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Just how cool is the CCB? 70 members have voted

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Here is my first try at keep modules: a guest chamber and I put the Queen's Lying-In Chamber next door (not the same as her regular chamber on the third floor). By the way, the Queen is expecting...and the king is hoping for an heir!


For more pictures go to the Alpha Thread, here.

Hope you like it!

Edited by Lalande

Thanks for all of the comments guys! I'm really glad you all like it! :classic:

I almost forgot to comment on all of the great new creations!

ISC: Your forestmens treehouse looks exactly like a forestmens treehouse should! It really came together nicely, and I like the older man in the tree. Also, your butcher is great. I really like all of the meat you put around and the upstairs has a good feel to it too. :thumbup:

Darkagent: Wow! Two more great modules for team Beta! :classic: The Knights Quarters is fantastic with all of the colors, but I like the stairwell even more. When I put stairwell on the list I thought to myself, "Eh, this is going to be a boring module. Who would want to do that?" but you made it a really neat and clever module. I love how the servants are moving stuff from one floor to another with that pulley. Really nicely done!

JimButcher: I really like the mannequins. Those ugly fleshy heads seemed so useless...good job finding them a purpose!

Waterbrick Down: Great Dwarven Embassy! All of the details are really nice, but my favorite detail oddly enough are the little lamps outfront. That's a really clever technique, I may have to steal use it sometime!


I finally finished the kitchen! :grin: It turned out very well if I do say so myself. :laugh:

Pictures will be up tomorrow.

Nice new modules LaLande, I smell an Alpha comeback! :tongue:

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Well its official, we have filled the first post with too many pictures!

I'm speaking to KimT about a fix to this situation as I would like to keep all the pics in one place as it looks great.

Thanks Thrash and all the others for making this so much fun, the thumbnails, the discussions, and all the nice comments for my modules.

I look forward to the Kitchen Erd.

Thrash I don't know where to begin with the Tavern/Docks, but they are just awesome! all the great rooms, hidden details, characters etc make for a great little swinging establishment.

The Dragon head reminds me of Bettlejuice for some reason. :classic:

Poll added to first post too :thumbup::tongue:

  I Scream Clone said:
Well its official, we have filled the first post with too many pictures!

Yes, but what about that second post, it's empty? :grin:

*puts away his magic wand* :wink:

  • Author
  ImperialShadows said:
Yes, but what about that second post, it's empty? :grin:

*puts away his magic wand* :wink:

Thank you Batman, you saved the day!

Iris: That's not Batman you goose!

Fine :oh3: Truly magic work Batman Imperial Shadows, I will continue to cause the server to crash with multiple images in one post then :oh3:

Thanks to KimT as well, and all the staff for there great support of the CCB

Iris: What a suck up!

Lord Gary: Who said that? :devil:

EDIT: How does everyone like the new layout in the first two posts?

Ooh, so many gorgeous modules! I can see the town and the castle building up in my mind.

I'm proud to see that everyone has taken to building the castle-modules based on my example. If put together, the castle would look very cohesive, I'd reckon. Although quite cubical, too. :tongue:

The new layout on the first page works well, ISC, it's really easy to navigate now. Am I the "Champion" because I posted the first module? If so, then cool! :grin:

Cool! Team Beta has titles! Now we're really the awesomest! :laugh:

Tanned. :sceptic: The jeweller is only Tan on one side. :hmpf_bad::tongue:

Even though you've solved the picture max problem temporarily, with Trash making so many modules, we could probably cut down some of the pictures by combining the pictures together. Both of my modules are in the same gallery, so there only needs to be one picture and link, and the first three of darkagent's modules are in one gallery as well. It's not much, but it could cut down a few pictures.

  3D Brickthing said:
Cool! Team Beta has titles! Now we're really the awesomest! :laugh:

Tanned. :sceptic: The jeweller is only Tan on one side. :hmpf_bad::tongue:

Even though you've solved the picture max problem temporarily, with Trash making so many modules, we could probably cut down some of the pictures by combining the pictures together. Both of my modules are in the same gallery, so there only needs to be one picture and link, and the first three of darkagent's modules are in one gallery as well. It's not much, but it could cut down a few pictures.

Right! If images can be combined, literally glued together but all linking to one gallery, the quantity of modules per post can increase dramatically. Otherwise, merging all of the pics from a single member into a collage and then placing a series of appropriate links could serve the same purpose.

