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And so Day 6 begins...no deaths...no clues...Eight players remain-7 citizens and 1 killer...


You have all been sent instructions by PM explaining who you are and what your objectives/night actions are. Read these PMs very carefully. They are very clear on what you need to do in order to win this game. Make sure you understand what it is your character needs to do in order to win. The information is there for you, make sure you understand it.

Each day of the game will consist of a day and a night. During the day, you have the option to condemn one citizen of Moonlight to be executed. You are a group of vigilantes now, taking the law into your own hands to gain back control of your streets. Only at the beginning of the next day will you learn if you've killed a fellow Citizen or a Baritone. The day will last for four real time days or until a conviction is made. If no conviction is made, then no one is executed. Once the day is over, the night begins which is when you can PM your night actions to me.

To vote for another player, your vote must appear in bold in this format Vote: (Name of player or character). In order for a player to be convicted they must be condemned by a majority of the players. On Day 6, a player must have 5 votes to be condemned.

If you have any questions, please ask in the discussion thread or PM me.

Please remember:

  1. You cannot edit your posts.
  2. You must be active in the game to retain your position as a participant.
  3. Your votes must appear in bold.
  4. If you have Night Actions, make sure to PM them to me when the Day ends.


Adam - Al killed by a fire during Night 2

AgentRick57 - Rhonda

Bob the Construction Man - Betty condemned during Day 4

DJ Force - Florence killed during Night 1

Dragonator - Darlene

ImperialShadows - Ivan

IScreamClone - Iris condemned during Day 5

lego12 - Lee killed during Night 1

Norrington - Neal condemned on Day 2

Pencoin - Pete

professor flitwick - Flint killed during Night 4

ptdapen - Mayor condemned on Day 3

Quarryman - Steve

randomparrot - Patty killed by Carter during Night 2

Sir Dillon - Dillon

Skinny Boy - Carter

stash2sixx - Stan killed during Day 4

Thomas B. - Tom killed during Night 1

Trexxen - Trekk killed by a fire during Night 2

VBBN - Veronica killed during Night 4

White Fang - Sky

And so it begins. This seems to be more than the end of the beginning, it might actually be the beginning of the end.

So, who could that last, lone gunman be. Assuming it's a man, who uses a gun. But as The Arsonist was killed I think it's safe to assume that the remaining killer is one of those who uses a gun. After all, we've had lots of people being shot here lately :cry_sad: Anyway, I need a drink while pondering who this crazy gunslinger might be. Ivan, pour me a strong one, please.

I'm glad that nobody was killed last night. And do you know why? Because the bloody bastard came after me! :angry: Luckily my dear brither-in-law Ivan threw the rascal down the stairs. Your my hero Ivan. :wub: Now, I want to know who the ****er is that attacked me! You'll not get away with it, there's only one of you know, and seven of us. Come out and I promise we wont hurt you... much. :devil:

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The day is interrupted when shots ring outside.


Everyone runs out to a horrific site: Pete the Garbage Man being gunned down in the street!


They catch a glimpse of a figure dressed all in white ducking off into an alley...


Pete stares into space and with his last ounce of strength says "W...ww...www...wo...wo...wuh...wuh..." and dies.

Searching Pete's belongings, it appears the day-killer has taken another citizen. But Pete is no serial killer, he was a good man and may he rest in peace.

It now takes only 4 votes to convict on day 6...

:oh3: Wha...

But who! Who was the lunatic that took out Pete! That's another citizen, gone... :cry_sad: Curse you fate, and your unfortunate turns! Just as we thought we were free of them to...

Right, we need to catch this last bastard, and we need to do it now! Who attacked me last night? I want answers people, and I want them now!

The wuh wuh sounds seem to lead to a possible clue to the murder, plus WHY haven't we gone and clean up the dead bodies all around? They frighten my runnung sessions.

Oh gosh... Even during the day, we are no longer safe... It seemed this Baritones have Day actions instead of Night actions or equally both... Which means, there is a possibility that the last Baritones standing will be very elusive, trying to mingle among us... Oh god... Is there any other clues which we can fall upon to....

People, this is getting us nowhere. We need to take action. The problem is, who should we take action against? Does anybody have any suspicions? Did anyone find out anything last night? We need to find this killer! The bastard won't get away with this! First an attempt on my life, and now poor Pete... We must smoke this last Baritone out, before another one of us dies.

