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Charles brought this up the other day after I mentioned it. (Really hunny, give me some credit.) I believe that two others agreed with us. This is to much. We can not of possibly killed that many witches. Who can we trust?

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Charles brought this up the other day after I mentioned it. (Really hunny, give me some credit.) I believe that two others agreed with us. This is to much. We can not of possibly killed that many witches. Who can we trust?

Oh right. Mary said something about this earlier too...

We can not of possibly killed that many witches. Who can we trust?

First off, Joan, it's "cannot have possibly." And next, it is possible. It is very- VERY- unlikely, but it is possible. And thirdly, we are going the wrong way with deciding who we "trust" and voting on it and blah blah blah. You see, once we make this list, the witches could easily infiltrate it and start voting for witches to be placed on the list. Meaning that they are not voing for who is to be executed, but for who is to be placed on this pointless "list" involving who is innocent, based on speculation. Many wrong votes will arouse, and we will end up investigating someone who is already a heretic, which will execute a possibly innocent Fernardo, or kill an innocent man or woman. Without this list, however, there will be a lack of confusion. Note, even though the tone may have sounded negative at first, that is a positive factor. Now, we know of no one that remains innocent, so we cannot creat a list. You see, naked models made out of sand make stinky farts. Now, were you paying attention or do you just look at the stuff in bold? Make sure that you pay attention guys- pay attention to the details, the details, the details, the blah blah blah. Sorry, I meant guys "and gals," sorry, ladies, didn't mean to exclude you. Ehem. In conclusion, I think that it's great that Hernan is a heretic! Or he might be! I do not know! That is the problem with having one under the influence of God announce such information- such news is better trusted from God Himself.

Oh right. Mary said something about this earlier too...

Whose MARY?! Charles, is there something we need to speak about, something you to tell me.

First off, Joan, it's "cannot have possibly." And next, it is possible. It is very- VERY- unlikely, but it is possible. And thirdly, we are going the wrong way with deciding who we "trust" and voting on it and blah blah blah. You see, once we make this list, the witches could easily infiltrate it and start voting for witches to be placed on the list. Meaning that they are not voing for who is to be executed, but for who is to be placed on this pointless "list" involving who is innocent, based on speculation. Many wrong votes will arouse, and we will end up investigating someone who is already a heretic, which will execute a possibly innocent Fernardo, or kill an innocent man or woman. Without this list, however, there will be a lack of confusion. Note, even though the tone may have sounded negative at first, that is a positive factor. Now, we know of no one that remains innocent, so we cannot creat a list. You see, naked models made out of sand make stinky farts. Now, were you paying attention or do you just look at the stuff in bold? Make sure that you pay attention guys- pay attention to the details, the details, the details, the blah blah blah. Sorry, I meant guys "and gals," sorry, ladies, didn't mean to exclude you. Ehem. In conclusion, I think that it's great that Hernan is a heretic! Or he might be! I do not know! That is the problem with having one under the influence of God announce such information- such news is better trusted from God Himself.

Of course the list can change, I don't believe I even usggested a list in my more recent posts... But here's my point.

We need to start grasping an idea, some theory. Does anyone feel that this is right. Does anyone honestly think that we've cuaght 4 witches, and that the Inqusitor knows the last two?

Well? Speak up if you believe it. I find that the heretics that the Inqusitor has proclaimed heretics were also announced heretics. Is everyone just going to blindly follow?

And you wonder why I don't talk to you peasents!

I am not a blind woman! I know something is not correct!

First off, Joan, it's "cannot have possibly." And next, it is possible. It is very- VERY- unlikely, but it is possible. And thirdly, we are going the wrong way with deciding who we "trust" and voting on it and blah blah blah. You see, once we make this list, the witches could easily infiltrate it and start voting for witches to be placed on the list. Meaning that they are not voing for who is to be executed, but for who is to be placed on this pointless "list" involving who is innocent, based on speculation. Many wrong votes will arouse, and we will end up investigating someone who is already a heretic, which will execute a possibly innocent Fernardo, or kill an innocent man or woman. Without this list, however, there will be a lack of confusion. Note, even though the tone may have sounded negative at first, that is a positive factor. Now, we know of no one that remains innocent, so we cannot creat a list. You see, naked models made out of sand make stinky farts. Now, were you paying attention or do you just look at the stuff in bold? Make sure that you pay attention guys- pay attention to the details, the details, the details, the blah blah blah. Sorry, I meant guys "and gals," sorry, ladies, didn't mean to exclude you. Ehem. In conclusion, I think that it's great that Hernan is a heretic! Or he might be! I do not know! That is the problem with having one under the influence of God announce such information- such news is better trusted from God Himself.

