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A The Last Jedi is more than I expected. A visual masterpiece, gamechanging storywise. Johnson shows what you can do with a SW movie while Adam Driver delivers the best performance in a SW movie ever. Expect some things you never thought about.

Easily the best movie I ever saw (OT excluded)



Edited by Jedi-Bendu

Ok, so The Last Jedi is being called "the best Star Wars movie ever". I'm not a Star Wars fans, but that statement is qute something



Totally enjoyed the Last Jedi movie. I enjoyed it very much. One of the best cinematic experience in SW universe. 

I enjoyed it a lot also. I feel exhausted from the movie, but in a good way. Need to watch again. :sweet:

I'm going to watch The Last Jedi tonight, less than 9 hours to go :excited:

Saw it and I loved it. Definitely going to see it as many times as I can on the big screen this season. 

Virtually every prediction I saw online was waaaay off. 

I was literally taken by surprise by so much in this movie and I loved that. 

I am not sure every fan will react positively to this flick since there was a lot going on. But ultimately I like I am still not so dogmatic to Star Wars that I can't enjoy surprises =) 

1 hour ago, Japanbuilder said:

Saw it and I loved it. Definitely going to see it as many times as I can on the big screen this season. 

Virtually every prediction I saw online was waaaay off. 

I was literally taken by surprise by so much in this movie and I loved that. 

I am not sure every fan will react positively to this flick since there was a lot going on. But ultimately I like I am still not so dogmatic to Star Wars that I can't enjoy surprises =) 

There was one Rey's parents theory I saw online that didn't gather a lot of attention... but it was actually spot on to what we saw in the film. So one theory out of millions got it right. However I am very happy to report that all Snoke theories look uber dead right now, gosh I hated those things!

Edited by xboxtravis7992

The Last Jedi is so incredible. Its going to receive a lot of hate from a cohort of fans but its a refreshing breath of air and I think exactly what we needed. 

Going in I was predicting TLJ was just going to set the stage for a third movie that would follow the lines of a supersized Return of the Jedi.

Nope, TLJ defied all expectations.

  • Author

Well, I liked parts of The Last Jedi, in fact it might be my favorite out of the Disney era films, but let me be the first to say that overall I was not impressed. Like that YouTube reviewer above says, lots of things happened and yet it seems like we are in the same situation at the end as we were at the beginning of the movie. At first it looked like the franchise was going in a new direction, but I feel like in the end it just fell back to the same-old-same-old which is disappointing. While I do like what they did with the classic characters, the new characters had the same problems as they did in TFA and did nothing to win me over. Many questions remain unanswered, the lightsaber fights are weak, and the locations, ship designs, and battle sequences are very uninspired. Even the humor (which there is a lot of) is not as good as in TFA. I did like some of the themes in it and there were indeed some surprises, although not necessarily for the better. Sorry, but this is not nearly as good as ESB or RotJ which it borrows heavily from, even if it's not a beat-for-beat remake like TFA was.

Can we all raise a toast to that glorious son of a fish? To Ackbar! 


50 BBY - 34 ABY

He's swimming with the fishies.


My daughter is watching our 1980s Transformers VHS tapes.  Just noticed Star Scream is like General Hux.   :laugh:


Saying this is the best Star Wars film ever is absurd.  The plot holes are bigger than Starkiller Base and the humor is poorly timed and on a 5th grade level.  It felt more like a bad Marvel movie than a Star Wars one.

Edited by Schneeds

15 hours ago, Schneeds said:

Saying this is the best Star Wars film ever is absurd.  The plot holes are bigger than Starkiller Base and the humor is poorly timed and on a 5th grade level.  It felt more like a bad Marvel movie than a Star Wars one.

Plotholes such as?

I'll reference them in the spoiler thread.

15 hours ago, Forresto said:

Plotholes such as?


Using lightspeed to ram ships.

THere is no logical reason why both sides don't use this tactic. They could build small, personless ships and just ram other ships and decimate whole fleets. It's ridiculous. Why did they do that at the start? Why don't they do it ever again? :/

3 hours ago, BrickG said:


Using lightspeed to ram ships.

THere is no logical reason why both sides don't use this tactic. They could build small, personless ships and just ram other ships and decimate whole fleets. It's ridiculous. Why did they do that at the start? Why don't they do it ever again? :/

They did in the EU it's called the Galaxy Gun. 

The Raddus is a 3 km long ship and only inflicted partial damage to several ships it's size, crippling most and outright destroying only a couple.

The inference, given the Resistance didn't use smaller ships in this manner, is that they wouldnt do any damage in this manner and in an industrialized war you wouldn't dare sacrifice the big ships like this when they are strategically far more important to the war otherwise as fueling points, fighter carriers, and mobile command bases and orbiting planetary occupiers. Capital ships are extremely valuable in the star wars universe.

