February 8, 200916 yr If you would like the site adress here it is.watchclonewarsonline.com I tried, but it says I need "Zango" to watch. Anywhere you can see them without having to download stuff? jifel
February 8, 200916 yr I'm not mad, but if you going to whinge about Anakin and Obi then don't watch it. And perhaps one might want to buy the movie on blu-ray, in the special features it says, this series follows Obi, Anakin and Ashoka. If you want to see this, do like normal people, download it from torrents or do like i do, get it in hd off rapidshare.
February 8, 200916 yr Plus to that there have been a sertain, to put it mild, inaccuracy in Defenders of Peace. Anakin (?) said that the Separatists initiated the war, which is quite untrue, is it not? ) Yes, they did. They were the ones who opened it starting with Naboo. But if you want to get really technical, you could say it was neither, since Sidious orchestrated the whole thing.
February 8, 200916 yr Yes, they did. They were the ones who opened it starting with Naboo. Nope. ) Wrong here. ) Naboo is a separate thing. Plus to that you remember, that the blockade was "perfectly legal", and it happened in fact about 10 years earlier than CW! But not to offtopic in this thread, let's get back to the cartoon. ) Edited February 8, 200916 yr by The Penguin
February 8, 200916 yr Nope. ) Wrong here. ) Naboo is a separate thing. Plus to that you remember, that the blockade was "perfectly legal", and it happened in fact about 10 years earlier than CW! But not to offtopic in this thread, let's get back to the cartoon. ) Yes, but that was when the clone army was started. Plus, the Seperatists kidnapped Obi, Anakin, and Padme first.
February 8, 200916 yr Yes, but that was when the clone army was started. Plus, the Seperatists kidnapped Obi, Anakin, and Padme first. It was. So what? ) What do you mean kidnapped? ) They were trespassing and broke the law of Geonosis. So they were put on trial. Juridically everything is correct. ) Now I really enjoy our conversation, friend, but I guess that it's not an appropriate topic for that, is it? ) Edited February 8, 200916 yr by The Penguin
February 8, 200916 yr I saw Hidden Enemy yesterday, and although I (like many others) was skeptic about the concept of a clone betraying his brothers, I really liked the episode! The idea of a clone developing his own will was very, very good IMO. It always bothered me how the clones had Jango (who is a bad guy and a freakin' bounty hunter!) as a template and are still those good-hearted, super-loyal, honorable warriors! And it was only a matter of time that the clones started realizing that they are all just a mass-produced tool of warfare and began to rebel. I mean, I know that they are genetically altered to be the ultimate soldier and all, but that will not prevent them from developing their own mind, you know? So, if you ask me, an episode like this was almost overdue! Good job, CW makers! Overall, this episode had a good story, a good amount of clone screen-time, and a good amount of lightsaber fight. It'll definitely be one of my favorites. But was anyone else weirded out by that conversation between Obi Wan and Assajj? It almost sounded like she was hitting on him! The music was great: if you notice at the beginning battle its a remixed version of the music to the battle of christosphis from the clone wars movie and the punch up with slicks has Jango Fett's music from episode 2. It led into the movie very well explaining why the droids outnumbered the clones and why the only artillery the republic used was heavy cannons and ventress had to leave to "carry on the next part of her masters plan" and you see her walk up to that octopus grabbing ship thing. The whole episode was just amazing Yes, there truly were some nice "Easter Eggs" in this episode, and it did explain the beginning of the movie quite well. The fact that Jango's theme played in the background of the fight with Slicks was all part of him "going Jango" as Filoni puts it! Honestly, if they got rid of Anakin, Obi and Ahsoka as regular characters, and had Rex be the protagonist, it would be awesomeness X infinity. They can only have so many lightsaber fights where one or both of the participants end up running away due to them appearing in later material. Or at least they get their hand cut off. Seriously, though, you have a point when you say that lightsaber fights can become a little dull after some time. I'm really enjoying the clone-centered episodes too, but I also want to see some good lightsaber fights, so as long as these two things are as well balanced as in this episode, I'll be happy. You are also right that it is a pitty that the writers of this show are limited in what they can do in the episodes by the events in the movies. For example, it would be awesome to see Grievous kick Anakin's megablocks in a lightsaber duel, but as Filoni said in the episode commentary of Duel of the Droids, these two characters can't even meet each other in this show since they meet in RotS for the first time. Oh well, there is still a lot of potential for good lightsaber fights in this show. Mace Windu VS. Grievous anyone? I'm getting sick of all these "Obi-Wan, Anakin episodes" because their always taking the spotlight. Well at least in Trespass they didn't whip out thier lightsabers. Hm... I