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SPOILERS for season 2.




It seems Cad Bane will be in several episodes of season 2, and season 1 will end in a cliff hanger, well maybe not but an arc at least.


Wow, someone edited the season 2 list so that right now, all it says is "HI". :hmpf::thumbdown:

There's no listings on the season 2 part anymore (I didn't get to see the list). :angry:

I added an attachment picture below this: Removed because it took up too much attachment space.

Edited by ILikePi

Wow, someone edited the season 2 list so that right now, all it says is "HI". :hmpf::thumbdown:

There's no listings on the season 2 part anymore (I didn't get to see the list). :angry:

I added an attachment picture below this:

I just checked and they changed it now. I've also read the summary of Hostage Crisis already on Starwars.com

I just saw Hostage Crisis today, and it was great! :thumbup:

Cad Bane is a great character, and after the episode, they said that there's going to be a lot more of him ("The bounty hunters are here to stay" :tongue: )! :classic: His voice was also good, but it seemed to vary often. Sometimes his voice is raspy, and sometimes it isn't. Like when he said, "I'm in control. I make the rules now. Understand?". It sounds so much different than when he said "Here we go." at the beginning of the episode.

It was also great so see all of those senate commandos, but they were pretty useless in this episode. :sceptic: Was this the second time that they appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars? (I haven't watched about 5 or 6 episodes, but I will later)

Also, it was my first time seeing those droid commandos, so that was great, too. They also didn't do anything in the episode, though (all they did was get in the senate commando suits and say that nothing was wrong in their clone voice).

Did anyone else see that blue protocol droid? It would also look pretty good as a minifigure. Too bad the bounty hunters just destroyed it (along with an assistant droid and some other ones). :sad:

I hope that Cad Bane is going to be in minifigure form for one of the sets in the January 2010 wave. :classic:

There are some things that I wonder about, though.

1. Why did Padme take the lightsaber with her? She could've just put it back on the table...

2. When Bane sent out all the bounty hunters and was talking to Chancellor Palpatine, Padme could've just killed him with the lightsaber (although she would probably never have even done that). Then he wouldn't have gotten away... (though that would mean that many future episodes would be messed up :grin:).

Too bad the second season for SW: The Clone Wars is going to be in fall. That's going to be a long wait...

Also, the "cliffhanger" is that

Cad Bane and his bounty hunters get away with Ziro the Hutt


P.S. I think that they're showing too much stuff between Padme and Anakin...the kids who watch the Clone Wars probably don't want to watch that. :grin:

Edited by ILikePi

P.S. I think that they're showing too much stuff between Padme and Anakin...the kids who watch the Clone Wars probably don't want to watch that. :grin:

I don't think I do either... :sick:

Anyway, it was a great episode! No glaring holes or mistakes that I can think of. However, why did all the Senate Commandos seem to end up going in a room together? A little too easy, don't you think?

Plus, why didn't anyone notice that the Senate building just suddenly closed? It seems that someone should have noticed, rather than having to have Orn Free Taa tell them.

And as they escape, Cad Bane blows up the room as Anakin and the senators get out. Since Bane had no more bargaining power, couldn't Anakin have sent a message telling the clones to go after them?

Anyway, I liked what Anakin did with the Weequay- it was the same maneuver Vader did with Han!


I feel that this episode was kind of a let down, maybe because I had high expectations. It had a lot of potential due to the overall concept (bounty hunters take over the senate building), but ultimately fell short. I have come to accept the dialouge for what it is, but it was nice to see Anakin and Padme together. After the negative fallout on the horribly stereotyped (and somewhat offensive) character Ziro the Hutt, including him in the show (and multiple apperances of Jar-Jar) proves that Lucas has no idea how to run his own show; and I feel the episode would have been better had it been someone like Wat Tambor, Lok Durd, or General Loathsome who needed to be freed. Cad Bane was awesome and I hope to see more of him, however I feel that he was... underused. The episode did not flow well at all, just jumping in the middle of things, and then feeling either very slow, to very quick with some pointless scenes (did Palpatine know this was going to happen?). The clones and Fox didn't really do anything, they just get blown up or surrender. I also like how some scenes were like 80's action movies (for example, the scene where Anakin is hiding from the bounty hunter and assasin droid.) At the end, I was really let down by what would have been an amazing scene; all this week I have been reading about how ruthless and cruel Cad Bane is, even to his employers; so at the end the bounty hunters are flying away and Cad Bane talks about getting paid. I'm thinking "Oh! he's going to kill Ziro!" but instead, Ziro just wines and the episode ends. One last note; how do bounty hunters get a hold of Commando Droids? Is Dooku behind this? Or does the CIS sell them?

