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There are images out there for 3 more of the 2025 sets: 

71489 Cooper's Flying Video Game Controller (266 pieces, $19.99)


71490 Izzie and Buchurro and the Gaming Bunny (252 pieces, $19.99)


71491 Mateo with the Z-Blob Action Racer (485 pieces, $49.99)

Personally they don't really do anything for me. The nightmare dreaming has an interesting helmet with a plume but it'll probably be too video-gamey (despite most video games not generally having that look) for my purposes.

The carrot guy is something too I guess. Looks like the hero vehicles will share a touch of neon yellow.

That honestly was a bit disappointing to see... One of the sets looks exactly like Monkey Kid set (a yellow and red flying thing with a ribbed yellow plate on top and two large turbines on the sides - this is Monkey Kid's design technique). The bunny set is the 1st season set but worse (less colorful smaller and more boring, and that first season set is still on shelves)...
The giant yellow car is just ...ugh...how do i explain that. Remember those last sets of Nexo Knights? The 70355 set when suddenly there is a giant green car out of nowhere. It frustrated me so much I lost all interest in Nexo Knights for a while (until they made those vampires but it was too late because the line was cancelled).

It's exactly the same situation. Only this one giant green car looks worse, but i understand that it's a Z-blob and it has to be this color (yet the giant Zblob mech set looked amazing compared to this) 

Let's wait for the "big sets". I wonder what kind of stuff the villains will have. I really like their pink+white colors and brain+tentacles theme. There is also a roman helmet but in techno-style. One of the best 2024 sets for me were some of dreamzzz sets and i hope these 3 are not what represent the whole line and there is a better stuff to come.

Edited by VinnieCannoli

The builds for these 3 sets are a big letdown. The flying controller polybag is more interesting than the co troller jet. The villains are neat though, I dig the cyberbrain aesthetic they have going on. Color schemes are kinda all over the place for no real reason. Sadly, these are giving off the same vibes every in-house LEGO theme has in it's funal year where we get a messy wave of sets with weird off-putting color schemes and questionable builds and fewer sets overall. I hope I'm wrong though and the other sets are better.

Honestly these look pretty cool to me. The bright and funky color schemes (with a lot of neon yellow) are really unique.

Nothing's really jumping out at me as a "must-have" yet, but I could see myself getting some of these, and the 2HY wave tends to be more impressive so I'm expecting to be more impressed then.

I'm at the point where I just buy the interesting parts I want off of PAB.  I don't care at all for any Mechs and most of the builds seem to be just a bunch of pieces jumbled together to make a giant animal, vehicle or whatever.  This theme has turned into pretty much a scary cutesified alternate to Ninjago & Monkie Kid.  If I find a great sale on the one or two sets that somewhat appeal to me in each wave then I will grab them but so far I'm not seeing anything of interest in the next wave.

. . Am I crazy, or does it kind of look like the back half of the Mateo car turns into a(nother) Z-Blob mech? With the stud shooters as the arms and the legs bolted to the sides? Honestly, big meh, but that’s mostly because I get very sick of the giant cars and bikes that LEGO keeps churning out. Is that an exclusive villain though? Hope he’s in another set, he looks neat.

Bunchurro is . . weird. Definitely the worst one here. How do they keep fumbling the Izzy sets, giant stuffed animals should be easy to make awesome. Bunchu and the Narwhal, and the deer and Panda Logan, were all great, but first the ‘Dream Creatures’ hodgepodge and now this? It’s not that hard, right?

The Gaming Jet is the only one I might actually get, though, if only because it looks like it’d be easy and cool to MOD into an addition to my space fleet. That and I just have a higher tolerance for planes than cars because it’s much easier to pose planes in the sky above my city whereas cars need road and chases and take up space that I could use for other things. 

I hadn't even thought about the fact that these sets'll probably have alt builds like most of the other Dreamzzz sets, wonder what those'll be like.

