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thindexedgif.gif Vig. 27d

I edited this post, HERE WE GO for the final round ( maybe :pir_laugh2: ) !

I / The entry

So, this is it :

I know it looks Messy, but I tried to make a pillage at it best! and for me, a pillage IS a messy thing! I also wanted to make it as if it was a part of a huge scene going on, a part of a way taller island, so I made it to have some details on each sides, I'm sorry too, but I can't really shows all the details in 6 pics... if you want to see more, just ask ^^ ( I put a bed in the jail on the lighthouse, I detailled a little the place where there is the marine canon , there is a skeleton cow on the ground etc etc etc... but I really can't show everything in 6 pics^^ )

ADDED: if you want to see how this town looked like before the attack, here it is ( this is not the entry! the entry is lower ^^) : One week ago....

Background of the scene

3 days ago, the marines captured Mickael, on of the strongest man and a close friend of "Captain Whitebeard" , he was searching in this city to gather information about a legendary ruby that is supposed to be hidden somewhere in this little village...

The captain Whitebeard and his crew are now attacking a little village, first, he want to free Mickael, secondly, he decided that if he can't search for the treasure peacefully, he'll burn this village entirely until he'll fin it, plus, this little village is badly defended by a very little garrison, more an outpost than a garrison ( no more than 6 men), so he's pretty sure to win.

Meanwhile the marines were preparing to transfer Mickael to see the Governor, on another island, because he needs to Interrogate him, just when the pirates attacked !


overview of the attack, you can see a sank ship they shot while they were quite far, to avoid the marines to respond to their attack. They attacked exactly when the marines were preparing to transfer the prisoner , so they took them by surprise.



in the tavern of the docks, we can see that two men of the crew, John and Oswald, closed the door and they are going to... hum.. I think you can guess by yourself, the poor lady Deborah and Abigail can't do anything, they tried, but with a broom and a teacup, that's hard to defend.... to the right of the tavern we can see that the tricks that Denis and his father Karl wanted to do on Bob was bad timed, Denis has been killed before his father was able to drop the water on Bob, well.. it kind of worked.. Bob will be wet soon..

We can also see a character I didn't introduced hiding in a room, a shovel in his hands, it's Nick.


Professor's house

here we can clearly see Nick, at the left of the pictures, and inside the professor jester's house, the professor Jester died, Timmy "the boy" killed him, then he searched for treasures or things he can sell in the house... but didn't find anything, so he went out.. happily for Gustav, that was digging in the cave, looking for the ruby, Timmy didn't find the trap under the professor's bed... but Gustav just saw some blood falling from the trap.. so he step back a little, and now he don't really know what to do^^ you can also see Kyle the hermit , between the two houses, trying to escape from Timmy, crawling, with a bad wound on his head.


the beach and the forest

on this pic I'll describe only the upper part, the lower part will be described with the next pic ^^ , on the top left we can see the prisoners escaping, the old pirate is stealing a weapon to fight, while Mickael is using the chain he was imprisoned with as a weapon to kill Imperialscout, the islander tried to run away but the commander was waiting for him and just cut one of his arms, aouch ! To the right we can see Annia fighting with Tom, while her husband Whitebeard his running to help her, killing Dreamweb on the move. On the beach James killed the old jack, and now he is achieving Dave. You can also see, in the Lighthouse, that Mike is loading a canon, a little too late, Wirt, on the boat, was faster.


the town square

On this picture, we can see a lot of things, we can see Zorro3999 on the dock, drunk because he lost his favourite hat , he is trying to go and fight the pirates, but .. he stopped to vomit^^ Lower on the picture we can see kyle the angry merchant, who took a barrels and tried to extinguish the fire, but while he was running to the beach with the barrel he took on the dock ( the barrel was used to extinguish the fire on the boat ) Spearman Toni stopped him with his spear, poor kyle.. Lower again, to the left, we can see MR and Mrs Johnson, Mister johnson was shoot by a pirate, and now his wife has just been shot by Nesson, while she was crying her lost husband. Just bottom Nesson, we can see Erdbeeris1, just hit by the Balthazar 's rifle butt, just after this one killed Sergio, that lye on the ground. we can also see Joe, burnt to death while he was trying to escape from the fire. to the top left we can see the stranger fighting against Jenny, and totally on the bottom of the pic there is Timmy who stole the Kyle "the hermit" 's arbalest , and now he is watching him crawling in attempt to runaway.. he likes to see people crawls in their blood. behind the tavern , on the dock , we can also see Pedro drowning the mayor Bartholomew.


