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9 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

How would the print on Bly's helmet work ? below the mouth is all yellow

I doubt the print would look good

A yellow helmet with some white printing on the front and top?

5 hours ago, Graupensuppe said:

A yellow helmet with some white printing on the front and top?

Printing white on yellow leads to mixed results, but I think it‘d still look better than vice versa with missing markings :laugh:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to. I will say I'm not as excited as I used to be but that's down to the new hybrid prints and thinking they look worse (except the legs). Plus I think displaying Jedi generals and clone commanders together is just cool. The V19 Torrent is also one of my favourite starfighters so glad to see it getting another set, hopefully it'll be less oversized.

12 minutes ago, Calanon said:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone -



I hope armoured Obi-Wan doesn’t remain exclusive to the V-19. Probably my favourite Obi-Wan design, but I do not care for the V-19 at all. (I’ve also already bought the ARC-170 as well)

47 minutes ago, Calanon said:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to.

It‘s pretty hilarious, because even one or two years ago people would‘ve been ecstatic over Galactic Marines and the 327th :laugh_hard: If only those weren‘t pretty much the only new thing ths year!

I may be drinking my own kool-aid here, but all is forgiven if A) the Turbo Tank is Mando-based or B) the unknown set is based on anything other than the PT/TCW/OT. Fool‘s hope? Absolutely :tongue:

57 minutes ago, Calanon said:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to. I will say I'm not as excited as I used to be but that's down to the new hybrid prints and thinking they look worse (except the legs). Plus I think displaying Jedi generals and clone commanders together is just cool. The V19 Torrent is also one of my favourite starfighters so glad to see it getting another set, hopefully it'll be less oversized.

Tbf, I was never a big fan of the military parts of Star Wars to begin with, but it is definitely a bit frustrating seeing so many clone sets and almost nothing from any other parts of the prequels. I want a Shmi, AOTC C-3PO, Dexter Jettster, and Boss Nass so bad. Although I’m not complaining too much, because the less money I spend on Lego right now, the better. 

Part of it might also be that I am not a fan of the current art style for Lego clones, so it’s not exciting for me as it could be. 

2 hours ago, Calanon said:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to. I will say I'm not as excited as I used to be but that's down to the new hybrid prints and thinking they look worse (except the legs). Plus I think displaying Jedi generals and clone commanders together is just cool. The V19 Torrent is also one of my favourite starfighters so glad to see it getting another set, hopefully it'll be less oversized.

It's the overexposure. I would be ecstatic to get the 327th a year or two ago, but they've just been putting out so many clone sets that A: It's diminishing returns- there are just so many clone sets- it used to just be dominating the battle pack scene but it's almost every playset this year. That's insane to me.

Think about it this way- if in 2025, we got 0 PT playsets and a ton of rebel sets, would you be happy? I wouldn't think it's a good selection- even outside the fact that if it's all stuff I'd want, I'd wish they'd have budgeted it out over a bit longer a period of time, but there's just no variety. I think LSW works best in the modern era when it's non-tie-in waves build off a variety of sources.

48 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I think LSW works best in the modern era when it's non-tie-in waves build off a variety of sources.

Exactly my thoughts. What made the last few 2HY waves so cool was the mixture of OT, PT, TCW, and Mando sets, combined with sets based on the new shows (Obi-Wan, Ahsoka) and other cool randomness (RTG). At least there‘s some ST stuff this year, albeit limited to 18+ sets and a fantastic book minifig :shrug_oh_well:

5 hours ago, Calanon said:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to. I will say I'm not as excited as I used to be but that's down to the new hybrid prints and thinking they look worse (except the legs). Plus I think displaying Jedi generals and clone commanders together is just cool. The V19 Torrent is also one of my favourite starfighters so glad to see it getting another set, hopefully it'll be less oversized.

Yeah I love the new Clone heads and legs but the helmets and torsos are just awful. I'm really annoyed that they're making all the cool legions now because of the new style. If the 2014 design held on for just a few more years we could've got the 501st, shock troopers, etc. in that near-perfect design. Instead we get them in the awful hybrid style. I don't have much interest in collecting figures that I think look bad so to me that means these Clones might as well not exist, but it's worse than that since if they do (fingers crossed) switch to a new style in the next few years which is more movie-accurate then they probably won't make these guys in whatever style that ends up being since they'd still be pretty recent.

Same as how we won't be getting good figures of Fox, Vaughn, Fives, etc. since they've made them now, even though they are pretty bad (not just because of the TCW stylisation in those cases).