Okay am I crazy or is no one talking about this? In 71491 Mateo and Z-Blob Action Race Car leak, the coolest new piece was dropped that no one is talking about? In the leaked image, the green mohawked villain has a purple piece attaching between the head and torso in the neck area. This purple piece seems to be a tongue?! My excitement for this piece is mainly rooted in its utility for other themes. Namely, Marvel could use this piece for Toad. Can't wait to see clear images to confirm but I really think we got an official tongue piece!!

8 hours ago, cosmic said:

Okay am I crazy or is no one talking about this? In 71491 Mateo and Z-Blob Action Race Car leak, the coolest new piece was dropped that no one is talking about? In the leaked image, the green mohawked villain has a purple piece attaching between the head and torso in the neck area. This purple piece seems to be a tongue?! My excitement for this piece is mainly rooted in its utility for other themes. Namely, Marvel could use this piece for Toad. Can't wait to see clear images to confirm but I really think we got an official tongue piece!!

TBH, I thought it was one of those mask pieces, like the ones on the Marvel A.I.M soldiers

5 hours ago, Lemerbrix said:

TBH, I thought it was one of those mask pieces, like the ones on the Marvel A.I.M soldiers

So this is why I'm excited to see the official images because I am so convinced I'm looking at a tongue lol. The way the purple curves upward and what looks to be light reflecting on the surface of the tongue have me feeling so sure of myself. Hope I'm not wrong.

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10 hours ago, Lemerbrix said:

TBH, I thought it was one of those mask pieces, like the ones on the Marvel A.I.M soldiers

I think it's not that part but a similar new part and not a tongue. After all they'd have cyberpunk techno aesthetic.

21 hours ago, cosmic said:

Okay am I crazy or is no one talking about this? In 71491 Mateo and Z-Blob Action Race Car leak, the coolest new piece was dropped that no one is talking about? In the leaked image, the green mohawked villain has a purple piece attaching between the head and torso in the neck area. This purple piece seems to be a tongue?! My excitement for this piece is mainly rooted in its utility for other themes. Namely, Marvel could use this piece for Toad. Can't wait to see clear images to confirm but I really think we got an official tongue piece!!

I’m like 90% sure it’s just the rebreather piece in purple (part 24135), but it does look kind of different from that with an extra bulge that might be a nose? I hope I’m wrong, a ‘stick out tongue’ piece would be hilarious.

  • 3 weeks later...

Finished building the C-Rex today, and I gotta say, it’s a pretty good set! Articulation could be better though

  • 2 weeks later...

New info on the June 2025 wave has leaked and I've included it in the list of all know 2025 sets.

30698	Cooper's Flying Controller Mini Build	     	                 53 pieces	
71487	Z-blob's Robot and Vehicle Adventures  	        9.99 USD	121 pieces	Jan 2025
71488	Bunchu's Creative Animal Adventures	        9.99 USD	143 pieces	Jan 2025
71489	Cooper's Gaming Controller Jet	               19.99 USD	266 pieces	Jan 2025
71490	Izzie and Buchurro the Gaming Bunny	       19.99 USD	252 pieces	Jan 2025
71491	Mateo and the Z-Blob Action Race Car	       49.99 USD	485 pieces	Jan 2025
71492	Mateo's Fire Chameleon			                                        Jun 2025
71493	Delayed/Cancelled			 
71494				                                                        Jun 2025
71495				                                                        Jun 2025
71496	Delayed/Cancelled			
71497	Cooper's Tiger Mech and Zero's Hot Rod Car     99.99 USD       1005 pieces	Jan 2025
71499				                                                        Jun 2025
71500				                                                        Jun 2025
71501	Game Island Tower			                                        Jun 2025

Considering the January sets are just over a month away from hitting shelves hopefully official set pics are released in the next few days.

Of the three sets and one polybag that have leaked so far I'm not a big fan of the gaming theme or the bright neon colours but I do love the, somewhat redundant, Bunchurro set.

Edited by rebelpilot

Despite being disappointed with what was released (that new bunny and zblob car stuff), i have high hopes for big sets of "gaming arc". Game Island Tower sounds very promising. I remember liking the gaming themed sets from Ninjago - hope Dreamzzz will portray such theme with interesting pieces and ideas.

