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I will note how when the OT was spoken of as the true, essential Star Wars, that the ST fans came out to defend their favourite films. Personally speaking, I thought it more likely that PT fans would come out to defend having Prequel sets on shelves than ST fans. Seems we’re not all so different after all.

I am by no means putting down anyone’s favourite film or series when I say that OT is Star Wars at its core. That said, yeah, the OT is core Star Wars. Those films have stuck around in public consciousness for nearly 50 years; time will tell if the PT and ST have the same staying power (directly correlated with merchandise sales).

I like all eras of SW (except Acolyte—which is actually terrible TV—since I absolutely had to let you know), and regardless I know everyone has their favourite era. I believe a good solution (and one that seems to have been lost for just this year; hopefully it can be brought back) is to keep the OT cast available perennially, but rotate PT, ST, CW, and Mando cast every couple years. (R1, Solo, and rest of Disney+ SW should be sprinkled throughout.) In that case, it’s high time we had at least a few Sequel sets grace shelves once more.

I feel as though I’m pointing to the blatantly obvious as this genius idea, but TLG showing a heavy preference toward TCW this year has me concerned. It’s not as though we’ve been deprived of CW content or their main characters. Neither have we been of Mando and Grogu, to be fair. Meanwhile, the OT crew is almost inaccessible, the ST crew are no where to be found.

22 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

True Star Wars is only episodes 1-6 and Clone Wars, anything after that is pure fan fiction



Disagree with most of what you said here, however I do slightly agree on “ruined Lucas’s canon”.

I adore TFA. It’s one of my favourites. That said, when you stop and think about the plot of the movie, the movie on it own reverses everything the OT accomplished: the Empire strikes back (now with FO branding), the (New) Republic has been wiped out,  the (New) Jedi Order is dead, and Force users are rarely seen, another planet-killer is built (now in extra-large), Leia is the leader of a group of freedom fighters, married to the cause, like in ANH, Han is a lone smuggler with only Chewie at his side, married to the adventure, like in ANH, and Luke is alone on a planet, with no hope he’ll get off it, hidden from the galaxy, like in ANH, (refusing to pass on what he has learned, might I add).

I don’t need everyone to be superhumans or for everything to be perfect, but continuation of already established character development should be bare minimum in my not-so-humble opinion. Yoda and perhaps Obi-Wan in the OT are different than how they were in TPM or RotS. That should be true of what the main trio.

Just so it’s clear, I like the ST films in spite of their flaws, this included.

20 hours ago, Legoman123 said:

You guys expecting a detailed interior for the Slave 1 now we know there is an extra 1000 pieces that we didn’t expect to be getting? 

Given it’s a remake of the beautiful 2015 model, I expect nothing but greater detail. A fully realized cockpit with room for both Fetts and believable surroundings would be amazing. If you’re talking the cargo hold interior seen in Mando S2, maybe not. Given the complex Technic structure I assume will be inside to strengthen the model, I doubt there will be room. (I could see a seismic charge launcher to make up for that lack, which I think is a hilarious idea.)

Just punched the numbers into a US inflation calculator, and the 2015 Slave 1 would cost ≈$270 in today’s money. So I believe we ought to expect at least $30 worth of improvements. However, I remain cautious whether it can be as good as, if not better than, the 2015 model. Photo leaks can’t come soon enough.


Edited by Swordy

It's funny, if I say Disney Star Wars is shit, most on this forum will defend it and come up with something like ''let people enjoy what they enjoy'' but if I said I liked Batman VS Superman and ZSJL, you all clown it and say it's the worst thing ever, double standards as always, you gotta understand that SW is in big decline and that Lucasfilm have ruined it, Lucasfilm needs to clean house and fire everybody and get new people in that care about the franchise, most employees there are the ''progressive type'' I can't take seriously someone who likes TLJ,Acolyte,Agatha and Loki over The Batman,Daredevil and so on 

And I don't get the insult about being a ''Nerdrotic or Drinker fan'' they're probably the best thing to happen to Youtube for the film critic side of things, otherwise we'd all be accepting the slop from these studios, paying for garbage that had no effort or heart put into it, can't believe wanting movies and games to be like they were before 2016 is a bad thing, it all comes down to ideology, I'm guessing most of you guys on here are on the ''left'' so that's why you accept and push for more of this stuff, but if I come in and say something the complete opposite of your view, I'm the bad guy, when one time, we could all listen to eachother

