Posted November 30, 2024Nov 30 Raiders of the Lost Art - A Star Wars Mysteries Story Chapter Overview with Link: Reveal hidden contents Raiders of the Lost Art - Follow the story here! Chapter 01 - Prologue [N7 - LS] Chapter 02 - Finding Art [M11 - LS] Chapter 03 - Aurora Squadron Returns [L9 - LS] Chapter 04 - Secret Meeting on Coruscant [L9 - LS] Chapter 05 - At the Vonreg Mansion [L9 - LS] Chapter 06 - Coronet Spaceport [M11 - LS] Chapter 07 - Corellia Speeder Bike Chase [M11 - LS] Chapter 08 - The Temple Raid [O7 - LS] Chapter 09 - The Trip to Aetwelt [Q6 - LS] Chapter 10 - Shag City [Q6 - LS] Chapter 11 - Meeting at Skoova's [Q6 - LS] Chapter 12 - Gunfight at Old Kaadu Corral [Q6 - LS] Chapter 12-5 - Cavalry to the Rescue! [Q6 - LS] - contribution by @Yperio_Bricks Chapter 13 - ART Attack! [Q6 -LS] Chapter 14 - Sticky Fingers [Q6-LS] Chapter 15 - The Baron and the Princess [L9-LS] Chapter 15.5 - A Simple Meeting to Start [Q10-M] contribution by @Jody Meyer Chapter 16 - Credits and Blood [N7-LS] Jedi Quest - Follow the story here! Chapter 01 - Jedi Reborn [N7-LS] Chapter 02 - Jedi Investigations [N7-LS] Chapter 03 - The Secret Lab (A Mysteries Halloween Special) [N7-LS] Chapter 04 - Fight at the Swoop Garage [N7-LS] Chapter 05 - Interrogation Room and Rescue [N7-LS] Aurora Squadron - Follow the story here! Chapter 00 - Peace and Clarity [K21 - LS] Chapter 00 - Order 0100-0010 [K21 - LS] Chapter 01 - The Scourge [L9 - LS] Chapter 02 - Skirmish above the little moon [L9 - LS] Dramatis Personae: Reveal hidden contents Protagonists: Name: Ward Len'yaSpecies: BothanAffiliation: New Republic / Bothan spynetObjective: In pursuit of art plundered by the Empire during its rule. He believes baron Vonreg is the key figure to get access to the emperor's treasures.Character: Len'ya is known to be a heartless tactician, putting the Rebellion/Republic first Name: XherSpecies: FalleenAffiliation: New RepublicObjective: Hired by Len'ya as a bodyguard, she follows his leadCharacter: Xher is distrustful and cynical and an experienced fighter for her young age Name: Arthemias BoltSpecies: HumanAffiliation: New RepublicObjective: Recently persuaded by his old comerade Len'ya to retire from retirement and help to find the imperial plunder.Character: Bolt is an aged but legendary rebel spy who spent most of the last two decades undercover. Name: RiettaSpecies: UgnaughtAffiliation: New RepublicObjective: Rietta is the Quartermaster on board of the Cloudrunner. She is responsible for supplies and equipment.Character: Rietta is very pragmatic and not very chatty. She loves to collect spare parts and improve equipment. She has an affinity for explosives and heavy weaponry too. Name: Loolo "Sticky Fingers"Species: RodianAffiliation: New RepublicObjective: recruited by Len'ya and Bolt to recover lost art and relics from the empire.Character: Sticky has been earlier working with Len'ya and is known to be a very good thief. He is not very idealistic for the cause, but owes Len'ya a favor. Antagonists: Name: Baron Ezhugh VonregSpecies: HumanAffiliation: New Republic and/or EmpireObjective: unclearCharacter: Vonreg has been (pretending to be?) a fiery worshipper of the late Emperor. Now that the Empire is shattered, he made himself indispensable for the New Republic. Vonreg is an art lover and collector. He is ruthless and conspiratorial. Name: Viceadmiral Randoll CescoSpecies: HumanAffiliation: Imperial RemnantObjective: Restore the New OrderBackground: Cesco is nicknamed the Emperors Hound or Hound of Hetzal and that is for good reason. He was one of the most efficient hunters of the ISB and feared by his enemies. At some point he was set on the Rebel agent Nick Wosh, but his target escaped and crossed him multiple times. Cesco is currently commanding a fleet of four imperial Star Destroyers and is the patron of the Reborn Dark Jedi program. Trivia: Cesco is a reoccurring NPC in my pen&paper Star Wars RPG. Name: Commander Elena VonregSpecies: HumanAffiliation: Imperial RemnantObjective: Restore the New OrderBackground: Elena is member of the aristrocratic Vonreg family and loyal to the Empire. She sees in Cesco the best fit for a new supreme leader. Trivia: Elena Vonreg is an original character for Mysteries. Name: Yulion-Paer KuenagaSpecies: HumanAffiliation: EmpireObjective: to flee from the ISB's grip on CoruscantCharacter: The aged professor was member of Palpatines inner circle and served as curator of the late emperors treasures. Following the imperial doctrine, he considers non-humans as second class except for their apex cultural accomplishments, that need to be secured for the empire. ******* Chapter 16 - Credits and Blood << to previous chapter of Raiders of the Lost Art << to previous chapter of Jedi Quest It's a rainy day in the Upper City of Taris. A single figure is standing in the middle of the pouring rain and waiting for someone to arrive... Baron Vonreg made a detour from Chandrila, to answer the call of his favorite niece... » That's a bold move to come here.Especially considering where you come from. Taris is a New Republic world now, Elena. « » Uncle. So good to see you. I know it’s dangerous but I had to come. It's urgent. Viceadmiral Cesco