Read on:


  • Bounty Hunters! :grin:
  • Senators (Organa, Senator from "Trespass", and Onoconda Farr future minifig!)
  • Assasin droids
  • Anakin gets owned!
  • Coruscant looks beautiful with this animation


  • Privacy Invasion act? I wonder how that goes down with the pundits of the Star Wars galaxy
  • Ziro the Hutt :hmpf:
  • Kind of just jumps in the middle of things
  • Dialogue :sceptic:
  • Senate Commandos go out like chumps
  • Anti-climactic ending


Stay tuned for my end of season 1 recap...

Edited by vulture droid

All I know is that between The Clone Wars, Clone Wars, and The Clone Wars Graphic Novels, the overall Clone Wars continuity has been forever screwed over. So here comes my view of things! It is rather obvious that Anakin would have a padawan, and I'm guessing that she was trained to knight-hood, cause the Jedi Code or whatever it is says that you can only become a Jedi Master after you have trainded a padawan to become a knight. Cause had Anakin never had a padwan, why would he even request the Jedi Council to be promoted to Master? And of course let's just face it. Star Wars if full of racial steroypes! From the jew-like Watto, to the black-like Jar-Jar. Or even the homosexual Ziro, these stereotypes are still gonna happen, no matter how many people complain. And I'm guessin Dooku didn't know about the Commando Droids, but Sidious would've, mainly because he controlled both fractions. And the fact that they would even make Jar-Jar look like a hero again and again is the most dissapointing aspect of the series for me. And if he is doing anything accept dieing in the live action show that's supposed to be made, I'm going to shot myself.

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot the chinese-like neimodians, and the arab-like tuskens. And I'm sure I'm missing a few, but you get the point.

Edited by Darth_Dracus

It is rather obvious that Anakin would have a padawan, and I'm guessing that she was trained to knight-hood, cause the Jedi Code or whatever it is says that you can only become a Jedi Master after you have trainded a padawan to become a knight. Cause had Anakin never had a padwan, why would he even request the Jedi Council to be promoted to Master?

Where do people get the idea that you had to train a padawan to be a master? As for the council and Anakin's outburst, it was nonsensical since Ki Adi Mundi was a knight when he joined the council (though he was shortly afterward made a master). A fun variation I have seen some people believe is that only a master may train a padawan. This also doesn't work.


I feel that this episode was kind of a let down, maybe because I had high expectations. It had a lot of potential due to the overall concept (bounty hunters take over the senate building), but ultimately fell short. I have come to accept the dialouge for what it is, but it was nice to see Anakin and Padme together. After the negative fallout on the horribly stereotyped (and somewhat offensive) character Ziro the Hutt, including him in the show (and multiple apperances of Jar-Jar) proves that Lucas has no idea how to run his own show; and I feel the episode would have been better had it been someone like Wat Tambor, Lok Durd, or General Loathsome who needed to be freed. Cad Bane was awesome and I hope to see more of him, however I feel that he was... underused. The episode did not flow well at all, just jumping in the middle of things, and then feeling either very slow, to very quick with some pointless scenes (did Palpatine know this was going to happen?). The clones and Fox didn't really do anything, they just get blown up or surrender. I also like how some scenes were like 80's action movies (for example, the scene where Anakin is hiding from the bounty hunter and assasin droid.) At the end, I was really let down by what would have been an amazing scene; all this week I have been reading about how ruthless and cruel Cad Bane is, even to his employers; so at the end the bounty hunters are flying away and Cad Bane talks about getting paid. I'm thinking "Oh! he's going to kill Ziro!" but instead, Ziro just wines and the episode ends. One last note; how do bounty hunters get a hold of Commando Droids? Is Dooku behind this? Or does the CIS sell them?

Emphasis mine, it ends too suddenly with no real explanation and leaves questions, why do they need to free Ziro? Who hired them?

But overall I did enjoy it, it was a more "adult" episode than previous one, but the episodes need to be longer to make the stories more interesting, am i the only one who thinks palpatine really wanted to go into full Darth sideous mode, when he was locked in his office?

Well, it was nice seeing Aurra Sing, although she was a bit useless in this episode...

But I don't know what to think of that Cad Bane... its character seems interesting but all about him feels like a rip off of the Stranger in the Oddworld game. Its general appearance (granted, the hat plays a lot), the way he moves, the way he talks...