Can we kill him just because? I don't like his tone or his constant homophobia. :pir-hmpf_bad:

Can we kill him just because? I don't like his tone or his constant homophobia. :pir-hmpf_bad:

Well, I'd like to kill you too, but I can't because I'm too "noble."

And shut up, Gigantiss, I'm not the one who was having a four-way two nights ago.

Weren't you the one watching though? and I don't think being protected quite counts, especially if a priest is there!

I'm a spy. Secret agent Phillip. Live with it. Besides, remember what God dubbed the day? "Four in a Bed"


Will you two stop arguing? :pir-hmpf_bad: Its getting on my nerves..... :pir-hmpf: Anyways, Hernan was a witch! Ha you bastard! Did it feel good to be burned alive? :pir-devil:


A witch is dead.

Miguel is throwing his arms up in the air. (In delight?)

Mustafa and Sergio are looking at each other.

Philip appears to looking down on somebody. (I don't think it's Joan anymore. Could be the angle.)

And my hair is in the way in the last portrait.

What a day. Good night folks! I have some clothes I knitted last night if anybody wants them!

What a day. Good night folks! I have some clothes I knitted last night if anybody wants them!

I'll take 'em! Just to make sure I keep my my reputation as the kindly, giving baker I'll give you a stale, moldy bread slice that your dog was chewing on! :pir-blush:


We need to convict the Inquisitor next.

  • We know enough not to trust Fernando's nighttime investigations.
  • Every time a conviction is made, it's Fernando investigating the remains to tell us the outcome. It's illogical to not trust him at night and trust him during the day.
  • There are normally only six enemies to vanguish in games...of life and we've convicted four and the Inquisitor has pointed out two more. It's unlikely that we found all six immediately in a row.
  • Fernando just wandered into our town and no one knows how he got here or who sent him.
  • We've been given no explanation how Fernando looks at the charred corpse and discerns the loyalty of the ashes.
  • Every time someone floats a theory like this, the priest-Alexander-comes in and plays it down. He's in on it.
  • On Day One, I floated this theory and the priest immediately turned on me.
  • On Day Two, the priest guaranteed you all God wanted me dead. How could he make this assurance unless he knew I would turn up as a witch? I happen to be an innocent townsperson. The only way Alexander could've made this statement was if he knew a false outcome would arise from my conviction.
  • The priest must be converting our souls to witchcraft at night and the Inquisitor is pulling the wool over our eyes.
  • Alexander must've been trying to convert someone in my home and Sergio was there to protect us.
  • Fernando must've seen that Sergio's role is to protect the townspeople from conversion and tried to convince us the next day that he is a heretic.
  • We can't kill Sergio and we can't kill Mustafa because Fernando must find some threat in him-enough to choose him to try and turn a conviction against.

We must be ever vigilante in order to preserve our lives and souls. To make sure we are taking care of this in our best interest, we should rid Azufre of this suspicious stranger-he most likely is the Devil's kin. Perhaps ridding ourselves from him will return our other beloved townfolks to innocent souls.

If you find my theory suspicious and turn on me, please convict me through Miguel. I don't want my soul in the hands of the Inquisitor...

Very well put. Perhaps I was a bit hasty. It's just been bugging me that we would change our strategy. I want to believe you, but it feels illogical to change direction. Trust me that it is out of respect that I think this way. I believe you are smart enough to pull something like this off. One thing is clear for sure: something is up with the torturer, the Inquisitor or Mustafa...

But it appears we have killed yet another heretic and for that we should Thank the Lord. We are on a winning streak, aren't we... :pir-hmpf_bad: er...

Yet, isn't it interesting that the people carrying out the executions are the Inquisitor, the torturer and the priest?... :look: How does Fernando know they are witches? What does he base the finding on? We've put a lot of trust in them, haven't we?

...and have my wife and Philip disappeared together? Or are they just being blocked by the general?

Furthermore, if we're not trusting the Inquisitor's findings at night, why are we trusting his findings during the day?

We don't know this man. He just wandered into our town and told us there were witches among us? It stands to reason that this man could have brought the devil to this town and is turning us on one another so he can reap our souls...

My poor son! Whay did he choose this root? I am sorry Hernan, i thought the upbringing that me and your mother gave you would have let you become a God fearing man of decency.

Charles, as to your speech of not trusting the Inquisitor's investigations in the night and his pronouncements at executions, it's quite simple: at the day's executon, Fernando comes under Divine Influence and must, therefore, tell the truth as to the executee's affiliation. Simple as that. The Lord works in mysterious ways, M'lord.


