December 1, 201410 yr Don't call it "Tatooine atmosphere" until we're certain it is Tatooine. We haven't seen twin suns, we haven't seen Mos Eisley, we haven't seen the Lars Homestead or Jawas or Tusken Raiders, so for all we know it's an entirely different desert world, selected to provide the nostalgia for Tatooine without throwing the same exact planet in yet another movie. I know it not confirmed but my thoughts are: it is a very popular setting in the films and it is where Luke grew up so maybe that where a wing of the rebellion set up under Lukes supervision.
December 1, 201410 yr They built out a full scale model for some scenes but I'm not sure if they used a small one or CGI, but this movie is going to be a Banta load of CGI so I won't be suprised if that how they did it. The way it soars around in the Tatooine atmosphere looks very real but from that alone it just seams to be CGI rather than a model. Thanks. I'm not sure that there will be an overload of CGI though; from the way the actors and Abrams are talking about it, the film seems to be focused on practical effects and sets.
December 1, 201410 yr I know it not confirmed but my thoughts are: it is a very popular setting in the films and it is where Luke grew up so maybe that where a wing of the rebellion set up under Lukes supervision. Luke hated it; he won't be there. Anakin hated it, too. Just about everyone who went there kinda hated the place, and it's been in nearly everything. The Clone Wars went there in the movie and in the series... KOTOR went there... SWTOR went there... the books went there... Battlefront went there... Brian Wood's Star Wars comic went there... the Legacy comic went there. It's supposed to be the armpit of the galaxy, but because of a few iconic scenes SW creators keep wanting to go back, despite the fact that the Skywalker men hated the place, 3PO thought it was desolate, and audiences were supposed to kinda hate it, too. It was our gateway into a new universe... it's like going to Disneyland and then returning every hour to the space between the turnstiles and Main Street to hang out for awhile, when most folks just take their picture in front of the Mickey-flowers and move on to the rest of the park.
December 1, 201410 yr The way it soars around in the Tatooine atmosphere looks very real but from that alone it just seams to be CGI rather than a model. Don't call it "Tatooine atmosphere" until we're certain it is Tatooine. For all we now it could be Arrakis....also known as....Dune..... (cue Toto/Brian Eno music) Regarding Ep7: I still have a bad feeling and don't like anything I see/read. Ah well, there's one person that really loves the trailer: reminded me of this: (a scene from the movie 'Fanboys') Fun fact: I know someone who got a huge Darth Maul tattoo on his back before Episode I came out. History is repeating itself,,,,, Edited December 1, 201410 yr by Jedi-Bendu
December 1, 201410 yr Somehow I've managed to forget to comment on this... The ball droid looks odd in pictures, but when in motion it looks pretty good. I'd have to see the movie to know if it really works or not; these couple seconds probably don't do it justice. The lightsaber hilt really doesn't make sense, but it looks so cool. Has a very interesting look to it, I wonder what it'll look like when two of them fight. I think that's it, honestly, I am really looking forward to seeing this, mostly just so I can know if it will be any good or not. Not knowing is bugging me, I'd like to see if they really do know what they're doing or if they're just gonna mess it up. I am really excited to find out!
December 1, 201410 yr It was only a matter of time before it happened... Edited December 1, 201410 yr by AyliffeMakit
December 2, 201410 yr The lightsaber hilt really doesn't make sense, but it looks so cool. Has a very interesting look to it, I wonder what it'll look like when two of them fight. Well the lightsaber seems to be somewhat modeled after a medieval sword and in medieval swords those side pieces where uses for protection of hands.
December 2, 201410 yr Well the lightsaber seems to be somewhat modeled after a medieval sword and in medieval swords those side pieces where uses for protection of hands. Everyone understands that... but medieval swords' quillons generally weren't searing bars of plasma, or butane-torch-flames as this saber's blades seem to be. You smack yourself with your own medieval quillon, it's just a bump... smack yourself with this saber's quillon, you get a nice cauterized hole somewhere in you, or maybe you lose a limb or a finger.
