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  Brainbox said:
Which means that soon all the old sets will be written off as an alternate universe...

HA! Very nice. Maybe Lego should come out with "Crisis on Ininfite Lego Themes" in order to reconcile all the alternate universes.

Wonderful news indeed! I really love all these new vehicles, even if it seems that we would finally need some new dimensions and

bigger road plates for our town layouts now.... perhaps TLC should recolor the old ones in tan or brown to give us some

byways for the country side... :laugh:

That farm project´s simply astounding, and with the town people set it really looks like all AFOL dreams´re coming true... well,

at least all of those which´re also suitable for children... he he, I can´t wait for the test drive in my next year´s road roller! :grin:

Ugh, I'm not sure I'm liking the cows much. They look a little too duplo-esque for me. Maybe the final designs will be better? At this point, I think I prefer the fan made ones.


I just noticed something. Take a close look at the torso of the combine harvester driver. The torso looks like a blue version of the guy with the coffe mug in that set. That could be really useful for gangs, the same jacket, two different colours. Hope its not preliminary :sceptic:

Those torsos are nothing new ive got a few :sadnew: .

  Pencoin said:
Those torsos are nothing new ive got a few :sadnew: .

In blue? Really? I think not.

You are right, there ain't such a torso in light blue i think. I only know the red one from, for example, the new gas station.

Best "city" set ever?


Might wanna resize that pic before it gets taken off, HC. I think it will have great use in a city but I will have to see what the deal is with the 'soft top' roof on Indy's car. :look:

Edited by Skinny Boy

Took a long time before lego come with these new city sets. Playmobil has these kinds whole the time. I really love these new city sets, I might even buy some :classic: .

Only 1 problem, where to put these sets? My attic is already too full. Can it be too too full?

I must say i also love the new construction sets, not only the farm sets which are :wub: I agree that they might be oversized, but we already have that with some of the new coast guard sets and other stuff. If the size is beeing blown up because all th amazing detail in the sets, i can go with that. :thumbup:

City offering looks great next year, particularly for those of us who want more civilians. :wink: I'm probably not the only one who noticed a white fedora in the farm set. :laugh:

Edited by Canticleer blues

I love the farm sets, they're really cool :classic: !

  highlandcattle said:
Wow juniorisation seems to be back in full swing! Lots of technic stuff (blech)

I am getting the farm, the small tractor and the horse trailer. The brickforge cows look so much better.

What Juniorisation? your kidding me right? These have to be some of the most detailed, and realistic sets we've recieved in recent momory, if not THEE most detailed setsTLC had ever given us.

  Cardinal Brick said:
I have to say I think there’s something very wrong in Legoland the amount of construction crews is beyond belief! Do they keep having natural disasters or are they just tearing down old sets? On a more serious notes I think they’re probably the best construction sets we’ve had from Lego for a long time, I personally like the larger size it’s much more realistic in my opinion.

I completly agree. By far the best construction sets we've ever gotten from TLC. Period. I really can't remeber them giving us anything better. And i complettly agree that the size just adds to the realisim of the sets. Construction equipment aren't supposed to be the same size as the family sedan!

The crawler crane is great! Looks like the boom is a new piece! I love it. My favorite is the construction site. Not only do we get a nice crane, but an elevator tower, building, mini excavator, and on top of all that, a real nice semi truck and trailer to transport everything to the next construction site!

  Cardinal Brick said:
As for the far well what can I say but I can’t wait to buy the combine harvester just so I can start a topic with the title ‘I got a brand new combine harvester An' I'll give you the key’ though that wont mean much to most people here. The rest of the sets are also very well put together it’s nice of Lego to make something outside the usual city sets. I must mention the Land Rover which looks black and rather expensive, much like most Land Rovers I encounter. Though the size of it does make me think the Chelsea tractor debate has now entered the Lego world.

"Cause i'm the son of a third generation farmer.....!

Been married 10 years to the farmers daughter....!

Got two boys and a county 4-H, i'm the life memeber of the FAA, Heyyyyy!

Thats a what i say, make alot a hay, for alittle pay.. Thats why i'll say...

I'm a hard working, god fairing combine driver!

Hoggin up the road in my pl- pl- pl- plower!

Chuga-luga-lung'in 5 miles an hourrrr....