Wouldn't you guys agree that entertainment is made simply for entertainment, and not to pander and lecture the audience about modern day social politics that don't really matter to us because we just want to watch something to pass the time and love to watch our favorite characters, things like The Marvels were only created for a box check and to please a certain group and try to cater to an audience that doesn't exist, it purely wasn't made because people wanted it or was vital to the MCU storyline, it was made to push a message, audiences are finally waking up and are sick of this shit and that's why you see these movies flopping

Now I expect to be called the ''ict,phobic,bigot'' rubbish that is always used to avoid an argument so let it come, I don't care, just trying to open your eyes that you don't have to defend and enjoy this slop and try to demonize people who oppose it and wish their favorite franchises weren't being bastardized like how they are now, Lucasfilm is bad, George handed it to the wrong person who simply wants to get back at him and destroy his legacy

And yes, there is a thing such as ''True Star Wars'' episodes 1-6,CW and Legends, because they didn't ruin the lore with all shit by Disney, in the ST, they made Luke a complete loser and fragile,weak,old man, killed Han, and they never made Luke,Han,Leia reunite, Rey is just a bland, poorly written character who is good at everything, Finn had potential to be a Jedi and the story about him being a Stormtrooper was cool but they done him dirty, Poe is basically Walmart Han Solo

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

8 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

It's funny, if I say Disney Star Wars is shit, most on this forum will defend it and come up with something like ''let people enjoy what they enjoy'' but if I said I liked Batman VS Superman and ZSJL, you all clown it and say it's the worst thing ever, double standards as always, you gotta understand that SW is in big decline and that Lucasfilm have ruined it, Lucasfilm needs to clean house and fire everybody and get new people in that care about the franchise, most employees there are the ''progressive type'' I can't take seriously someone who likes TLJ,Acolyte,Agatha and Loki over The Batman,Daredevil and so on 

And I don't get the insult about being a ''Nerdrotic or Drinker fan'' they're probably the best thing to happen to Youtube for the film critic side of things, otherwise we'd all be accepting the slop from these studios, paying for garbage that had no effort or heart put into it, can't believe wanting movies and games to be like they were before 2016 is a bad thing, it all comes down to ideology, I'm guessing most of you guys on here are on the ''left'' so that's why you accept and push for more of this stuff, but if I come in and say something the complete opposite of your view, I'm the bad guy, when one time, we could all listen to eachother

I agree with you man, it feels like a lot of people just defend a show like the acolyte because it aligns with their political beliefs.

I can't believe you guys are saying SW is not in a bad place, LOOK AT THE NUMBERS, THE TRUE FANS CRITIQUES, THE MERCH SALES, all of it, they announce a project, it never gets made, viewership is down, slop after slop, flop after flop, SW is just not a profitable brand anymore, they'd make more money selling it back than from making projects

Just now, Darth_Bane13 said:

I agree with you man, it feels like a lot of people just defend a show like the acolyte because it aligns with their political beliefs.

Exactly man and I'm just tired of it

You can't criticize them but they can criticize you, what the hell kind of logic is that

God forbid I'm just a guy sick of the slop and just want good story telling and our favorite characters to be treated well and stayed out of politics

Now look, old politics are fine but it's this new stuff that's ruined everything, this social nonsense that's just not needed

Acolyte is what ruined it mostly for me, the ST can be ignored but the Acolyte just left a shit stain on the whole franchise

And most true fans agree with that, it's these new types of fans that have come in and try and change what it is, this is why gatekeeping is a thing, years ago stuff like Marvel,DC,Star Wars were kinda niche to the everyday person and it was nice to have it to ourselves and interact with other fans who love it so much and respect the lore, now ever since the activists and people who pretend to be a fan managed to sneak their way in, it's been a mess since

If I said I wanted some DCEU lego sets, the usual crowd would say ''No, they're trash, we don't need them'', but you'll say you want sets for Acolyte, and then I respond with no, you say ''let people enjoy what they like'' ''you're a manchild'' it's quite funny

3 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Well that's the key point, isn't it? Because some parts of this franchise aren't getting any coverage.

And I don't see how a single Sequels set with a cool vehicle or major characters would seel any worse than a random Clone set, or tenth remake of the same starship.

I also don't really know why you're comparing a single The Acolyte set to a whole year of Clone Wars sets.