Cooper's Tiger mech is 50/50. It can be either absolutely amazing fun set or...another Panda mech curse.

Fire Chameleon sounds cool.

Edited by VinnieCannoli

JB Spielwaren has pics of all the new sets.

Definitely some fun designs. The villains look great, as do the heroes' new outfits (including one of Mateo's outfits which can best be described as "slime Futuron"). Some of the alt builds are less in-depth than previous ones (such as the Mateo Z-Blob car which seems to be more a matter of which preconstructed modules you attach together), but on the flip side you have small Z-Blob and Bunchu sets that seem to be designed with over a dozen alt builds each. No sign of Zoey or Logan—I have to hope they'll show up later in the year.

I genuinely love Cooper’s Tiger Mech. It’s a wacky mashup of luchador and gaming and giant robot and I respect that so much. Zero is a surprisingly intimidating looking villain, too. 

A bit baffled by the other sets, and the mech is the clear standout. I really thought Mateo’s Car would rebuild into a mech of some kind, it really looked to me like the fenders and the slime trails would split off into a robot, but apparently not. Bunchurro . . is literally just Bunchu again in a different colour. Meh. Cooper’s Jet rebuilds into what has to be the goofiest helicopter I’ve ever seen. Not a fan. I do appreciate the tiny Z-Blob and Bunchu sets, though that flat 3x3 face is cursed. We have a 3x3 dome, why couldn’t you have printed one of those? It would have looked so much better. 

Yeah, overall the mech is the only real winner here. I’m irritated that the robot Cooper minifigure remains exclusive to the C-Rex when that set suddenly looks vastly inferior to the Tiger Mech. It is super weird that the cast has been cut down to just Mateo, Izzy and Cooper. Will eagerly anticipate the summer wave. 

2 hours ago, Lyichir said:

 small Z-Blob and Bunchu sets that seem to be designed with over a dozen alt builds each.

The early set name/description leaks that stated 1-in-20 were quite accurate. Izzie is holding what I presume is a Buchurro Bunchurro plush toy in 71488, which also appears to be the same mould as the plush toys from the new series 27 CMF Plush Toy Collector. 

Love the the Z-Blob Futuron torso and the new Z-Blob moulded piece is a nice upgrade. 

edit: the JB Spielwaren box images of 71490 name the bunny as Bunchurro, the leaked set names alternated between Buchurro and Bunchurro, so it's nice to know how it is spelt.

Edited by rebelpilot

Am I the only one who thinks that Zero's hot rod looks similar to Hot Wheels' Bone Shaker?

Still patiently waiting for the "huge villain set'. Personally I like this Cyberpunk Spartan Netrunner Epic###2077Hacker more than the witch of the second season (that doesnt mean anything - all villains from Dreamzzz were fantastic and cool). That distorted stereo-effect on another new character is also amazing.

Huge dreamzzz sets always look great and wild (Shark Ship, giant Crow, Junkyard T-rex, giant Zblob mech - all of these provoked the imagination and brought something fresh in the form of original Lego themes).

What are those brains? Will we get some build based on that?

PS: The tiger mech looks very similar to what Monkey Kid or Ninjago would do... In fact...if i didn't know anything about Dreamzzz i would think this is some new Monkey Kid Mech. But still it's good it's not something like Panda mech.

The little bunny looks even worse than that other new bunny that got leaked (and in Italy the first bunny is still on shelves on sale all the time - it's the last 1st wave set that struggling with being bought out here).

Edited by VinnieCannoli

Looking closer at the Tiger Mech and Racecar, and unless I miss my guess I think that they’re both built around a ‘hot-swapping modules’ system, similar to the Modified Racecars from City 2K Drive, or the Monkie Kid Staff Creations & Creative Vehicles sets. Even that one City Policecar/Ambulance/Firecopter set that could hot-swap components.