The First Order fleet was also tightly packed, the ftl ram wouldn't be effective on a more loose formation as we usually see Star Destroyers. So why would you sacrifice a flagship to take out one star destroyer the enemy can produce more of with greater ease then you can replace your lost ship? The Resistance can't wage war without ships like the Raddus.

It was a matter of good timing, poor enemy formation, and Admiral Holdo knowing the ship was lost anyways.

14 hours ago, Forresto said:

They did in the EU it's called the Galaxy Gun. 

The Raddus is a 3 km long ship and only inflicted partial damage to several ships it's size, crippling most and outright destroying only a couple.

The inference, given the Resistance didn't use smaller ships in this manner, is that they wouldnt do any damage in this manner and in an industrialized war you wouldn't dare sacrifice the big ships like this when they are strategically far more important to the war otherwise as fueling points, fighter carriers, and mobile command bases and orbiting planetary occupiers. Capital ships are extremely valuable in the star wars universe.

The First Order fleet was also tightly packed, the ftl ram wouldn't be effective on a more loose formation as we usually see Star Destroyers. So why would you sacrifice a flagship to take out one star destroyer the enemy can produce more of with greater ease then you can replace your lost ship? The Resistance can't wage war without ships like the Raddus.

It was a matter of good timing, poor enemy formation, and Admiral Holdo knowing the ship was lost anyways.

But honestly that's all bullcrap.

There's no way a single ship is SOOO important. It doesn't make sense with any logic or math. Heck, they were running away and ships were dropping. Why not do that at the beginning? There's no way any single medium or even large size ship is more important than destroying an entire fleet!

Heck why does ANY battle not have them doing this? They should do this in every battle. Imagine if those bombers at the beginning didn't... Just fly up and mostly die. Imagine if one simply light speeded into the bridge. They could take out that Dreadnaught or ANY ship with a single much smaller ship!

There is no way the resources are THAT sacred especially when they loose a lot more in traditional combat. They should just be sending in kamekazi ships and saving lives.


A New Hope: Rebel ship launches escape pods with people and the droids. Lightspeed into the Star Destroyer. Saves tons of lives. Saves the crew who would have all died except for Leia and R2 and 3PO.

Empire: Lightspeed an X-Wing into those AT-ATs. Lightspeed a transport or two into the Star Destroyers (there were a lot of transports). So many losses could have been avoided.

RotJ: Honestly Darth Vader would be dead by now because you've lightspeed killed him. Just lightspeed an A-Wing into the Emperor. Send the Empire into dissaray with 1/100 the resources lost. Install new government and lightspeed any Sith or Sith-like Snokeish characters. 


You cannot possibly say correctly that the ships are such valuable resources they don't want to destroy them in suicide attacks because clearly if they'd just do that strategy sooner they'd have a lot more resources left. Imagine if Holdo rammed the fleet at the beginning. Resistance would be in a much better position and with other ships left!

14 hours ago, BrickG said:

But honestly that's all bullcrap.

There's no way a single ship is SOOO important. It doesn't make sense with any logic or math. Heck, they were running away and ships were dropping. Why not do that at the beginning? There's no way any single medium or even large size ship is more important than destroying an entire fleet!

Heck why does ANY battle not have them doing this? They should do this in every battle. Imagine if those bombers at the beginning didn't... Just fly up and mostly die. Imagine if one simply light speeded into the bridge. They could take out that Dreadnaught or ANY ship with a single much smaller ship!

There is no way the resources are THAT sacred especially when they loose a lot more in traditional combat. They should just be sending in kamekazi ships and saving lives.


A New Hope: Rebel ship launches escape pods with people and the droids. Lightspeed into the Star Destroyer. Saves tons of lives. Saves the crew who would have all died except for Leia and R2 and 3PO.

Empire: Lightspeed an X-Wing into those AT-ATs. Lightspeed a transport or two into the Star Destroyers (there were a lot of transports). So many losses could have been avoided.

RotJ: Honestly Darth Vader would be dead by now because you've lightspeed killed him. Just lightspeed an A-Wing into the Emperor. Send the Empire into dissaray with 1/100 the resources lost. Install new government and lightspeed any Sith or Sith-like Snokeish characters. 


You cannot possibly say correctly that the ships are such valuable resources they don't want to destroy them in suicide attacks because clearly if they'd just do that strategy sooner they'd have a lot more resources left. Imagine if Holdo rammed the fleet at the beginning. Resistance would be in a much better position and with other ships left!