Doing the little trick I did this morning means moving the thread earlier and earlier into time and eventually it'll rip the fabric of space. :grin:

  • Author
  ImperialShadows said:
Doing the little trick I did this morning means moving the thread earlier and earlier into time and eventually it'll rip the fabric of space. :grin:

Dear God! Help! wont someone think of the children!

Maybe we step back in time enough we will reach Medieval times :wink:

I like the idea of collages as all of mine are in the same folder.....lets see what smarter people than me come up with.

Wow, so I have the title of BL on speed dial. That's funny because last night I cleaned out my fast and cheap supplier of bley bricks. Now I have to find another source. :tongue:

I call discrimination against Alphas! :sing: Why don't we get shiny new names? :tongue:

Great work on the new layout, it looks great.

The kitchen is now finished!


More pictures in the Beta thread. :classic:

I am about 75% done on my cooper and would like to Add my name down for the "Siege on wall section 16 x 16" so I can continue to contribute once I complete my Cooper.

Wow Erdbeeries! That looks like a great kitchen...I'll have to check out the rest of the pictures in a second and thumbnail it later tonight or tomorrow. :classic:

ISC, 3 things:

1. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the layout. In fact, I've been working hard on a layout that will give us a lot more room and include a few key things that we've forgotten (like a tournament ground). It's a busy week for me, but hopefully I can have it ready to show soon.

2. The new layout for the first few posts looks great, and I really like the nicknames! :thumbup:

3. Congrats on becoming a fellow!


  • Author
  darkagent said:
Wow, so I have the title of BL on speed dial. That's funny because last night I cleaned out my fast and cheap supplier of bley bricks. Now I have to find another source. :tongue:

Alright, I love it! Cleaned out the bley, that's great for us :wink:

  Erdbeereis said:
I call discrimination against Alphas! :sing: Why don't we get shiny new names? :tongue:

Great work on the new layout, it looks great.

More pictures in the Beta thread. :classic:

That kitchen is awesome Erd! I hope you are posting it in Alpha though :grin: I promise to work on the names soon, its just im home sick at the moment with no real energy. Stomach bug and exhaustion do that I guess.

  *Jerry Man* said:
I am about 75% done on my cooper and would like to Add my name down for the "Siege on wall section 16 x 16" so I can continue to contribute once I complete my Cooper.

Will do when I get around to fixing the Alpha names too. Great to see someone having a crack at that. If you think it should be a 16 x 32 long that's fine as well. Not really sure who is left to attack the castle as they all have embassies, sometimes negotiations don't work though :wacko:

Wow, just noticed I am now a Fellow, how cool is that!

Watch out for my strange and eerie powers :devil:

  Erdbeereis said:
I call discrimination against Alphas! :sing: Why don't we get shiny new names? :tongue:

Great work on the new layout, it looks great.

The kitchen is now finished!

More pictures in the Beta thread. :classic:

Erd - say it isn't so! Alpha needs you!!!! We need your kitchen! Don't go!!!!!!

Holy crap. I can't believe I accidentally posted the Kitchen in Beta. :oh:

I'm an idiot. :tongue:

I'll re-post in Alpha, sorry guys! :blush:

  I Scream Clone said:
Alright, I love it! Cleaned out the bley, that's great for us :wink:

That kitchen is awesome Erd! I hope you are posting it in Alpha though :grin: I promise to work on the names soon, its just im home sick at the moment with no real energy. Stomach bug and exhaustion do that I guess.

Will do when I get around to fixing the Alpha names too. Great to see someone having a crack at that. If you think it should be a 16 x 32 long that's fine as well. Not really sure who is left to attack the castle as they all have embassies, sometimes negotiations don't work though :wacko:

Wow, just noticed I am now a Fellow, how cool is that!

Watch out for my strange and eerie powers :devil:

Im going to use Trolls to attack them because they may be easier to pose than skeletons and any other evil things I have... Although I guess I could borrow some MEGABLOKS...