I know Star Wars has always drawn a lot of influence from everywhere but here, it felt a bit too much...

Though I can't help but wonder how its minifig would turn out if they ever make one (but since it looks like he's going to be a major character it's rather likely).

Edited by yellost

I liked the episode, for all the above, but WHY didnt the assassin droid just shoot the chancellor? That makes no sense at all... And i agree with the fact that Ziro is useless, much more than say, loathsome.


As promised, my end of Season 1 recap:

  1. Ambush: 4/5 Good pilot episode with good :yoda: action
  2. Rising Malevolence: 4/5 Nice, small space battle, and suspense while using a plot hole to build a dramatic ending
  3. Shadow of Malevolence: 5/5 Realistic (save for giant space eels) and action packed with a few surprises
  4. Destroy Malevolence: 3/5 The Confederacies mightiest battleship goes out like a chump
  5. Rookies: 4/5 Clones!
  6. Downfall of a Droid: 3/5 Good space battle, but goes down quickly, and techno! mind-blowing when baked, horrible in Star Wars!
  7. Duel of the Droids: 2/5 Silly silly Grievous
  8. Bombad Jedi: 1/5 Words need not express about this episode, only thing saving it from a zero is the big fish.
  9. Cloak of Darkness: 4/5 Ventress! Treachery! Escape!
  10. Lair of Grievous: 5/5 After watching this again, I now realize that this is a very dark and sad episode
  11. Dooku Captured: 3/5 Dooku comes across as a lazy idiot; but pirates!
  12. The Gungan General: 3/5 Easily the best (and most mature) Jar-Jar story; and the power of the Dark Side!
  13. Jedi Crash: 3/5 Beautiful battle; however, turns into an unwanted rant on the evils of pacifism
  14. Defenders of Peace: 3/5 Its true, the bigger a commander is, the easier they are captured by a wounded jedi
  15. Trespass: 5/5 Better "social commentary" than the previous episode, and not to mention the beautiful visuals.
  16. The Hidden Enemy: 4/5 Not that much to be said
  17. Blue Shadow Virus: 2/5 Crazy doctor and some gunship action... but pink gungans and the jar-jar! :oh3:
  18. Mystery of a Thousand Moons: 3/5 Better, with a good part for Anakin and Obi-Wan
  19. Storm Over Ryloth: 4/5 Since watching the other parts to this trilogy, I can say that this goes well with the rest of the arc
  20. Innocents of Ryloth: 4.5/5 Sad, strong episode, which feels like a real war movie (and a good one)
  21. Liberty on Ryloth: 5/5 Great end to a great trilogy
  22. Hostage Crisis: 3/5 Dissapointing, but Cad Bane and Aurra Sing!

Special Comments on the series:

  • It is sad that the show has to rely on the web comic to explain parts of the story, and even to show some of the better battles
  • I have no idea why there is even bad dialogue considering its not even Lucas writing the episodes
  • Its too bad that this beautiful, yet expensive format limits battles and action scenes to only a few minutes
  • The show needs less Anakin/Ahsoka/Obi-wan centered episodes and needs to focus on minor or even new jedi more

Hopefully Lucas and his posse are getting their "fan" input from sites other than theforce.net, however, judging by the recent apperances of Ziro the Hutt and Jar-Jar Binks, I feel that Lucas' quandry with the general population will persevere.

Total first season: 3.3/5

Well, as expected, Hostage Crisis was very good. Like all episodes of this show, it wasn't perfect, but still highly enjoyable. :thumbup:

I really like Bane as a character! I like how he organized this whole thing - using droid commandos to get into the building, teaming bounty hunters with assassin droids when sending them on patrol, sending a droid to pick up Ziro so that Ziro can't pursuade the driver of the vehicle not to bring him to Bane, etc. And of course his voice and cruel acts (like immediately shooting anyone who steps out of line) made him even better! :sweet:

Aurra Sing was very cool too! I look forward to seeing more of these two in the next season(s).

Apparently there is a lot to talk about, so... *breathes in deeply* ... here we go:

His voice was also good, but it seemed to vary often. Sometimes his voice is raspy, and sometimes it isn't. Like when he said, "I'm in control. I make the rules now. Understand?". It sounds so much different than when he said "Here we go." at the beginning of the episode.

Did it ever occur to you that this might have been due to the fact that it was a hologram? :tongue:

But yeah, I know what you mean. Perhaps it has something to do with those tubes on his neck.