But yeah even for people who don't mind the new style it's still just so many Clones in a short span of time, especially in an era where system sets are becoming unfortunately scarce.

6 hours ago, Calanon said:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to. I will say I'm not as excited as I used to be but that's down to the new hybrid prints and thinking they look worse (except the legs). Plus I think displaying Jedi generals and clone commanders together is just cool. The V19 Torrent is also one of my favourite starfighters so glad to see it getting another set, hopefully it'll be less oversized.

In addition to what everyone else has already stated, people are more likely to talk repeatedly if they have negative feelings than positive feelings. Most people who like what's coming have posted one comment and then stopped while people who aren't happy keep talking about it. Just the nature of the internet, it's easier to talk about what you don't like than what you do.

I for one am way more excited about this wave than last year's. Rebuild the galaxy didn't do anything for me and I just didn't care for most of the other sets in the wave as a long time fan that already had many of the sets being remade. I love the design of the UT-AT and am just happy to be getting sets we've never had before. Only complaint I have is that there are way to many 18+ sets. Why are there so many buildable characters

10 hours ago, Calanon said:

Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to. I will say I'm not as excited as I used to be but that's down to the new hybrid prints and thinking they look worse (except the legs).

I’m probably one of the few that are happy about the sets. Only because it is something new both legion wise and possibly build wise had it been anything with the 501st in then yeah I would have been annoyed but it’s something different. It’s also because there are so many sets that aren’t system sets that could and should have been covering other eras or factions. At the moment I’ll wait to hear what figures and how many, I’ve always wanted the marines ever since I first saw ROTS in the cinema and playing og battlefront 2 ( I always thought they were just clone snow troopers tbh). Yeah after these two I’m done for now, unless there is like a P2 legion that’s like green or orange that’s prominent that I’m not aware of. 

Im a rebels fan so would love more empire stuff and more troopers types they’ve never done or haven’t done for a while. 


11 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Exactly my thoughts. What made the last few 2HY waves so cool was the mixture of OT, PT, TCW, and Mando sets, combined with sets based on the new shows (Obi-Wan, Ahsoka) and other cool randomness (RTG). At least there‘s some ST stuff this year, albeit limited to 18+ sets and a fantastic book minifig :shrug_oh_well:

Yup. While I personally think the Dark Falcon may have overdone it a BIT (doesn't mean I'll be eagerly awaiting it on discount for those figs and plenty of parts to build an eclipse-class with), at least as far as story material goes, I'm a big fan of the variety. IMO the year should be more or less split like this playset wise:

1/3 OT sets (Mando can cut into this a little, but this isn't 1/6 OT 1/6 Mando)- both stuff we haven't had in forever, era-appropriate new stuff from newer shows, and yes, remakes, which are critical for kids and new fans of older ages. It's the literal foundation of the franchise, and while I'm not saying it should dominate everything it deserves a respectable spot.

1/3 PT/clone stuff - Yeah, clones are cool. I like them. I don't mind having a significant chunk of sets being clone trooper based. If we got 2-3 battle packs a year, I wouldn't even mind one clone pack every single year. They are popular and also deserve their place, even if I don't think that place should be "almost every system set"

1/3 Mando/ST/minor show/other- Mando should always be on shelves in some form, though once his era ends I don't think he'll need the shelf space he's had some of the past few years. Same with the ST, it's not the most popular thing but I think at the very least there should be a way to get the main 4 characters or so every few years. I also think it'd be nice to get a set or two every year based on one of the older disney+ shows, or the spinoff films (though I'd count a lot of rogue one sets in that OT catagory), or new shows that aren't major efforts like Ahsoka.

If a movie or a major new show (so not like a miniseries, something where they're doing a real strong merch push) comes out, I think we should get a tie-in wave. 

I think this is a good mix for the different types of fans by age, interest, etc. The only issue is that with how few system sets a year we've been getting, this doesn't come out to the most encouraging numbers.

9 hours ago, CallumPears said:

But yeah even for people who don't mind the new style it's still just so many Clones in a short span of time, especially in an era where system sets are becoming unfortunately scarce.

Yup, these are the two big things for me. I DO like the current clone style, and I like clones- I have a ton of them! But when we're getting so many clone sets, and so few system sets that the clones completely dominate the entire year, lego manages to make me dislike the clone sets.