didn't realize that, but you're probably right that this might be one of the reasons why that episode was so good. I'm quite a big fan of Obi Wan (hence my name ), so I don't have a problem with him being in an episode. However, I, too, would be glad if Anakin wasn't in so many episodes. I find it quite disturbing that they do not show us enough Confederate characters. Of course, we got some new, say Ziro, Lok Durd ( ), Asajj.... but we do not really see the characters, if you understand what I mean, gentlemen. ) All we know, they are "meanies", the want to destroy the Republican forces. The disigners should definitely, in my opiunion, give them some really serious foundation. i like the trend that we can see now about the characters trying to comprehend the war and violence. (Great dialog in Defenders of Peace.), but we are never given the CIS view of the problem. Hope, we shall..... Don't worry, Penguin, there will be such episodes. Filoni even said that there will be an "A Day in the Life of a Battle Droid" episode. Now I really enjoy our conversation, friend, but I guess that it's not an appropriate topic for that, is it? ) No, it's not. I don't know why I ever created this thread if nobody is ever gonna post such conversations there.
February 9, 200916 yr VBBN, they are on starwars.com, appearing a week after they premier, but only two at a time, after that they are gone jifel
February 9, 200916 yr Don't worry, Penguin, there will be such episodes. Filoni even said that there will be an "A Day in the Life of a Battle Droid" episode. Thanks, Kenobi, that's really good news. However, I think a more serious view ould have been much more welcome. ) Good day, gentlemen! )
February 10, 200916 yr I just finish of see "Hidden Enemy" and I really love this new episode , it was just AWESOME!!!! I think the opening sequence is a great introduction to the episode and finally we can see that the BDs can be a lot more serious troops then some of the previous episodes have pointed out . I mean, I think that some comedy is good but they just represent the BDs in a way that you can hardly comprend how the war last 3 years . I really liked the Rex-Cody conversations and dialogues too , I think the writters done a superb job on this episode . The story was great even if I was a bit sceptic by the clichésiness of the episode argument . The way they interviewed the little batallion members was awesome in my opinion and I love all that suspense in that scenes. Also the "droid-fingers necklace" idea was great cause it adds a creppy feeling to the episode . The lightsaber battle was cool but I especially liked the conversetion between Obi Wan and Asajj . It shows how they even battling to death feel "attraction" by each other as Dave Filoni explains in the movie commentary of the 2-discs DVD or the Blu-ray version of the movie (It worths a check in youtube or if you own the movie in this formats cause it express the feelings of Filoni for the series and gives hints to future episode too, I need to advertise anyone that wants to see it that it is an hour and a half commentary ). The near end o the episode explains why the Republic was so outnumbered the CIS army and why they just have the cannons at the beggining of the battle . And to finish I need to admit I just the last melee fight sequence, I think is that shows how the clones are also letal weapons by themselves and not just grabbing a blaster , also we don´t see that kind of fight sequences so it is good to see some diversity in the SW saga. I like how the episode finished and how they manage to give Cody, Rex and the rest of the clones a good participation. At the end, a really good episode and maybe my favorite yet I just wish they continue giving us even better episodes in the future. Keep the excellent work up CW team !!!
February 10, 200916 yr The near end o the episode explains why the Republic was so outnumbered the CIS army and why they just have the cannons at the beggining of the battle Didn't i just say that a page or 2 back? But with proper spelling. Edited February 10, 200916 yr by Captain REX
February 10, 200916 yr The 'Hidden Enemy' episode was well done. The fight scene at the end was a bit biased considering Cody and Rex, who are commanders, got beaten up by a trooper. It was fun to watch anyway. I wonder what will happen to the traitor... It is a bit confusing putting a pre CW movie episode in the series, I didn't tag on until 10 mins through the episode. JD Btw, the upcoming episode about the BD sounds like one of the older CW comics. Volume 4 I think... Edited February 10, 200916 yr by Jammiedodger714
February 10, 200916 yr Didn't i just say that a page or 2 back? But with proper spelling. Yes, you did, Captain Smartypants, but darkrebelion was just reviewing the episode and pointing out what he liked about it. And I don't like bad grammar/spelling either, but I don't nag about, especially when the writer comes from a different country. Not cool. Edited February 10, 200916 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
February 11, 200916 yr Didn't i just say that a page or 2 back? But with proper spelling. Mini mod!!! No, seriously, TCW is looking to go eye to eye with the Tarkovsky cartoon. Okay, not really, but it still looks good. Especially the hour long special this week! Viruses galore...