I think you're arguing past me. I actively said in the comment you quoted that:

4 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I think a Black One or starkiller base duel every now and then would do just fine.

So... yeah? I agree? I've been advocating for us to get a sequel playset or two every year or so for years now? 

I'm comparing them because they're the two extremes- "we should only get sets for what seems to be popular" vs "we should actively produce a set that we can be pretty confident would fail". The extreme of "we should get a whole year of Acolyte sets" isn't a point being argued because there's no real argument for that whatsoever.

Anyway we can pretty much come to a middle ground and say ''Star Wars can be better'' to please both sides

1 minute ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I think you're arguing past me. I actively said in the comment you quoted that:

So... yeah? I agree? I've been advocating for us to get a sequel playset or two every year or so for years now? 

I'm comparing them because they're the two extremes- "we should only get sets for what seems to be popular" vs "we should actively produce a set that we can be pretty confident would fail". The extreme of "we should get a whole year of Acolyte sets" isn't a point being argued because there's no real argument for that whatsoever.

You can't talk to someone like him who won't listen to your argument, he'll just defend his view even more

I've noticed it's always @THELEGOBATMAN who's heavily against people speaking against stuff like Acolyte,Agatha,ST, I think I know why

There's a reason Lego hasn't made a set from Acolyte, 95% of fans hate it and the merch from it sits on shelves for years collecting dust, praying to be sold, if it was discounted down to 5$, no one would buy it, even Hasbro is thinking of cutting ties with Disney, Disney forces them to make the new, unwanted characters, the OG's like Luke,Darth Vader,Boba,Storm Trooper will always sell no matter what year we're in

Go to your local store and look at the toy aisle, tell me what you see, I guarantee you'll see Black Panther 2,Shang Chi,The Marvels,Andor,Acolyte,ST stuff still on shelves

1 hour ago, Swordy said:

I will note how when the OT was spoken of as the true, essential Star Wars, that the ST fans came out to defend their favourite films. Personally speaking, I thought it more likely that PT fans would come out to defend having Prequel sets on shelves than ST fans. Seems we’re not all so different after all.

I am by no means putting down anyone’s favourite film or series when I say that OT is Star Wars at its core. That said, yeah, the OT is core Star Wars. Those films have stuck around in public consciousness for nearly 50 years; time will tell if the PT and ST have the same staying power (directly correlated with merchandise sales).

I like all eras of SW (except Acolyte—which is actually terrible TV—since I absolutely had to let you know), and regardless I know everyone has their favourite era. I believe a good solution (and one that seems to have been lost for just this year; hopefully it can be brought back) is to keep the OT cast available perennially, but rotate PT, ST, CW, and Mando cast every couple years. (R1, Solo, and rest of Disney+ SW should be sprinkled throughout.) In that case, it’s high time we had at least a few Sequel sets grace shelves once more.

I feel as though I’m pointing to the blatantly obvious as this genius idea, but TLG showing a heavy preference toward TCW this year has me concerned. It’s not as though we’ve been deprived of CW content or their main characters. Neither have we been of Mando and Grogu, to be fair. Meanwhile, the OT crew is almost inaccessible, the ST crew are no where to be found.

Disagree with most of what you said here, however I do slightly agree on “ruined Lucas’s canon”.

Just punched the numbers into a US inflation calculator, and the 2015 Slave 1 would cost ≈$270 in today’s money. So I believe we ought to expect at least $30 worth of improvements. However, I remain cautious whether it can be as good as, if not better than, the 2015 model. Photo leaks can’t come soon enough.


I really do need to just replace my account with a bot that reposts your comments, you mirror my views pretty well but explain them much more clearly.

Love your idea for set distribution. I think at this point the PT/CW has earned a spot at at least keeping Anakin/Obi-Wan/some form of clones on shelves near-perennially (SOME FORM. Like one battle pack every year or two. Not every single legion, dominating shelves), but other than that I agree pretty much entirely. (And as a reminder to people, since there seems to be a belief that "this is more popular/sells better/it makes sense we get more of it" automatically means "the other stuff sucks", I like TFA more than all three prequel films, and even ROTS more than TPM and AOTC.)

I have to agree on that too. Again, not that Lucas was primed and ready to do so himself in other ways. But I really just can't accept what TLJ did to Luke. It requires a show contextualizing/stretching contextualization to near-retcon at the level the prequels needed TCW.