It was also great so see all of those senate commandos, but they were pretty useless in this episode. :sceptic: Was this the second time that they appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

Yes, the other episode that they appear in is "Cloak of Darkness".

And yeah, they were pretty useless. :sceptic:

Just like Fox and his troops. :hmpf_bad:

Also, it was my first time seeing those droid commandos, so that was great, too. They also didn't do anything in the episode, though (all they did was get in the senate commando suits and say that nothing was wrong in their clone voice).

Well, they might not have done much, but they fulfilled their job excellently IMO! :sweet:

If you want to see them kicking some serious butt, watch the episode "Rookies"!

Did anyone else see that blue protocol droid? It would also look pretty good as a minifigure.


I hope that Cad Bane is going to be in minifigure form for one of the sets in the January 2010 wave. :classic:

Blue Artoo & Threepio? Count me in! :grin:

And Bane has to happen! Apparently he'll be a recurring character in the next season, a very cool one, so TLG would be a fool not to put him in at least one set. It wouldn't be too hard for them to make one either since they don't need to make a new mold for him (although it would be good if they made a new neck piece for those tubes on banes neck).

Why did Padme take the lightsaber with her? She could've just put it back on the table...

Because then it wouldn't have been a problem for Anakin to take out the bounty hunters and the episode would have been pretty boring. :tongue: Besides, Organa could have seen that.

I think that they're showing too much stuff between Padme and Anakin...the kids who watch the Clone Wars probably don't want to watch that. :grin:

Really? *huh* I mean it's not like they showed them humping each other. Just one kiss, and they even panned away from that.

I don't like watching them make out either, but I think it's kind of mandatory that they show their relationship since it's the main reason for Anakin to go over to the darkside later on. As Anakin said in this episode, nothing is more important to him than their relationship.

And as they escape, Cad Bane blows up the room as Anakin and the senators get out. Since Bane had no more bargaining power, couldn't Anakin have sent a message telling the clones to go after them?

The power was still down, remember? And apparently none of them had a communicator with them. Also, by that time, Bane was already pretty far from the Senate building, so I don't think they could have catched him.

Anyway, I liked what Anakin did with the Weequay- it was the same maneuver Vader did with Han!

Seconded! That was a nice little detail! It was also nice to finally see the good old jedi mind trick being used again.

After the negative fallout on the horribly stereotyped (and somewhat offensive) character Ziro the Hutt, including him in the show (and multiple apperances of Jar-Jar) proves that Lucas has no idea how to run his own show

This is sadly true. He should really listen to fan feedback more.

Creative geniuses. Go figure. :sadnew:


At the end, I was really let down by what would have been an amazing scene; all this week I have been reading about how ruthless and cruel Cad Bane is, even to his employers; so at the end the bounty hunters are flying away and Cad Bane talks about getting paid.

Even though they made him sound like the most badass person ever (Wasn't it obvious that they exaggerated?), it wouldn't have made sense for him to kill Ziro since the only thing he is interested in is money.

how do bounty hunters get a hold of Commando Droids? Is Dooku behind this? Or does the CIS sell them?
why do they need to free Ziro? Who hired them?

Good questions. The fact that Bane asks Ziro to get paid indicates that it was Ziro who somehow hired them to do it. However, in the preview of Hostage Crisis on StarWars.com, they call the group of bounty hunters and droids "agents of Count Dooku". So this means that Dooku is somehow behind it. Perhaps it was his idea to have them use the Senators as hostages. Maybe he wanted to destroy the Republic Senate with this.

And except for the theory of Dooku supporting this organization, I wouldn't have any other explanation for the droid commandos working for Bane.

did Palpatine know this was going to happen?
am i the only one who thinks palpatine really wanted to go into full Darth sideous mode, when he was locked in his office?

Also a good question. Palpy sure looked pissed when he talked to Bane, so he might not have known that this would happen. But if Dooku was behind the whole thing, I guess Palpy would know about it too. Also, when he was threatening Bane, it kinda sounded like he didn't mean it. But that could have just been the fault of the bad voice actor. :tongue:

Where do people get the idea that you had to train a padawan to be a master?

There are many sources that indicate this. Check the wookiepedia article on Jedi Masters.

Btw, the webcomic for this episode is up. And it's awesome! :laugh: Let's hope the episode will be as good or even better! :sweet:
Anyway, did anyone see the web comic? It was interesting...

