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I wonder if anyone´s going to notice it that time... :pir-look:

I noticed it the first time. :pir-tongue: I wouldn't call the fig sexy, but it is one of the more, erm, attractive torsos. :pir-blush:

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I just don't get AFOLs sometimes. With all the complaints about the modern incarnations of town, castle, and space, it seemed that only a classic approach to the old themes would satisfy them. And now here we are, with a new Pirate theme that is strikingly similar to the old one - and people still are complaining like crazy! TLC took special care to make a theme that stayed close to its roots, and basically all many of the older fans of Lego can say is that it's inferior and uninnovative.

Seriously, I'm begining to think that the only thing that would please some of the members here would for TLC to stop producing any original sets, and only re-release old sets. I dunno why this is, but maybe it stems from nostalga and a feeling of loyalty to the old lego sets (again though, I'm not sure). Regardless, this constant complaining and negativity is really sad, because TLC has jumped back from the Dark Ages, whether you guys can see it or not. TLC is finally trying to please both adults and kids by bringing back their classic themes, instead of focusing on seemingly easy money-makers and pointless licsensed themes (which were the products of the Dark Ages). Can't you guys be greatful that TLC is no longer churning out stuff like that? :pir-sceptic:

Please guys, focus on the positives: Pirates is back, it's not 4-Jr or Duplo, and it looks a lot like the classic lego pirates. We all need to support TLC in doing this, instead of longing for Legends and the old days of doing things. TLC may be different today, but it's getting better every year, and will only continue to improve. That's a sign of rejoicing to me, and IMO it should be for the rest of you. :pir-blush:

100% Agreed.

I for one, am gonna buy nothing but Pirates (OK, I might buy one or two Indiana Jones and Castle sets, but on the whole, it's gonna be Pirates all the way! :pir-classic: ).

On another matter, any guesses as to what the two unrevealed sets are?

I'm 90% sure that one of them is a pirate hideout and the other one is probably a little island with a poor stranded pirate. :pir-tongue:

Bluebeard, out-


agree 100% . lets be happy for that pirates are coming back and enjoy the new colors and minifigs. compared to what we had before..... exactly ,nothing.

this new tpirate theme look very good to me, just hoping they will ceep it going from now one. like town or castle etc.

and that they will come with some afol sets. (intended more to us that ismore than normal intr in lego) and with more neutral buildings, like shops,docks that we can fill into our world.


Holy cow.

What a perfect time to come out of the dark ages. It's like LEGO keeps outdoing itself. The sets just keep getting better and better. I know we all fantasized about seeing new soldiers' forts, but to actually see what it will look like . . . it's astounding. This stuff is much better than the last wave of pirates (with the Armada). I had the Imperial Outpost (6263) from 1995, and I must say that this new fort looks even better than that! It's like a Sabre Island/Lagoon Lock-Up mix, with a better assortment of pieces! And that raft set!

What's wonderful is, this all fits in with the sets of yesteryear. Unlike some of the new city sets (which I think are spectacular, but may prove to be somewhat problematic for classic city fans), I can see these seamlessly blending with the classics (well, almost seamlessly--the sand is tan now, instead of the old yellow, but I don't think that should be too much of a problem).

All this babbling is to say that I really appreciate the direction LEGO is headed: expanding the past to improve the future.


It seems a bit silly that TLG tries to pull away anything we know about 2009 when we all now know and the information is almost completely true (I doubt Kraken Attack will change much due to the price bracket, so there probably won't be some brick built monster. I ought to buy an Aqua raiders set!)

I just don't get AFOLs sometimes. With all the complaints about the modern incarnations of town, castle, and space, it seemed that only a classic approach to the old themes would satisfy them. And now here we are, with a new Pirate theme that is strikingly similar to the old one - and people still are complaining like crazy! TLC took special care to make a theme that stayed close to its roots, and basically all many of the older fans of Lego can say is that it's inferior and uninnovative.

Seriously, I'm begining to think that the only thing that would please some of the members here would for TLC to stop producing any original sets, and only re-release old sets. I dunno why this is, but maybe it stems from nostalga and a feeling of loyalty to the old lego sets (again though, I'm not sure). Regardless, this constant complaining and negativity is really sad, because TLC has jumped back from the Dark Ages, whether you guys can see it or not. TLC is finally trying to please both adults and kids by bringing back their classic themes, instead of focusing on seemingly easy money-makers and pointless licsensed themes (which were the products of the Dark Ages). Can't you guys be greatful that TLC is no longer churning out stuff like that? :pir-sceptic:

Please guys, focus on the positives: Pirates is back, it's not 4-Jr or Duplo, and it looks a lot like the classic lego pirates. We all need to support TLC in doing this, instead of longing for Legends and the old days of doing things. TLC may be different today, but it's getting better every year, and will only continue to improve. That's a sign of rejoicing to me, and IMO it should be for the rest of you. :pir-blush:

Well Said, I can't wait for the line to come out...besides if it is a success I am sure we will see many more cool sets and new parts over the coming years


Alright, I admit, I cried :pir-blush:

Looks like all the folders have gone now; here's the latest.