Also consider that material costs have gone up, and that lego just slapped price increases on existing sets a few years back. I wouldn't be shocked if it was more or less the same thing. I bought the 2015 Slave One a few years ago, I love it, and honestly if it's mainly a recolor, I think the new model would be more or less fine. The only part of it that doesn't really hold up is the dark red bricks, lol.

Only thing that sells is the OG stuff that everyone knows and loves, Characters from episodes 1-6,CW and in Marvel, MCU phases 1-3, Comic OG's like Spider-Man,Wolverine,Hulk,Punisher,Daredevil,X-Men and with DC, Batman,Superman,Flash,Wonder Woman

10 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

You can't talk to someone like him who won't listen to your argument, he'll just defend his view even more

I think you're mistaking my points as well. This isn't a defense of what you're saying. I think you're totally off-base about the idea that lego shouldn't make sets for the sequels, or what constitutes "true canon", and regardless of my thoughts on social/progressive issues surrounding stuff like Acolyte, I don't think this is the place to discuss it. (Acolyte fails as a show regardless of out-of-universe statements or factors)

1 minute ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I really do need to just replace my account with a bot that reposts your comments, you mirror my views pretty well but explain them much more clearly.

Love your idea for set distribution. I think at this point the PT/CW has earned a spot at at least keeping Anakin/Obi-Wan/some form of clones on shelves near-perennially (SOME FORM. Like one battle pack every year or two. Not every single legion, dominating shelves), but other than that I agree pretty much entirely. (And as a reminder to people, since there seems to be a belief that "this is more popular/sells better/it makes sense we get more of it" automatically means "the other stuff sucks", I like TFA more than all three prequel films, and even ROTS more than TPM and AOTC.)

I have to agree on that too. Again, not that Lucas was primed and ready to do so himself in other ways. But I really just can't accept what TLJ did to Luke. It requires a show contextualizing/stretching contextualization to near-retcon at the level the prequels needed TCW.

Also consider that material costs have gone up, and that lego just slapped price increases on existing sets a few years back. I wouldn't be shocked if it was more or less the same thing. I bought the 2015 Slave One a few years ago, I love it, and honestly if it's mainly a recolor, I think the new model would be more or less fine. The only part of it that doesn't really hold up is the dark red bricks, lol.

I will agree that TFA is the less bad of the 3 ST movies, but that's not saying much, and you and me both agree what they did to Luke was unacceptable, it was all done on purpose, they hate the fans

Just now, Mandalorianknight said:

I think you're mistaking my points as well. This isn't a defense of what you're saying. I think you're totally off-base about the idea that lego shouldn't make sets for the sequels, or what constitutes "true canon", and regardless of my thoughts on social/progressive issues surrounding stuff like Acolyte, I don't think this is the place to discuss it. (Acolyte fails as a show regardless of out-of-universe statements or factors)

I know, I respect that you have a middle ground, TFA did have some good Lego sets though, Kylo's shuttle in black was good even though it was from Episode 9, it looks lovely, I just think that since Lego made all those sets from the ST, do we really need any more ? they pretty much covered everything back then besides Starkiller Base, there's still things that Lego hasn't made from OT and PT

I think Lego knows it's not worth their time to make more than 1 ST set

There's a reason we haven't gotten them in a good while

After the 327th and Galactic Marines come out, I think we can leave it at that, because afterwards, I'd feel pretty burnt out, sure Wolfpack and new Kashyyyk would be nice but other than that, it's getting old, I think making too much 501st is the cause of it, the 501st set from 2020,AT-TE 2022 and Clone and Droid BP from 2024 is all we really needed 

Guys I want to apologize for everything, I just hate it when no one else will defend something, I just wanted to let it out, it happens sometimes, I hope you can forgive me and we can move on

Just hate what happened to my loved franchises that's all, it'd be like if they replaced plastic in Lego Bricks, it's just not the same

Hey, @Lego Nostalgia, I just hope you're self-aware enough to realize that you're acting exactly like the people you complain about, just with different content in the "I like this" and "I don't like this" boxes. Particularly with respect to your comment "old politics are fine but it's this new stuff that's ruined everything" - that's such an old-man-yelling-at-clouds thing to say. But let's not get too deep in the weeds of the politics of each entry in the Star Wars franchise, hmm? We'll forgive you and move on, and agree that pretty much every theatrical and streaming entry in the franchise deserves some slots in the ongoing LSW remake cycle, hmm?