wants to bring the Imperial Remnant to one table. He demands you to be the host at Castle Vonreg, at the same time the Rebel Gala takes place. « » Hrmpf. So the Emperor's Hound wants to test my loyalty. « » Yes, uncle. He... he thinks you are a - « » A what? « » A traitor! I mean, c'mon! He's not even wrong, is he? You are ingratiating yourself and selling our family to this... Rebel scum! « » Elena, you forget: We are Vonregs first. We invested heavily into the Empire. With Credits and blood! You and your cousins serve the Empire, yes, but only because I allowed so! I have my own agenda now. You will see, the Vonregs will be on the rise soon. Independent from the Empire. « » Our family has emerged from insignificance to relevance, thanks to the Empire! And you are throwing it all away for this... Republic?! « » Times change, little Elena. My place is where the center of power is. I don't want to be part of the failing Empire. I just want to squeeze enough out of it before it collapses, like the supernova it is. « » Uncle? You are breaking my heart! If you won't come back and host this Shadow Council, Cesco will get us executed! All of us Vonregs in the ranks of the Imperial Fleet and Army. Your Blood! « » ... « » Nothing to say?!? Drop me off here. Now!! « » Elena... Please... « » I'll be at our families' castle and organize the meeting. If you have any loyalty left in you, you'll be there. « » ... « » She is right, master. Your obsession with Palpatines treasures and that Alderaan princess could cost many of your relatives' lives, considering Admiral Cescos reputation... « » Grr, I don't need a droid chauffeur to be my source of conscience. I know what I have to do... « Bonus: Somewhere, deep in the Imperial Remnant territories... » Honored loyal Imperial Admirals, Captains, Comissars and Moffs. I am Commander Vonreg, attaché of the Admiral of the Apocalyptic Fleet. Some time ago, we not only lost our Emperor, but also our focus. We are an Empire no more. We are a thousand Empires - each and every single one dying on its own. It is time, to stop the bleeding and unite! As you are reading this transmission, Rebels gather to prematurely celebrate their so called victory. Their attention is diverted. This is the time to hold council and to decide on the future of the Empire. You, as one of the most powerful and trusted servants of the Empire, are invited to join this Shadow Council. If you decide to follow the call, we will send you the coordinates of the secret meeting. Take responsibility and be part of the Rebirth! End of Transmission. « >> to next chapter **************************************************** Hello and welcome back to Raiders of the Lost Art! It's time, to pull all the stories - Raiders and Jedi Quest - together in a a major cross-over! The New Republic is soon going to celebrate a big Gala. In the meantime, the Imperial Remnants try to organize a secret Shadow Council. And where are Ward Len'ya and his team, after they failed to get the information they were seeking at Momma the Hutt? Stay tuned and you will see! BIG CREDIT TO @Keymonus for his interpretation of rain with Lego bricks. His build inspried me to try out the technique in a Star Wars Mysteries episode. Here are additonal pictures of Vonregs Limousine Speeder. I tried a star wars-y version of a 1930ies limousine, like the RR Phantom III for example. Edited November 30, 2024Nov 30 by Sentinel_Brix
November 30, 2024Nov 30 This limousine speeder is something... Looks fun! Let's see how it's going to turn out...
November 30, 2024Nov 30 Author On 11/30/2024 at 5:45 PM, Max_Lego said: This limousine speeder is something... Looks fun! Let's see how it's going to turn out... This is the Limousine-Speeder. It's the final design
November 30, 2024Nov 30 On 11/30/2024 at 7:21 PM, Sentinel_Brix said: This is the Limousine-Speeder. It's the final design No, I was referring to the story actually...
December 2, 2024Dec 2 Love the rain drops and the water flowing into the gutter is such a great detail! First time I see it mocced like this, with the water flowing along the side of the road and then into the drain Vonreg is traveling in style with his elegant limousine speeder. I guess the minibar offers some exquisite and expensive beverages But why did the Baron change his mind? Or is it just fake? I am curious to find out! And i am waiting for a build of the castle in all its glory!
December 8, 2024Dec 8 Author On 12/4/2024 at 5:36 PM, Eternal Maul said: Great rain effect! On 12/2/2024 at 11:36 PM, Yperio_Bricks said: Love the rain drops and the water flowing into the gutter is such a great detail! First time I see it mocced like this, with the water flowing along the side of the road and then into the drain Thank you On 12/2/2024 at 11:36 PM, Yperio_Bricks said: Vonreg is traveling in style with his elegant limousine speeder. I guess the minibar offers some exquisite and expensive beverages Sure, this is a luxury speeder with all the perks inside On 12/2/2024 at 11:36 PM, Yperio_Bricks said: But why did the Baron change his mind? Or is it just fake? I am curious to find out! Well, that is a story for another day...
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