Posted August 16, 200816 yr Why is Eurobricks in English when its a European based site and the creator; Jipay, is French? Of course, it benefits me(an American), but why in English? Just wondering. CT
August 16, 200816 yr Well for one thing, English is one of the most widely spoken foreign languages in the world. A lot of people speak at least a little of it even though it is not their native language. As for other languages such as German, French, Dutch and the like, not as many people know it outside of their respective countries. So it would be hard to make a forum with only 10 people that speak the language. That's at least my opinion.
August 16, 200816 yr Maybe because English is a universal language so many people all over the world speak it. Not sure if I’ am correct or not.
August 16, 200816 yr Author True, but why couldn't he make it French? Or make numerous forums; English forum, French forum, Dutch forum, I could go on and on with the CT
August 16, 200816 yr Well, if he created a forum for each language it would be a nightmare to manage and staff. English is a widely spoken language and is the best chance for people all over the world to be able to communicate. I've recently travelled outside of the states for the first time. I went to Scandinavia and English is pretty commonly spoken there. They start learning it in school about the age of seven. It was really cool to be able to get to know one of my best friend's daughters by having her teach me some Swedish. At the age of eleven she speaks English pretty fluently. It's fortunate we have discussion forums and that English is learned in many different country. How else would two of my best friends be from Sweden? And how would I be making more great friends in Denmark? And how else would I have made such great friends on the staff here when they live in Belgium, France, Amsterdam and Australia? That pesky Australian is a bitch to learn, you know... It's also been interesting to me to see how patient people in Scandinavia were with me, not knowing the language and culture. I got stuck in a tool booth in Norway and some poor guy pulled up behind me assuming I was a functioning member of society who could throw 24 kroner into an automatic toll booth and move on with life. But, I killed the engine forgetting I was driving stick and braked without downshifting (ignore that, Ras-it's just for effect) and then grabbed a bag of kroner-graciously given to me by a friend-and started whipping coins at the machine hoping they were a. Norwegian and b. not bouncing back into the car. The whole time the guy behind me sat there and just conversed with his passenger. The other lanes were clear and he didn't throw it into reverse and move to one of those. I waved sorry to him and he smiled and wave thinking he knew me. Then he realized I was American and was apologizing and he waved me off as if to say "Silly American, I'm patient. No big deal." If that had happened in the States, he would've taken 24 kroner out of his change tray, stepped out of his car and thrown the change into the booth for me and told me to go f--- myself. Or laid on the horn until my barrage of kroner throwing reaped 24 and mercifully raised the gate. Anyway, my point drank a lot of Jameson tonight...Americans suck, but it's cool that people learn English so we can meet Scandinavians and learn how to act courtesouly at a toll booth. Does that answer your question?
August 16, 200816 yr >snip<Does that answer your question? Leaves oh so many more! And I know Australian is really hard... Thats a Bonza Boot you got there! Regards Cpt. PB
August 16, 200816 yr I got stuck in a tool booth in Norway and some poor guy pulled up behind me assuming I was a functioning member of society who could throw 24 kroner into an automatic toll booth and move on with life. So the forum is in English because Americans are stupid. Couldn't you have just said that, instead and saved us from having to listen to your two kroner worth? (it is two kroner, as opposed to two kroners, right?) Oh, and before someone comes along and mistakes my joke for something more serious (though honestly, Americans are stupid ), I'm one of those stupid Americans who wouldn't even attempt to use this site if it was in another language.
August 16, 200816 yr Well, English is the international language of aviation, so why can't we make it the international language of message boards? I mean, we really have to do something before "lol wut? OMFG stfu n00b!!!111!1 ur teh suXX0rz!!!!1111!!" fills that role
August 16, 200816 yr That pesky Australian is a female canine to learn, you know... Bloody Oath mate!!!
August 16, 200816 yr And I know Australian is really hard... Thats a Bonza Boot you got there! Oh dear! The stereotyping begins! Batbrick Away!
August 16, 200816 yr Oh dear! The stereotyping begins! Batbrick Away! Fair dinkum mate, it sure does anyway I'm off to the pub to av a VB while watchin some mugs play AFL
August 16, 200816 yr Also, if you have many language divided forums it'd be harder to make friends. The community would be far harder to participate in and thus people would simply restrict themselves to one forum. I can participate in a Dutch, French and English one and perhaps even a German one (though with a considerable amount of Dutch involved) but for the love of God don't ask me to go through all the trouble of learning all European languages. Many people simply wouldn't go through all that trouble I mean, we really have to do something before "lol wut? OMFG stfu n00b!!!111!1 ur teh suXX0rz!!!!1111!!" fills that role HA! Welcome to Xboxlive ... The place where angry and agressive young males (mostly sex-deprived too) engage in a relentless and fierce scolding battle involving not only such popular sayings as "your mom ... (insert message here) ..." but also "We'll nuke the crap out of you if you don't speak English" and of course "Dude, I hate everything that isn't heterosexual, white, ultra conservative and not willing to suck some of my body parts".