19 minutes ago, icm said:

Hey, @Lego Nostalgia, I just hope you're self-aware enough to realize that you're acting exactly like the people you complain about, just with different content in the "I like this" and "I don't like this" boxes. Particularly with respect to your comment "old politics are fine but it's this new stuff that's ruined everything" - that's such an old-man-yelling-at-clouds thing to say. But let's not get too deep in the weeds of the politics of each entry in the Star Wars franchise, hmm? We'll forgive you and move on, and agree that pretty much every theatrical and streaming entry in the franchise deserves some slots in the ongoing LSW remake cycle, hmm?

Passive Aggressiveness detected

So, zero chance for any Acolyte LEGO sets? I actually did enjoy that series. Sadly no 2nd season.

75399 ($79.99) U-Wing. Andor set? playscale possible?

@Lego Nostalgia what was wrong with Luke's death? That he died, or, something else?

21 minutes ago, Shiva said:

So, zero chance for any Acolyte LEGO sets? I actually did enjoy that series. Sadly no 2nd season.

Yeah, for better or for worse depending on who you ask. IMO, the Acolyte isn't being abandoned because everyone hated it, its being abandoned because nobody watched it

25 minutes ago, Shiva said:

75399 ($79.99) U-Wing. Andor set? playscale possible?

From what we can tell it is playscale set from Andor S2. There is a possibility they could borrow some speed champions techniques to make better use of a smaller interior, but I wouldn't hold my breath 


Funny enough, my love of star wars came from the legos and the OG Battlefront II before I had even seen the movies, so for me the designs being cool is more important than the content itself being good (at least in terms of sets). I don't like most of the sequels designs, so I wouldn't be very interested in those sets, except for a UCS First Order Star Destroyer, those things are wizard

1 hour ago, Shiva said:

So, zero chance for any Acolyte LEGO sets? I actually did enjoy that series. Sadly no 2nd season.

75399 ($79.99) U-Wing. Andor set? playscale possible?

@Lego Nostalgia what was wrong with Luke's death? That he died, or, something else?

They killed him in the dumbest way possible, dying from doing a force projection, he also tried to kill Ben Solo sleeping, that's not the Luke we know, they also made him the usual sad old man who's given up, hiding somewhere, alone and not the guy he was before, just like Indiana Jones

Maybe if he actually showed up to fight Kylo and won against all the First Order but died shortly after, his death would have been meaningful and a hero's sacrifice

I walked in The Last Jedi, expecting Luke to kick @ss, but was let down

6 minutes ago, Shiva said:

@Lego Nostalgia What people experience, can change them.

I obviously know that, now, it can be done well in certain cases, Look at Batman for example, Dark Knight Returns, he's old and depressed, BUT, he becomes Batman again, pushes through, trains, tries hard despite his old age and still kicks @ss, but what they did with Luke is just unacceptable, he didn't even do anything, he just was on a cliff and died from being tired

It all comes down to how it's handled and how it's written, when a hero is retired but comes back is a cool storyline if done right, like with Batman,Daredevil,Spiderman

I just don't like it when they do it the way with Luke and Indiana Jones

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

I believe I've written an essay about it in another thread on this site, but, with all due respect, you entirely missed the point if you think that Luke didn't die a meaningful death as a heroic sacrifice after showing up to fight Kylo and defeating the First Order, because that's exactly what he did. As Luke might say, "every single word you just said was wrong."

The rumour of Asajj Ventress and a potential armoured Obi-Wan coming with the V-19 does make that set quite a bit more interesting

It's a little strange that Ventress would get remade sooner than Dooku though, he's definitely the most overdue for a remake.

1 hour ago, Shiva said:

So, zero chance for any Acolyte LEGO sets? I actually did enjoy that series. Sadly no 2nd season.

Usually Lego develops tie-ins to release around the same time as the show, it is kind of interesting that they didn't even acknowledge the Acolyte.

There's next to zero chance that they would ever revisit it, considering the overall reception and the fact that Lucasfilm seemed willing to basically sweep it under the rug.

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I think a Black One or starkiller base duel every now and then would do just fine.

I'm expecting a few sequel remakes around the time they start marketing the Rey movie in 2026 2027 2028 the same year as Blade.

"The Black One" is a wild name for a ship lmao, it really doesn't read well


Would an Exegol set with a Jar of Snokes™ bridge the divide between Sequel Heads and Clone Bros?