Now, let me think for a few minutes. There are a couple of things I want to get straight.

Steve, what was going on between you and Iris yesterday? You were getting very close to a known Baritone. Tell me, was this just some innocent joking around, or was there something deeper to what you had to say to her?

And Rhonda. I must say I am feeling very suspicious of you at the moment. Throughout this entire week, you have not once voted against a known Baritone. However, you were very happy to vote for Neal when he was under the spotlight. Why? Is it because secretly, you yourself are a Baritone? I have noticed that you have been very quiet in our discussions as well. Is this because you have something to hide? Personally, I feel that you are the most likely candidate for the final Baritone.

Not Pete. He was our last chance to clean this city up. Why would someone kill a garbageman in the middle of the street? Yes, the Baritones are twisted, but how'd they get away with this. Maybe if we had kept our Mayor. He might have been able to put up some cameras. Maybe we should have an election, but everyone might vote for themselves. This will take even more time

Darlene: Did the wannabe killer, last night, look anything like anyone?

Darlene: Did the wannabe killer, last night, look anything like anyone?

Unfortunately he (or she) got away before we could see who it was. :hmpf_bad:

Your idea is good, but remember, the Mayor was a Baritone, so why would we want to keep him? :tongue:

I am not surprised she make last bitch ditch escaping (OOC: I don't care, I liked the joke the first time, too).

I was watching the teevees last night between the doing other things and the saving Darlene's life, and I happen on the Columbus. He said ocean blue and then solve the mysteries, it quite amazing. Columbo? Oh. Well, you know, guy in rumple trenchcoat with big cigar. So, he find killer in 90 minute, they all trying to trick him and it done matter, he figure it out because he smart guy. Then he go to arrest killer, they talk, it all nice and peaceful, then music play. We need try that.

*puts on trenchcoat*

Ok, hellos there. I am the Columbo, I am with El Lay Pee Dees, homocide (ut oh, I didn't even know that about the Pete, well, whatevers). I am glad you all are assemblied here because I am going to reveals ... a killer!

*looks around room as dramatic music plays, seeing the remaining citizens and one bastard Baritone*

AgentRick57 - Rhonda

Dragonator - Darlene

ImperialShadows - Ivan

Quarryman - Steve

Sir Dillon - Dillon

Skinny Boy - Carter

White Fang - Sky

Now, for the various reasons and because my script say so, I am knowing that Ivan and Darlene are innocent. For those of you without benefit of script, we know that there is one killer left and that they can vouch for each other, so we will trust that.

What was that? You not like that I find Ivan innocent alreadies? Get your own damn teevee show then. Moving on! :angry:

AgentRick57 - Rhonda

Dragonator - Darlene

ImperialShadows - Ivan

Quarryman - Steve

Sir Dillon - Dillon

Skinny Boy - Carter

White Fang - Sky

What else are we knowing? Well... someone attacking the Darlene in night. Sadly, without brave hero who save her being able to identify attacker, that is not the helping.

We know Carter is traitor, but still citizen. Oh yes, he love betting the doggies, but he paid off his loan with shotgun blast to first Godfather and while I would not be overly trusting of him, I do not think he can go from traitor to Baritone, that would be silly, so he is out.

AgentRick57 - Rhonda

Dragonator - Darlene

ImperialShadows - Ivan

Quarryman - Steve

Sir Dillon - Dillon

Skinny Boy - Carter

White Fang - Sky

And then there were four.

Do we have more clue? Where clues? Someone pleased to be bringing me clues! Oh, here is one.

*plays tape*

Pete stares into space and with his last ounce of strength says "W...ww...www...wo...wo...wuh...wuh..." and dies.

I know that song... :wacko:

Ok, I am stumped. Dammit. :sceptic:

Your idea is good, but remember, the Mayor was a Baritone, so why would we want to keep him? :tongue:

Sorry, this old mind forgets things.

Nice investigating Ivan. Very Columbo-esque. I think we should hear from Dillon. He's the only one who hasn't said anything. Maybe he's pissed off cos he couldn't get Darlene last night. He's probably listening to 'Zeppelin right now.

