Posted October 23, 200816 yr I've been thinking that with the huge success of the star wars sets, and with the star trek movie franchise being rebooted with JJ Abrams 'Star Trek', I'd have to think that some attention should/must be paid attention to the franchise. Imagine all the sets they could bring out! I'd love to see a huge Enterprise (in any and all variations) among the scale of a millenium falcon. Am I alone in this, or is this something that's been discussed before? I think the potential is there for a ton of sets, with tons of success, and with the upcoming movie to tie it all to, I don't think the time has ever been better.
October 23, 200816 yr Am I alone in this, or is this something that's been discussed before? I think the potential is there for a ton of sets, with tons of success, and with the upcoming movie to tie it all to, I don't think the time has ever been better. Of course I would appreciate Star Trek sets. There are some major problems though: Megablocks was already mentioned, Star Wars is doing very very well, so why produce another space based licensed theme? And finally in my opinion the best days of Star Trek have passed already. I doubt ST would sell as good as SW, because there is much more attention to the George-Lucas-universe. The new movie will eventually change that situation, but I recall the last television series (Enterprise) that had it´s troubles - not only in the U.S. Imagine all the sets they could bring out! I'd love to see a huge Enterprise (in any and all variations) among the scale of a millenium falcon. I´d love to see that, too! But this would be the cherry on the cake: A UCS Voyager with a detailed sickbay! :grin:
October 23, 200816 yr I would indeed love Star Trek Lego. I was a huge fan as a kid/teenager (the next gen was my era). We used build spaceship after spaceship with a Star Trek type bridge, warp core, nacelles, all the rest. Of course, especially early one, the ships had more in common with the Borg, as they were one level square on a 32x32 baseplate. We always tended to focus on the interior rather than exterior. Shortage of bricks meant quite bright primary coloured decor too :) Later on with our larger multi-baseplate ships, I enjoyed incorporating horizontal lift shafts for a turbolift. Our ships always tended eventually to have a catastrophic space battle, although sometimes they were fixed or refitted with modifications. Towards the end of my pre-dark ages building, the trek features were relegated to a bridge type room in any of our space bases (for the small spaceships from sets or our own creations). I did I think make a nice little "runabout" at one stage during that era, that would have been my most realistic construction. However, it certainly would not have been grey hull (few grey bricks). I haven't built space constructions since starting back into Lego, having been absorbed with a large Castle MoC, and now a Lego Agents base. I've a lot of space sets awaiting customisation and/or incorporation into a custom space station though. I'm hoping the new Trek film is a great rebirth. I'm reasonably happy about the concept, however much it may be "unoriginal" (although it is a different attempt to existing ST films/TV series even if redoing the original setting). Ultimately what I want is more of the same, with today's touch, but to the same or better standard than the best we have at present! Edited October 23, 200816 yr by brickzone
October 23, 200816 yr Unlike Star Wars, Star Trek is not as popular as it used to be. The Prime Star Trek time has come and gone, and not as many people are into it. The new movie may spark more interest, but I don't think they would sell as well as Star Wars.
October 23, 200816 yr Author Unlike Star Wars, Star Trek is not as popular as it used to be. The Prime Star Trek time has come and gone, and not as many people are into it. The new movie may spark more interest, but I don't think they would sell as well as Star Wars. No, I have no doubt that the SW universe is more popular than star trek. But star trek has been around longer, and does have a huge following. The word 'trekkie' doesn't exist without cause. This wasn't an attempt to say one is better than the other (I know both camps tend to look down on the other) simply saying that there would be a market for it. I wasn't aware a competitor already had the star trek license...its too bad, as I think its a huge opportunity.
October 23, 200816 yr I am not such a fan of Star Trek but I think this will not happen or at least the next year. Like said before Megablock got the license for Star Trek and it would be hard to the TLC to manage to get it. The really important point is that Star Wars and Star Trek are like "competitors" so if TLC starts a Star Trek license maybe will make the sales of Star Wars go down or the sets will not simply sale for the same reason . Edited October 23, 200816 yr by darkrebellion
October 23, 200816 yr I am not such a fan of Star Trek but I think this will not happen or at least the next year. Like said before Megablock got the license for Star Trek and it would be hard to the TLC to manage to get it. The really important point is that Star Wars and Star Trek are like "competitors" so if TLC starts a Star Trek license maybe will make the sales of Star Wars go down or the sets will not simply sale for the same reason . Must fully agree with this statement and more: if TLC wanted to produce Star Trek, they would have bought the license, they have a lot more capital then Megablocks, so they could easily have outbid them on that... And if they would release it now, they would have to competite with Megablocks (aside from with the SW line)as well, since I am pretty convinced Megablocks bought a multiple-year license. PS: I am not against Star Trek, I even love it! Just posting my opinion here .