On my International Haverster!!!!!!

That my not be the exact words in the song, but are from what i can remember from my head.

Yes, the combine is fantastic! Lots of detail, and the colors are fantastic! great addtion to the farm line up!

The 4WD SUV and hourse trailer is great too! Lots of detail, and the 4WD could easily be modded to be a full expetion rig!

  Brainbox said:
That farm really is quite nice. The cows look great, and the tractor with the digger-bucket is cool. I notice we've got red and blue for the tractors, the definitive tractor colours, which is good. The buildings are less good, but they're not bad. With a barn, a grain tower and a stable they've covered all the bases, really. I can also see a brown ladder, and a tan fedora, whcih is good. I knew they'd end up using the fedora elsewhere. Although... the figures are perhaps just a little bit stereotyped... the man with the fedora especially. :laugh:

I think TLC did a preety darn good job for the first wave of Farm. I think they did a great job on the tractors, as well as the barn. Like you said, they all there bases covered. On thing i really like about the Farm set is the little lawn tractor! I'm surprised no one has meantioned it yet! The cows are great, but know we'll need some more animals to complete the farm!

  Skinny Boy said:
I think it will have great use in a city but I will have to see what the deal is with the 'soft top' roof on Indy's car. :look:

In the raiders of the lost Ark, Indie fell through the roof of the convertable. Thats why you see the hole in the roof.

I like the cow when i get it i'll have to compare it to the Brickforge version.

these look so cool.

Edited by LEGOMAN132

The farm sets don't impress me :sceptic: The farm itself is very <insert that tiresome argument> with large pieces. The combine harvester is obviously good, just for being a combine harvester :tongue:

"Oh I've got a brand new Combine Harvester and I'll give you the key,

So come on let's all get together in perfect harmony

Oh I've got twenty acres, and you've got fourty-three

Oh I've got a brand new Combine Harvester and I'll give you the key."


The construction sets are pretty good. I like the largest one, with the 'shop' being built (have we had a construction set in the past 8 years that has actually been building something?). The smaller ones are okay. City Life looks great, however, and will be a good addition to my GG/MS layout. :thumbup:


I don't see why people complain "<insert that tiresome argument>" anytime there are large pieces. Newer sets are not like Jack Stone, Town Jr, etc. - if they have large pieces it is to add scale, and you can see in the farm set that there are no less detail pieces despite the roofs and pillars. That tractor certainly is not <insert that tiresome argument> - like most new sets it is far more intricate than the sets of old. As far as I am concerned, Lego has now nicely married the large bricks to provide scale, and smaller bricks to provide detail (ok so it does look like this farm has less ordinary building bricks).

Now I do think the farm is a bit lacking in terms of being an interesting design (just a big silo, barn loft and stables, and a tractor that I'm not interested in?) but that is a different complaint from juniorisation.

The sets are alright..... I give it a 7/10 overall. The farm as everyone has stated is too simplistic with the bare bones amount of bricks to make it look "cluttered." I think they should have gone with the direction of some of our greatest MOCers by adding a carrot field (8x8 carrots) or a corn field or tall grasses that need to be cut. Throw in a smaller tractor to take away from the loss of using so many pieces while leaving the barn and stable looking rather naked. On top of that add the Silo, farm equipment, and animals. However, I give TLC huge props for coming up with farming sets because many people have been waiting such a long time for a breath of fresh air in their city products.

That construction site with the modular building looks like a real apartment building in Tokyo where the actual structure itself is movable like lego pieces. I can imagine putting in living amenities as though they are small "on-the-go" apartments. This set is one of the highlights for me.

The horse stable is nice but too simplistic in a sense. It looks too darn real too 0_o I never thought I would say something like that. The equestrian rider however, wow, fabulous.

All the other tractors are HUGE. Given all this emphasis on tractors, TLC needs to provide something to mow down.

I thought that there would be a camper of some sort. I really want some happy fun sets like a trailer or a camper with a bike. I also would have welcomed a small sized plane for 2009 just like that mini postal plane in 2008. Planes sell well, and I will cont. buying them, each and everyone of them, so please TLC continue that one up as well : ). Thanks for all the wonderful new sets, I hope they are a big hit! :classic:

OMG...TLG...why are you doing this to me...love the construction and farm sets.....Another very expensive year for me in 2009, i will by them all. I have always wanted a bulldozer....just amazing!

  legobear said:
All the other tractors are HUGE. Given all this emphasis on tractors, TLC needs to provide something to mow down.

