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Thanks for the info guys, I'll look into some of these versions!


Any Armada players on here?

Theres a sale on amazon and I just decided to get into the game. I prefer the big ships so I decided to not go with X-Wing.

The game looks complicated, ive never played this kindve strategy game but im excited to learn. The models are fantastic.

Fantasy Flight Games makes amazing games. I currently play Imperial Assault, but used to play X-Wing and the Star Wars LCG. I recommend all of them. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Star Wars Destiny CCG.

I also play Descent and the LOTR LCG, so am very familiar with FFG.

This may seems like a lackluster way and question to make this thread active for a while, but am I the only one who dislike Mace Windu and don't get the love that he gets?

Don't get me wrong, Sameul L Jackson is a good actor, but his role as Mace Windu in the prequels just didn't fits him well. The only thing that makes him stands out is his purple lightsaber and other than that, he is just as boring, bland and idiotic like the other Jedi in the movies (Yes, even Obi-Wan and Yoda also makes some stupid decisions).

He was more of a badass in The Clone Wars... taken to ridiculous levels in the old microseries, where he beat up 200-ish B2 droids with his bare fists in one episode. :tongue:

Well, remember before TPM came out, SLJ really wanted to be in the PT and even petitioned GL to make him a Stormtrooper (who would be like a hidden cameo) because he loved Star Wars so much. Had SLJ not pushed so much, who knows what other character GL would have made in place of Mace.

Overall, Mace seems too stern all the time as a Jedi. A very "my way or nothing else" type character, which may have been because SLJ can play very stern characters well. Mace was alittle better in the comics during the PT years. Given his stature as the best lightsaber user of the Jedi (hence his purple lightsaber) his fight with Sidious was horrible and was probably his weakest moment.

  On 8/5/2016 at 6:38 AM, ArmstrongYong said:

The only thing that makes him stands out is his purple lightsaber [...]

And I would be a poor OT/Legends EU fan if I didn't point out that it wasn't a new idea; at least one magenta lightsaber debuted almost four years before Clones. :grin:
  On 8/5/2016 at 6:38 AM, ArmstrongYong said:
[...] other than that, he is just as boring, bland and idiotic like the other Jedi in the movies

  On 8/5/2016 at 2:47 PM, HawkLord said:

Overall, Mace seems too stern all the time as a Jedi. A very "my way or nothing else" type character, which may have been because SLJ can play very stern characters well.

Isn't that kind of the point of the PT Jedi? That they were a flawed, unsympathetic, out-of-touch order stuck in a rut and ready to be exploited and rebelled against?

I don't think that's the point. The Jedi and Republic of the PT is supposed to be one of the high-points of the whole Star Wars timeline.

  On 8/6/2016 at 6:33 PM, Brickdoctor said:

Isn't that kind of the point of the PT Jedi? That they were a flawed, unsympathetic, out-of-touch order stuck in a rut and ready to be exploited and rebelled against?

I think The main problem is they failed to see the obvious when it was staring them in the face. Order 66, which stated that Republic Commanders could eliminate the Jedi with Lethal Force and all powers would go to the chancellor could have been looked up by any Jedi in the temple. The key catch was, up until Order 66 itself, the Jedi assumed the Chancellor was on their side so even if a Jedi had looked this up they wouldn't have suspected anything.

  On 8/6/2016 at 8:55 PM, HawkLord said:

I don't think that's the point. The Jedi and Republic of the PT is supposed to be one of the high-points of the whole Star Wars timeline.

They're supposed to represent what the Alliance is trying to restore, yes, but I don't think that means they have to be portrayed as in some sort of golden age. Organizations with access to practically exclusive powers and respected as protectors of a galactic government for a thousand years don't go from golden age to ruin while their rivals take control of the galaxy under their noses in the span of thirteen years. Now, I don't pretend to know what all of George's intentions were here, but I don't see an issue if any of the PT Jedi seem boring or bland or idiotic.
  On 8/6/2016 at 9:14 PM, Tariq j said:

I think The main problem is they failed to see the obvious when it was staring them in the face.

So...flawed, out-of-touch, stuck in a rut, ready to be exploited, like I said?

I don't quite agree on the PT Jedi being boring, but I would say we saw too little of them outside of Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda and Mace Windu for a proper impression.

I do agree though that they seemed too stuck in, I don't know, something, when Palpatine could do his evil schemes right under their noses for so long and they didn't even have a clue even though they discovered the Sith still being around due to Maul's appearance and "death".

  On 8/7/2016 at 8:17 PM, Brickdoctor said:


So...flawed, out-of-touch, stuck in a rut, ready to be exploited, like I said?

Well...Yes, they're flawed, I won't deny that. But to me it's things like that make the Jedi interesting. Are they really the heroes of the war or the villains? The idea of Palpatine working his way up to power and using Anakin as way of infiltrating the order, again, it shows us its flaws, but it still makes it more interesting.