October 24, 200816 yr I am sorry, but Star Trek lego? Come on, this is LEGO. That would be a joke if LEGO made Star Trek LEGO. Star Wars is much better than Star Trek anyway. If you want to get Star Trek decals, contact me and I can tell you where to get them.
October 24, 200816 yr Author I am sorry, but Star Trek lego? Come on, this is LEGO. That would be a joke if LEGO made Star Trek LEGO. Star Wars is much better than Star Trek anyway. If you want to get Star Trek decals, contact me and I can tell you where to get them. Why can't both exist? This type of elitism is just what I was referring to. Calling Star Trek a 'joke' and attempting to insult Star Trek? For what reason? It makes no sense! Just let people like the things the like (the funniest thing is, I'm not even a big Star Trek fan, just thought it would be a neat idea).
October 24, 200816 yr I don't think Star Trek fans have all suddenly fallen off the face of the planet just because the execution of the franchise has petered out. I hadn't watched Star Trek in nearly 10 years until recently picking up the next generation on DVD for finally a sane price (€20 per season). I think a lot of people would have their interest in Star Trek revived by themed Lego. Indeed I think the Star Wars Lego has done much for that franchise. IF the new film succeeds in rekindling interest, both Lego and the Star Trek franchise could mutually help each other a lot - the latter having new interest kept alive by something as cool as Lego sets, and there are potentially a *lot* of Trek fans in their Star Trek "dark ages" so to speak - could mean a lot of Lego sold! Just look at how things were in the mid 90s! I think Star Wars fans could avoid using this thread as an opportunity to knock Star Trek. I too am a fan of Star Wars as well as the Star Trek interest. Although for Star Wars, Episodes 1-3 are for me just as painful and poorly done as the latest Star Trek offerings.
October 24, 200816 yr Author I think Star Wars fans could avoid using this thread as an opportunity to knock Star Trek. I too am a fan of Star Wars as well as the Star Trek interest. Although for Star Wars, Episodes 1-3 are for me just as painful and poorly done as the latest Star Trek offerings. I couldn't agree more with both of these seems that so many fans of, well, anything take any opportunity to knock an opposing view in an effort to make theirs BEST, when all it comes down to is personal preference. I enjoyed both star wars and star trek, too, and can't understand the people who are so steadfast they can't enjoy both and/or knock those that do. Also, you couldn't be more right in your assessment of episodes 1-3, they were god awful. I won't get into the details but the elements that made the original trilogy so great were sorely lacking in 1-3. Again, I'd love to see the franchise picked up but if there's a competitor already with the ST license, then it doesn't seem that is going to happen.
October 24, 200816 yr I think Star Wars fans could avoid using this thread as an opportunity to knock Star Trek. I too am a fan of Star Wars as well as the Star Trek interest. Although for Star Wars, Episodes 1-3 are for me just as painful and poorly done as the latest Star Trek offerings. Amen, brother. All of these silly debates, like Star Trek vs. Star Wars, or Marvel vs. DC, or Mac vs. Windows or whatever, are sooooo tiresome. I've been a big Trek fans for many years, but Voyger, Enterprise, and the "Nemesis" movie pretty much killed my enthusiasm. I'm cautiously optimistic to see what JJ Abrams can do to reboot the franchise. There was a good article in Entertainment Weekly about it this week, and I must say, I'm intrigued to see what he does with it. Also, the actor playing Spock is an absolute dead-ringer for a young Leonard Nimoy. It's eerie. Nice bit of casting there. I love the idea of Trek Legos, but for the reasons mentioned previously, it probably won't ever happen. Also, I'm not sure if there's a lot of room for set ideas. Lego tends to target licenses with a lot of vehicle possibilities (SW, Speed Racer, Batman). There have of course been exceptions (Harry Potter most noticably), but as a general rule, TLC likes their vehicles. Aside from the huge starships in Trek (which would be wicked cool), I'm not sure what other set possibilities exist. There are no small fighters, no land vehicles, etc. But the mini-figs ... yeah, the mini-figs would be really cool.
