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Posted (edited)

Well i was run out of cool ideas after the countach so there have been some consepts but nothing was finished until now:) 

So today i was randomly tried building something until i got an idea to mod and overhaul the hated 42203 truck so i started building the moded version on this morning

Anyway here is all the build specs and functions(not part count) and what are similarities to the 42203

-build time about 8 hours almost one sitting

-functions liftable second axle third axle has differential to power boxer 4 engine cabin has opening doors hand of god steering pneumaticaly operated dumping functions

-similarities to 42203. Front and cab is 95% original to the 42203 set and the side panels only this has longer panels on side

-improvements boxer 4 engine liftable second axle and pneumatics 

Here is function video and yes this model has really sharp and tight turning radius

Here is pictures






Second axle up


Second axle down




And if you maded this far here is befind the scenes stuff

-this was my first good truck moc my previous ones were kind of rubbish compared to this

-this was my first take to make modded sets:) 

Enjoy this modded version and have nice christmas:) 


Edited by Auroralampinen

Here is instructions please note that they can be difficult and something from 1980s but have a great building time and enjoy my designed model:) 

And yes the instructions tooked a whole day to produce and im kind of from stone age because i did make these instructions using the first model as template and builded second one by looking the first one so now i have 2 tipping dump trucks but the instructions version is more fixed version:) 


Mistake correction i now noticed that i maded a mistake those small thin bushes were not supposed to bee in there replace with red bush i need now sleep im now tired sorry for the mistake i was tired a little bit when i maded the instructions:) 

Posted (edited)

And since this is better version of the 42203 i can give a permission to make cool b models using the part list of this model so have a fun time to creating alternative builds for this one:)

Edited by Auroralampinen

Well i have started to rework the instructions and there where more errors than i though so i will now take the time to make them perfect and also i will rework some steps so be patient they will be releasing sometime without any mistakes:) 

  • 2 weeks later...

Well this truck youtube video is my most viewed video in that channel so thank you for the support and im really shocked now how popular this tiny truck is wow i did not exped this to blow up and about the instructions i have been in christmas holiday so the instructions will come in january and have a great new year:) 

  • 3 weeks later...


Update for the instructions i forgot that i had these pieces from the john deere harvester so the rear axle will use these pieces because this will make the rear axle more robust and sturdy:) 

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