16 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:



I hope armoured Obi-Wan doesn’t remain exclusive to the V-19. Probably my favourite Obi-Wan design, but I do not care for the V-19 at all. (I’ve also already bought the ARC-170 as well)

Imagine if he's not an Armoured version and just the regular robed version

On 1/13/2025 at 4:34 AM, CallumPears said:

[V-19] definitely deserves a remake, and Ventress and Obi-Wan will be good figures if they do them right (I just REALLY hope they don't do anything stupid with Ventress's eyes. It's fine if they make them white like in the 2015 Anakin's Custom Starfighter set, but I'm worried they'd make them the terrible glowy blue type that they just love ruining figures with these days).

So those are confirmed to be the two initially unnamed minifigs? That’s not too bad I suppose, although I still yearn for a Durge.

If it’s 2003 CW-based, Ventress is guaranteed to have the white eyes, since that’s how she appeared in that series. That speculation is based solely off Renown’s hint referencing the micro series, though. Ironically, the full-white eyes would look less soulless than full-blue eyes.

On 1/13/2025 at 4:34 AM, CallumPears said:

They got drip

I stand absolutely corrected.

On 1/13/2025 at 10:17 AM, Mandalorianknight said:

…and clone sets for... who, exactly? Do they think the kids are all super into clones exclusively? Like don't get me wrong, they're popular, but so are mando and grogu and the empire and Luke.

If not for the gimmicky X-Wing mech, the cheapest set Luke would be in would be the $80 Skiff.

Like I said in the 2024 discussion, Star Wars is about the characters as much as it is the cool ships and massive armies. That third toyetic aspect is sorely missing from LSW nowadays. I firmly believe a kid ought to be able to watch ANH, walk into their toy store, and pick out and play with a set that has the main cast. At the very least, Luke, Han, Leia and Vader need to be readily accessible to any new SW fan. Arguments for the PT, ST, CW and Mando casts could be made, but the OT is Star Wars, and those films still speak to young people today. The way those films and their legacy carry on for a kid is through the toys, whether Kenner figures or LEGO minifgs. The toys are dependent on Star Wars for inspiration, while Star Wars is dependent on the toys to establish a lifelong connection with the series.

Cool new trooper looks and refreshed starfighter designs are a dime a dozen; no one can replace the main trio of whatever era you love most. That the cheapest sets on shelves are comprised of helmeted figures is concerning.

My solution would be either a $55 Luke’s X-Wing with Luke, Artoo, Leia, Han, and Chewie; or a $20 Landspeeder with Luke, Ben, Threepio, and a Tusken. Here’s the kicker, though: keep those sets around for as long as the minifig designs allow, and let them become small, unoffensive staples of any LEGO store and any retailer. If they do this with the UCS Falcon for the adults, why not for the kids also?



Spoiler for Skeleton Crew finale:


At Attin be plundered, I need a B-Wing set ASAP. You hear me Billund, Denmark? Give me the beauty called the B-Wing or give me death.


5 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Imagine if he's not an Armoured version and just the regular robed version

It would be acceptable. That way I wouldn’t be missing out on anything.

2 hours ago, Swordy said:

If not for the gimmicky X-Wing mech, the cheapest set Luke would be in would be the $80 Skiff.

Like I said in the 2024 discussion, Star Wars is about the characters as much as it is the cool ships and massive armies. That third toyetic aspect is sorely missing from LSW nowadays. I firmly believe a kid ought to be able to watch ANH, walk into their toy store, and pick out and play with a set that has the main cast. At the very least, Luke, Han, Leia and Vader need to be readily accessible to any new SW fan. Arguments for the PT, ST, CW and Mando casts could be made, but the OT is Star Wars, and those films still speak to young people today. The way those films and their legacy carry on for a kid is through the toys, whether Kenner figures or LEGO minifgs. The toys are dependent on Star Wars for inspiration, while Star Wars is dependent on the toys to establish a lifelong connection with the series.

Cool new trooper looks and refreshed starfighter designs are a dime a dozen; no one can replace the main trio of whatever era you love most. That the cheapest sets on shelves are comprised of helmeted figures is concerning.

My solution would be either a $55 Luke’s X-Wing with Luke, Artoo, Leia, Han, and Chewie; or a $20 Landspeeder with Luke, Ben, Threepio, and a Tusken. Here’s the kicker, though: keep those sets around for as long as the minifig designs allow, and let them become small, unoffensive staples of any LEGO store and any retailer. If they do this with the UCS Falcon for the adults, why not for the kids also?

You’re 100% right. I completely agree with you here. OT is the bedrock of SW. Without it, nothing else can exist. Kids need to be able to buy the main cast at any time for an affordable price. Or at least Han, Luke, Leia and Chewie.