the lighthouse

we can see on this last pic , on the top, another character I didn't presented, because I forgot, it's a man that lives in the village and like to take a nap on the top of the lighthouse,his name is Pierre, the attack woke him up, he have been shot before he can even yawn.. now he's bleeding to the ground.. on the lower part of the lighthouse, we can see paul, one of the marines, he was shot by the pirates too.. we can see clearly on this image that Wirt was faster to shoot than Mike ^^


full gallery: here

thanks for viewing, and I'm really sorry for my baaad english^^ but I wanted to describe what was going on on my moc, anyway, You don't really have to read if you don't want to^^

my pics of the wip are always available here

II / The characters

here are the characters that are on my entry, they are divided in 4 categories:

the pirates ( 13 minifigs)

the soldiers ( 5 minifigs)

the prisoners (3minifigs)

the civilians (21minifigs)

(click on their names for images)

1/ The pirate.

They are the "Whitebeard" crew, they are pillaging this village for some reasons, see the background ^^

let me introduce them :

Captain Whitebeard

age: 44 weapons : 2 sabers.

He is the captain of the crew, cruel, intrepid

Annia "the whip"

age : 38 weapons: a gun and a whip.

She is the wife of the captain Whitebeard.

One legged Wirt.

Age : 35 weapon : a canon

he is the one that always stay to guard the boat.

Timmy "the boy"

age: 14 weapons : an axe and a gun.

He is the youngest members of the whitebeard's pirates.

Toni "the spearman"

age : 25 weapons : a sabre and a spear.

jenny "one armed girl"

age : 20 weapon : a sabre

she lost her arm in an accident, now she have a wooden fake arm that she painted in white.. to make it look likes it was just her clothes.


age : 31 weapons : a gun and a torch


age : 28 weapons : a spear

he is the Toni's student

Bob, Balthazar, John, Oswald Pedro

ages : 25-35 weapons : sabre for bob, a sabre and a rifle for Balthazar, 2 guns for John, a gun and a sabre for Oswald, a sabre for Pedro .

They are the crew men of the whitebeard pirates.

2/ the soldiers

the soldiers based on this little village , they just captured Mickael and kept him in the little prison under the lighthouse, with an olldd prisoner that is here for many years and an islander they captured 1 week ago.

Here they are :

Commander Daven

age : 48 weapon : a gun and a sabre

he is the commander here, it's a veteran well trained and he fought many times against many pirates.


age : 28 weapon : a canon he is loading.. a little too late^^


age : 26 weapon : a rifle

Tom "angry veteran"

age : 42 weapons : he was repairing the wheel of the canon ( he finished just when the pirates arrived ) , so he kept the hammer he used as a weapon, and he found an axe


age : ask him :P weapon : a rifle.

3/ the prisoners

they were imprisoned in the little prison under the lighthouse.


age : 34 weapon : the chains he were imprisoned with^^

this is a man of the Whitebeard crew, he also is a good friend of WhiteBeard himself, he is well known for his cruelty.

Old pirate( real name unknown )

age : unknown , but old^^ weapon :none, at the moment^^

He is imprisoned here for years.... he doesn't even want to escape from here anymore...

The Islander (real name unknown)

age : approximately 20 years old. weapon : none

He tried to steal some fruit in the village, he has been captured easily.

4/ the civilians


age : 35 weapon : a cup of tea

she is the owner of the tavern.

Kyle " Angry Merchant"

age : 46 weapon : a barrel

this is the merchant that sells various things on the docks, he is known for being always angry... now that his shop is on fire, he really have a reason to be angry ^^


age : 44 weapon : an axe

this is the mayor of this little village.

Sergio "the Italian"

age : 32 weapon : a shovel

he is the assistant of a famous cook, he went here to buy various things at the various things seller kyle, when the pirates attacked, he found a shovel.

Denis and Karl

ages : 13 and 34 weapons : none , and a barrel full of water.