December 2, 201410 yr Ok guys..... Last night (November 30th) an enigmatic character called "Spoiler Man" took to 4chan boards claiming to be an employee of Lucasfilm, and answered some general questions about Episode VII. Before reading, keep in mind that there is no substantial proof that this person is who they say they are, so take their information with a massive grain of salt. With that being said, based on what we know, this information is plausible if not likely -- and indicative of a good film. Short version: Full version: http://archive.4pleb...51918/#51052120 Warning! It's LOADED with spoilers.... I've just read everything and I like a lot....and hate a lot. It's WAY different than I ever imagined how a sequel would be. He does drop some interesting facts: The new trailer will be released May 1st.....and in February his spoilers will be confirmed because the british people who aren't contractually attached to it anymore will talk. What puzzles me are the things he's saying about Von Sydow's part...... (edit: figured it out.....something with an announcement of Lucasfilm a few months ago that was overlooked by many....but makes sense now). Edited December 2, 201410 yr by Jedi-Bendu
December 2, 201410 yr Everyone understands that... but medieval swords' quillons generally weren't searing bars of plasma, or butane-torch-flames as this saber's blades seem to be. You smack yourself with your own medieval quillon, it's just a bump... smack yourself with this saber's quillon, you get a nice cauterized hole somewhere in you, or maybe you lose a limb or a finger. Hopefully this cumbersome and dangerous hilt leads to some OT style Lightsaber fights: slow, simple, and calculating (and emotionally driven please). Also, on a completely different point, has anyone noticed that the TIE Advanced Prototype from Rebels takes inspiration from the wings of Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator? It's a nice nod.
December 2, 201410 yr I'm not used to reading those sorts of threads. So disorganized, and such a wretched hive of scum and villainy. In regards to what he spoiled... all I'll say is that some of it falls in line with rumours we've heard, while the majority took me by surprise. I am excited... part of me just feels that I shouldn't have read it.
December 2, 201410 yr I'm the Old Republic Revan book and I got to a part where they're breaking into a droid plant, a Uxiol Droid Manufacturing. A security droid was just detailed, siting the color of UDM as grey & orange. Wonder if that'll have any relevance in the movie, as the new ball droid is those colors.
December 3, 201410 yr I'm the Old Republic Revan book and I got to a part where they're breaking into a droid plant, a Uxiol Droid Manufacturing. A security droid was just detailed, siting the color of UDM as grey & orange. Wonder if that'll have any relevance in the movie, as the new ball droid is those colors. Doubtful, as the Revan book isn't canon. Granted, they can pull anything they want from Legends material and make those items canon, but the little droid is orange and white, not orange and grey. What puzzles me are the things he's saying about Von Sydow's part...... (edit: figured it out.....something with an announcement of Lucasfilm a few months ago that was overlooked by many....but makes sense now). Throw it in a spoiler tag and spill! I'm not sure what announcement you're referring to. The ideas of MVS being a Prequel character leave few candidates, if that part of the massive 'rumor' post is true, and the one most folks seem to gravitate to is ridiculous: Boba Fett. If that actually happened, they may as well cast Clint Eastwood as Lando Calrissian.
December 3, 201410 yr Doubtful, as the Revan book isn't canon. Granted, they can pull anything they want from Legends material and make those items canon, but the little droid is orange and white, not orange and grey. Throw it in a spoiler tag and spill! I'm not sure what announcement you're referring to. The ideas of MVS being a Prequel character leave few candidates, if that part of the massive 'rumor' post is true, and the one most folks seem to gravitate to is ridiculous: Boba Fett. If that actually happened, they may as well cast Clint Eastwood as Lando Calrissian. I don't want to get in on this spoiler discussion, but since we never see Boba Fett's face (Or at least, I hope they don't unmask him. That would be atrocious), I don't see why it matters who plays him. Just as long as they don't have Jango's actor voice him again. It was fine that they changed his voice, but the guy wasn't even trying, his acting was so stiff and robotic. (actually, now that I think about it, it was terrible that they changed his voice. The original was perfect, and even if he is a clone of Jango, accents are not genetic, so he'd have had to live around people with that accent his whole life to have one, which he didn't. Actually, he didn't even have it in Episode II, so changing it was just dumb. In addition, his original voice was awesome and perfect, and the new guy didn't even try.. Gah, never mind)
December 3, 201410 yr I agree that his original voice was fine, but the fact remains Boba is an unaltered clone of Jango, so as an adult--even if we never saw his face in the OT--he should look just like Jango. Casting Max Von Sydow as Old Man Boba Fett (besides being a little TOO old, of course) would be as ridiculous as my example of Clint Eastwood as Lando Calrissian.
December 3, 201410 yr Doubtful, as the Revan book isn't canon. Granted, they can pull anything they want from Legends material and make those items canon, but the little droid is orange and white, not orange and grey. Throw it in a spoiler tag and spill! I'm not sure what announcement you're referring to. The ideas of MVS being a Prequel character leave few candidates, if that part of the massive 'rumor' post is true, and the one most folks seem to gravitate to is ridiculous: Boba Fett. If that actually happened, they may as well cast Clint Eastwood as Lando Calrissian. Last summer JW Rinzler from Lucasfilm said that George Lucas told him Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc. This was posted on a lot of sites but overlooked by many (since I haven’t seen a lot of discussions on the forums/Facebook) This news was kind of odd…why would they say something like this after 31 years? Maybe they needed a good reason to say this? And what could be a better reason than having Boba Fett in Episode 7…played by Max Von Sydow… as for MVS not looking like Temuera Morrison: Benedict Cumberbatch didn't look like Ricardo Montalban in that other JJ Abrams Sci-Fi movie..... Edited December 3, 201410 yr by Jedi-Bendu
December 3, 201410 yr I don't want to get in on this spoiler discussion, but since we never see Boba Fett's face (Or at least, I hope they don't unmask him. That would be atrocious), We already saw an unmasked Boba in Episode II: AotC.