Well that is an instance where actually you highlight a very real tradition in Star Wars since the very first movie hit theaters. That tradition being "plot armor" and all of them have had it to varying degrees. In fact it is things like this that lead to a very rich EU back in the day and will likely lead to all sorts of new expanded stories for the current generation of Star Wars. Trying to account for those kinks in the plot armor is fun. 

But in short all of these movies have had a few moments where you can legitimately ask "why did they do that and not this?" This one is no different. Yet, somehow, the OT gets a pass on a lot of this stuff but the newer stuff does not. 

20 hours ago, BrickG said:

But honestly that's all bullcrap.

There's no way a single ship is SOOO important. It doesn't make sense with any logic or math. Heck, they were running away and ships were dropping. Why not do that at the beginning? There's no way any single medium or even large size ship is more important than destroying an entire fleet!

Heck why does ANY battle not have them doing this? They should do this in every battle. Imagine if those bombers at the beginning didn't... Just fly up and mostly die. Imagine if one simply light speeded into the bridge. They could take out that Dreadnaught or ANY ship with a single much smaller ship!

There is no way the resources are THAT sacred especially when they loose a lot more in traditional combat. They should just be sending in kamekazi ships and saving lives.


A New Hope: Rebel ship launches escape pods with people and the droids. Lightspeed into the Star Destroyer. Saves tons of lives. Saves the crew who would have all died except for Leia and R2 and 3PO.

Empire: Lightspeed an X-Wing into those AT-ATs. Lightspeed a transport or two into the Star Destroyers (there were a lot of transports). So many losses could have been avoided.

RotJ: Honestly Darth Vader would be dead by now because you've lightspeed killed him. Just lightspeed an A-Wing into the Emperor. Send the Empire into dissaray with 1/100 the resources lost. Install new government and lightspeed any Sith or Sith-like Snokeish characters. 


You cannot possibly say correctly that the ships are such valuable resources they don't want to destroy them in suicide attacks because clearly if they'd just do that strategy sooner they'd have a lot more resources left. Imagine if Holdo rammed the fleet at the beginning. Resistance would be in a much better position and with other ships left!

Clearly it doesnt work except in certain situations considering no one ever uses the strategy in the other movies.

You know what could be perceived as pretty dumb, an A-Wing crashing into the bridge of an SSD and bringing it down, or logs crushing an AT-ST, or tow cables bringing down machines of war (why didnt the Imperials just stop walking?), two proton torpedoes taking out a small moon sized space station, or...

The point is these plot devices are explained in the lore after the fact and originally exist simply because they look cool and logical reason.

Books explain the SSD's engines were taken out prior to the A-Wing kamikaze ontop of the Death Star's gravitational pull and Rogue One explains the Death Star's single design flaw. This isnt new, its just we're spoiled with thirty years worth of explanations, theorizing, and official explanations.

Edited by Forresto

On 12/19/2017 at 4:15 AM, BrickG said:

But honestly that's all bullcrap.

There's no way a single ship is SOOO important. It doesn't make sense with any logic or math. Heck, they were running away and ships were dropping. Why not do that at the beginning? There's no way any single medium or even large size ship is more important than destroying an entire fleet!

Heck why does ANY battle not have them doing this? They should do this in every battle. Imagine if those bombers at the beginning didn't... Just fly up and mostly die. Imagine if one simply light speeded into the bridge. They could take out that Dreadnaught or ANY ship with a single much smaller ship!

There is no way the resources are THAT sacred especially when they loose a lot more in traditional combat. They should just be sending in kamekazi ships and saving lives.


A New Hope: Rebel ship launches escape pods with people and the droids. Lightspeed into the Star Destroyer. Saves tons of lives. Saves the crew who would have all died except for Leia and R2 and 3PO.

Empire: Lightspeed an X-Wing into those AT-ATs. Lightspeed a transport or two into the Star Destroyers (there were a lot of transports). So many losses could have been avoided.

RotJ: Honestly Darth Vader would be dead by now because you've lightspeed killed him. Just lightspeed an A-Wing into the Emperor. Send the Empire into dissaray with 1/100 the resources lost. Install new government and lightspeed any Sith or Sith-like Snokeish characters. 


You cannot possibly say correctly that the ships are such valuable resources they don't want to destroy them in suicide attacks because clearly if they'd just do that strategy sooner they'd have a lot more resources left. Imagine if Holdo rammed the fleet at the beginning. Resistance would be in a much better position and with other ships left!

Rogue One shows why it doesn't always work.  Vader's SSD drops out of hyper space just as the Rebel fleet is trying to enter hyper space to escape.  Most of the ships just hit the SSD and disintegrate.

And I highly doubt escape pods are capable of light speed.  Same for the bombers.