  Erdbeereis said:
Holy crap. I can't believe I accidentally posted the Kitchen in Beta. :oh:

I'm an idiot. :tongue:

I'll re-post in Alpha, sorry guys! :blush:

Phew! You had me worried there... but no worries, just a simple mistake... (if I'm not mistaken Dark Agent has posted his pictures in Alpha before...and he claims to be a Beta) :laugh:

Hey everyone,

I've been working for quite a while on this updated layout. I've made the following changes:

1. LOTS more room. The interest people have been expressing in this project has been incredible, so I've added a lot more room, not only for the modules that don't have a place yet, but also room for more modules that people might come up with. A few new modules that I've made room for are: Amphitheatre (C8), Tournament Grounds(C3), Crownie Secret Service Tower, Orc Siege Camp (O3, to go with the wall under siege), Memorial Statue (G17)

2. Everything is seperated into 5 districts: Civilian, Docks, Industrial, Military, and Government. The government district has two gatehouses in order to enter it so that most of the civilians can't just go wandering around (G5, G16).

3. A grid in the background where each square equals 8 studs. This should eliminate all confusion about module sizes and such.

4. A moat around the Keep. What's a castle without a moat!?


What does everyone think? We obviously need an expansion, but if everyone wants to stick with the old layout, just bigger, I can do that too. I just thought it was time for a major overhaul of the layout to reflect the direction this project has taken.

Any input anyone has for new modules or the layout in general would be much appreciated.

ISC, obviously you have a big say in this, so let me know ASAP before I go any further with this plan if you want to stick with the old style layout. :classic:

Hope you guys like it!


Thrash, I love it! :thumbup:

I like that it's now straight walls everywhere, because that allows us to fill in the entire interior with baseplates and community MOC goodness if we want to, and the entire thing is more sturdy.

In regards to the dividing of things, this is good in some ways, like making everthing slightly more organized, but it takes away a bit of the fun of the castle where the conflicts between modules are limited to modules of the same kind. I'd prefer it is there were situations where the civilians could have conflict with the military or people of the docks could throw fish at the governors! Also, in a real castle as big as this, the Military would be divided in ways so that it had all the walls just as easily covered. An attack on the docks or the civilian area would not be as well defended from than it could be.

Finally, with all the new modules and reorganized module locations, I have no idea how many of which category modules are up for suggustions. But I presume that'll come soon enough if everyone else likes it. :classic:

I'm loving the layout Thrash.. but I am wondering where my new and improved 32 wide siege would fit.

Could you give me a location where it would go so I can make a slight change if i feel necessary.

  • Author

I really love the amount of work that has gone into this layout Thrash! The wall height, huge modules for those game enough, districts. The more rectangular layout looks more fortified as opposed to the old layout.

Its a thumbs up from methough I still have a few thoughts on module locations....see below

  3D Brickthing said:
In regards to the dividing of things, this is good in some ways, like making everthing slightly more organized, but it takes away a bit of the fun of the castle where the conflicts between modules are limited to modules of the same kind. I'd prefer it is there were situations where the civilians could have conflict with the military or people of the docks could throw fish at the governors! Also, in a real castle as big as this, the Military would be divided in ways so that it had all the walls just as easily covered. An attack on the docks or the civilian area would not be as well defended from than it could be.

I agree with some of this. A great idea would be a guardhouse in each section to keep the piece and maintain vigil over all the walled city. A simple 16 x 16 module should fill these needs and each module must have a feel like its surroundings. For example the Docks guardhouse would have some local fishermen scum in trouble with the law. Whilst one in the Government district would be buried under paperwork. Hows that sound?

  3D Brickthing said:
Finally, with all the new modules and reorganized module locations, I have no idea how many of which category modules are up for suggustions. But I presume that'll come soon enough if everyone else likes it. :classic:

That will come soon enough :classic:

You know we may have to make new teams up to tackle districts. This may just be the new evolution of the CCB, teams working together on a common design with modules for all members. This may be an organisational nightmare, and as we have built so many already people may not be as interested. Still food for thought.

Once again Thrash, well done :thumbup:

  *Jerry Man* said:
I'm loving the layout Thrash.. but I am wondering where my new and improved 32 wide siege would fit.

Could you give me a location where it would go so I can make a slight change if i feel necessary.

Im thinking this should be on a 32 x32 plate. Half on each side of the wall for more action, though if its already built on a 16 x 32 thats cool. We will make allowances for the larger size as well on the map.

  I Scream Clone said:
Im thinking this should be on a 32 x32 plate. Half on each side of the wall for more action, though if its already built on a 16 x 32 thats cool. We will make allowances for the larger size as well on the map.

It is on two 16x32 plates one inside and one outside. the only reason its on two 16x32 plates is because I cannot find any 32x32 without a road or something in the way.