December 3, 201410 yr To quote a Reddit comment, If we're going to base our theories on MVS's Swedish nationality, then "Shmi Skywalker confirmed."
December 3, 201410 yr We already saw an unmasked Boba in Episode II: AotC. I know. And that was terrible. I actually liked the Prequels, but even I cannot deny that they handled the Fetts horribly. Jango was cool, but that was really it... Edited December 3, 201410 yr by Borador
December 3, 201410 yr Hopefully this cumbersome and dangerous hilt leads to some OT style Lightsaber fights: slow, simple, and calculating (and emotionally driven please). Oh gods, I hope not. No matter how many rose coloured goggles you put on the Duel on the Death Star is nothing short of boring. The two Vader vs. Luke duels are quite good, but still don't come close to the Duel on Naboo or the Duel on Mustafar (excluding the rope swinging bit).
December 3, 201410 yr Oh gods, I hope not. No matter how many rose coloured goggles you put on the Duel on the Death Star is nothing short of boring. The two Vader vs. Luke duels are quite good, but still don't come close to the Duel on Naboo or the Duel on Mustafar (excluding the rope swinging bit). I thought the fight in Return of the Jedi was the perfect balance between the action of the PT and the potency of the OT fights.
December 3, 201410 yr To quote a Reddit comment, If we're going to base our theories on MVS's Swedish nationality, then "Shmi Skywalker confirmed." The issue isn't his nationality, it's his ethnicity. Since we've seen Fett, we know he shouldn't be a white guy. John Boyega isn't playing Han & Leia's biological son, is he? So MVS shouldn't play Boba Fett. I know. And that was terrible. I actually liked the Prequels, but even I cannot deny that they handled the Fetts horribly. Jango was cool, but that was really it... I didn't like the handling of the Fetts either, but it's silly to retcon it now with a total race-change of the character. Star Trek just ignored it, when a line or two about Marcus having Khan surgically altered to prevent accidental discovery due to facial recognition tied to old databases or something... but it was still glaring and foolish. Many defended it with the alternate reality, ignoring that the realities split long after Khan was frozen aboard Botany Bay, or that Montalban wasn't exactly Indian either (tho at least they attempted to make him look somewhat Indian in Space Seed...not so much in Wrath of Khan). "We really want Max, but the only role we can possibly craft for him is Boba Fett even tho he's every kind of wrong for the role" is a terrible justification; even more so on top of Cumberbatch-as-Khan. It's "The Last Airbender"-level wrong.
December 3, 201410 yr The issue isn't his nationality, it's his ethnicity. Since we've seen Fett, we know he shouldn't be a white guy. John Boyega isn't playing Han & Leia's biological son, is he? So MVS shouldn't play Boba Fett. I didn't like the handling of the Fetts either, but it's silly to retcon it now with a total race-change of the character. Star Trek just ignored it, when a line or two about Marcus having Khan surgically altered to prevent accidental discovery due to facial recognition tied to old databases or something... but it was still glaring and foolish. Many defended it with the alternate reality, ignoring that the realities split long after Khan was frozen aboard Botany Bay, or that Montalban wasn't exactly Indian either (tho at least they attempted to make him look somewhat Indian in Space Seed...not so much in Wrath of Khan). "We really want Max, but the only role we can possibly craft for him is Boba Fett even tho he's every kind of wrong for the role" is a terrible justification; even more so on top of Cumberbatch-as-Khan. It's "The Last Airbender"-level wrong. Well.....according to the rumors MVS character is a cyborg, what if his face is (mostly) covered? Maybe this is MVS...or this. In both cases it would be fine to have MVS play the part.....on the other hand, this could also be MVS. Edited December 3, 201410 yr by Jedi-Bendu
December 4, 201410 yr The issue isn't his nationality, it's his ethnicity. Since we've seen Fett, we know he shouldn't be a white guy. John Boyega isn't playing Han & Leia's biological son, is he? So MVS shouldn't play Boba Fett. I didn't like the handling of the Fetts either, but it's silly to retcon it now with a total race-change of the character. Star Trek just ignored it, when a line or two about Marcus having Khan surgically altered to prevent accidental discovery due to facial recognition tied to old databases or something... but it was still glaring and foolish. Many defended it with the alternate reality, ignoring that the realities split long after Khan was frozen aboard Botany Bay, or that Montalban wasn't exactly Indian either (tho at least they attempted to make him look somewhat Indian in Space Seed...not so much in Wrath of Khan). "We really want Max, but the only role we can possibly craft for him is Boba Fett even tho he's every kind of wrong for the role" is a terrible justification; even more so on top of Cumberbatch-as-Khan. It's "The Last Airbender"-level wrong. That's not what I meant. I meant that anyone could play him because we never see him without his helmet on. Jeremy Bulloch, the original wearer of the suit, was white as well, yet no one knows that because we don't see his face. In theory, he could be portrayed by anyone of any race (or gender for that matter) as long as he doesn't remove the helmet. They can do a voice over, as they did in the original (the voice he originally had in the 80's cut was not provided by the same guy that wore the suit). Should they cast someone of the right ethnicity? Yes, they probably should, BUT since we never see his face, technically anyone could wear the suit. In any case, from what I know about the filming of the prequels, they probably won't be able to get the same guy who was Jango. But, I don't even know if Fett being in this movie is confirmed, so I have no idea why this even matters...