I agree with Charles. I think that we should vote off Fernando, so tomorrow I will vote for Fernando. I want whats best for this town and Charles has proven a good point. I've also been suspicious of Fernando from when he first came to this town. If Charles is wrong and we burn an innocent, we should vote off Charles.

Charles, as to your speech of not trusting the Inquisitor's investigations in the night and his pronouncements at executions, it's quite simple: at the day's executon, Fernando comes under Divine Influence and must, therefore, tell the truth as to the executee's affiliation. Simple as that. The Lord works in mysterious ways, M'lord.

But it would mean your son was innocent and you raised him well. I believe that to be true. Hernan was my friend and if he was turned to the devil, it had to be under dire circumstances.

I agree with Charles. I think that we should vote off Fernando, so tomorrow I will vote for Fernando. I want whats best for this town and Charles has proven a good point. I've also been suspicious of Fernando from when he first came to this town. If Charles is wrong and we burn an innocent, we should vote off Charles.

I concur and would gladly accept that fate if Fernando turned out to be innocent.

I also agree. It's the best way to test if he's been lying in lots of ways.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I love you. Let's snuggle...and hope that Sergio stops by.

But it would mean your son was innocent and you raised him well. I believe that to be true. Hernan was my friend and if he was turned to the devil, it had to be under dire circumstances.

But wait, M'lord, I said that the Inquisitor was unable to lie, through God's Divine Providence. Thusly, anything he says during the burnings themselves as to the convisted's innocence or guilt must be true.

[OOC: Ok, what I'm getting at is that TinyPius wrote it, not ptdpaden. That's why I trust the inquistor's pronouncements on the subject. Moving on.]

Hernan was my son, and my wife and I raised him as a God fearing young man. I fell burdened that he must have slipped into heresy later inb life after he had left me and his mother to go out on his own.

With all due respect M'Lord, I'll hold judgement on the Inquisitor untill I feel the time is right.

Satisfied, Inquisitor Fernando announced, "We have done well today, good citizens, he is a Heretic!"
Inquisitor Fernando announced: "Cassandra is a Witch!
"Good news, citizens of Azufre! She is a Witch!"
Confidently standing above the crowd, Fernando announced: "people of Azufre, God smiles upon us. We have killed another Heretic!"

Gustav, you are wrong. Every conviction has been the words of Fernando. See for yourself.

The downfall of the good people of Azufre may be a lack of imagination. Trust me. We must convict Fernando when we wake up...

We must be ever vigilante in order to preserve our lives and souls. To make sure we are taking care of this in our best interest, we should rid Azufre of this suspicious stranger-he most likely is the Devil's kin. Perhaps ridding ourselves from him will return our other beloved townfolks to innocent souls.

If you find my theory suspicious and turn on me, please convict me through Miguel. I don't want my soul in the hands of the Inquisitor...

I am willing to wipe any and all suspicions, and accusations I have made of Mustafa (whom I really all had suspicion of), and follow what my noble lord has said. These points seem very logical to me.

Though I may have kept this to myself, I have felt rather reluctant in letting this man into our fair towne;I had hoped he would rid the towne of heretics. It seems he has done so. But so in his way. My lord's words seem to speak the cure to this towne!

Gustav, you are wrong. Every conviction has been the words of Fernando. See for yourself.

The downfall of the good people of Azufre may be a lack of imagination. Trust me. We must convict Fernando when we wake up...

Huh. Notice, M'Lord, that though they were the words of Inquisitor Ferdando, they were qouted from the Lord himself. Thusly, they came from the Lord via the Inquisitor. Either way, why would a membe of the Spanish Inquistion, (I'm assuming we're in Spain, what with all the faical hair and Spanish names) be a witch, M'Lord? After all, the Spanish Inquistion is the Mighty Sword of the Lord's Church here on Earth. Please come to your senses.

Now, no more of this tonight. Good Night, friends & neighbors.

I think not trusting fernando is crazy, I think hes just paranoid not heretic. :pir-hmpf_bad:

No no. It's not crazy. It may be far-fetched, but look at the evidence I'm pointing out. It's at least plausible by the evidence I've shown you, John. Look at it as plausible and consider ridding our town of this Inquisitor.

But it would mean your son was innocent and you raised him well. I believe that to be true. Hernan was my friend and if he was turned to the devil, it had to be under dire circumstances.

I concur and would gladly accept that fate if Fernando turned out to be innocent.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I love you. Let's snuggle...and hope that Sergio stops by.

Do what!?! :pir-oh: I'm not getting near you two! :pir-oh3: I'm not doing a threesome anything sick with you two! :pir-tongue: I hope is a witch and if he is, boy, we'll be lucky! :pir_laugh2:

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