October 24, 200816 yr Man, I know TLC is never going to make these, but they'd be as cool as hell. I've watched every single STG episode twice over now, and... *faints from lack of Picard figure*
October 24, 200816 yr Author Amen, brother. All of these silly debates, like Star Trek vs. Star Wars, or Marvel vs. DC, or Mac vs. Windows or whatever, are sooooo tiresome. I agree wholeheartedly...its as if people have their choice and everything else is crap. Unbelievable. It's interesting, though, that the header for this forum is "To boldly go where no minifig has gone before... " a direct star trek reference. So to those attempting to slam trek, you may want to reconsider your wording.
October 24, 200816 yr I don't think Star Trek would be very conducive to Lego sets. Nearly every set (e.g. all the Enterprises and other starships and stations) would have to be huge, like the minifig scale ISD. There just isn't enough ideas for iconic sets at a smaller scale. Sure you could have a shuttlecraft or two, but that's about it. On a self aggrandizing note, here are my Star Trek MOCs. Steve
September 12, 200915 yr I would like lego Star Trek as much as the next Star Trek fan but its just not gonna happen. Sorry . From, Go Cubs Go!
September 13, 200915 yr Unlikely, (as much as Trekkies don't like to admit it) Star Trek does not have the mainstream appeal Star Wars does. You only have to walk down a toy aisle to see mounds of Star Wars toys which have been steadily rotating since the 70s. And you see kids in Yoda/Darth Vader T-shirts, how many children have you seen wearing a Starfleet shirt with Spock on it? Additionally, Star Trek operates on a different scale as Star Wars. While SW has iconic ships like Millennium Falcon, Slave 1, MANY fighters which could easily be adapted to minifig scale. Only ST ships which can realistically do this are possibly shuttlecraft and perhaps a handful of even more uninteresting designs. Iconic ships like the Enterprise are too large to make a reasonable playset without either playability or aesthetics suffering.
September 13, 200915 yr I am a fan of SW and ST (with the exception of DS9 and Enterprise). I think most of the comments concerning the scale are right. I hadn't even thought of that. There are very few prominent ships or other vehicles in ST that would make for realistic and playable minifig scale Lego sets. I think the ST themes are best left to the MOC experts. There are some incredible non minifig scale interpretations out there.
September 13, 200915 yr Haha, as soon as I read this topic title, I laughed out loud. Some of those minifigs and aliens would be great!
September 13, 200915 yr I am a fan of SW and ST (with the exception of DS9 and Enterprise). I think most of the comments concerning the scale are right. I hadn't even thought of that. There are very few prominent ships or other vehicles in ST that would make for realistic and playable minifig scale Lego sets. I think the ST themes are best left to the MOC experts. There are some incredible non minifig scale interpretations out there. This was the Space category winner at Brickfair this year: (not mine)
September 13, 200915 yr This was the Space category winner at Brickfair this year: (not mine) Yup, that is exactly the kind of MOC I'm talking about. I have seen that one recently (not on Brickshelf... somewhere else). It is amazing! Flickr/Mocpages User 2x4 has some amazing micro scale ST models. Check them out here Edited September 13, 200915 yr by missouri_bb63
September 14, 200915 yr Hm...i doubt, that the Star Destroyer is anywhere near any scale, let alone minifig.
September 14, 200915 yr I am sorry, but Star Trek lego? Come on, this is LEGO. That would be a joke if LEGO made Star Trek LEGO. Star Wars is much better than Star Trek anyway. If you want to get Star Trek decals, contact me and I can tell you where to get them. Han Solo is a little B!tch!! Picard would hand him his a$$ in a fight to the death!! Additionally, Star Trek operates on a different scale as Star Wars. While SW has iconic ships like Millennium Falcon, Slave 1, MANY fighters which could easily be adapted to minifig scale. Only ST ships which can realistically do this are possibly shuttlecraft and perhaps a handful of even more uninteresting designs. Iconic ships like the Enterprise are too large to make a reasonable playset without either playability or aesthetics suffering. Don't hate! Just cause the Enterprise could woop on the whole fleet of the empire!!!! J/K everyone. No need to start a bash session just having a little fun. personally i think it would be cool to have ST lego, but the whole argument of scale actually makes sense. OH well. You never know, they might just give us one or two USC type sets.
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