-Thankyou, Phes-

Mister Phes is the ultimate Pirate LEGO fanatic. After emerging from his "Dark Age" in 2002 he realised most of the world had all but forgot this wonderful LEGO theme and vowed to do whatever was required to unite the remaining Pirate LEGO fanatics. This website and forum is the result of that vow.

Now you need a new objective :pir-grin:

I just like the humour here; throwing the wench in the sea :pir-tongue:

Tempting the monkey to open the prison with a banana (Disney POTC ride, anyone?)...

But I probably will only get the small sets, as I have enough Pirates already, and I can get the special parts (i.e for MOCing) off BL...

According to the folder name, these may be released in May 2009. It'll be a shame if we have to wait that long. Maybe Lego will take advantage of the excitement and allow early preorders through S@H.

I'm sure that we'll be seeing reviews long before then; TLC is far too leaky to keep Pirates locked up till May...

Anyone else disappointed that there are no sets that show more then 3 soldiers? If the picture on page 21 is the Soldier's Fort, why are there only 2 soldiers and 1 officer. It just makes it harder for army builders to...build armies. Well, I hope Lego will release a soldier pack.

We may get a blister pack like in Castle, although I'd doubt it...

And anyway, for once a ship comes with enemies, so be thankful for that :pir-wink:

Really not that much, when you think of a new line...

But re-releases practically are new moulds, after 12 years have passed.

It looks like the handle part (that you pull back to fire) is silver.

And the part around it, which doesn't really make sense to me, as they're manufactured seperately...

It doesn't look like it has two holes in it as the original did - I'm sure SlyOwl will be happy with that.

Oh yes, I am! :pir_kiss: Although I probably won't get the ship for quite a while after it's been released, as I've got enough masts e.t.c. fot the time being, and the holes in the hull aren't exactly the most pressing problem for me, as I'm yet to do a full-size MOC ship :pir-hmpf_bad:

I'm sorry, you're going to hate my words but I'm highly disappointed with these new sets... :pir-sceptic:

I like no one of them, I find the faces, the torsos, the flags (!), the parrot and the sails really ugly. So many years waiting for THAT? :pir_bawling:

Aw. I guess this is good for you anyway, as prices of classic pirate sets will drop as demand for new pirates goes up :pir-classic:

Since we aren't aloud to post the pictures, I'm not sure if we can talk about what we've seen in the pictures, so I'll try to be as modest as possible. :pir-tongue:

No pictures, but say all you want :pir-wink:


You know, i take some offense to the AFOL bashing going on here. I'm almost 21, so i consider myself to be an AFOL, and i have almost no problems with these sets. I think, while the sets have minor flaws, they are just what we needed. Just enough nostalgia to satisfy my golden year hunger, and just enough new elements to create new fun and adventure. I think the fact the sets look very similar to the old ones is good, it shows us TLG knows what we loved, and allows us to integrate them (nearly) seemlessly with our old sets. However, i don't think the soldier fort is the greatest of the forts. It is a quality stepping stone for future soldier buildings, and knowing that there are pieces to allow for modular play, i think bigger buildings/forts are on theyre way.


I agree that we should appreciate the new Pirate sets. They are great no matter what, because everybody missed the old pirate sets. :pir-wink: We are getting new pirate sets and a whole new Pirate theme. :pir-cry_happy: Whats better than that? :pir-classic: I plan to get all of the Pirate sets, especially the ship and the fort. :pir-wub: The ship is sweet! It is huge and going to be great, especially with the new pirate captain fig. :pir-sweet:

You know, i take some offense to the AFOL bashing going on here.

I like and share your view on the new Pirates line, but to be honest and although I´m able to understand your feelings I simply

doesn´t like statements like that one above from you or others.

Please note that I don´t try to 'regulate' other persons opinions, but it´s always the same old show going on...

New pics appear, people complain, people complain about people complaining, people praise, people...

Well, you get the concept. *huh*

People here come together to state their opinions, that´s a fine thing and it shouldn´t matter if they love or hate the new sets.

Of course I understand very well that such a sudden rush of feelings induced by new and important pictures quickly runs into

a flood of overly impassioned posts, that´s life.

Personally, I would sometimes prefer more comprehensible statements and finer balanced analyses as well, but my...

The world ain´t perfect I guess. :pir-laugh:

But nevertheless, perhaps it´s time for us all to remember that this is a board for AFOLs indeed,

so let´s start to back up our posts with some more substance and to take the rest just with humor.

Please forgive me that I abused your otherwise very well considered post just to make an example, Moose. :pir-blush:

Ooh, did anyone notice the 1x1 technic brick on the base of the Imperial Fort? Room for expansion, perhaps? default_laugh2.gif

Awesome. Maybe there will be more forts in the future! :sweet:


I don't know about you, but I'm getting at least 3 of these if they're at a good price.