I didn't even like the sequel trilogy but some people can dislike things without making it everyone elses problem.

Anyway, does anyone know if there are any sets rumoured for March? I haven't seen any and that's unusual for the lego star wars release patterns (these days).

and as a side note, personally I hope Lego does make some more non-clone sets next year. I'm a certified card-carrying clone-bro (I own at least 5 grey baseplates, that's at least level 30 cloomer. Although I'm banned from the circlej*rks because I like helmet holes) but I just feel bad for everyone else this year. I'd still like a liiiil something next year but hey if it's 95% original trilogy (or god forbid, some sequel trilogy) that'll just save me some money. Although regular death troopers and Tarkin are still on my list of stuff I'm holding out hope for rather than buying the older ones. It has also just occurred to me that I don't actually own a farmboy Luke figure. 1500 Minifigs and I forgot to buy Luke Star Wars himself. Can't believe I'm saying this but I could go for a Luke's Landspeeder right now.

12 minutes ago, Coryo said:

Would an Exegol set with a Jar of Snokes™ bridge the divide between Sequel Heads and Clone Bros?


6 minutes ago, Coryo said:

The rumour of Asajj Ventress and a potential armoured Obi-Wan coming with the V-19 does make that set quite a bit more interesting

It's a little strange that Ventress would get remade sooner than Dooku though, he's definitely the most overdue for a remake.

Usually Lego develops tie-ins to release around the same time as the show, it is kind of interesting that they didn't even acknowledge the Acolyte.

There's next to zero chance that they would ever revisit it, considering the overall reception and the fact that Lucasfilm seemed willing to basically sweep it under the rug.

I'm expecting a few sequel remakes around the time they start marketing the Rey movie in 2026 2027 2028 the same year as Blade.

"The Black One" is a wild name for a ship lmao, it really doesn't read well

I've been assuming the set's clone wars 03 based (it'll be really funny if our two most recent ventresses are both from the microseries instead of the full one) just because of the quote, but if it's not it definitely would be strange. I don't care a ton, but Dooku is due for a refresh. I kind of wish they'd bring back the duels, maybe reducing the build and making it a $10 price point like some of the marvel sets have been. 

I Honest-to-God think they sniffed out some of the show's troubles and wanted to avoid it, or at the very least, knew it wasn't aimed at kids and wasn't set during the OT, and as such didn't want to risk it until seeing the reception... so of course now our next chance is when they make season 2. :head_back:

I guess I don't know when I expect them, but I do hope we get something soon. Especially because if we go off your estimate I don't have faith we'll get them at all. (Actually, I don't have faith in any of the currently-in-development movies not titled "The Mandalorian and Grogu" actually releasing. Maybe the other Filoni movie.)

There's only ever been one blade, there's only ever gonna be one blade.

Hold on it's not the spiderman 2099 meme, it's just "Black One". Like Red Five or Gold Three or Rogue One. I've always liked the name because it tells you immediately that it's an X-wing, but the uncommon (for x wings) color and number imply the real ace piloting it.

4 minutes ago, CaptainMarvel said:

Although I'm banned from the circlej*rks because I like helmet holes) 

I think this was the thing that stopped me from joining the clone bro fever back when it happened. The helmet holes, that is, not the other thing.

@Lego Nostalgia

Do tell me, what if someone likes both? Loki is just as good as The Batman. One isn't better than the other because of some non-existent agenda.

If you think that Nerdrotic or Critical Drinker are anything other than grifters who make money in a very calculated way, spreading negativeness trying to pander to people exactly like you (note: I don't mean any of the insults you mentioned, but people who think that "in the old days media was better and apolitical"), then you've been tricked by them. They have no views of their own, it's all an act to gather views from people who think that some catastrophic event happened in 2016 which suddenly led to movies becoming political (spoiler: they always were—that's how art works).

You say that movie nowadays aren't made for entertainment and try to lecture people about modern politics, while at the same time praising movies like The Batman and (I assume) The Dark Knight, The Winter Solider etc. Those are some really political movies, and they haven't been made as pure entertainment. Filmmakers want their movies to say and mean something.

Nothing is timeless, everything is influenced by the current time period. No one started shoving so-called agenda into their movies, you're just looking at the past through rose-coloured glasses. The Last Jedi isn't any more political than Revenge of the Sith (which is actually a movie about politics).