Denis love to play tricks with his father kyle, but unfortunately , Kyle is actually ill, he must stay at home, they thought about a way to do some stupid things anyway, and when the pirates arrived, Denis tried to do what they thought to one of them, well.. at least he tried^^


age : ask him :P weapon : a saber.

Dreamweb went here to see if it was a good décor for his comics :P


age : ask him:p weapon : a skillet ( is it the good word ? Or it is Cooking pan ? )

he went here with Sergio to buy things , and he is not shaved ! ( sorry I don't have the right head XD )


age : 25 weapon : pickaxe

he is the assistant of the professor jester, he helps him to dig because Jester is old and can't use a pickaxe for too long.


age: 38 Weapon : burnt peoples don't need weapons.

he burnt with the Kyle's shop, he tried to exit but the door was blocked by Nesson, who enjoyed to see him burn.

Kyle " the hermit"

Age : he seems to be old weapon : an arbalest

he usually lives in the mountain but he comes once a month to town to buy useful things for his hermit life...this month he came the bad day ^^

Lady Deborah

age : 22

weapon : a broom

she is the daughter of the mayor, she wanted to visit Abigaelle when she met the pirates, she found a broom on the tavern.


age : 55 weapon : a fishing pole.

jack is the lighthouse keeper, he is the one who light it at night.

Professor Jester

Age : 61 weapon : pickaxe

he is a famous archeologist that went here (and also bought a house) because , as the pirates, he heard about a famous treasure, he found something by digging under his house with his assistant, now he is trying to protect his discovery.

The stranger

age : ?? weapon : a strange sword.

A traveler that has nothing to do here, even his skin color is strange^^


age : 41 weapons : none

he is an explorer who wanted to make a stopover here..


age : ask him ^^ weapon : a sword... and a glass :P

he lost his hat.. he was so sad he started to drink to forget..

Mr and Mrs Johnson

age : 41 and 44 weapons : none

Mr Johnson is a fisherman, Mrs johnson came to the dock to see him.


age : 12 weapon : a shovel


age : 31 weapon : none, he was sleeping

character's gallery : here

thanks for watching (or reading ^^) critics, advices, and every comment welcome!

Edited by SlyOwl

My opinion:

Good looking contest entry, and since it is a Work In Progress, you can still make a lot of improvements.

PS: i would like to have a lego-loving girlfriend :pir_kiss: like you as well...If she becomes available on the market again, please PM me :pir_laugh2:

Possible improvements:

1) Add some "undeep" water near the coastline, I can see what you did near the coastline and I dont know if that aspect is yet finished, but i still think some colorchange can be a positive thing.

I would add this escpeccialy where the boat has stranded.

2) The stranded boat: see point 1, and I would add some loose wooden planks or other remnants (it looks to "complete" for an old stranded boat, I refer to, it as old since the sails and ropes are removed:rotten away. PS: THIS IS A GREAT IDEA TO add in a harbour !!! :thumbup:

3) I would give your pirate ship some kind of steeringwheel, this adds to realism: I think I heard you say you didnt have much piraty stuff, and no hulls either (I can be wrong but if I remember you saying something like that, and also you needed the BSB !) SO: you build a beautifull ship for having so few pirate bricks/hulls. i must say the same about your sails: another :thumbup:

4)the yellow sand goes over to green grass: a bit abrupt to my taste.... but thats just MHO.

5)the roof of ya light house is brown, but you are using stonecolored bricks, Ithink a stone building like a lighthouse deserves a stone roof. in this case I would go for black. (or I would try this at least, if you have please excuse me: just trowing up suggestions here!) Black goes ,IMHO, better with the other bricks of the lighthouse anyway.

6)add more minifigs , but I'm sure you know that, you stated it is a work in progress....

The fact I added "possible improvements" does not state I do not like your MOC

! I just "designed" a new rating system that reflects as much details as possible.

My rating: zorro3999 loves :pir-wub: your girlfr....ERRHH....your contest entry VERY MUCH :thumbup: Keep up the good work, Guss ! Its amazing how much you can do with so few "pure" piratebricks !

for now, a 9/10, but obviousqly that can change...