December 4, 201410 yr Oh gods, I hope not. No matter how many rose coloured goggles you put on the Duel on the Death Star is nothing short of boring. The two Vader vs. Luke duels are quite good, but still don't come close to the Duel on Naboo or the Duel on Mustafar (excluding the rope swinging bit). I'll admit the Death Star fight was a little clunky, but it's far better than the duel on Naboo. What was the emotion behind that battle? Anything? The lightsaber fights are outward expressions of the characters' emotions in the OT. There is no emotion in the Naboo duel, even after Qui-Gon dies. There's a moment in Return of the Jedi when Luke just starts wailing on Vader. His emotion is in the choreography (or lack thereof). In The Phantom Menace, when Qui-Gon dies, Obi-Wan screams "NO!" and then goes back to over-choreographed nonsense. There's no anger, or hate or anything. I get bored. I'm not invested. While the Mustafar duel in Revenge of the Sith did have a little more going on under the surface, the battle goes on for so long that it eventually gets lost. Lucas has no sense of restraint. The emotions aren't powerful enough to warrant the length of the fight so... I get bored. I'm just watching animated characters that someone rendered on their computer screen. It's pretty ironic that a duel between the same two characters years later is much more interesting. Each time someone faces Vader in the OT there's something new going on in the characters' heads. In Episode IV, Obi-Wan is confronting his twisted apprentice. He has lost all respect for him over the decades of solitude but he still misses their years they spent together as friends. In Episode V, Luke faces Vader as the man who killed his mentor. The scenes on Dagobah also inform the duel. He isn't quite sure what the illusion in the cave meant, but it effects the fight: it adds a layer of confusion. There is also his fears of losing his friends to Vader. All of these things combined cause the audience to sense how weak Luke really is. It's apparent that Vader is just toying with him. Episode VI is the culmination of everything previously set up in the trilogy. Luke is fighting his father. He is wrestling between the decision to either attempt to convert Vader to the light side or kill him. He pities Vader. He wants to save him, but Obi-Wan told him earlier in the film that the only way to destroy the Empire is to kill Vader. But, by killing him, Luke realizes that he may become his father, as foreshadowed in the Episode V vision in the cave in Episode V. I'm going to contrast these three fights with the most interesting one in the prequels, the Mustafar duel. So I'll admit that it gets the emotions right... for half of the characters. Obi-Wan not only has to not only deal with the loss of his friend (even though we never actually see them as friends, but that's a completely different point), he also feels that he failed his master Qui-Gon. It would help if we actually saw Obi-Wan talk to Qui-Gon's force ghost after the battle so those ideas could be explored, however, I'll give Lucas some praise here: Obi-Wan's emotions are powerful and they're displayed in the dialogue and (somewhat) in the choreography. But Anakin... Oh, Anakin. Lucas dropped the ball with him. So all during the prequels, his dark side stems from his desires to control. We see it from the beginning: "I don't want things to change" (Episode I). In Episode III, he turns to the dark side as a result of the want to save his wife from certain death, in other words, to control her fate. Why doesn't this also pay off in his emotions during the duel with Obi-Wan? He fights Obi-Wan because "oh, he's a bad guy now. He has to fight the good guy." Really? In IV, V, and VI, it makes sense that Vader's emotions would be subdued; he has been the puppet of the Emperor for decades. But here? Anakin's dark motivator should play a huge role in the downfall of his friendship with Obi-Wan. His need for control is completely unrelated to the battle. This post turned into quite a beast. Sorry for that, I'm just very passionate about the brilliance of the OT.
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