Its a fantasy story and has always been.  If you lightspeed a ship into other ships why not just shoot the ship lightspeeding at you?  I think everyone here needs to remember its not real and the star wars franchise has always explored things that are not plausible.  If you use logic while watching these movies you will go insane.  They are movies based on a fictional galaxy and fictional characters.  I think the movie was fine and more story driven than other star wars movies.  Frankly I would love to see everyone here get to direct a star wars movie with a 200-300 million dollar budget and see how many people complain about your movie and what you did wrong.  I'm not saying you can't have an opinion about the movie but it seems like a lot of people seem to think its easy to make movies that everyone likes and everyone thinks is good.  If it were that easy everyone would do it.  I think you just have to take the movie for what it is.  

1 hour ago, zoth33 said:

Its a fantasy story and has always been.  If you lightspeed a ship into other ships why not just shoot the ship lightspeeding at you?  I think everyone here needs to remember its not real and the star wars franchise has always explored things that are not plausible.  If you use logic while watching these movies you will go insane.  They are movies based on a fictional galaxy and fictional characters.  I think the movie was fine and more story driven than other star wars movies.  Frankly I would love to see everyone here get to direct a star wars movie with a 200-300 million dollar budget and see how many people complain about your movie and what you did wrong.  I'm not saying you can't have an opinion about the movie but it seems like a lot of people seem to think its easy to make movies that everyone likes and everyone thinks is good.  If it were that easy everyone would do it.  I think you just have to take the movie for what it is.  

That is the best attitude by far to be sure. I saw it with a few of my friends and thankfully we all just went to be amused and we were, we loved the flick and will see it again. 

Though I do find it engaging to debate on some chains of thoughts within films overall I try to enjoy them. So much of the commentary online just seems like problem invention cause heaven forbid one goes to the movies to enjoy them. If the samurai-space-wizards are that insulting just imagine the damage the Marvel movies are doing! Of course this does not mean there aren't bad movies but I can't fault TLJ as far as others seem to be doing all over the internet. I just don't see the terribleness they see I guess. 


On 12/21/2017 at 1:06 AM, Japanbuilder said:

That is the best attitude by far to be sure. I saw it with a few of my friends and thankfully we all just went to be amused and we were, we loved the flick and will see it again. 

Though I do find it engaging to debate on some chains of thoughts within films overall I try to enjoy them. So much of the commentary online just seems like problem invention cause heaven forbid one goes to the movies to enjoy them. If the samurai-space-wizards are that insulting just imagine the damage the Marvel movies are doing! Of course this does not mean there aren't bad movies but I can't fault TLJ as far as others seem to be doing all over the internet. I just don't see the terribleness they see I guess. 


yeah I guess being 39 i've seen  alot of crap in this world lately and just try and enjoy things a little more.  I love the OT and wore out the vhs tapes i had of them watching them so much.  I understand everyone has their own opinion I just think it could have been worse and its not the best star wars movie either.  Nowadays I deal with so much crap at work and life in general I try to find things that make me happy like watching movies with my kids and building things out of lego.  

  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, samurai-turtle said:

As for Leia they could do something like it was done in Star Trek and Leonard Nimoy just talk about it on screen.


Something else I was wondering about this movie. And how it was annoying people is how it is being advertised. I only remember one movie trailer with actual film footage. The other ads just hint at it. Offended one is the phone and "stickers" commercial with that annoying nose singer and all those cosplayers saying cliche lines. The next offender(s) is the car commercials the "Rogue" Nissan. Surprised it started with Rogue One: a Star Wars Story and just keeps going on to the next one. The first example of the annoying commercials is the less annoying one. The one with the Asian family and the car stopping in front of "Stormtroopers". The more annoying is with the other family and I am going to call the daughter "Ray" and the father "Luke". That one was promoting some automated system but I don't remember what it was, because it didn't really mention what it was and all you would think is something about Star Wars. The think in my head is: "People are going to see this movie no matter what, we don't need to spend much advertising money on this". 

I just want to put this theory of mine, here too. 

For the Solo: a Star Wars Story has their been a movie trailer out yet, because is it coming out in May? Shouldn't their be one out by now? 

I am starting to think this movie is going to have some problems with it. First with the director(s) and changing hands, just like with The Justice League Movie (basically not a good sign). Second the apparent lack of advertising. And I am guessing just as annoying when it starts, like stated above. Third the new Millennium Falcon that is right a brand new "classic" ship. For those that don't know yet their is a "Kessel Run Millennium Falcon" from LEGO and it is different from the old one we that know and love. Basically the front is different and a new skin (the skin doesn't bother me to much). The "front" seems more like C-3PO's red arm deal to me [and probably make just as many meme(s)]. And what I heard about the new "front" so far people don't like it. 

Edited by samurai-turtle
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