That minifig is just amazing!

Bluebeard, out-

The folder is gone :pir_bawling: Shouldnt have gone to sleep..

Can some one deep link for like 10 minutes then take it down after I see it? Or pm me the pic?


Yum :thumbup:
The folder is gone :pir_bawling: Shouldnt have gone to sleep..

Can some one deep link for like 10 minutes then take it down after I see it? Or pm me the pic?


Save fast! Save fast! :pir-wink:

Edit: whoops. You meant the creator pirate...:pir-blush:

The only things I'm annoyed about with the new pirate ship is that it's too short, and that there's no rigging, other than plastic. The string is a pain in the @$$ to deal with, especially if you're lego's target audience, small children. The length issue can be fixed of course by adding another hull piece... but we'd have to buy another, and I don't want to buy another one that's probably going to cost 80 bucks...


the Treasure island set looks pretty terible but... It has very cool pieces.... Did any one notice the cast-aways legs? thankfully only his bottom half of his pants were ripped off :pir-tongue: also the cool fish piece


no hard feelings asuka. i understand where youre coming from. and i wasnt really offended, i just wanted to respond to a previous lengthy post claiming all AFOL's were complaining regardless of home the sets would turn out. i just wanted to show that there were some who werent complaining and are actually thrilled about the line. i hope it lasts for years to come

no hard feelings asuka. i understand where youre coming from. and i wasnt really offended, i just wanted to respond to a previous lengthy post claiming all AFOL's were complaining regardless of home the sets would turn out. i just wanted to show that there were some who werent complaining and are actually thrilled about the line. i hope it lasts for years to come

Ah, now I understand... I think... :pir-look::pir-grin:

You´re talking about someone else´s fulsome generalizing of all AFOLS being allways against everything at anytime

and not about people who simply don´t like the new sets... :pir-tongue:

So basically the intention of your post was almost the same as mine: calm down, don´t worry (and try to read the posts

more in context). :pir-laugh:

This makes my choosing of your post to start a rant about people ranting really poetical... in a weird way. :pir-blush:

So yeah, I really hope they´ll stay around for more than just one year, and it´s interesting to speculate about the scheming of

that line....

I guess that one of the benefits of the new Castle line, beside some nice set design, great costumes and simply being the

successor of KK´s the well timed addition of new and interesting factions. Knights, skeletons, dwarfs, orcs and trolls, and,

of course, dragons, magicians and perhaps even elves... plenty of stuff for several years. With Classic Pirates it looks a little

difficult for sure to stay for two or three years, and well built sets alone´re maybe not enough - it needs good plots, intriguing

story elements and in general a lot of cleverness to keep people excited over such a long time, and I hope TLC´ll play their cards well.

I´ll stay curious anyways. :jollyroger: on!


Oh lordy, 20 pages! I'll just throw my 2 pennies in knowing I'll undoubtedly copy someone else.

I love these new sets and can't wait. I'm more excited about them then anything in the last 3 or 4 years at least. I hope this is merely the first step in the turn around to more sets from days past. The ship looks very similar in size to the Baracuda, and the other sets are eerily reminiscent of other pirate sets. I think that's why I like them so much and I don't doubt they'll fit right in with the old sets.

Some random observations(sure to have been noticed by now)

-new pirate flags

-black barrels

-dynamite(I am oldschool and prefer the tile)

-dark green gator

-gold spyglass!!

-new parrot?

-lots of new torsos

-brick patterns appear to be stickers and not printed

-shooting cannons!!!(woohooo!!)

-blue rowboat

-yellow/gold chest

-Old pirate with torn pants patterned legs!!(awesome)

-dark green bandanas

-silver(maybe) and gold(maybe) epaulettes

-new helmet medallions(look to be stickers but maybe not)

-new prison door(to my eye it looks different somehow)

And my favorite of all is that there looks to be at least one 10 dollar price point set with a cannon. That's going to be huge for army building and finally having enough to fill out the fortress I've built.

All in all I think this is a great start and I fully expect the line to continue with a second release. The good guys have to have a ship and the pirates have to have a hideout. It's the natural order of things. :pir-tongue:

You´re talking about someone else´s fulsome generalizing of all AFOLS being allways against everything at anytime

Actually, I didn't say that all AFOL's were doing that - I only was pointing out that there was a lot of complaining going on despite the awesomeness of having a pirate line similar to the old one. Look at this topic, and you'll see nearly as many negative posts as positive ones.

I realize that there are some AFOL's posting very postive comments about the Pirates, though, so please don't take offense at my post. :pir-blush:

  • Governor

To be genuinely critical one must evaluate both their likes and dislikes of the subject under critique.

I've created a thread in which teh reviewer must state what they like and what they dislike about these new sets. There will be no debate nor discussion based on their response, each reviewer will have the opportunity to share their thoughts.

Head over to the Impression Reviews thread if you wish to participate.

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