Edited by zorro3999

  • Author
PS: i would like to have a lego-loving girlfriend pir_kiss.gif like you as well...If she becomes available on the market again, please PM me pir_laugh2.gif
zorro3999 loves pirate_wubnew.gif your girlfr....ERRHH....

sorry she's mine, and she'll never be on the market again :tongue: .

1) Add some "undeep" water near the coastline, I can see what you did near the coastline and I dont know if that aspect is yet finished, but i still think some colorchange can be a positive thing.

I would add this escpeccialy where the boat has stranded.

unfortunately I just have a few light-blue tiles... so I ll try to manage something but .. I don't really know how I'm going to do!

2) The stranded boat: see point 1, and I would add some loose wooden planks or other remnants (it looks to "complete" for an old stranded boat, I refer to, it as old since the sails and ropes are removed:rotten away. PS: THIS IS A GREAT IDEA TO add in a harbour !!! default_thumbup.gif

this boat is not finished, I think I'm going to make it looks like it just sinked , like if it was destroyed by the pirates.

3) I would give your pirate ship some kind of steeringwheel, this adds to realism: I think I heard you say you didnt have much piraty stuff, and no hulls either (I can be wrong but if I remember you saying something like that, and also you needed the BSB !) SO: you build a beautifull ship for having so few pirate bricks/hulls. i must say the same about your sails: another default_thumbup.gif

you're right, I have no hulls and not a lot of pirate stuffs and I really want the BSB ^^ ( but I don't really think I can win.. but who knows, with good advice like yours ^^ )

I was thinking to add a steering wheels, but I'm still looking for a way to makes it looks nice ^^

4)the yellow sand goes over to green grass: a bit abrupt to my taste.... but thats just MHO.

I really think the same, I'm going to modify it !

5)the roof of ya light house is brown, but you are using stonecolored bricks, Ithink a stone building like a lighthouse deserves a stone roof. in this case I would go for black. (or I would try this at least, if you have please excuse me: just trowing up suggestions here!) Black goes ,IMHO, better with the other bricks of the lighthouse anyway.

I tried to makes it black or grey, but I still prefer it brown, make it look like they did a wooden roof, and you'll notice that the roof inside the lighthouse is grey, as if it was built with stones, to make it more solid to support the high part of the lighthouse. well.. I just noticed that I didn't make a picture that shows the inside of it :blush:

6)add more minifigs , but I'm sure you know that, you stated it is a work in progress....

yes of course^^ there will be something like 15 minifigs I think , maybe more

and there will be a lot more details when It will be finished ^^

anyway , thanks for all your advices and for your kind words ^^

It's a really nice village, but I have a feeling that one doesn't win this contest just by making a pirate-themed village - there has to be something special going on with the MOC, with so many talented builders participating in the contest. The winning entries just have to stand out somehow. So I'm not trying to put your creation down or anything, but I hope you're adding some sort of catch to that village of yours as you build it up. You're already at such a great start!

I'm making a village for my large entry as well, but there's definitely a twist involved in it! :wink:

I like the cute little ship, the sinking ship and the brown roof. But I think the shoreline could use some work, like replacing the technic bricks and making some irregularity at the (nicely sloped btw) beach, now it is too straight. And the sinking ship could use some bubbles and wreckage around it, if you weren't planning on that already.

Edited by Fluyt

  • Author

thanks Sandy, that's just the "background" the .. "décor" ( can I say that in English ? ) , I'll try to make something original... but off course with all the talented builders here, I'm pretty sure I'll not make a moc that can win... I just came out of my dark age, and I don't have the talent to make a "amazing" moc, but at least I'll try ^^

hehe I'll wait to see your village then ^^ so I can put it down :P I'm joking ^^

Fluyt : thanks ^^ the technic bricks is temporary, there will be a burning building here ( I just put this bricks to avoid loosing my flames. ) , bubbles ? hey that's a nice Idea ! I was planning to put some wreckage , but I didn't think I can put bubbles, thanks !

This is looking really nice Guss! I really like your little buildings and the ship is looking lovely.

For the shallower water, instead of light blue you could intersperse some white plates together with the blue to give a good effect.

I'm excited to see and comment on the finished product!

I would give you a 10 for creativity, for making a Pirate scene with the bricks that come from different themes.

I am waiting anctiously for your final version !

sorry she's mine, and she'll never be on the market again :tongue: .



