January 30, 200916 yr My thoughts on the new sets. EDIT : ( Before reading , i want you to know, i was really kind on this review. ) Titanium Command Rig:Great set ( In my opinoin ). I like the the big tower , though i do think it is slightly pointless considering they are collecting cyrstals, not oil!! Definatley getting it though. 9/10 Rock Wrecker:Can't make my mind up on this one ,i like sulfurix but the set is slightly wierd. Maybe a buy ,depends what else is on offer. 5/10 Cyrstal King:Love him. Cyrstal King vs Mining Mech, hmmmm , interesting. I want it. 8/10 Edited January 30, 200916 yr by The crazy one
January 31, 200916 yr Im actualy begining to like these new power minrs, even though i was extreamly sceptical to begin with. But i think they are starting to look a little better with the new giant rock monster and more dynomite. But for my age (15) they still dont seem as great as some other theams I'm surprised people dislike the colours so much. They are realistic afterall. kind of makes me think what these powr miners would look like in real life
January 31, 200916 yr Despite the Command Rig's mediocrity, I still think it's miles above it's cousin: Heh, I'm not so sure if I agree with you. Honestly, I think they're both at about the same level - great concepts that were totally ruined by skeletal design and the "necessity" of a megasuperawesomewow function.
February 1, 200916 yr Heh, I'm not so sure if I agree with you. Honestly, I think they're both at about the same level - great concepts that were totally ruined by skeletal design and the "necessity" of a megasuperawesomewow function. At least the lime green is actually consistent with the color scheme of the rest of the theme in the Command Rig. Here it makes absolutely no sense and it's really ugly.
February 1, 200916 yr I totally didn't notice there is a very cool looking crane arm on the titanium command rig. I also fail to see how it turns into a tower, but hey, I like surprises. I don't think you would just tip it vertically. The new wave seems much less original, and I dislike them. I however adore the first wave - I have all their sets, which I cannot say about many other new themes.
February 2, 200916 yr At least the lime green is actually consistent with the color scheme of the rest of the theme in the Command Rig. Here it makes absolutely no sense and it's really ugly. Yeah, but the biggest remaining complaint about Power Miners has always been that "the color scheme is ugly and nonsensical." Not that I agree with that, but still. Also, I don't really mind the lime on the Mobile Devastator, since the main color scheme was consistent with the other 2007 Robot vehicles (black and a bright secondary color). It's the OTHER colors that bother m - the dark red, normal red, trans red, zamor orange, and yellow. How nonsensical is that? Edited February 2, 200916 yr by Grevious
February 3, 200916 yr Yeah, but the biggest remaining complaint about Power Miners has always been that "the color scheme is ugly and nonsensical." Not that I agree with that, but still. Also, I don't really mind the lime on the Mobile Devastator, since the main color scheme was consistent with the other 2007 Robot vehicles (black and a bright secondary color). It's the OTHER colors that bother m - the dark red, normal red, trans red, zamor orange, and yellow. How nonsensical is that? You might call it ugly, but it's not nonsensical; all of the vehicles are consistent. There's no disgusting pile of random colors like there are in the Mobile Devastator. I simply feel that, from what we've seen, the Command Rig is more realized than the Devastator, though not by much. It seems less... jumbled. Not that I think it's an extraordinary set. The Summer PW wave seems much less inspired than the Winter wave. Same goes for Bionicle. I hope Agents isn't affected by this downhill trend.
February 4, 200916 yr I have found a secret power miners game! http://powerminers.lego.com/en-us/games/caveconvoy.aspx Credit to the guy on lego.com who found it
February 4, 200916 yr Those bigger rock monsters fill me with memories... And while I agree that Power Miners doesn't capture the gritty mining feel the way RR did, I still like it. The monsters here remind me of the ice and magmas monsters from that book anyways. (More so, even, than the somewhat mediocre original rock-monsters.) Edited February 4, 200916 yr by Gunnar
February 6, 200916 yr Some new prices for Germany (from the Toy Fair). Maybe for other european countires, too? 8962 King of the monsters €15,99 8964 Mobile Bohrmachine €89,99 8708 Rock miller €49,99 Greetings 'Bricks'
February 6, 200916 yr The nstructions for the BB are now online aswell: http://cache.lego.com/bigdownloads/buildin...ons/4561687.pdf
February 12, 200916 yr Now i see the feature of the command rig, i must say it is great and a must buy!
February 15, 200916 yr Content removed, sorry for the trouble. Edited February 15, 200916 yr by cagri
February 15, 200916 yr What are you talking about? They had blue helmets since the beginning of the line...
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