Edited by *Jerry Man*

Wow! I'm glad that you guys all like the new layout. I was worried about how everyone would respond to such a big change... :classic:

Here is the updated layout to reflect your guys suggestions and a list of modules to go along with it. I was able to fill every spot except for 2 spots in the industrial district. Those should be easy to fill though, since there were so many different artisans back in the middle ages. Also, I've updated the keep layout a bit to include the Buttery, Lying In Chamber, and Illuminator and also so that the keep has a roof. The way I think that we should tackle the roof is by having a tower on each corner (the wizard tower will be in the North East corner) and then various other platform modules...that explination will probably be more clear once you see the new layout and list below. :thumbup:

I have kept every module the same size and everything except for the gatehouse in the keep, which i shortened to 2 stories high instead of the height of the keep. Pickerel was the only one signed up for this and we haven't heard from him in quite a while, so I figured that was ok. So pickerel, (or anyone who has an objection) speak up now before it's too late!



D1. Money Changer

D2. Fish Monger/Thieves Guild

D3. Tavern

D4. Dock

D5. Out-house

D6. Brothel w/ Alley Way

D7. Opium Den

D8. Witch's Hut

D9. Gambling Den

D10. Guard Post

D11. Alchemist

D12. Barbershop

I1. Tanner

I2. Mason's Guild

I3. Siege Factory

I4. Carpenter

I5. Silversmith

I6. Glazier

I7. Lumberjack Lodge


I9. Poleturner

I10. Blacksmith

I11. Fletcher


I13. Dyer

I14. Tapestry Weaver

I15. Guard Post

I16. Chandler

I17. Cooper

C1. Adventurer's Guild

C2. Doctor

C3. Tournament Grounds

C4. Animal Pen

C5. Butcher

C6. Cadger's Menagerie

C7. Wizard's Guild

C8. Amphitheatre

C9. Actor's Guild

C10. Vegetable Patch

C11. Apothecary

C12. Mystery Play

C13. Chapel

C14. Monastary

C15. Graveyard

C16. Guard Post

C17. Bakery

C18. Jester's Joke Shop

C19. Jeweler

M1. Armory

M2. Stables

M3. Wall Repairs

M4. Oil Smelter

M5. Barracks

M6. Wall under Siege

M7. Fighters Guild

M8. Fighting Arena

M9. Archery Range

M10. Training Ground

M11. Elvin Archer's Barracks

G1. Church

G2. Tax Collector

G3. Crownie Secret Service Tower

G4. Falconry Mew

G5. Gate from Military w/ Guard Post

G6. Troll Embassy

G7. Skeleton Embassy

G8. Wolfpack Embassy

G9. Black Falcon Embassy

G10. Forestmen's Treehouse

G11. Dungeon

G12. Torture Chamber

G13. Alley-way

G14. Dwarven Embassy

G15. Bank

G16. Gate from Civilian

G17. Memorial

O1. Main Gatehouse

O2. Back Gatehouse

O3. Siege Camp

K1. Courtyard

K2. Gatehouse (2 stories) and drawbridge

K3. Servant's Quarters

K4. Buttery

K5. Kitchen

K6. Entrance Hall w/ Great Staircase (2 stories)

K7. Wine Cellar

K8. Library

K9. Guest Chambers

K10. Guest Chambers

K11. Lying In Chamber

K12. Garderobe

K13. Royal Armory

K14. War Room

K15. Knight's Quarters

K16. Stairwell (2 stories)

K17. Dining Hall

K18. Princess' Chamber

K19. Prince's Chamber

K20. Queen's Chamber

K21. King's Chamber

K22. Chamberlain's Quarters

K23. Throne Room

K24. Royal Jail

K25. Royal Torture Chamber w/ Staircase to Roof (2 stories)

K26. Treasury

K27. Wizard Tower

K28. Illuminator's Room

K29. Jester's Quarters

R1. NW Tower

R2. Platform 1

R3. Platform 2

R4. Platform 3

R5. SE Tower

R6. Platform 4

R7. Platform 5

R8. Platform 6

R9. SW Tower

R10. Platform 7

How does that sound? Any ideas for the empty spots in the industrial district?

ISC, it probably would be a good idea to redo the teams. Since we already have many of the modules built, I was thinking that all of the already built modules could kind of work as "free agents". In other words, the Government District group could just work on doing the new modules and then use my Troll Embassy, your Forestman's Treehouse, Adam's bank, etc. Also, do you think we should have competing teams for each district and do them one at a time, or just have different groups tackle different districts (or floors for the keep)?


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