I am currently digitalizing her, with the picture of her hand, wrist and forearm I should be able to recreate her on my PC.

After that, and with my digitalization,

I will have her DNA calculated by the University of Brussels (they have some experience at this).

With her DNA as a base, I can make the necessary changes to develop my perfect woman.

Third and last step will be to artificially generate this DNA and plant it in an embryo...letting it grow for 18 years.

According to my computer she should look like this:


Edited by zorro3999

I just noticed something... Is that the skeleton of a horse I see? :tongue:

That's a nice little detail!

  • Author


I am currently digitalizing her, with the picture of her hand, wrist and forearm I should be able to recreate her on my PC.

After that, and with my digitalization,

I will have her DNA calculated by the University of Brussels (they have some experience at this).

With her DNA as a base, I can make the necessary changes to develop my perfect woman.

Third and last step will be to artificially generate this DNA and plant it in an embryo...letting it grow for 18 years.

According to my computer she should look like this:


ahahah, wel laughed a lot with my GF reading this^^, is it a kind of reverse engineering ? XD and I don't think she'll look like this, she's not blonde :P

if you want more data to create your digital model, check this : http://www.cosplay.com/member/80657/ it's her ( Yes she likes cosplaying) ^^

thanks a lot erdbeereis1

For the shallower water, instead of light blue you could intersperse some white plates together with the blue to give a good effect.

I'll try It tomorrow, it's a good idea! plus I found some light blue plates... in the chess set! ^^ I didn't notice there were some!

Edited by Guss

Wow, now you have made me really jealous...

She has some really nice pics on there, I really love her costumes as well: Emeraldas looks great, but she looks in-cre-di-ble good as Gatekeeper jasmine, she a born cosplayer with natural "Elvish" looks. :thumbup:

Thanks for the links, my cousin and her husband (both 26) love cosplaying as well (W-O-W, middle ages and LOTR), but I dont remember links to their pages.

Have you ever visited FACTS in Belgium yet?

Im going back on topic again now.

Edited by zorro3999

Wow. You're doing better than me. But, however, my MOC has much more blood! I thought I was being nice! I might win this contest due to the goriness! That's what the contest is about! :pir-skull:

  • Author

thanks Thomas, I don't think that it's better than you, but I promise that in the final version there will be more blood ^^

zorro, my girlfriends thanks you for your kind words ^^

Have you ever visited FACTS in Belgium yet?

no, I never visited Belgium , well, I went to "Spa-Francorchamps" when I was young .. really young ( 2 years old ), so I don't remember ^^ where is, and what is FACTS ? ^^

Erdbeereis1 : yes that's a horse skeleton with some horn ^^ I thought about this detail but I was building the ship, so my girlfriend built it, she wanted to ^^

I eagerly await the twist you are going to add to your beautofull background. :pir-sweet:

The horse looks good.

no, I never visited Belgium , well, I went to "Spa-Francorchamps" when I was young .. really young ( 2 years old ), so I don't remember ^^ where is, and what is FACTS ? ^^

FACTS is the largest cosplaying event in the BeNeLux (for US members and others that don't know BeNeLux is a wordcontraction of BElgium, the NEtherlands and LUxemburg: three European nations that work together on many levels and scales like economy, defense,...)

Look here

WHAT ??"The convention F.A.C.T.S. is organised once a year by Con-Fuse, an organisation which promotes Science Fiction, Comics, Fantasy and Japanese animation."

WHERE?? I.C.C. - Internationaal Congres Centrum

Citadelpark - 9000

Ghent - Belgium

Edited by zorro3999

I really like you entry Guss! It has a lot of details and it is very well designed!


Very good moc, i like the lighthouse, good choices on the colors of the buildings, and the ship is great too.

  • Author

thanks Lego12 and CPT Jr, I hesitated a long time on the buildings colours, I wanted a three coloured building, but I had no idea WHAT three colours I'll use (red -tan -brown ? no .. light grey- white- tan ? ... no .. blue red yellow ? NO ! ^^ ) ! I'm glad you like it ^^

I like what I see. You made this with great detail. It looks very good. I can't wait to see the finished product!

Well, thanks Guss... And good job about thinking of blood!

Wow! Your entry looks great! Good luck in the contest, dude!

