January 20, 201015 yr Lucas says with the success of Avatar he is hoping to finely do all 6 movies in 3d, hopefully it will be HD 3D. http://au.movies.ign.com/articles/106/1061786p1.html Edited January 20, 201015 yr by DarthSion
February 5, 201015 yr Everyone stopped reading this thread?. Some star wars shoes, I live the Vader black ones, and the DS shoes. http://www.starwars.com/vault/collecting/n...1208/index.html
February 5, 201015 yr DarthSion said: Lucas says with the success of Avatar he is hoping to finely do all 6 movies in 3d, hopefully it will be HD 3D.http://au.movies.ign.com/articles/106/1061786p1.html Sigh, I hate 3D, but boy I can't wait for the HD blu-rays to come out. They said they'll be out eventually I just hope they offer regular HD and then 3D, so I can NOT get 3D. DarthSion said: Everyone stopped reading this thread?.Some star wars shoes, I live the Vader black ones, and the DS shoes. http://www.starwars.com/vault/collecting/n...1208/index.html Thank you for showing me these, I love the X-wing shoes, only bad thing is if I got some I think I'd never wear them and turn them into a collectors item.
February 5, 201015 yr I really the x wing shoes as well. The AT AT ones arent that bad too. Too bad I dont have an adidas store where I live
February 5, 201015 yr Normally I really hate family guy but since they got new writers I watched "Something somthing something darkside" and it was actually really funny. I especially liked the parts on Dagobah and Hoth.
February 6, 201015 yr Roncanator said: I really the x wing shoes as well. The AT AT ones arent that bad too. Too bad I dont have an adidas store where I live I really like the Tie fighter shoes as well.
February 13, 201015 yr Interesting tibit from Karen "I heart mandalorians" Traviss Quote You also mentioned a Boba Fett novel that you're not going to do now. That's a separate book from the final Imperial Commando book, right? You mentioned that was also cancelled because of canon clashes with the upcoming TV series — does that mean Clone Wars, or the new live-action show?Yes, the Boba Fett book was totally separate, nothing to do with Imperial Commando. The cancellation was due to the live action show, but that's all I know. http://io9.com/5466313/is-it-too-late-to-s...erial-commandos
February 13, 201015 yr I'm not sure why people feel the need to downsize Travis into "Mandalorian fan-wank" as one commentator put it, Karen's books made a Mando culture that was deeper than any other culture in the SW universe- it also has the first complete(ish. As far as I know, it doesn't compare with Tolkien's at all) language in the SW universe. Of course, I understand the complaints that she was making them into soft romantics. That I found irritating to no end in her last few Commando books- everyone seemed to have a relationship or was stressing about not being in one. However, she managed to set the clones as actual people, not the simplified "they're grown to be docile" crap that we got from Ep. II. I mean, if you had been put through massively lethal combat training for the entirety of your artificially shortened life, you'd be ticked off too, wouldn't you? She also made the SW universe a little more real. I've read some SW books where things go off the deep end, far away from the maybe-possibly-someday restrictions of the original series (excluding some things, like, oh, sound in space. ) As an army journalist, she had more knowledge of what actual soldiers would do in those sitiations. For example, silver armor for special ops? Not a good idea. But, bah, it's not really worth worrying about. The SW universe doesn't really exist after all. If I want, I can block out the more stupid parts of the SW timeline and put it into my own version of it- my EU filter, if you will. I'm glad she didn't write her last Commando book, this way we don't see Skirata develop a love life. I'll go back and read the first Commando book, the best one.
February 14, 201015 yr Pictures of the new AT-AT Harsbro NOT lego. http://starwarsblog.starwars.com/index.php...at-at-unveiled/ I wish lego could make a decent one like that, of course would more likely be $1000 US if they did. The front though, lol looks like an AT-AT mated with a Cylon raider.
May 22, 201014 yr The original ESB trailer, and some stuff on ESB. http://au.movies.ign.com/articles/109/1091748p1.html
May 22, 201014 yr Nostalgia overload. (even though I wasn't alive when the second movie came out. Edited May 22, 201014 yr by Palms
May 22, 201014 yr personally, I love Karen Traviss' work- I don't see why everyone hates the series. The fact that it was a 'romance' series never really stood out to me, there's only a few smaller tidbits here and there. I was dissapointed when I heard she was stepping down from Star Wars (stupid Clone Wars), leaving many books unauthored. From what I hear, a second Imp novel is strill in the works- though by someone else- and will be released sometime in 2012. But, as Mr Mandolorian said, she did make Star wars a little more 'real.' I mean- not a lot of these novel talk about the civvies, mainly just the Jedi waving their 'sabers around. Not very many novel talk about the clones or Mandos either, whom Traviss has greatly expanded. I just hope the new author finish the series isn't some shallow author who doesn't care about continuity or her charecters, and ends up killing them all.
June 2, 201014 yr I've just had my mind blown. The theme for the celebration at the end of Episode I is exactly the same melody as the Emperor's Theme, just sung faster and higher. Comparisons EP1: Emperors theme:
June 2, 201014 yr simonjedi said: I've just had my mind blown.The theme for the celebration at the end of Episode I is exactly the same melody as the Emperor's Theme, just sung faster and higher. Comparisons EP1: Emperors theme: That's nuts! I never ntoiced that before! Nice find,simonjedi!
June 8, 201014 yr Author Thanks, simonjedi! Very interesting fact. But how did you link to the middle of a video? Speaking of YouTube, this is too good not to be posted: Addidas FIFA World Cup ad, starring David Beckham, Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg, Franz Beckenbauer, Noel Gallagher, Ian Brown, Ciara, Jay Baruchel, and DJ Neil Armstrong! Snoop Dog's bit is my favorite part. "Well I don't like you either, foo! You want some? Step up!"
June 8, 201014 yr Ha! nice. Oky, the jumping to the middle of the vid is a glitch, I think. refresh it a couple times, it worked for me.
June 9, 201014 yr Kind of the place i guess to ask, anyone got some names for a dog im getting, a almost 2 year old lemon coloured female beagle, im thinking maybe Ventress.
June 9, 201014 yr Author How about Ahsoka? You seem to be a supporter of her. I always thought Aayla is a pretty name. Not sure if it would fit a dog though. Oh wait, I forgot, I'm on your "ignore list". Carry on.
June 9, 201014 yr You were. Yes im a star wars fan, i liked the PT, Jar Jar didnt bother me, nor does Ashoka because they are just characters. I had thought of Ashoka and Aalya but not sure. What was the bounty hunter girl in that episode with Hondo, no not Aurra the other one with Embo and the farmers who would voiced by what sounded like old polite Asian guys almost like the guy who was Splinter in the cgi TMNT.
June 9, 201014 yr Author DarthSion said: You were. Yay. DarthSion said: Yes im a star wars fan, i liked the PT, Jar Jar didnt bother me, nor does Ashoka because they are just characters. Same here. DarthSion said: What was the bounty hunter girl in that episode with Hondo... That would be Sugi. Not a bad name actually.
June 9, 201014 yr I've always loved Jar jar, I thoguht he was awesome. Some SW girl names are Mirax, Inyri and... I'll tell you mroe when i get home .
June 13, 201014 yr Apparently according to a doctor, Darth Vader is fits the bill of mental insanity. Link
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