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I was making a joke, actually, and I jumped the punchline. I should've said "Pun? How is that a pun?" like it wasn't meant to have any double meaning and make people thing James the Goat was just showing his roadie around backstage. But then after someone said "It looks like he's doing her..." Then I should've said "Yes, but that's not a pun, it's a metaphor."

That's our comedy lesson for the day... :classic:

Yes, Mr. Teacher. Would you like an apple?


pun? :look:

It's more of a metaphor... :devil:

Personally, I'd say it was a double entendre :tongue:

I think the most impressive thing is that you found a good use for those 2x2x10 black pole tower things. I never know what to do with those pieces, but they work perfect as a scaffolding for the lights. Same goes for those pieces on the top. They work well both as stage elements and in keeping with the Fabuland aesthetic because they are so gigantic. :classic:

I am also a fan of the electrocuted roadie, he looks so calm and peaceful, like a self-immolating monk. You'd think someone in his situation might look a little more shocked. :devil: Now that's a pun. ::Dodges tomatoes::

I am also a fan of the electrocuted roadie, he looks so calm and peaceful, like a self-immolating monk. You'd think someone in his situation might look a little more shocked. :devil: Now that's a pun. ::Dodges tomatoes::

:laugh: Well, I purposely used those horrible googly eyes that I usually shun. I almost consider the Fabuland googly eye head to almost be as disgusting ad Me***lok! *oh2* I know that sounds harsh, but I just love the original cute eyes. Animals with eyeballs are freaky! So, I used it here because it looks more like electrocuted eyes, but he does look happy about it. Maybe he likes it... :sceptic:

:laugh: Well, I purposely used those horrible googly eyes that I usually shun. I almost consider the Fabuland googly eye head to almost be as disgusting ad Me***lok! *oh2* I know that sounds harsh, but I just love the original cute eyes. Animals with eyeballs are freaky! So, I used it here because it looks more like electrocuted eyes, but he does look happy about it. Maybe he likes it... :sceptic:

This is getting pretty hard to follow..

:laugh: Well, I purposely used those horrible googly eyes that I usually shun. I almost consider the Fabuland googly eye head to almost be as disgusting ad Me***lok! *oh2* I know that sounds harsh, but I just love the original cute eyes. Animals with eyeballs are freaky! So, I used it here because it looks more like electrocuted eyes,

Ahh yes, I can see that now, his are indeed wide with shock. You'll have to excuse me, I don't have a lot of experience noticing those fine distinctions in Fabuland characters. A flaw on my part to be sure. For instance, I only just noticed that you've replaced the normal Fabuland arms with regular minifig arms, thereby giving them all wrists. Are the arms sockets compatible? I have so few Fabuland figures that I don't want to risk breaking them by trying to dismember them. :classic:

but he does look happy about it. Maybe he likes it... :sceptic:

Kinky! :oh3:


Yes, the armclips are compatible, aswell as the heads that can fit a standard minfig body. See my fabuland serenade thread for some freaky assemblies. They're just lego afterall, so it is quite normal ! The bar in a fabuland MF's butt clips into a minifig hand aswell. I also have an MOC that shows this peculiar technic but I think the public isn't ready for it yet.

Yes, the armclips are compatible, aswell as the heads that can fit a standard minfig body. See my fabuland serenade thread for some freaky assemblies. They're just lego afterall, so it is quite normal ! The bar in a fabuland MF's butt clips into a minifig hand aswell. I also have an MOC that shows this peculiar technic but I think the public isn't ready for it yet.

Amen. :sick: Trust you admins to come up with something sick like that.


Posting from Toronto!

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