The limbs of the mech don’t look like they change at all (except maybe slightly with the hands) when reconfiguring from Cooper’s Mech to Zero’s Wolf, and the same is true of the front chassis of Zero and Cooper’s cars. The front of Cooper’s Car, which is on the mech’s chest, looks like it pops right off to admit the front wheels of Zero’s car to be added between the front wing and driver’s seat. The back of the box shows exposed connection ports on the sides of Cooper’s car. The only part that I haven’t been able to pin down the workings of is the head section of Zero’s Wolf. Maybe that needs to be properly rebuilt.

I think even Mateo’s Car also has compatibility with this hot-swapping mechanic, it looks like Z-Blob’s drone build is attached in a similar way, implying cross-compatibility. 

I actually really love this and hope we get more additions to this system in 2HY.

Summer 2025 Wave:

71492	Mateo's Fire Chameleon	          49.99 USD
71494	Zoey's Time Owl	                  29.99 USD
71495	Mateo vs Cyber Brain Mech      	  29.99 USD
71498	Cancelled or Retailer Exclusive	
71499	Mateo's Paint Truck	          99.99 USD
71500	Nightmare Shark Submarine	 139.99 USD
71501	Game Island Tower	         179.99 USD

No piece counts yet unfortunately but fortunately all the names sound very intriguing.

Edited by rebelpilot

2 hours ago, rebelpilot said:

Summer 2025 Wave:

71492	Mateo's Fire Chameleon	          49.99 USD
71494	Zoey's Time Owl	                  29.99 USD
71495	Mateo vs Cyber Brain Mech      	  29.99 USD
71498	Cancelled or Retailer Exclusive	
71499	Mateo's Paint Truck	          99.99 USD
71500	Nightmare Shark Submarine	 139.99 USD
71501	Game Island Tower	         179.99 USD

No piece counts yet unfortunately but fortunately all the names sound very intriguing.

Oh yes i was so waiting for this! The last 2 sets sound amazing! Really hope the shark submarine will be as top tier as the first shark ship, crow and c-rex.

Brain mech also sounds great. Hope it will have some more brain pieces.

8 hours ago, rebelpilot said:

Summer 2025 Wave:

71492	Mateo's Fire Chameleon	          49.99 USD
71494	Zoey's Time Owl	                  29.99 USD
71495	Mateo vs Cyber Brain Mech      	  29.99 USD
71498	Cancelled or Retailer Exclusive	
71499	Mateo's Paint Truck	          99.99 USD
71500	Nightmare Shark Submarine	 139.99 USD
71501	Game Island Tower	         179.99 USD

No piece counts yet unfortunately but fortunately all the names sound very intriguing.

Hoping that they come out with more bad guy minifigures instead of more heads on tiny static torsos

  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/4/2024 at 7:58 PM, Fenghuang0296 said:

Looking closer at the Tiger Mech and Racecar, and unless I miss my guess I think that they’re both built around a ‘hot-swapping modules’ system, similar to the Modified Racecars from City 2K Drive, or the Monkie Kid Staff Creations & Creative Vehicles sets. Even that one City Policecar/Ambulance/Firecopter set that could hot-swap components.

The limbs of the mech don’t look like they change at all (except maybe slightly with the hands) when reconfiguring from Cooper’s Mech to Zero’s Wolf, and the same is true of the front chassis of Zero and Cooper’s cars. The front of Cooper’s Car, which is on the mech’s chest, looks like it pops right off to admit the front wheels of Zero’s car to be added between the front wing and driver’s seat. The back of the box shows exposed connection ports on the sides of Cooper’s car. The only part that I haven’t been able to pin down the workings of is the head section of Zero’s Wolf. Maybe that needs to be properly rebuilt.

I think even Mateo’s Car also has compatibility with this hot-swapping mechanic, it looks like Z-Blob’s drone build is attached in a similar way, implying cross-compatibility. 

I actually really love this and hope we get more additions to this system in 2HY.

Follow-up to this; the Gaming Jet also has hot-swappable components in the thrusters mounted on its sides. Of course, it’s LEGO so it’s not like it’d be that hard to replace the chest of the Tiger Mech with the jet’s cockpit or similar in the first place, but I still really like this system for play. 

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