How come that everytime I talk about the webcomic, it goes unnoticed? :hmpf_bad:

Anyway, about the stereotypes in SW: I can understand some of the arguments people make about this, but mostly I think it's overrated. For example, I don't see how Neimodians are supposed to be anything like the Chinese. But I guess this is a matter of opinion and doesn't belong in this thread.

About the Season 2 plot rumors: I wouldn't believe any of them right now, especially not the ones on wikipedia. The only thing we know for sure at the moment is that there will be an episode called Cargo of Doom that features Bane, Anakin, and Ahsoka. And I don't think that we'll know anything more specific until shortly before the show starts again.

Now, all we can do is wait...

I liked Hostage Crisis, but I think they should have made it a 2 episodes, instead of just one. They could have easily taken out one of those useless jar jar episodes to lengthen this one, seeing as how it seemed rushed. Don't get me wrong though, I liked this episode, especially Bane, and just the whole idea of a villain that's not all "Dark Side FTW!", just a good old bad guy.

I also saw "Hostage Crisis", and it was one of my favorite episodes yet. :sweet: Cad Bane was totally badass, and I liked his voice very much. The whole episode was much better than most, probably because of it being more mature. The episode actually made sense, and had no plot holes (as Mr. M said). I'm wondering if another Jedi would have added to the episode...

It was also great so see all of those senate commandos, but they were pretty useless in this episode. :sceptic: Was this the second time that they appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars? (I haven't watched about 5 or 6 episodes, but I will later)

Well, anyone can get sneaked up on. At the beginning, the commandos didn't know what to expect, and acted as any police would have, but I do agree that Palpatine would be better guarded.

Also, it was my first time seeing those droid commandos, so that was great, too. They also didn't do anything in the episode, though (all they did was get in the senate commando suits and say that nothing was wrong in their clone voice).

Yeah, but someone has to cover for the intruders. This also marks the first time that Droid Commandos and Assassin Droids have been seen together.

Did anyone else see that blue protocol droid? It would also look pretty good as a minifigure. Too bad the bounty hunters just destroyed it (along with an assistant droid and some other ones). :sad:

Yeah, it would be a neat minifig, but I doubt TLG would do a fig that was only on screen for a split second (then again, they did make K-3PO) :laugh:.

I hope that Cad Bane is going to be in minifigure form for one of the sets in the January 2010 wave. :classic:

Yes! :sweet:

There are some things that I wonder about, though.

1. Why did Padme take the lightsaber with her? She could've just put it back on the table..

Because Senator Organa would have noticed. Anakin could have force swiped it from her, but that would have taken away from the episode.

2. When Bane sent out all the bounty hunters and was talking to Chancellor Palpatine, Padme could've just killed him with the lightsaber (although she would probably never have even done that). Then he wouldn't have gotten away... (though that would mean that many future episodes would be messed up :grin:).

Bane would have probably been quicker and shot her. Padme doesn't even know how to handle a lightsaber.

I liked the episode, for all the above, but WHY didnt the assassin droid just shoot the chancellor? That makes no sense at all...

Because they needed him to complete the mission, to call of the clones and set Ziro free.

Aurra Sing was very cool too! I look forward to seeing more of these two in the next season(s).

Apparently there is a lot to talk about, so... *breathes in deeply* ... here we go:

Yeah, she was pretty cool, but I wish she would have had a bigger part.

Good questions. The fact that Bane asks Ziro to get paid indicates that it was Ziro who somehow hired them to do it. However, in the preview of Hostage Crisis on StarWars.com, they call the group of bounty hunters and droids "agents of Count Dooku". So this means that Dooku is somehow behind it. Perhaps it was his idea to have them use the Senators as hostages. Maybe he wanted to destroy the Republic Senate with this.

And except for the theory of Dooku supporting this organization, I wouldn't have any other explanation for the droid commandos working for Bane.

Also a good question. Palpy sure looked pissed when he talked to Bane, so he might not have known that this would happen. But if Dooku was behind the whole thing, I guess Palpy would know about it too. Also, when he was threatening Bane, it kinda sounded like he didn't mean it. But that could have just been the fault of the bad voice actor. :tongue:

I don't think Dooku or Palpy was behind it. The Bounty Hunters simply invaded the Senate building, took hostages, and set Ziro free. Obviously he did it on a whim thinking that Ziro would pay him. Meaning, Ziro does not have to be killed.

How come that everytime I talk about the webcomic, it goes unnoticed? :hmpf_bad:

I see them, it's just that I don't follow the webcomic, so I can't relate. :tongue:

I also was wondering about how Bane knew that Anakin was watching from the balcony. IIs he force-sensitive, or was it just an instinctive sixth-sense?