That's a great point. What is that gigantic combine supposed to be harvesting? Some simple fields, with a brown baseplate and some vegetation would have been a nice touch.

I can't shake my disappointment with the barn. It's just four pillars with a hayloft. Every barn I've ever seen (and I grew up in downstate Illinois) has had actual, you know ... WALLS.

The tractors, cows, figs, etc. all look terrific though. And I love the lawn mower. It's the wrong color though. It should be John Deere green! :classic:

you can compare the lego sets with the playmobil farm sets





their farm is far more detailed...

Okay, I really couldn't wait to write my analysis of the new kits until I got back from vacation. I guess it's because they are so awesome. :classic:

Digger - A really nice small set that would probably look good even in smaller towns, since the size isn't enormous. I also want to say right now that the new cauion signs are awesome, so I'm glad we're getting them in almost every new construction set.

Dump Truck - Some people don't seem to like the technic dumper, but personally I think it's an ingenious alternative to using a big mold or regular bricks. I'm also glad that this kit is at a reasonable scale, unlike the GIGANTIC dump truck from 2005. Man, that kit was more like a dump tank, which is why it's one of the few CITY sets that I hate. :thumbdown:

Pavement Roller - I like this kit, even though it's not as good as some of the other ones. Using the Viking wheels with the new hexagon pieces actually looks pretty good, and the overall design is pretty decent. Plus, I'm not sure if we've ever gotten a pavement roller before, so that's awesome (someone please correct me if I'm wrong - I'm not totally sure).

Bulldozer - This kit looks great, and it seems really well designed, but it has the same problem the previously mentioned dump "tank" has: it's ginormous. I doubt that this vehicle would fit into any town at all - even a town with a heavy CITY presence. Oh well, at least the kids will love it.

Crane - Okay, what is with that giant one-piece crane shaft? I'm not usually against big molds if they serve a purpose, I draw the line at molds that big that have barely any construction points. Also, the crane as a whole seems kinda thrown together - it pales in comparison to the awesome dump truck and digger. Again, the kids will love it, but there's not really much here for older fans. :sceptic:

Construction Site - Yes, this is the best of them all! Look at the value - you get a mobile crane, a decently scaled transport truck, a small digger, a lift, and an actual building in progress! This is really wonderful, as I've been tired of seeing so many construction kits without actual stuff for them to construct (even the older days had this problem). The set as a whole looks really well designed, and I'm thinking this could be the best seller of them all due to the high play value. :classic:

Tractor - Firstly, I've gotta say that it's plain awesome that we're FINALLY getting farm sets. It took TLC nearly half a century, but lego minifigs are finally going into agriculture. Now, as for the tractor, I love it! It's not exceedingly big, and has a good design. A winning combination, if you ask me.

Truck and Horse Trailer - That is a NICE truck, I've gotta say. And I love the little trailer as well, although I hope it has a decent back. And yay, a plain horsey! :sweet:

Combine Harvester - Man, this is sure a big set. However, since these vehicles are ginormous in real life as well (although not quite as big as this). I'll let it pass. It looks well designed as well, and has a great piece selection. Only question is, where's the darn crop fields? :look:

Farm - Awesome! This is wonderful as a playset - and I can see just as many girls buying this as boys. The barn and silo are a bit disapointing, but overall they look very decent. And the feeding stable, tractor, and minifigs are awesome (finally, a female!). Best of all: COWS! :sweet:

City Life - This kit is simply spectacular. In one small box you get three road signs, a stoplight, a bench, a fire hydrant, a cart with box, and four minifigs - including another female! Man, I love everything about it! :wub:

I think I may actually purchase all the farm sets, since I love them so much. They won't fit in my town, but I would love to have a separate country display made with these sets. I'll probably purchase the digger too, as my current one is not the greatest, and the City Life kit is a must for me. Overall, this looks to be the best year for CITY ever, and I'm hoping that we'll get more farm sets. Maybe a farmer's cottage, or milking barn, or riding stable? The possibilities are amazing! :sweet:

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