:laugh: Thanks for that Ivan. Well, that leaves us with four choices. I don't think it is Sky, I have seen no reasons so far to suspect him. Dillon seems clean, and, although Steve was flirting with a known Baritone yesterday, I don't think he is the one. That leaves Rhonda, who has not once voted on a Baritone, and the one time she did vote, it was against Neal. As a lawyer, although I cannot say the evidence is solid, there is more evidence pointing to her than anyone else.

What do the rest of you think? Am I on to something?

Opps, sorry Carter, I didn't hear you. Yes, that could possibly be why Dillon hasn't said anything. That or he can't get his lazy megablocks out of bed. :tongue:

Dillon, did you attack me last night? Wait, even if you did, why would you tell me? Oh this is getting us nowhere. :hmpf_bad:

Steve, what was going on between you and Iris yesterday? You were getting very close to a known Baritone. Tell me, was this just some innocent joking around, or was there something deeper to what you had to say to her?

As you might recall I voted for her before starting that whole joking session, so yes, that was just joking around, nothing serious to it. And also, two days ago I cast the final vote for Betty. Would I do that if I were up to no good? No, didn't think so. As for my actions earlier in the week I was, as I said, hiding at home (OOC: or being played by an inactive player, goes for the same :tongue:)

And Rhonda. I must say I am feeling very suspicious of you at the moment. Throughout this entire week, you have not once voted against a known Baritone. However, you were very happy to vote for Neal when he was under the spotlight. Why? Is it because secretly, you yourself are a Baritone? I have noticed that you have been very quiet in our discussions as well. Is this because you have something to hide? Personally, I feel that you are the most likely candidate for the final Baritone.

Agreed, I was thinking the same thing. And that "W...ww...www...wo...wo...wuh...wuh..." could have been trying to say "woman" or "women". Only thing that starts with "wo" around here that I can think of at the moment.

:laugh: Thanks for that Ivan. Well, that leaves us with four choices. I don't think it is Sky, I have seen no reasons so far to suspect him. Dillon seems clean, and, although Steve was flirting with a known Baritone yesterday, I don't think he is the one. That leaves Rhonda, who has not once voted on a Baritone, and the one time she did vote, it was against Neal. As a lawyer, although I cannot say the evidence is solid, there is more evidence pointing to her than anyone else.

What do the rest of you think? Am I on to something?

Yes, I think you're on to something. And thanks for trusting me. :classic:

Agreed, I was thinking the same thing. And that "W...ww...www...wo...wo...wuh...wuh..." could have been trying to say "woman" or "women". Only thing that starts with "wo" around here that I can think of at the moment.

Makes sense. Rhonda, is a woman, and is currently being a little suspected. Remeber, the last 3 godfathers have been women. We might be getting somewhere with this :look:

We might be getting somewhere with this :look:

Indeed we might. Well, I deem there to be enough evidence, so to set the ball rolling, I will cast my vote.

Vote: Rhonda (AgentRick57)

Hopefully with this conviction, we will be able to sleep easy in our beds this night.

I think Darlene is right. I will also vote: Rhonda

Vote: Rhonda

Woman. Oh, that's brilliant! I actually was thinking he might be saying Wonda wif a funny accent. Some of you peoples have the funny accent. I have hardest time understanderating you, but woman work even better! :thumbup:

I am seeing things the same way as rest of town. Let us hope we are the rightness!

Vote: Rhonda / AgentRick57

(OOC: is Pete included when calculating how many votes are needed? If he's not we already have a majority.)

(OOC: is Pete included when calculating how many votes are needed? If he's not we already have a majority.)

*kicks Pete*

Hello there! We needs you to make the voting.

*nothing happens*



I do not think he will be voting.

Seriously? well then, let me tell you something. I think that the wuh sounds could lead to a certain fang in white. Also I find this rather Sexist.

Seriously? well then, let me tell you something. I think that the wuh sounds could lead to a certain fang in white. Also I find this rather Sexist.

Ha! Pete would not be knowing anyone by name of fang in white, he would be knowing artist named Sky insteads, Miss Tries-to-be-implicating-someones-elses!

Why not confessing now, hussy? We might take pity and if truck not run over you or safe fall from sky or monkeys steal weapons and terrorize island (whut? :wacko: ), you maybe just go to prison for a few month, come back in:

The Returningses of the Baritones!

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4 votes is enough for a conviction. Another fast day in Moonlight. I will get the results up later tonight. PM me your night actions and let's keeps this ball rolling...

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