and green


There are two variants, the other has a higher hole in front..

5 hours ago, zephyr1934 said:

I like the way you are mixing very 80's parts and aesthetics with modern parts and aesthetics.

Yeah that was my goal. Have much more detail but keep the 12V 80s vibe.

5 hours ago, zephyr1934 said:

Actually, that part's predecessor only came in red and green

There are two variants, the other has a higher hole in front..

A yeah, now I remember, this was originally the part I wanted to use. But I didn't like that it didn't allow me to place headlights on the outer edges, and putting them in the middle made them look too close to each other, so I went to look for alternatives.


Hey Filip! I love the MOCs, and the story and details behind each one is so cool! Nice to see you on Eurobricks - keep the posts coming, and these MOCs could have a YT channel too...


Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, LEGO Train 12 Volts said:

Those yellow doors must have cost a fortune

If You think 2 yellow doors is a lot.... You are in for a surprise when I finally get around to photographing and posting my Santa Fe Super Chief clone, all in dark blue and yellow livery :P

Here, grab a sneak peek

Edited by FlammerFime
Posted (edited)

Ok so another quick one today, due to it being late!

First things first, I decided to gather all my locomotives and list them, just to know which ones I have already covered (also put the nicknames here for fun, and for yall to wonder why certain odd names, until I reveal photos :P)

Clasified locomotives:
EP12 Intercity
ST34 Wiener Dog
SU49 Colorado Bug
ST16 Holger
SR33 Fixer
EN50 Stinky
PU103 Kettle
PP106 Pepe
SU50 Gagarin
EM49 4.5V
ET48 The Box
SD90 CargoRailway

Visiting from America
Big Boi


And todays post is about the ST16, nicknamed "Holger"




Inspiration for this one comes from a small diesel locomotive made by @HoMa, shown in the River Port video:

This one caught my eye and I really liked it! So I took inspiration and made my own, slightly modified version. That's is why it is called "Holger", it's a tribute to the original designer, who I adore and respect highly!

I later got to talk to Holger, and got a view on the front. Turns out I got it quite similar too!


But lets focus on my model now. It is a light-duty diesel cargo locomotive, used for short distance hauls and shunting. Built in 1954 in Great Britain, somehow ended up over here in unknown sircumpstances around 1990.

the model is built on a motor with a broken pin, it was a perfect use for it.
The design is quite simple, a tall engine bay with a cab at one end, windows providing visibility around the engine bay.
I used some of the 4510 elements (8 long with rail) for some extra details. Also the front grill is a bit complicated in its design.
And of cores there are the window shutters used as the engine vents... behind which there are engine details! I love giving my trains engine details! :D


I really think those printed 24246pb001 elements (which are not very common to find unfortunately), are quite perfect for cylinder cover detail in a combustion engine. (I was salso going to use then in my ST34, but finding 24 of them in a reasonable price was unreal). The whole engine is placed on a jumper, to make it fit better into the window frame.


In contrast to the ET48, this one actually has a properly removable roof for better interior access! LoL
The cab is quite cramed, only being a 4x4 and the usable front wall space being limited by the windows.


But I still managed to fit in everything I wanted. Altho the printed buttons slope take a lot of detail-heavy-lifting here, there still is a place for throttle and break levers, a speedometer and the all important red dead man's switch indicator.

I unfortunately didn't take any scene-type photo this time.... so sorry about that...
But here is the model:

Have a nice day/night yall!

Edited by FlammerFime
Posted (edited)

@FlammerFime cool that my name became a nickname for your little red engine. Great you like my model and used it as inspiration for your own model. I like your interior details ...

Did you know that I also build a black version of that locomotive? With a rare red motor and rare old style black windows ... and a removable hatch. Instructions can be found in my book about 12 V trains:


Have fun with all those lovely 12 V style trains and locomotives! 



Edited by HoMa

Nice to see You here Holger ^^

5 hours ago, HoMa said:

Did you know that I also build a black version of that locomotive? With a rare red motor and rare old style black windows ... and a removable hatch. Instructions can be found in my book about 12 V trains:

A yes! I remember You told me about it on discord! I definitely like the front of the red one more tho ^^


This is an awesome engine! I love the detail of the bottom part of a 2 x 2 spin plate for a grate. Oh, and HoMa, I know this isn't the right way to contact you, but I love your 2017 book, and want to read the new one, but your email registers as invalid so I have no way to get the password. Any chance you can tell me the password? Thanks, CC

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