February 14, 200916 yr I just saw "The Blue Shadow Virus" and "The Thousand Moon Mystery". I liked it! It had some of the best dialogue yet, and it had some key character building for Anakin. However, all the little talking between Anakin and Padme wasn't very subtle, for a secret couple. I liked the Doctor, too, even if he did have too much of a German accent. The bomb squad clones were great! And yet, there's no screenshots of them in the guide. I liked Rex's quote at the end of The Thousand Moon Mystery when Obi-Wan mentions that Jar-Jar needs some training with a blaster- "I'm not training him." Padme was a lot better than I expected in this episode. I liked her a lot more than I did in the movies.
February 14, 200916 yr I thought that the kid in that planet (starts with an I...) was cool. It's weird how the people on that planet thought that they were being cursed by a ghost. Too bad LEGO's probably never going to make any of those minifigures... Those bomb squad clones and the little droid in "The Blue Shadow Virus" also looked really cool. EDIT: The kid's name was Jaybo Hood, the spirit's name is Drole, and the planet's name is Iego (looks like "LEGO" ) Edited February 14, 200916 yr by ILikePi
February 14, 200916 yr soo, The show aired in belgium last night, beginning with the first ep, Ambush, in dutch. ugh, it was the poorest voice-over I ever saw won't watch it again, cause i'm still downloading them from itunes.
February 14, 200916 yr I am a complete outsider when it comes to Star Wars - I have seen one film 15 years ago and found it very boring (I thought it was something Star Trek like but it wasn't... stupid me, of course). Yesterday I saw an episode of Clone Wars at work, because I work for TV. I had to change the Dutch subtitles that somebody in America made into real Dutch. I recognized the characters mainly because of Lego... Anyway, I found it really, extremely boring. The animation was alright, the backgrounds were great, but for the rest it was good guys vs. bad guys and they shot at each other for 20 minutes until the episode was over. The good guys won because Yoda had special powers and could meditate his opponents into numbness or something. I did not find it interesting enough to find out more... So I guess Star Wars is still not my thing! Financially, it is very good that I like Avatar (got to know that show thanks to Lego, too, never heard of it before) because now I have to collect only two sets.....
February 14, 200916 yr I saw Blue Shadow Virus this morning and because we in the UK dont get Mystery of a thousand moons till next week i watched it on youtube. I loved the dialogue between Ahsoka and Padme. I always wondered what would happen if those 2 met. Another Apperance of the tactical droid! Those things are everywhere but why don't we see them in Revenge of the Sith? I loved Dr Nivo because they just had to have a mad german accented Scientist in the Clone wars!
February 14, 200916 yr So I just started reading the clone wars comics (the new ones, "Slaves of the republic" and the Graphic novels) and i'm highly surprised about the quality! Its hard to get comics in belgium, but those were worth it. PS: I saw that ahsoka has boobs in the beginning of the second GN. She wore a wetsuit then, but i'm asking this: what kind of top does she wear? I mean, i you look at the drawing, it should actually hurt herself when wearing that top ^don't look after this rant :P
February 14, 200916 yr The "happy end for part one, but something bad happens in second episode" is starting to annoy me. It was nice to see naboo again, it looks good animated and jar jars voice actor has improved. Still, part 1 of the stunning ryloth arc is on next week. Edited February 14, 200916 yr by simonjedi
February 15, 200916 yr I think that the "Blue Shadow Virus" episodes were the two best so far. I don't know what it was that made me like it so much, but I did. I honestly don't mind Jar-Jar, and I am sort of glad he gets some time in the TV series, considering he barely had a major role in Episode 2/3. I actually really liked that female Gungan, but was really annoyed by that kid in the second part. Also, I was watching the Office on TBS this week, and saw a commercial for the Clone Wars on TNT, beginning to air tonight. I really hope this show lasts a while, it really is beginning to get good.
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