And no, there's no such thing as a "true Star Wars fan". George Lucas didn't even have anything to do with Legends. It's not like he oversaw hundreds of novels and comics back then. Why do you regard it so highly? Why is Clone Wars a part of your "golden canon" (derogatory), but Rebels isn't? Sure, he probably helped make some parts of it, but a different, very diverse team of people was in charge of writing, directing, and making it all a reality.

Again, who are you to say what being a "true Star Wars fan" means. Why do you think you have the right to establish what that even means? Did George Lucas himself come to you and say "Listen Mr. Lego Nostalgia: the true canon is just those six movies that I've made, a series that I've helped with, and an incomprehensible series of novels and comics that I've had nothing to do with. Anything else, well... that's just not for real fans." 

Your argument falls apart because you're purposefully focusing on the bad stuff like The Acolyte, while ignoring huge successes like RebelsRogue One or Andor. You can't talk about them, because either everything that Disney made is bad and a failure, or... you'd be wrong, because that's what your narrative focuses on.

The last point I want to reply to is that you've simply figure out me completely incorrecly. 

"I've noticed it's always THELEGOBATMAN who's heavily against people speaking against stuff like Acolyte,Agatha,ST, I think I know why" No, I am not heavily against people who don't like those things. For one, I hate The Rise of Skywalker. I don't even like the setting they chose for the Sequels, which is extremely unimaginative. I think The Acolyte is painfully mediocre—a weak series with some good ideas, executed in a subpar way.

Same for most recent MCU movies, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Mandalorian, TBoBF, and so on and so forth. But then I also love stuff like Andor, Loki, Skeleton Crew, or GotG Vol. 3. That's what happens when you don't view stuff in black and white. I am not analysing the current state of political agenda in movies, but the movies themselves. Disney doesn't have any political views of its own, because it's a multimillion dollar company—it all depends on the creators they hire, and how the studuo executives work with them.

You talk about people liking The Acolyte only because it aligns with their political views... but tell me, what political views does the series itself have? How is it more left than right? Because as far as I can tell, it's a pretty shallow, generic fantasy story. It doesn't really have any political views of itself, and you're blindly mistaking it for hiring more woman and people of colour? Or at least that's what grifters like Nerdrotic do, and I hope you're above that.

I'm not against people criticising things. I love talking to people who have different opinions on a movie or a series—if they are willing to discuss it in a constructive way, it can lead to really interesting conclusions.

What I don't like is the type of discussion you provide. You don't talk about the series itself. If you did, you would say exactly what you didn't like in your infamous example of The Acolyte, and then you'd move on. You didn't like it, you said why, and you stopped watching it. Having an actual conversation would help others with their own opinions, because maybe they'd see some things are actually worse than they thought.

What you do, however, is talk about everything but the series itself. Mentioning non-existent agendas, wokeness, the age of social politics in media, "true fans" etc. These are made-up terms, used by grifters to fuel internet hate—because hate is a much quicker way of gaining traction than hope and positivity.

(Sounds ironic, doesn't it? It's almost like... the Dark Side and the Light Side of internet discussion.)

That's all I'll say on this topic to you, because frankly, this has nothing to do with this thread, but I really wanted to reply to some of your points.


1 hour ago, Coryo said:

The rumour of Asajj Ventress and a potential armoured Obi-Wan coming with the V-19 does make that set quite a bit more interesting

It's a little strange that Ventress would get remade sooner than Dooku though, he's definitely the most overdue for a remake.

It depends on which version of Ventress we're getting. I've seen some posts wanting the micro series version but we got that figure the last time Ventress was included in a set and it still holds up perfectly well today.

On the other hand the 2008 figure based on her TCW Season 1 outfit is incredibly outdated now and is in dire need of a remake more than Dooku does.

4 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

@Lego Nostalgia

Do tell me, what if someone likes both? Loki is just as good as The Batman. One isn't better than the other because of some non-existent agenda.

If you think that Nerdrotic or Critical Drinker are anything other than grifters who make money in a very calculated way, spreading negativeness trying to pander to people exactly like you (note: I don't mean any of the insults you mentioned, but people who think that "in the old days media was better and apolitical"), then you've been tricked by them. They have no views of their own, it's all an act to gather views from people who think that some catastrophic event happened in 2016 which suddenly led to movies becoming political (spoiler: they always were—that's how art works).