August 16, 200816 yr Well for one thing, English is one of the most widely spoken foreign languages in the world. A lot of people speak at least a little of it even though it is not their native language. As for other languages such as German, French, Dutch and the like, not as many people know it outside of their respective countries. So it would be hard to make a forum with only 10 people that speak the language. That's at least my opinion. Chinese is actually spoken by most people, English is just spoken in more different countries. I think therefore the choice for English is quite obvious.
August 16, 200816 yr I can participate in a Dutch, French and English one and perhaps even a German one (though with a considerable amount of Dutch involved) but for the love of God don't ask me to go through all the trouble of learning all European languages. Many people simply wouldn't go through all that trouble Nach mhaith leat Gaeilge a fhoghlaim? Wouldn't you like to learn Irish :) Being from Ireland, I have only a limited fluency in French and German due to the usual pathetic language teaching methods used here (same as in UK). In fact even my Irish is a wee bit rusty despite 14 years study since 4 years old, and attending an Irish-speaking primary school. In Ireland you do not have much occasion to actually use Irish thanks to a rather typically Irish approach to supporting the language (no real ambition to have us become a bilingual society despite lipservice of signage etc). The English did fairly well instilling into the populance here the notion that Irish was backward, and US influence also re-inforces the notion of what's the point to anything but English. Ah sure, at least we have our own notion of what passes for English :)
August 16, 200816 yr So the forum is in English because Americans are stupid. Oh, and before someone comes along and mistakes my joke for something more serious (though honestly, Americans are stupid ), I'm one of those stupid Americans who wouldn't even attempt to use this site if it was in another language. I missed the American Boat by THAT MUCH...
August 16, 200816 yr I missed the American Boat by THAT MUCH... We'll consider you honourary, or dishonourary, as it would be.
August 16, 200816 yr Fair dinkum mate, it sure does anyway I'm off to the pub to av a VB while watchin some mugs play AFL Oh for heaven's sake! I LIVE in Australia and don't speak like that, NO NONE does! Although my bias against ridiculous speak may stem from my extreme anti-patriotic attitude. Batbrick Away!
August 16, 200816 yr HA! Welcome to Xboxlive ... The place where angry and agressive young males (mostly sex-deprived too) engage in a relentless and fierce scolding battle involving not only such popular sayings as "your mom ... (insert message here) ..." but also "We'll nuke the crap out of you if you don't speak English" and of course "Dude, I hate everything that isn't heterosexual, white, ultra conservative and not willing to suck some of my body parts". ...which means that they want to be a single guy in a group of girls. Some people are really unrealistic. I'm glad we don't have that here. Well, English is the main language of the world. While English people are taught other languages (i.e., in Canada French), all people from other countries who don't speak English are taught it; it is the business language of the world!
August 16, 200816 yr Because English is a modern lingua franca, like Aramaic, Greek, Latin or French were in the previous centuries. The question is: is it the last one and will be used in this way forever, or perhaps it will be - like all of the aforementioned - substituted by another language (Chinese?? How am I supposed to learn a language which doesn't even have a true alphabet?.. ).
August 16, 200816 yr Because English is a modern lingua franca, like Aramaic, Greek, Latin or French were in the previous centuries. The question is: is it the last one and will be used in this way forever, or perhaps it will be - like all of the aforementioned - substituted by another language (Chinese?? How am I supposed to learn a language which doesn't even have a true alphabet?.. ). Chinese has a numerical advantage yes, but let's not forget India which also has more than a million inhabitants. Besides, English is a lot more important in international trade and relations. Chinese on the other hand is concentrated in one country which doesn't improve its chances of it being taught abroad.
August 16, 200816 yr Chinese has a numerical advantage yes, but let's not forget India which also has more than a million inhabitants. Besides, English is a lot more important in international trade and relations. Chinese on the other hand is concentrated in one country which doesn't improve its chances of it being taught abroad. Don't forget that both China and India have more than one language (with over a billion people, is it any surprise). That being said, how many people of European descent speak Hindi, Arabic, Mandarin or Cantanese? Given that this forum's focus is on the European LEGO community I'd say that English makes sense as it is spoken by many people throughout Europe and the rest of the world. English may not be the most (or even second most) spoken language but there certainly are quite a few people who make use of it. Edited August 16, 200816 yr by blueandwhite
August 16, 200816 yr And how else would I have made such great friends on the staff here when they live in Belgium, France, Amsterdam and Australia? Can you please tell me where the country Amsterdam is? So the forum is in English because Americans are stupid. I would never have said that... I'm one of those stupid Americans who wouldn't even attempt to use this site if it was in another language. And I´m one of those stupid Germans who wouldn´t have done it either. Geeez, I´m glad we don´t speak french here. All in all it´s one thing I prefer Eurobricks over I love the international flair around here. And people are more impressed when I tell them I play and am organized with Lego on a world-wide basis.
August 16, 200816 yr Author Wow. I never thought this topic was going to have this much answers. I could be on my way to a title! Anyway a Mod or someone can close this topic; 1. My questions been answered, 2. I don't know, but I think in the future(not saying it will happen), I can see some Self-racism, and I don't like that. Thats right, I am a dumb American! Wait, that makes me a hippocrite, doesn't it? CT
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