We did get to see Ocanda Farr again, though, which perhaps adds to the minifigure in the upcoming Sep's Shuttle set.

Oh, and finally, we get a bad-guy victory! :sweet:

There are many sources that indicate this. Check the wookiepedia article on Jedi Masters.

Not to again side track, but article clearly states in the very first 2 paragraphs that there are other ways that don't involve training a padawan and gives examples of known Jedi masters who didn't train padawans. So, again, why do people keep assuming that is the only way when it clearly isn't?

Because they needed him to complete the mission, to call of the clones and set Ziro free.

I also was wondering about how Bane knew that Anakin was watching from the balcony. IIs he force-sensitive, or was it just an instinctive sixth-sense?

Yah, but it was already on the disk, plus the leader of your oppenents army is much more important than a onetime business man who couldnt even hold his end of a bargain.

And, padme was looking at bane, then looked up, so he figured she saw something, and looked.


I saw hostage crisis and I really liked it. The episode was much more darker and mature than most, especially the fight with the senate guards and Aurra sing shooting the poor schlub in the head. I saw how they toned down Bane snapping the guys neck, I'm glad that kids didnt need to see that. Why did they have to bring back Ziro? He is one of the most annoying and worst charachters ever!

Anyone know when it Airs in the Uk.

I wonder if as the series goes on, we will see the transition from the clones with Episode 2 style armor, to the Episode 3 style. Just a thought.

I wonder if as the series goes on, we will see the transition from the clones with Episode 2 style armor, to the Episode 3 style. Just a thought.

I hope so because I personally prefer the phase II armor. I hope that would also mean that TLG would make the phase II armor more like the current phase I armor with all the potential add ons. The CW clone figures are better figures (odd faces aside) which is about the only reason I have bought very many.

I don't see why lego wouldn't do it anyone, they have revamped Vader's Body.

I don't see why lego wouldn't do it anyone, they have revamped Vader's Body.

I assume you are right and they probably would revamp their bodies anyway. I should have been clearer in that I meant this would give them the reason to go ahead and do it as they would need to be using their style of armor again if they were suddenly all over the place in the CW cartoon. I asume even if they don't that there will eventually be some more Episode III sets made, but this way ensures that it will likely happen faster and that more types of clones will be updagted instead of whichever one ends up being in whatever Episode III set that gets made sometime.

About the Season 2 preview: I think most of the clips are from the episode Cargo of Doom, so I'm guessing it'll be one of the first episodes. Here are some observations:

  • Ahsoka is hugging a very weird, ET-ish looking little alien. :wacko:
  • It's awesome how Anakin goes crazy on those SBDs with his AND Ahsoka's lightsaber! :sweet:
  • Bane has jet-boots!!! :oh:
  • Bane has a whip! He must be a real big Indy fan! :grin:
  • Bane is wearing clone armor in one of the clips!

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Well I just finish seen "Hostage Crisis" and it was great in my opinion :thumbup: . Here are the points that I think make this episode really great:

- The episode is really mature unlike many others in the serie.

- I like (Unlike many others :tongue: ) how they manage to show the relationship between Anakin and Padme in a mature great. The kiss just adds to the scene but overall it shows everything they wanted to express in the scene.

- The whole story is pretty well done and interesting. Sure it feels like a short episode but after all they need to work

with a pretty limited time.

- The apperance of Aurra Sing.

- They kill at least a character in the whole episode :tongue: .

- And to end but not least is the first apperance of my actual favorite bounty hunter CAD BANE!!!! Wow when I saw the pic of this guy for the first time I started to miss Durge but now I change my mind completely :cry_happy: . This is my favorite CW character to date and I just think Lucas reach the center of the target with this one. Awesome outfit, awesome voice, awesome attitude, awesome in everything :thumbup: .

Now the thing I don´t like about this episode:

- Very little apperance by part of Senate and Droid Commandos and the Senate Clones.

I really love this episode and I hope the second season features a lot more of Cad Bane. Also I wish the TLC gives us a Cad Bane in the next 2010 wave (I am almost 100% sure they will do it or at least hope so).

Cad Bane is starting to bother me how much like Jango Fett he is. While he may not have the armor, all his gear is the same. Dual pistols? Check. Rocket propulsion? Check. Whipcord thrower? Check. He even does the same thing to Ahsoka with his whipcord that Jango did with Obi-Wan.

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