Posted December 5, 2024Dec 5 It's the holiday season is Christmastown. All is calm... or perhaps not. What's that over by the tree? Why, it's St. Nick! "Jingle jingle jingle, I can hear my sleighbells ring," he sings to himself as he places some presents under the tree. "There we go! Oh, rats! I forgot some of the toys back in the sleigh, and my list! I should get those quickly!" s So Santa strolls on his merry way back to the only building with a roof large enough to land a sleigh in Christmastown: the orphanage. "Blasted Christmastown!" he mutters to his old self. "Why does this town with such cheer have only one building I can land on? And why didn't Mrs. Claus give me that ladder I asked for this year? She knows how hard some of my stops are!" But Kris Kringle continues on, as the children of Christmastown deserve their toys. And up he goes! But when he reaches the top... "Damnit!" the kindly old man yells loud enough the people in Christmas City could hear. "Someone stole all my toys! And my list! The naughty and nice list is gone!" So Santa rushes back down to the ground to see if he lost it in the snow. But, alas! Those toys were gone, too! And no list to be found! So he mustered his strength, and with the voice of the frosty winds, Santa bellows, "CHILDREN! MEET ME IN THE STATION IMMEDIATELY!" So all the children of Christmastown, all five, got out of their beds and rushed to the station to hear what he said. "Now listen you little brats," Santa cries, "some of you stole my list, and I'm not sure who here lied. I can't go all the way back to the north pole to gaze into my crystal ball, I don't have time for that. I need to get the presents delivered to all the good children across the world, and I need my list and the rest of the gifts. It's up to you to find whoever stole them from me." So Santa shook a finger at each little kid and promised, "Bring me who you think did this, and I'll chop off their head!" Players (5) Clark (Bob) George (Classic_Spaceman) Susan (mostlytechnic) Scott (Tariq J) Eloise (Trekkie99) The Rules 1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Nice List (Town) or the Naughty List (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles. 2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day. 3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage. 3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves. 4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day. 5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. 6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. 7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. 8. You may not edit your posts. 9. You must post in every day thread. 10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. 11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence. 12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.
December 6, 2024Dec 6 He's making a slit, slashing it twice! Gonna find out who's slaughtered and diced! Santa Clause is coming to town!
December 6, 2024Dec 6 And not just that, an illogical evil Santa! It's going to take multiple DAYS to hunt down the naughty here, where surely he can get to the north pole and back in hours at most. He does afterall visit the whole world in one night...
December 7, 2024Dec 7 Nobody has really talked about the mechanics of the game yet. Considering there's only five of us, how many scum do we think are in the game?
December 7, 2024Dec 7 Can't imagine there's two. Unless one of the town is bulletproof? Probably one very powerful scum.
December 7, 2024Dec 7 "What?? No toys??? Christmas is cancelled!! NOOOOooooo!!!" On 12/5/2024 at 11:12 AM, KotZ said: "Now listen you little brats," Santa cries, "some of you stole my list, and I'm not sure who here lied. I can't go all the way back to the north pole to gaze into my crystal ball, I don't have time for that. I need to get the presents delivered to all the good children across the world, and I need my list and the rest of the gifts. It's up to you to find whoever stole them from me." So Santa shook a finger at each little kid and promised, "Bring me who you think did this, and I'll chop off their head!" "Yes sir, Mr. Santa Claus sir! I'm on the case! . . . Wait - You'll do what to them?! Maybe you don't have to kill them - I mean, don't you have magic??" 2 hours ago, Bob said: Nobody has really talked about the mechanics of the game yet. Considering there's only five of us, how many scum do we think are in the game? "Clark, you think this is a game? Do you think Santa's just giving us a little a Christmas mystery to solve while we count down the days?" 44 minutes ago, Trekkie99 said: Can't imagine there's two. Unless one of the town is bulletproof? Probably one very powerful scum. "Well, I can't imagine many of us would steal toys only a few weeks before Christmas, so you may be right there's only one perp!" "Hmmm. . . Where do you think we can find clues?" "I know! Maybe we can all share what we wanted for Christmas - We might be able to find out who's behind the theft based on that!" "I'll start: I wanted set 60418 - I wanna be a policeman when I grow up, but y'know, a good one; one to find all the bad ones and put them on the Naughty List!"