Armies are great for us AFOLs. But you need the main characters, not just named clones and random Jedi, to keep the theme alive and accessible to new fans.

2 hours ago, Swordy said:

Spoiler for Skeleton Crew finale:

  Reveal hidden contents

At Attin be plundered, I need a B-Wing set ASAP. You hear me Billund, Denmark? Give me the beauty called the B-Wing or give me death.


Mando-verse Tie Defender set releasing at the same time as that to combat each other would go so hard.

(Also I’m pretty sure they’ll show up in M&G as Thrawn has a stockpile of Tie Defenders ready to go thanks to Morgan Elsbeth’s factory. As teased by ToTE.)

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

IMO the year should be more or less split like this playset wise:

This is exactly how it should work. With vehicles like imperial shuttles and tie fighters providing leeway between Mando-verse and OT.

2 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

OT is the bedrock of SW. Without it, nothing else can exist. Kids need to be able to buy the main cast at any time for an affordable price. Or at least Han, Luke, Leia and Chewie.

The OT is the foundation, yes, but I assure you there are plenty of SW fans out there that don‘t care for it one iota :snicker: It‘s such a vast franchise now that some fan groups only care about a very specific era or even just some of the shows and movies within those eras, and that‘s all valid!

That‘s not a counterargument against having OT sets on shelves, I’m arguing for all parts of SW to be treated equally :purrr: 

12 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

The OT is the foundation, yes, but I assure you there are plenty of SW fans out there that don‘t care for it one iota :snicker: It‘s such a vast franchise now that some fan groups only care about a very specific era or even just some of the shows and movies within those eras, and that‘s all valid!

That‘s not a counterargument against having OT sets on shelves, I’m arguing for all parts of SW to be treated equally :purrr: 

Sequel fans are starving out there. Almost dead, lying in a ditch, hoping for the smallest crumbs. Kylo Ren's helmet and midi-scale shuffle gave them slightly more time, but they will die soon.

At this point I would sacrifice at least like... two persons for a The Last Jedi set. I am in such pain that I didn't get the Throne Room duel when it was on the shelves, or the Ahch-To set.

Meanwhile, at least 80% sets in a single wave are either Clone sets, or buildable gimmicks. The last 20% is distributed to all the other fans.

3 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Sequel fans are starving out there. Almost dead, lying in a ditch, hoping for the smallest crumbs. 

To be honest, I‘m a ST fan and I‘m fine because of how well they‘ve covered the three movies before :purrr: It took us ages for the OT and PT to be represented as greatly as the ST was from the getgo.

Apart from a few side characters (BABU FRIK) and ship variants (TIE Whisper), they‘ve pretty much done everything I wanted, especially with Palpy coming in the new encyclopedia soon. I‘d absolutely like to see more, but I‘m not devastated with the current situation :snicker:

Edited by BrickBob Studpants

5 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

This is exactly how it should work. With vehicles like imperial shuttles and tie fighters providing leeway between Mando-verse and OT.

Yeah exactly. I had trouble putting it into words, but there are some sets that could fit sort of between mando and OT, and others that are concretely Mando.

7 hours ago, Swordy said:

If not for the gimmicky X-Wing mech, the cheapest set Luke would be in would be the $80 Skiff.

Like I said in the 2024 discussion, Star Wars is about the characters as much as it is the cool ships and massive armies. That third toyetic aspect is sorely missing from LSW nowadays. I firmly believe a kid ought to be able to watch ANH, walk into their toy store, and pick out and play with a set that has the main cast. At the very least, Luke, Han, Leia and Vader need to be readily accessible to any new SW fan. Arguments for the PT, ST, CW and Mando casts could be made, but the OT is Star Wars, and those films still speak to young people today. The way those films and their legacy carry on for a kid is through the toys, whether Kenner figures or LEGO minifgs. The toys are dependent on Star Wars for inspiration, while Star Wars is dependent on the toys to establish a lifelong connection with the series.

Cool new trooper looks and refreshed starfighter designs are a dime a dozen; no one can replace the main trio of whatever era you love most. That the cheapest sets on shelves are comprised of helmeted figures is concerning.

My solution would be either a $55 Luke’s X-Wing with Luke, Artoo, Leia, Han, and Chewie; or a $20 Landspeeder with Luke, Ben, Threepio, and a Tusken. Here’s the kicker, though: keep those sets around for as long as the minifig designs allow, and let them become small, unoffensive staples of any LEGO store and any retailer. If they do this with the UCS Falcon for the adults, why not for the kids also?

