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Well...Some more info from an Dutch Ambassador:

Het is een van de aardmonsters, minifig-sized monstertjes deels uit steen (NwDkGrijs) en TrBlauw,TrGroen,TrRood, TrOranje (en volgens mij meer kleuren) die allemaal een kristal bij (in) zich hebben. (mondje scharniert open, kristal past er in.) De monsters en kristallen schijnen elementair te zijn (rood voor vuur, blauw voor water etc). De monstertjes hebben NwDkGrijs armpjes die ook in minifigtorsootjes passen, en vice versa.

(Natuurlijk moeten de waardevolle kristallen door de menselijke protagonisten gejat worden. Overeenkomsten met het schaamteloos opgebruiken van natuurlijke bronnen en in gevaar brengen van niet-menselijke wezens in het echt (zoals ook in de Mars-mission serie) berusten volledig op toeval )

Om helemaal compleet te zijn; het openscharnierende mondje van de monsters (qua functionaliteit vergelijkbaar met een scharnierend deksel van een prullenbak) zit vast met scharnieren die vergelijkbaar zijn met finger hinges. Dit betekent helaas niet dat finger hinges terugkomen; ze zijn met finger hinges gestopt omdat ze naar verloop van tijd te soepel werden en geen gewicht meer konden dragen. Bij het ' prullenbakmodel' van het monstertje maakt dit weinig uit, want de ' deksel' blijft (als het poppetje rechtop staat) toch wel dicht zitten. Daarom konden ze hier deze scharnieren wel gebruiken.

I'll try to translate it later, or maybe someone wants to be first with it :tongue:

Small piece of text:

Minifigs arms will fit into the monsters arm holes, and vice versa..


I mean the Monster arms could make a good Clayface fig.

It seems that the monsters and crystals are elemental (Water,Fire Etc). The parrels to todays world are coincidental.

Posted (edited)

Wow, these are ugly. The one with the orange Mahritoran blades is nice, but the rest are bad. And those Rock monster things keep getting fatter... Has lego ruined a potentially good theme?

Woah, hold it, Dynamite? I might require some of that... :classic:

Edited by ~VBBN~

Yay!!! Dynamite!!! and not on a printed 1x2 flat tile!!!

I like the mech suit thing and the monsters...other than that, they're ok, but not the best.


i like them , i hate them ,and now i love them. thats how i feel about this theme now that we have new pictures and the only sets that i hate are the big truck and the drill the rest look rocktastic.Also is the dynamite a new peice or have we seen it before ,but if we have seen it before then why would it be showen in every picture clearly and out in the open???


i just noticed that the boxes are numbered like the agents theme but i cant find a number on the smallest set and why are the monsters short blobs (are the jabba the hutts kids after the have been frozen in carbon :tongue: )

Posted (edited)

I'm loving the new crystals...and I'll have to buy at least a couple sets for some more dynamite (there's one in the imperial fort in Pirates 09 too =D). By the way, I ran those comments from the Dutch ambassador through Babelfish; and then I tried to make sense of them, here's what I got (Points I find important have a (!) in them) :

The stone monsters are "nature monsters", minifig-sized monsters made partly of stone (Dark Bley) and TransBlue, TransGreen, TransRed, and TransOrange (and according to me there are more (!) ) that all have a crystal. (The mouths open; the crystals fit in.) The monsters and colors seem to be elementary; that is, red for fire, blue for water, and so on (!).

The monsters have Dark Bley arms that fit in minifig arm sockets, and vice versa (!). Of course, the human characters must steal their crystals. Correspondance to the real life shameless use of resources and endangerment of non-human life, as in Mars Mission, is purely coincidental.

For the monsters to be complete, the opening mouth (similar to the hinge on a catchpenny barge [uh...what?]) is done with articulation similar to "feign hinges" (! - anyone know what this is?). Unfortunately, this does not mean that feign hinges return; they were stopped because they became loose over time. In the monster this is a little different, since the usual position of the head is closed; thus their ability to use these articulations here.

Uh...so what's a feign hinge?

[NOTE: I make no claims to the accuracy of this translation; but it seems reasonable. I really think that the "according to me there are more" should be "I think there are more", but it seemed reasonable that he would say that if he KNEW there were more =P]


Edited by Trexxen

That new Dynamite looks pretty neat. Where abouts are the numbered boxes? I don't like that new (?) drill bit or the helmets in blue. I really like the monsters though because here are many different colours. I don't see why other people don't see the appeal or have little fat rock monsters terrorising the LEGO city.

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