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Abandoned Test Chamber by adotnamedstud, on Flickr

Hey again! I recently played through Portal and Portal 2 for the first time, needless to say I LOVED them. This MOC is a real loose interpretation of scenes in the second game, I wasn't particularly interested in remaking anything 1:1. I took the aesthetics of the ruined test chambers and rolled from there. Some insight to the build process, I don't much care for large square plates, they're visually boring to me. I like using the negative space of the build to create this feeling of a void. There's the segment between the door and button that Chell is hopping through - and when you aren't satisfied with any of your portal builds? That space becomes a way to tell a story, so Chell has one button activated - but there is still something that needs to be activated for the door. Maybe she's hopping up from a big descent into a portal. The storytelling all needs to make sense there.

I challenged myself to build a Wheatley that I hadn't seen online before - and I am quite proud of my solution. I've been getting some feedback about using the geode to represent potato GLaDOS... notes are being taken.

My favorite part to build was the curved arm holding up the button platform, the part just screamed to me as this great vehicle for a malfunctioning system shoving pieces of old rooms wherever. I'm happy to take questions or feedback on this, thanks for reading!


Edited by somelegothings_
fixing title offset

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