I don't think they are boring or bland either. There is much more to the Jedi than the just the movies and a show like The Clone Wars proves that.

I always viewed the jedi in the prequels as being the product of centuries of unchallenged (and unchecked) power and influence. With the threat of the Sith gone there was no legitimate threat to the order so all the Jedi would have to do is maintain their position in the galaxy. To me the Jedi Order had peaked many centuries prior to the Phantom Menace and as a result plateaued and stagnated. With no external threat and no significant internal threat that we know of, the jedi of course would get lazy and rigid.

Brickdoctor is right here, remember in Clone Wars when Ahsoka was charged of treason and how everyone in the council did not give a crap?

Only Anakin managed to find the culprit at the last moment, and the council tried to BS their way with Ahsoka by saying this was her trial and that they would promote her to knight? Thankfully that made her quit before order 66.

The Jedi order was blind, stern and arrogant, and was extenfully showcased by how they treated the people they judged inferior save for a few jedis.

Edited by RetroInferno

Well i've always wondered wouldn't allowing someone to leave the jedi order be a potentially hazardous thing?

In the book Dark Disciple--which I believe is canon, it's based off of unproduced The Clone Wars scripts and came out after the Great EU Purge-- the Jedi Council commissions Quinlan Vos to find Asajj Ventress and work with her to assassinate Count Dooku. Obviously it doesn't work, but when Ventress' training starts to turn Vos all dark-side-y, the council seriously considers having him executed. Keep in mind, this was the best way they had to actually complete the mission, and they are going to have him killed until Ventress herself intervenes. Yeah. The Jedi Council was getting pretty screwed up and shortsighted in their old age.

New trailer coming Thursdsy!

  On 8/2/2016 at 4:19 AM, HawkLord said:

Fantasy Flight Games makes amazing games. I currently play Imperial Assault, but used to play X-Wing and the Star Wars LCG. I recommend all of them. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Star Wars Destiny CCG.

I also play Descent and the LOTR LCG, so am very familiar with FFG.

Armada may have become a new obsession. We won't go into details but I may have spent my budget for the Rogue One wave of Lego. I rarely spend money on anything besides Lego but I just bought every ship they've made so far and it's worth it. FFG have the most gorgeous Star Wars ship models I have seen for that price point.

If you are a star wars fan and really want a star destroyer model I highly recommend getting the Armada Imperial Class from Amazon for $30.

Edited by Forresto

  On 8/11/2016 at 12:39 AM, Forresto said:

Armada may have become a new obsession. We won't go into details but I may have spent my budget for the Rogue One wave of Lego. I rarely spend money on anything besides Lego but I just bought every ship they've made so far and it's worth it. FFG have the most gorgeous Star Wars ship models I have seen for that price point.

If you are a star wars fan and really want a star destroyer model I highly recommend getting the Armada Imperial Class from Amazon for $30.

Yes I wish I had the budget for Armada or X-Wing. Besides the Star Wars Tabletop games I'd love to also try Halo Feel Battles.

Sadly the money I could spend on tabletop games is going into Lego! :P

Trailer just dropped! The film looks so awesome!

  On 8/11/2016 at 1:11 AM, xboxtravis7992 said:

Yes I wish I had the budget for Armada or X-Wing. Besides the Star Wars Tabletop games I'd love to also try Halo Feel Battles.

Sadly the money I could spend on tabletop games is going into Lego! :P

I'm definitely taking a small break from new legos for a while, doing both at the same time is far too expensive :blush:

Trailer just aired on TV seven minutes ago @10:36. Check it out if online, totally worth the wait. There were some great shots (including a closing shot of Darth Vader!!!!!). The film looks epic, and there was an awesome shot of an AT-AT's head going kablammo when shot in with a rocket launcher from the ground. The film's ships look fantastic on-screen, and I do like the Rebel U-Wing, the Lego model is quite accurate.

Here's the link to the YouTube page:

Oh my god... That opening shot was incredible, the x-wings flying at night shooting down an imperial base with the REAL DAMN retro x wing blaster sounds....

I'm very pleased.

Damn, that trailer was amazing! The ending gave me chills, looks like it could be one of the best star wars movies yet.

This movie has the potential of becoming much better than TFA.

This reminds me a lot of mass effect 2, start out small, simply get a team of badass, get on the mission, people gets killed, awesome climax. AND VADER

The hype is real my lovelies.

I agree, although i'm not as excited as I was for TFA (Lets be honest that's 10 years of no SW movies building up), this could be much better. TFA was good but this is somehow more intriguing...

I just noticed Krennic's shuttle is in the trailer and Lego seems to have done a fairly great job at getting the model accurate. The only difference is the film shuttle appears to have a more prominent landing ramp.

Edited by Forresto

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