You say that movie nowadays aren't made for entertainment and try to lecture people about modern politics, while at the same time praising movies like The Batman and (I assume) The Dark Knight, The Winter Solider etc. Those are some really political movies, and they haven't been made as pure entertainment. Filmmakers want their movies to say and mean something.

Nothing is timeless, everything is influenced by the current time period. No one started shoving so-called agenda into their movies, you're just looking at the past through rose-coloured glasses. The Last Jedi isn't any more political than Revenge of the Sith (which is actually a movie about politics).

And no, there's no such thing as a "true Star Wars fan". George Lucas didn't even have anything to do with Legends. It's not like he oversaw hundreds of novels and comics back then. Why do you regard it so highly? Why is Clone Wars a part of your "golden canon" (derogatory), but Rebels isn't? Sure, he probably helped make some parts of it, but a different, very diverse team of people was in charge of writing, directing, and making it all a reality.

Again, who are you to say what being a "true Star Wars fan" means. Why do you think you have the right to establish what that even means? Did George Lucas himself come to you and say "Listen Mr. Lego Nostalgia: the true canon is just those six movies that I've made, a series that I've helped with, and an incomprehensible series of novels and comics that I've had nothing to do with. Anything else, well... that's just not for real fans." 

Your argument falls apart because you're purposefully focusing on the bad stuff like The Acolyte, while ignoring huge successes like RebelsRogue One or Andor. You can't talk about them, because either everything that Disney made is bad and a failure, or... you'd be wrong, because that's what your narrative focuses on.

The last point I want to reply to is that you've simply figure out me completely incorrecly. 

"I've noticed it's always THELEGOBATMAN who's heavily against people speaking against stuff like Acolyte,Agatha,ST, I think I know why" No, I am not heavily against people who don't like those things. For one, I hate The Rise of Skywalker. I don't even like the setting they chose for the Sequels, which is extremely unimaginative. I think The Acolyte is painfully mediocre—a weak series with some good ideas, executed in a subpar way.

Same for most recent MCU movies, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Mandalorian, TBoBF, and so on and so forth. But then I also love stuff like Andor, Loki, Skeleton Crew, or GotG Vol. 3. That's what happens when you don't view stuff in black and white. I am not analysing the current state of political agenda in movies, but the movies themselves. Disney doesn't have any political views of its own, because it's a multimillion dollar company—it all depends on the creators they hire, and how the studuo executives work with them.

You talk about people liking The Acolyte only because it aligns with their political views... but tell me, what political views does the series itself have? How is it more left than right? Because as far as I can tell, it's a pretty shallow, generic fantasy story. It doesn't really have any political views of itself, and you're blindly mistaking it for hiring more woman and people of colour? Or at least that's what grifters like Nerdrotic do, and I hope you're above that.

I'm not against people criticising things. I love talking to people who have different opinions on a movie or a series—if they are willing to discuss it in a constructive way, it can lead to really interesting conclusions.

What I don't like is the type of discussion you provide. You don't talk about the series itself. If you did, you would say exactly what you didn't like in your infamous example of The Acolyte, and then you'd move on. You didn't like it, you said why, and you stopped watching it. Having an actual conversation would help others with their own opinions, because maybe they'd see some things are actually worse than they thought.

What you do, however, is talk about everything but the series itself. Mentioning non-existent agendas, wokeness, the age of social politics in media, "true fans" etc. These are made-up terms, used by grifters to fuel internet hate—because hate is a much quicker way of gaining traction than hope and positivity.

(Sounds ironic, doesn't it? It's almost like... the Dark Side and the Light Side of internet discussion.)

That's all I'll say on this topic to you, because frankly, this has nothing to do with this thread, but I really wanted to reply to some of your points.

My bad bro, honestly I just go off about things when certain things are brought up, it's my fault, nothing against you, I just kinda feel certain things are one sided here

This usually happens every few months xD, anyway is the 327th and UT-AT 100% happening ?

22 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

My bad bro, honestly I just go off about things when certain things are brought up, it's my fault, nothing against you, I just kinda feel certain things are one sided here

This usually happens every few months xD, anyway is the 327th and UT-AT 100% happening ?

All good. I'm kind of the same, although from a different perspective. I just love discussing things, but I know that sometimes I can come off as too headstrong.

As for the UT-AT, yeah, that's one of the rumours that the leakers are sure about (unlike the Turbo Rider, which is sometimes labelled as a Rebuild the Galaxy set). The price though... 150€ for 813 pieces. Quite awful.

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