Spoiler for Skeleton Crew finale:

  Reveal hidden contents

At Attin be plundered, I need a B-Wing set ASAP. You hear me Billund, Denmark? Give me the beauty called the B-Wing or give me death.


I completely agree. Sure, there are fans who exclusively like other parts of the franchise, but the OT is the foundation of everything, and the one part of the franchise most fans can generally agree is really good.

I do think sets with longer shelf lives would be a good solution to this problem. 

Yup. I'm hoping it's in the mando movie so it'll increase our chances.

1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

To be honest, I‘m a ST fan and I‘m fine because of well they‘ve covered the three movies before :purrr: It took us ages for the OT and PT to be represented a
greatly as the ST was from the getgo.

Sure, maybe you were able to pick everything up, but you have to think of all the people who weren't into lego back then, or were little kids, or didn't have the income to buy all the sets.

This is kind of a wider thing and something I notice a lot, that a lot of fans don't seem to understand why remakes exist, or do understand why but think lego should be near-exclusively catering to longtime fans with big wallets anyway.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

18 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

This is kind of a wider thing and something I notice a lot, that a lot of fans don't seem to understand why remakes exist, or do understand why but think lego should be near-exclusively catering to longtime fans with big wallets anyway.

I fully understand why remakes exist, I usually only harp on the ones that don‘t even try to have anything special in them :tongue: Most remakes have at least something new about them, be it a minifig, a sidebuild, improved building techniques, new colour schemes, or even just a poncho :laugh_hard: I don‘t mind remakes as long as they have something worthwhile for us longterm collectors, as insignificant as it may be ^^

Btw, after finishing Skeleton Crew, I‘m really disappointed with SM-33 having been omitted from the Onyx Cinder. He‘s become one of my favourite droid characters and it looks like this was our one chance to get him :cry_sad:

5 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

The OT is the foundation, yes, but I assure you there are plenty of SW fans out there that don‘t care for it one iota :snicker: It‘s such a vast franchise now that some fan groups only care about a very specific era or even just some of the shows and movies within those eras, and that‘s all valid!

"Plenty " is a reach, I've personally never seen or met a Star Wars fan who didn't like the OT. They are literally some of the most beloved and popular movies of all time. This would be like someone calling themselves a fan of The Godfather but they only like part 3, sure they exist but very very few.

4 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Sequel fans are starving out there. Almost dead, lying in a ditch, hoping for the smallest crumbs. Kylo Ren's helmet and midi-scale shuffle gave them slightly more time, but they will die soon.

Yes I'm sure all 12 of them are very sad.

12 minutes ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

"Plenty " is a reach, I've personally never seen or met a Star Wars fan who didn't like the OT.

Oh, I have met younger people who refuse to watch anything that came out before the year 2000. Heck, some consider LOTR to be too old for them to enjoy :laugh_hard: Horrifying attitude, and I weep for these people.

Just saying, there are people who grew up watching TCW for instance that outright refuse to watch the OT. As fans, we‘re in a bit of a bubble.

3 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

Yes I'm sure all 12 of them are very sad.

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Sure, maybe you were able to pick everything up, but you have to think of all the people who weren't into lego back then, or were little kids, or didn't have the income to buy all the sets.

I was actually just thinking about this yesterday. Love or hate the Sequels, they account for three movies, and plenty of newer fans likely grew up as the movies were coming out. Additionally, the films are readily available to watch on Disney+. However, the last time we got Kylo Ren was 2020, five years ago now. The last Poe was in 2021, and Rey and Finn got the holiday versions in 2023, with a regular BB-8 in that set, too. Darth Rey was released last year, also, but that’s debatable on whether or not it counts. We haven’t gotten a First Order Stormtrooper since 2019. I’m not saying that this doesn’t happen to other parts of the saga (see Padmé), but the lack of availability for newcomers, either to LEGO, to Star Wars, or to both, is not great. 

In terms of sets getting them in the smallest number of sets, a new Duel on Starkiller base could give us Rey, Finn, and Kylo, and a new version of Poe’s X-wing could give us Poe and a FO Stormtrooper, while also making an X-wing available. 

8 minutes ago, Rwbricks said:

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

We might even amount to a gross.

I mostly liked the sequels, and I bought a lot of sequels sets between 2015-2020. I agree that Lego covered the sequel content pretty comprehensively when the movies were coming out. But it's been five years - it's time to start introducing sequel remakes into the regular set rotation. I'd like to see another Black One X-wing right after the next Hoth Snowspeeder and Luke's Landspeeder - two sets that also deserve another remake before too long.

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