December 7, 2024Dec 7 5 hours ago, Trekkie99 said: Can't imagine there's two. Unless one of the town is bulletproof? Probably one very powerful scum. I could see it going either way, but if I had to choose I would also lean to there being one scum. 6 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said: "I know! Maybe we can all share what we wanted for Christmas - We might be able to find out who's behind the theft based on that!" "I'll start: I wanted set 60418 - I wanna be a policeman when I grow up, but y'know, a good one; one to find all the bad ones and put them on the Naughty List!" I always wanted the Home Alone set - my favourite Christmas film.
December 7, 2024Dec 7 On 12/6/2024 at 10:07 AM, mostlytechnic said: And not just that, an illogical evil Santa! It's going to take multiple DAYS to hunt down the naughty here, where surely he can get to the north pole and back in hours at most. He does afterall visit the whole world in one night... Vote: Susan (mostlytechnic) If there is one scum then it WILL take multiple DAYS to off us all won't it? Any experience visiting people in the night?
December 7, 2024Dec 7 With about 18 hours left, I'm not sure who to vote for. 1 hour ago, Trekkie99 said: Vote: Susan (mostlytechnic) If there is one scum then it WILL take multiple DAYS to off us all won't it? Any experience visiting people in the night? I'm not sure if I understand your reasoning here. I know voting is mandatory, but you can make up a better reason. I'm going to Vote: Scott (Tariq j) because he hasn't said much that I find helpful.
December 8, 2024Dec 8 Author VOTE COUNT Susan (mostlytechnic) - 1 (Trekkie99) Scott (Tariq_J) - 1 (Bob) There are just over 17 hours left in the day. With five players, a majority of three is required to lynch.
December 8, 2024Dec 8 Oh dear the weekend can be so fun, one could be forgiven for forgetting our heads are on the line! Anyone for another 24 hrs? I wonder why there's only five of us. I bet Santa fed the others to the elves... I'm vanilla townie for anyone wondering if this could be role madness.
December 8, 2024Dec 8 Author VOTE COUNT Susan (mostlytechnic) - 1 (Trekkie99) Scott (Tariq_J) - 1 (Bob) The day has ended with an no lynch. Tomorrow all non voters will start with a vote penalty. Get those night actions in, and a day end post will be up shortly!
December 8, 2024Dec 8 4 hours ago, Trekkie99 said: I'm vanilla townie for anyone wondering if this could be role madness. “That’s good to know - But it’s also what a Naughty Lister would say, so we’re back to square one I’m afraid.” “Thinking back over the day, we really don’t have any solid leads - I mean, Susan hasn’t talked much and Eloise won’t stop yapping, but none of that’s inherently Naughty List behaviour. Clark’s just been trying to figure out the logistics of the situation, which could be a Naughty Lister planning in plain sight - Or he’s just trying to solve the same mystery we all are!” “I’d like to hear more from Susan and Scott later today or tomorrow, and I’d still like to know what we all want for Christmas! That might give us some leads, if two of us want the same thing. . .”
December 8, 2024Dec 8 20 hours ago, Bob said: With about 18 hours left, I'm not sure who to vote for. I'm not sure if I understand your reasoning here. I know voting is mandatory, but you can make up a better reason. I'm going to Vote: Scott (Tariq j) because he hasn't said much that I find helpful. As oppose to Susan? Who has made one generic post? I’m not sure I buy that. I’m going to Vote: Clark (Bob)
December 8, 2024Dec 8 6 minutes ago, Tariq j said: As oppose to Susan? Who has made one generic post? I’m not sure I buy that. I’m going to Vote: Clark (Bob) “Uh, Scott, I think voting’s over now.”
December 8, 2024Dec 8 Author Unfortunately due to the end of day, I cannot accept late votes. "Well, I guess not voting to lynch anyone is part of the Christmas spirit?" Santa asks the children. "That being said, I will have to give George, Susan, and Scott two lumps of coal (votes) at the beginning of tomorrow. Somehow I still have coal. Good night, children!" **My previous post regarding end of day votes said five, and when I looked back at the rules, it said two on vote penalty, which I will go off of. That being said, since this is a small game, if a player does not vote in Day 2, they will receive the two vote penalty and a five vote penalty the next day which will essentially be a death sentence per rule 11. I'm figuring it's due to lack of time to check the board, but in order to keep the game moving, I reserve the right to modkill inactive players and have voting continue as if said modkilled player(s) was already removed. Does that sound fair to all @Bob @Classic_Spaceman @mostlytechnic@Tariq j @Trekkie99? If anyone has any questions, please use your role pm.