  • Author

thanks samthelegoman1 and legoking ^^

here come an Update ! ^^

here are the characters that will be on my entry, they are divided in 4 categories:

the pirates ( 11 minifigs)

the soldiers ( 5 minifigs)

the prisoners (3 minifigs)

the civilians ( 14 minifigs)

(click for larger images)

1/ The pirate.

They are the "Whitebeard" crew, they are pillaging this village for some reasons, first, the inhabitants of this little village captured one of the best pirates of this crew , Mickael, secondly, this village is bad defended by a little garrison.. not more than 10 men ( poor villagers.. ) , third, they heard about a big jewel hidden somewhere in this village...

let me introduce them :


name: Captain Whitebeard

age: 44

weapons : 2 sabers.

He is the captain of the crew, cruel, intrepid


name : Annia "the whip"

age : 38

weapons: a gun and a whip.

She is the wife of the captain Whitebeard.


name: One legged Wirt.

Age : 35

weapon : a canon, he is the one that always stay to guard the boat.


name : Timmy "the boy"

age: 14

weapons : an axe and a gun.

He is the youngest members of the whitebeard's pirates.


name : Toni "the spearman"

age : 25

weapons : a sabre and a spear.


name : jenny "one armed girl"

age : 20

weapon : a sabre

she lost her arm in an accident, now she have a wooden fake arm that she painted in white.. to make it look likes it was just her clothes.

bob.jpg_thumb.jpg balthazar.jpg_thumb.jpg john.jpg_thumb.jpg oswald.jpg_thumb.jpg pedro.jpg_thumb.jpg

name: Bob, Balthazar, John, Oswald, Pedro

age : 25-35

weapons : sabre for bob, a sabre and a rifle for Balthazar, 2 guns for John, a gun and a sabre for Oswald, a sabre for Pedro .

They are the crew men of the whitebeard pirates.

2/ the soldiers

the soldiers based on this little village just captured

Edited by Guss

  • Author

update 2 ( sorry for the double post : )

almost finished !!

here we go :

general view of the moc :

p6171006.jpg_thumb.jpg p6171007.jpg_thumb.jpg p6171008.jpg_thumb.jpg p6171009.jpg_thumb.jpg

the tavern :


the professor house :

p6170981.jpg_thumb.jpg ( the same overexposed to see the details of the underground : click here

the boat and the canon of the lighthouse, also included a dead guard and the prisoners.


I'll stop there with the pics, or there will be to many pics

full gallery on brickshelf when moderated : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=346252

This is a work in progress, comments, critics, advices, feedbacks are always welcomes ^^ thanks !

Edited by Guss

I like how you did little bios on each character in your MOC. Your MOC is going along great. The pirate ship that you created is great! Are those custom sails or did you get them off the websit? You just have amazing detail. The dock leading onto land is really good. The beach, nice affect by slanting it. Your buildings are very well done. I like that you included so much minifigs. That always makes the MOC better. The fire in the middle of the street and the forest in the back left. Perfect! I like how you made the pirates on the street stealing treasure. Also, your pictures on the inside of the buildings are great! This is like a town center and I would love to own your MOC and add it to my collection.

Possible Improvements

Well, there is not much for me to say, but I do have one thing in my mind.

1) The only thing you could add is some blood.

Other than that, it is perfect.

Overall- You have done a great job on your MOC and I see you put a lot of effort and major detail into this MOC. I think you have a pretty good chance of winning.


  • Author

thanks a lot legoking ! it seems that you like my mocs, and I'm really glad of it^^

Are those custom sails or did you get them off the websit?

it is custom sails I did, I found an old and huge piece of paper in our "personal workshop" ( a little corner of our apartment my girlfriend use to make her cosplay ) , I cut sails in it and both the textures and colours were perfect, so I decided this piece of paper will be my sails databade :P ,only the front sail of the pirate ship is official,the one with the skull, it is from the 6261 raft raiders , the only "big" pirate set I have ^^

I think I'm going to add some details, maybe some blood ^^ and take the final pictures, then edit the background in photoshop this weekend !

Edited by Guss

I think there's a problem...I'm being strangled! That's the problem!! :pir-tongue:

Cool port. Lot's of action going on in there!

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