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thindexedgif.gif Vig. 29d








My opinion:

Your entry to the "big" division of the PTV contest has really succeeded in capturing the cruelty that goes hand-in-hand with the pirate life, so a big :thumbup: from me.

Possible improvements:

1) Try to give more "expressions" to your pirates, to begin with giving them more suitable faces, but also by (eg.) letting "dance" the pirate that turns the wheel (they are supposed to have fun torturing, and if not they should act it to destroy their victims spirit).

2) I would have put the soldiers head halfway into the barrel, this way people could see the pirate executioner means "business" :pir-devil:

3) More details to the torture room: blood would look nice in this particular case (to frighten their victims), a sword or spear that penetrates the skeleton?

Non-brick related advise:

1) Remember that it is your first pic that will be judged. IMHO the 3rd pic (the one taken from above) looks better, if you could take one that includes the two pirates in its whole.

2) A small typo in your text: eg. cannon blasts. PS: what about adding a skeleton head beneath your beautiful texts? Look here if you are interested.

Nothing else, except for that you maybe should better centre the last pic as well, just to obtain a little better view. Personaly I think this last pic is not really necessary either, since the other side is so much better there is no need to include this side as well, and if you do I would advise to add another pirate guard instead of Captain Black again.

Edited by zorro3999

another nice entry with a nice introduction from Fenrir ^^

that torture room is pretty cool, I like the torturing machine on the right, it's also a nice use of these big ugly pieces, but I think the upper part of your cave deserve a little more details, like a roof^^ it'll be hard to makes maybe, but If it was my moc and I had the pieces for, I'll have made the roof of the cave and an upper part with other pillages having fun because they found great loot while pillaging! ( and why not having fun with other prisoners.. well.. only the pirates enjoying it of course^^) But maybe you just don't have the pieces to makes it :/

anyway that's a nice entry that just need a little more details I think , nice job :thumbup: and I wish you good luck for the contest again ! ^^

Very good idea for an entry Fenrir! The different torture devices you have made are very cruel and creative.

I also like the rocks you've made on the exterior, I think they add a lot.

A few things you could improve on your entry:

1) The brown arch on top of the door looks slightly out of place, as it's not holding anything. I think it would look add a lot of spookyness if you were to add some vines hanging down from it.

2) This is one case where adding some blood would greatly benefit the entry. Perhaps you could add some around the skeleton and by the pirate with the sword. I know that would intimidate me!

That's about all I can think of at the moment. You've done a very good job with your entry, and I wish you good luck!

My opinion:

Your entry to the "big" division of the PTV contest has really succeeded in capturing the cruelty that goes hand-in-hand with the pirate life, so a big :thumbup: from me.

Possible improvements:

1) Try to give more "expressions" to your pirates, to begin with giving them more suitable faces, but also by (eg.) letting "dance" the pirate that turns the wheel (they are supposed to have fun torturing, and if not they should act it to destroy their victims spirit).

2) I would have put the soldiers head halfway into the barrel, this way people could see the pirate executioner means "business" :pir-devil:

3) More details to the torture room: blood would look nice in this particular case (to frighten their victims), a sword or spear that penetrates the skeleton?

Non-brick related advise:

1) Remember that it is your first pic that will be judged. IMHO the 3rd pic (the one taken from above) looks better, if you could take one that includes the two pirates in its whole.

2) A small typo in your text: eg. cannon blasts. PS: what about adding a skeleton head beneath your beautiful texts? Look here if you are interested.

Nothing else, except for that you maybe should better centre the last pic as well, just to obtain a little better view. Personaly I think this last pic is not really necessary either, since the other side is so much better there is no need to include this side as well, and if you do I would advise to add another pirate guard instead of Captain Black again.

I never have anything to say once Zorro has given a topic a going over... :pir-tongue:


I like you idea of torturing the Imperial guard, instead of pillaging some random village. The torched chamber you made looks very nice because of the dark and gloomy with skeletons and torturing instruments. I like how you have the guard hanging upside down. In your third picture, I like how you have the pirate about to cut off the guard's arm.

Possible Improvements

1) Put some black tiles on the ground to make you MOC look nicer.

2) Add some blood next to the upside down guard or the skeleton.

3) You can put a treasure chest with a pirate counting the gold.

4) You can add a dead soldier with a sword stuck through him.

5) Maybe you could add some pirates celebrating and drinking wine.

Non-Brick Related

1) Your pictures should be no bigger than 640x480.

Overall- I really like your idea of a torture chamber and you have executed your idea very well. There are some minor improvements to do, but after that is complete, you MOC will look even better. I wish you the best of luck!


My PTV Entry- Medium

Small PTV contest entry coming soon!

Very scary entry, fenrir. :pir-oh3:

What I like:

This definitely captures the idea of pirates' cruelty. Lots of torturing and dead bodies is a sure way to send chills to the bone. Your pulley system is great as well, good job on that. The addition of a little holding chamber behind the main "attraction" was a smart idea as well. :thumbup:

What could be improved:

The BURPs that you used for the walls are really uncreative, I'm sure that you could use smaller bricks to create an even better wall. Also, I would suggest using "mean" faces for the pirates, such Goldtooth's from Lego Agents, and scared faces for the soldiers, such as the famous screaming face from Castle.

Overall, this entry has a great concept, but the MOC could be improved. Do that, and I'm sure that you'll have a wonderful entry. Good luck!

Great use of the BURPs. The result is amazingly done! :wink:

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