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hey, i'm not sure if this fits here, but i still can move it... ;)

Now, its the very first real non-sci-fi minifig scale creation i made for a long, long time...

its an imperial port, very similar to my beloved Imperial Trading Post, actually this set was the inspiration for it... ;)

its not finished yet, i've still to add many details (e.g. minifigs, barrels, chests, plants, and so on...)

and i'm thinking about buying more white and yellow bricks and some burps at bricklink, and expanding it... but thats only a "maybe", cause its already very large... ;) its size is 80 x 48 studs, and allmost everything (except the water and all the things directly at the water...) is raised to a high of 6 or more bricks...

but here a picture:


you can see, that the whole thing is cutted out, e.g. the large house with the tower at the left side has only one half...

there is a small bridge in the front that can be opened, but there is a mechanism for it still missing, that will be changed the next days.


if i get more stones, i will replace this bridge and the grey tower, because i made them both before deciding that i will make all buildings yellow-white.... so now they doesn't fit to the rest of it... :(


this is the way i would like to build the whole bridge....


and here you can see a little cave that i included, there will be stored some chests or barrels in it... ;) or maybe it will be an monkey-home... ;)


this is the back of the larger house, you see, there isn't really much place in it... ;)

now, the pictures you saw weren't exactly what the whole model is at this moment looking like, i just added some plants, palm trees, a few barrels, animals (monkeys and birds and such little things)...

here are the gallerys:

Whole Gallery

First day of building

Pictures i made after the second day

so enjoy and please say me what think!!! ;)


Hey Apo!

That is a great change from all your other mocs, not that they are bad but change is always good! :D

It looks really good, and very big. I love how you have added lots of little details in to make it look better.

Have you finished it yet? I would like to see how it looks once everything is finished.

Maybe you could do a diorama? Perhaps with a pirate ship and so.

Nice work as usual Apo, I enjoy seeing what you make!



thanks for the kind words!!! :D

no, it's not finished yet, i used the spare time i had the last times to work (wallpapering.... uh.....) and to build an alternate model from my at-at for at-ats contest... ;)

but i will finish it soon.... and maybe i will expand it soon, too !!!! :D

i tried to make a pirate ship (a small one), but i'm not good at building (swimming) ships from my imagination.... i've just no idea, how the look in reality... ;) but i will include some boats (maybe an islander boat... ;)) and such things....


Do you not have any of the old pirate set? One of those would look great in your port.

If worse comes to worse you could get a... a... Jack Stone set and destroy the figures but keep the boat, I dunno if it would be right but its just an idea... on second thoughts its a bad one.



actually i've much more pirates and knights than star wars sets... but i want to paste a moc ship in the dio.... so i've to make an own.... i already started with one, but it wasn't that good... :(


i already have this hull twice and i've a large hull of one of the three large pirate ships (the second as far as i know).... buildung this wouldn't be the big problem, it much harder to build the stuff ABOVE the hull... ;) you know, all the sails and such stuff... where should i place it in a (for a sailor) right way??? that is the cause why i need references.. to make it realistic....


thanks!!! :D and i will add more details later... ;)

actually, the details of the original set i mentioned above were a reason that i liked that set so much!!!

  • 1 month later...

lol, its not completed so far... i hope to finish it this week, and because i will get a digicam soon ("ordered" it by some french guy... :P), i hope to be able to shoot some pictures of the finished set soon...


I think you could put some dead pirate in the cave ! :rolleyes: Maybe one squeleton with a red bandana on the hair and a gun in his hand. Just to warn the other pirates who would be tempted to enter ;)


Were did you get those nice blue baseplates ? I wanted to order some but unfortunatly, lego stoped the production. i'm dying to find one


remember this?


now, after a hard working night (*loul*) it looks like that:



i'm currently taking everything apart (:() because i need the bricks.... but this images are only previews, i hope to be able to upload all the images tonight, you'll see them soon!!! ;)


Looks great Apo! Nice to see that you have done some work on it, it looks alot better. The figures and scenery add some nice character to the model and I like all the monkeys everywhere.

Also, did you get a new camera? The pictures look better quality.


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